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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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I have two main complaints so far. one cosmetic and one that appears to be a bug

One-her skirt is too flappy, it flies all over the place like a muppet on acid, there is already a thread for it




Second, Enemies melee attacking my molt could not pop the spores, tried it with multiple grineer melee enemies, if this is intended it will prove to make spore massively less effective against infested.


Other than that though, the skin seems somewhat disappointing, and i know complaining wont get anything done, so i'll leave it at that., but i like the new corrosive lash, it gave a noticeable difference when fighting heavy gunners, and will be useful for void missions.


I do have one grievance with the passive also, namely that with some weapons it gives no bonus. Mesa's pistol/shotgun damage boost will apply no matter how powerful her weapons are, but i have several weapons with over 100% status chance, which are now essentially wasted mod space. Which i cant change, as it would make them worse on other frames. 


I do realize that this also isn't likely to be changed, and it does fit her theme, but it is still somewhat irksome.


I will relay more feedback once my midterms are done


Oh, and the Harkonar left shoulder floats partially off her arm due to the angles involved.

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Sigh. Another [retracted] spewing doomsday threads. Her EHP was not nerfed, it was buffed. Her energy was very well buffed. her other skills were made viable. Her Miasma is still perfectly good, it just does it's job in a different manner over time that makes it not able to be abused by draco sc- I mean farmers. Her skills now have modding synergy. This was not a nerf. This was a rework. This was a DIRECT BUFF to her 1-3. This was a CHANGE to her 4 that made it more powerful overall- but removed the insta-damage nuke capability that "forced" people to use a stupid build on her so that people "could" have freedom in modding.

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I also just tried her out on Secura solo and fortunately I had the map where the pod is in the middle upstairs so I just stood on the cabinets. I wanted to test how Miasma had changed so I had her modded at strength 185%, now formerly this would be more than enough to take out level 30 chargers, it took me about 5 castings of Miasma to kill them where as before it took me one. So it seems Miasma has gone from a AOE to a CC type of power. Now if I understand correctly I basically have to use all my powers together in some shape or form so Miasma is stronger? If that is so that is the worse idea of synergy I have seen, not to mention how impractical and inefficient that is in a battle. The idea is to kill the enemy as quickly as possible. I also am not a big fan, and it has nothing to do with press 4 to win it's about getting a job done with the most practical and efficient tool. Right now the best example of all powers actually working together and not at the expense of killing power is Excalibur, all his powers work together but you don't have to use them all to kill better. IMHO I think she really needs to be looked over again.

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Ah, you're expecting to one-shot level 100 enemies still? Welcome to everyone else in the game, party of everyone. 

Well yes but him acting like spore will save the day vs high levels is silly but everything about this rework shouts i will die trying to get good damage and you won't have miasma's stun to save you either.

Sigh. Another [retracted] spewing doomsday threads. Her EHP was not nerfed, it was buffed. Her energy was very well buffed. her other skills were made viable. Her Miasma is still perfectly good, it just does it's job in a different manner over time that makes it not able to be abused by draco sc- I mean farmers. Her skills now have modding synergy. This was not a nerf. This was a rework. This was a DIRECT BUFF to her 1-3. This was a CHANGE to her 4 that made it more powerful overall- but removed the insta-damage nuke capability that "forced" people to use a stupid build on her so that people "could" have freedom in modding.

No it has not she lost 600 EHP.

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GJ you killed level 20 mobs with spore now try it with a level 100 corrupted gunner. 


Level 100? Thats rich.


At 150% power strength and 100% duration she cant even kill level 35 - 40 Lancers and Scorpions. 


Honestly, I dont think level 100 should be the measuring stick. Those enemies are intended to drive you out of missions, NOT to be defeated (which only serves to highlight how dumb the entire endless mission system is, but thats another discussion). 


But level 35 - 40 is still on the Star Map. And she cannot even handle those. 


And for those talking about how more damage she will do IF you cast this, that and the other on the enemies first...good luck staying alive to do it. Or having the energy. Which you mostly wont. If nuking groups requires 150+ energy - at max efficiency no less - and three to four casts per nuke, I'll just play another, more useful and efficient, frame instead. 


