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Why Isn't Pvp Played More? Lack Of Advertising? Or Is It Something Else...


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Every PvE-only player who shows up in the PvP feedback forums has a bad attitude and says things like this.


You'd be surprised at who nice the Conclave community actually is, especially compared to the "PvE" Draco Recruiting Elitists.

^ Exactly. PvP is incredibly friendly in game compared to 90% of other PvP games. Hell, even on the forums, the worst it gets are the balance debates.

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In order to have any chance of seriously recruiting from the current PvE heavy pool, rewards for the mode need to be good - even when you lose, and simply aren't that good.


Having them tied to winning - or tied to achievements, which require quite a bit of practice to realistically pull off on practiced players - means that anybody new and unpracticed in the mode is typically going to walk away with nothing to show for the time spent.  If I have to make 5 headshot kills to get rep for rewards, and I'm unskilled and unpracticed, I'm not going to get any rewards until I'm practiced enough to do that.  Against players, that amount of practice could be weeks - and so it's just not worth the time to even start.

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Why does PvP get so little attention in my opinion?

I think it stems from players feeling cheated by playing against opponents who out gear them.

DE chose to go the direction of being able to become stronger in ways or more advanced in terms of modding equipment and so there will be players who have an andvantage where the players generally want a fair fight.

Getting health energy and shield regeneration on kills is an obvious one.

I personally would have offered items like skins sugatras and syandanas but mods would be left out of PvP even if obtained by PvP rep.

The idea one would think is having an average ttk among weapons and abilities

I actually started PvPing in the new conclave fairly late, when people already had tons of mods and I had none, yet I never really felt at a serious disadvantage...mostly felt outplayed by those who knew the maps and where all the health/energy/ammo drops were.

While an average TTK is easy to achieve, it is not optimal. Imagine a Vectis having the same TTK as a Strun...that would be insane. You can't compare a high risk, high reward weapon like a Strun with a long range sniper that is under no real threat.


Player host.


MK1-Furis stronger than shotguns.


Player host


Guys spaming roll, making them extremely hard to kill, especially in cephalon capture


The weapon balance is dumb as heck


Player host

That thing in particular REALLY has to go, it feels so out of place to the point where it's getting as obnoxious as the old coptering was.

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Every PvE-only player who shows up in the PvP feedback forums has a bad attitude and says things like this.


You'd be surprised at how nice the Conclave community actually is, especially compared to the "PvE" Draco Recruiting Elitists who literally think the only way to play the entire game no matter the node is with 5 specific frames.

So only the nice players are PvPers, the mean guys are just PvEers that happen to play PvP occasionally.  


How convenient. 

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This is a myth - I'm not saying your experiences don't count - but I've seen an equal amount of toxicity in Warframe - as I have in any of the other online games.

PvP or PvE makes no difference - the problem is the Internet at large and the fact there are never any consequences for being a rude little twerp.

As for Conclave - it has great potential - but so long as it's P2P it will forever remain a bad joke hanging off of Warframe as a whole.

Dedicated servers or bust!


Definitely not a myth, PvE has its elitists ya but PvP players are incredibly toxic, PvE players are w/e if you like PvP, BUT if you like PvE over PvP, they get so salty so fast for no reason "Dumb pleb how can you like PvE, it takes no skill PvP is where this game is actually challenging" <-pretty regular line 

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So only the nice players are PvPers, the mean guys are just PvEers that happen to play PvP occasionally.  


How convenient. 


No, I just play both regularly, and I run into more sourpuss's in PvE than I run into in PvP, that's just my anecdata. Just like Date's anecdata that PvP is nothing but horrible people.


I just see PvE'ers that don't PvP show up in the PvP feedback threads accidentally, call everyone stupid for their posts, then realize they accidentally clicked on the PvP feedback forum, and make some remark about how PvP is for CoD mouthbreathers.

Edited by Gelkor
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PVP nowadays as it was with the Rails, the main complaint is balance. People constantly complaining about balance issues. Here is the thing though, as with the Rails it's almost impossible (if not actually impossible) to find balance PVP-wise in a game such as this.

You have Warframes and guns all geared towards delivering mass-destruction in an otherwise PVE environment and now you want to bring them to a PVP environment and balance them. So you say "let's not allow for the PVE mods. Let's only allow for some utility related mods and we will introduce new PVP ONLY mods". But now you got to re-work a whole set of new PVP only mods and then you got to make sure that they not only balance out the guns but your frames will balance out too.

