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Warframes You Never See?


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Even when just randomly playing through the starchart or taxi-ing other players for Alerts, I never see anyone use these frames (in the 260 hours I've put in the past month or so):


- Banshee

- Equinox

- Limbo

- Nyx

- Oberon

- Vauban

- Volt

- Zephyr

- Mesa


Anyone else noticing a similar theme here? These are just my own experiences, share yours I guess.

Edited by AxialBlue
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I always notice this

its not that they are even "bad" frames

if anything most of these are rather decent frames


I typically say that you dont see them because it depends on what mission you run, warframe tweak, and duration since a new frame was released.

In a dark sector defense, I always see Nova, Chroma, Vauban with some others in there

Recently there is an increase in Saryns due to her recent rework.


If you remember, you rarely saw an excalibur that wasnt a new player but after the rework, he became common again.

Equinox was very popular when they first came out.


There are also so many frames that sometimes you just dont see some other frames.


so it really just depends.

Edited by Anatolius
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the rarest frame to see in a game at the moment i feel is banshee, which honestly makes no sense since she's a very useful frame


i'll run into mags and limbos and even excal primes, but i honestly can't recall the last time i've seen a banshee that wasn't me in a group

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Even when just randomly playing through the starchart or taxi-ing other players for Alerts, I never see anyone use these frames (in the 260 hours I've put in the past month or so):


- Banshee

- Equinox

- Limbo

- Nyx

- Oberon

- Vauban

- Volt

- Zephyr

- Mesa


Anyone else noticing a similar theme here? These are just my own experiences, share yours I guess.

don't know wat ur talking about I see all these frames a lot.
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