See where this is going?

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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Not a fan of this rework at all.

Saryns new nuke with all of its "synergy" requires far too much energy for solo play, the new time taken to spred toxins/viral procs means that groups with EV trinitys will no longer be using saryn as thier go to damage - or even viable damage.

Any build with the duration needed to be even slightly effective requires you to loose all your defence mods - regenerative molt/hp increasing mods- meaning you are now quite fraile. Not to mention these builds are "balanced" meaning you lack range,damage, efficiency and durability in general.

On a plus note, the new skin is awesome, although the typo in market was rather misleading.


Woke up today determind to be open minded and was handed a semi viable build by someone from region chat.

Saryn with the right build now seems at best to be a mid tier frame unable to excell at any one thing in particular. I still feel she has lost all usefulness in end game content, but as a mid tier casual frame is now kind of fun and miasma with all the setup you now have to do actually maybe more spammable, just with less range and damage then before.

Ive turned from 100% against this rework to being able to see some potential, but as it is it jsut feels unfinished. That being said, had alot of fun palying her thismorning in random groups

Edited by saltrock0000
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Well, Saryn was my third warframe since I started playing this game, and she was one of my favorites in no time.
Saved a lot of plats for the incoming skin, when saw the notice of the release rushed to the game and brought it.
So "let's go to a game to test this new skin" and then, Saryn is just rubbish now.
Even with the new play style, not enough damage, and like BlackCoMerc  stated really well, warframe NEEDS a nuker.
Well, I'm just sad with this huge "buffed" nerf she received.
Please DE consider a better buff for her.

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Sigh. Another [retracted] spewing doomsday threads. Her EHP was not nerfed, it was buffed. Her energy was very well buffed. her other skills were made viable. Her Miasma is still perfectly good, it just does it's job in a different manner over time that makes it not able to be abused by draco sc- I mean farmers. Her skills now have modding synergy. This was not a nerf. This was a rework. This was a DIRECT BUFF to her 1-3. This was a CHANGE to her 4 that made it more powerful overall- but removed the insta-damage nuke capability that "forced" people to use a stupid build on her so that people "could" have freedom in modding.

Armor: 155. (Roughly +51.66% to base health.)
Health: 150.
150 x 1.5166 = Roughly 227 base EHP.
Armor: 175 (Roughly +58.33% to base health.)
Health: 125.
125 x 1.5833 = Roughly 198 base EHP.
How in Chtulhus name is this considerd a buff?
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I also just tried her out on Secura solo and fortunately I had the map where the pod is in the middle upstairs so I just stood on the cabinets. I wanted to test how Miasma had changed so I had her modded at strength 185%, now formerly this would be more than enough to take out level 30 chargers, it took me about 5 castings of Miasma to kill them where as before it took me one. So it seems Miasma has gone from a AOE to a CC type of power. Now if I understand correctly I basically have to use all my powers together in some shape or form so Miasma is stronger? If that is so that is the worse idea of synergy I have seen, not to mention how impractical and inefficient that is in a battle. The idea is to kill the enemy as quickly as possible. I also am not a big fan, and it has nothing to do with press 4 to win it's about getting a job done with the most practical and efficient tool. Right now the best example of all powers actually working together and not at the expense of killing power is Excalibur, all his powers work together but you don't have to use them all to kill better. IMHO I think she really needs to be looked over again.

So you are telling me you have not actually tried to synergies her powers? To me it seems that the synergy makes her the highest DPS frame in the game, not sure what you are perceiving.


However she now heavily pushes for melee play. The synergy is great but I would have liked her to not be dependent on melee.

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This is you.


Well, go ahead and find a new Warframe or whatever - I'll enjoy re-learning Saryn personally.

Uh no i can't be the tank frame i like to be like she used to be ash is more fitting as the tank now 

she's slow

has no stun on her ult to get away in bad spot 

her spores seem still poor 

and her 2 will still be useless.