Speaking of which the frames are exponentially harder to make balance because Warframe has several more dimensions to it then a shooter such as Call of Duty. For example in Call of Duty the scope of your movement is mostly limited to walking forward, backward, or sideways. If you want to spice things up you can run forward, backwards, sideways. In Warframe we have to deal with Parkour. We have to deal with bullet jumps, aim gliding, wall clinging, slides, rolls, multiple chained jump movements, plus whatever I'm forgetting to mention here. All of that adds additional dimension to the game that makes finding the RIGHT balance to effectively kill a Tenno but still making the game fair that much harder. On top of that you have to deal with 4 ability sets from each Tenno and they are all different. Each time you introduce a Tenno to the conclave that's 4 new abilities you got to re-work for the PVP environment and try to make it balanced. You couple that in with the fact that we still got primaries, secondaries, and a variety of melee weapons to deal with and you got yourself the mother of all "How do we balance all of this game?".

This is why I say, this game's PVP environment will never really be balanced. It's just not. This is ULTIMATELY a PVE game. I say for PVP elements such as conclave and Rails just put them in the game and for people who want to play it, let them play it. For people who hate it and want nothing to do with it, let them feel however they want to feel because that's okay too.

For example, I know people who currently hate the PVP conclaves, and they just don't want to play it. Some of them don't even want to try it. That's fine. To each his own. But PVP conclaves are still around aren't they? Because it's a you can either choose to or choose not to play kind of a deal. If you don't find it balanced, then don't play it. Leave some feedback and come back and check when you think they've made some reasonable changes.

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Definitely not a myth, PvE has its elitists ya but PvP players are incredibly toxic, PvE players are w/e if you like PvP, BUT if you like PvE over PvP, they get so salty so fast for no reason "Dumb pleb how can you like PvE, it takes no skill PvP is where this game is actually challenging" <-pretty regular line 

Every side has its badsides pvp and pve have elitists and i dont think its stronger on one side then the other.

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I think the biggest reason most people don't play PvP is mainly that it's not really what they are here for. Warframe is a Coop game where you fight PvE enemies. It has a PvP mode but it requires near constant balancing and most would still hardly call it balanced at any given moment. 


People usually don't play a game like this with the desire to play PvP. A lot of people playing Warframe probably chose it because the main point of the game is not PvP. 


Of course there's some crossover, there are a fairly large group of people who do like doing some PvP, but overall the Warframe player base isn't as likely to be into that in my opinion. 


Short answer? Because it's not what I'm here for.

Posted while I was still writing my post lol. This is exactly what I'm saying. Many people who come to Warframe just aren't here for PvP, no matter how appealing it were made. 
Edited by Tesseract7777
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Definitely not a myth, PvE has its elitists ya but PvP players are incredibly toxic, PvE players are w/e if you like PvP, BUT if you like PvE over PvP, they get so salty so fast for no reason "Dumb pleb how can you like PvE, it takes no skill PvP is where this game is actually challenging" <-pretty regular line 


Your statement is the definition of prejudice. In my experience, my toughest opponents have also been the most polite, and i often end up being friends with them after a time. PVE, for me, has been a far worse experience. Also I'm not sure why one must be categorized as a PVP or PVE player. I do both, consistently.

Edited by Skaleek
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Your statement is the definition of prejudice. In my experience, my toughest opponents have also been the most polite, and i often end up being friends with them after a time. PVE, for me, has been a far worse experience. Also I'm not sure why one must be categorized as a PVP or PVE player. I do both, consistently.

Sad thing is i prefer pve to pvp (mainy conclave) but his statement was very prejudice sounding yes.

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Here some reason : 


-Because this game is PVE and is not balanced at all for PVP


-If I do play PVP , there will be more content and eventually PVE stuff locked behind PVP


-Anybody who love doing alot of PVP will have many mods for PVP , so anyone who start will just get destroyed due to mods issue


-Rage quits , Leavers , laggy host , quitting host that make you lose the time you have invest (happen alot)


-Weapon stats does make any sense from PVE to PVP , and there is many time first to see get kill , Did I talk about Channeling + Ufc fighter Tenno?

or the power that nearly insta kill anyone


That was my last experience since that , I do not feel the need to PVP , for the few fact i said above


TLDR ; Host quitting , rage quits , leavers , random lags , unfair , macro ,etc

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Alongside all the balancing, latency, gear issues that come with every PvP experience, I feel like the Warframe target audience has been Co-op players above all else since the game is 90% PvE. I don't think anyone here started this game strictly for PvP.

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Your statement is the definition of prejudice. In my experience, my toughest opponents have also been the most polite, and i often end up being friends with them after a time. PVE, for me, has been a far worse experience. Also I'm not sure why one must be categorized as a PVP or PVE player. I do both, consistently.