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I've been using saryn a bit since this rework and I can clearly say you don't see the potential. I had a group of the ancient death squad from loka show up on T4 and I only had enough for 2 abilities. So I tagged one with spore and used contagion and just dived into the group. Turns out there is humongous synergy now. Every strike re spread spores between all other enemies essentially creating a loop that and the toxin procs were spread so I was doing high damage to them. It was incredibly satisfying.


Edit: also with a rage/regenerating molt, she can have high reserves in her energy while maintaining her health. A wondrous combo.

Edited by Omega-Shadowblade
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Please make the Spores pop on target death. It's very annoying when either a) the target dies the moment I cast, wasting my energy, or b) I have spores on a weak target that I could kill just shooting them *regularly*. I'd rather reserve the accuracy needed to pop spores for heavier units that can actually survive a single bullet. 

Also, given that my first playtests were done solo, I dread to think how difficult it is to get Spores going when your teammates are killing everything around you before you can put them up, aim, and pop them or wait for them to pop.

EDIT: Spelling

Edited by TheDarkStarChimaera
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Sigh. Another [retracted] spewing doomsday threads. Her EHP was not nerfed, it was buffed. Her energy was very well buffed. her other skills were made viable. Her Miasma is still perfectly good, it just does it's job in a different manner over time that makes it not able to be abused by draco sc- I mean farmers. Her skills now have modding synergy. This was not a nerf. This was a rework. This was a DIRECT BUFF to her 1-3. This was a CHANGE to her 4 that made it more powerful overall- but removed the insta-damage nuke capability that "forced" people to use a stupid build on her so that people "could" have freedom in modding.

Wrong. Her EHP was cut by a fair amount. And due to the fact that Miasma now hits less per hit but more often, means (just like every weapon that relies on this) turns into garbage when enemy armor skyrockets at high levels.

Edited by -Mr.Meeseeks-
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Her 1st is a good ability to lose the health of enemies if they're in a crowd. Fought against level 35 infested and I got a crowd to lose 3/4th of there health, for a 1st ability that's pretty decent.


3/4 health is pretty good for a first.


Unless you also have access to Atlas, who one shots level 30 - 40 Grineer with his first. Or Oberon, whose first ALWAYS knocks targets down. Or Excalibur, who kills multiple enemies in a single cast of his first.


Not all frames need to be equal; I do get that. But this first, compared to recent firsts and/or reworks, is actually pretty weak. Especially since it neither bursts nor spreads reliably enough to fuel the now insufficient Miasma.

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Armor: 155. (Roughly +51.66% to base health.)
Health: 150.
150 x 1.5166 = Roughly 227 base EHP.
Armor: 175 (Roughly +58.33% to base health.)
Health: 125.
125 x 1.5833 = Roughly 198 base EHP.
How in Chtulhus name is this considerd a buff?


*looks at energy pool from 100 to 150*


Oh, I dont know.

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I do have one grievance with the passive also, namely that with some weapons it gives no bonus. Mesa's pistol/shotgun damage boost will apply no matter how powerful her weapons are, but i have several weapons with over 100% status chance, which are now essentially wasted mod space. Which i cant change, as it would make them worse on other frames. 


I do realize that this also isn't likely to be changed, and it does fit her theme, but it is still somewhat irksome.



Saryn's passive is status duration, not status chance.


Another big problem with the new saryn is she actually legitimately cannot afford ANY negative power effects on modding.  She's heavily reliant on power strength for anything except spore to accomplish anything at all.  She can't tank efficiency because she's a heavily caster-focused frame with no energy recovery mechanics. She can't tank range because she needs to spread her powers around and can't afford the reduction there.  She can't tank duration because it cripples all of her powers.  They all basically lose significant amounts from even MINOR deficits.


While I'm sure some people will say 'git gud don't cookie-cutter mod' but the thing is that this RESTRICTS mods.  You have fewer options because you can't use negatives, and the base abilities are too weak to get by without the corrupted mod boosts.  I had multiple different saryn builds for different purposes (a miasma build for low-level alerts and a venom build for high-level void stuff).  Now that's not really an option.

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