Exactly what happens to me too, the toughest opponents are like the nicest guys, instead of how most good players in PvE tend to be elitists. And yep, categorizing people in PVP or PVE categories is dumb, I do both on a regular basis too.

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PVP nowadays as it was with the Rails, the main complaint is balance. People constantly complaining about balance issues. Here is the thing though, as with the Rails it's almost impossible (if not actually impossible) to find balance PVP-wise in a game such as this.

You have Warframes and guns all geared towards delivering mass-destruction in an otherwise PVE environment and now you want to bring them to a PVP environment and balance them. So you say "let's not allow for the PVE mods. Let's only allow for some utility related mods and we will introduce new PVP ONLY mods". But now you got to re-work a whole set of new PVP only mods and then you got to make sure that they not only balance out the guns but your frames will balance out too.

Speaking of which the frames are exponentially harder to make balance because Warframe has several more dimensions to it then a shooter such as Call of Duty. For example in Call of Duty the scope of your movement is mostly limited to walking forward, backward, or sideways. If you want to spice things up you can run forward, backwards, sideways. In Warframe we have to deal with Parkour. We have to deal with bullet jumps, aim gliding, wall clinging, slides, rolls, multiple chained jump movements, plus whatever I'm forgetting to mention here. All of that adds additional dimension to the game that makes finding the RIGHT balance to effectively kill a Tenno but still making the game fair that much harder. On top of that you have to deal with 4 ability sets from each Tenno and they are all different. Each time you introduce a Tenno to the conclave that's 4 new abilities you got to re-work for the PVP environment and try to make it balanced. You couple that in with the fact that we still got primaries, secondaries, and a variety of melee weapons to deal with and you got yourself the mother of all "How do we balance all of this game?".

This is why I say, this game's PVP environment will never really be balanced. It's just not. This is ULTIMATELY a PVE game. I say for PVP elements such as conclave and Rails just put them in the game and for people who want to play it, let them play it. For people who hate it and want nothing to do with it, let them feel however they want to feel because that's okay too.

For example, I know people who currently hate the PVP conclaves, and they just don't want to play it. Some of them don't even want to try it. That's fine. To each his own. But PVP conclaves are still around aren't they? Because it's a you can either choose to or choose not to play kind of a deal. If you don't find it balanced, then don't play it. Leave some feedback and come back and check when you think they've made some reasonable changes.

Dark Sector was really a balance mess. All the complaints back then were justified. But is this true for our new Conclave too? Well... I've played both, Dark Conflict and new Conclave and I can clearly say "no". New Conclave is waaay~ more balanced than Dark Sector ever was,

Did you played a bit pvp since 17.5? If not; try it honestly and I'm sure you will never say "PVP nowadays as it was with the Rails, the main complaint is balance." again. The main complaint today is that there are no dedicated servers for pvp - just btw.

Edited by Monster-T
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Every PvE-only player who shows up in the PvP feedback forums has a bad attitude and says things like this.

You'd be surprised at how nice the Conclave community actually is, especially compared to the "PvE" Draco Recruiting Elitists who literally think the only way to play the entire game no matter the node is with 5 specific frames.

Well the trouble is if you have played WoW pvp or LoL, its extremly toxic and a-holery around. Ive seen this in several games, which causes me and others to avoid pvp for safetys sake.

Now i cant tell how the warframe pvp community is but i rather stay away beacuse i dont trust pvp communitys due previously bad experiences.

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Dark Sector was really a balance mess. All the complaints back then were justified. But is this true for our new Conclave too? Well... I've played both, Dark Conflict and new Conclave and I can clearly say "no". New Conclave is waaay~ more balanced than Dark Sector ever was,

Did you played a bit pvp since 17.5? If not; try it honestly and I'm sure you will never say "PVP nowadays as it was with the Rails, the main complaint is balance." again. The main complaint today is that there are no dedicated servers for pvp - just btw.

^^^ He gets it ^^^

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Because warframe wasn't built from the ground up to provide a pvp experience and the problem is it feels that way. It's also not rewarding. If my main thing is PVE, I lose more by playing PVP but if there were such things as PVP alerts where you play such and such rounds 2 or 4 times and get a huge sum of credits or neurodes, then people would actually suffer through it. There's also a problem with going from PVE to PVP in that everything you've built up is stripped away from you, making it less fun. You aren't taking your max serration with you, your primed point blank. You're starting back from the ground up and there's nothing exciting about 75% of the PVP mods after playing in PVE. It always feels like a step back and it needs to be that way for balance reasons but it still gives you that overall feeling.

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