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Sniper Rifle Rework [U18 Megathread]


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- vectis prime: remove the second bullet in its magazine or add a third one.

What's with everyone complaining about the two round magazine?? Depleted Reload does the job m8. But a third round? You're kinda asking too much there.

- reload time: make it on par with assault rifles or burst rifles, currently is ridiculous, considering the tiny magazines you allowed, also ability to reload while scoped for all snipers;

But that I'd vote up for.

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They got slightly better stats, I agree, but the hipfire accuracy nerf to promote the use of scoping (and the combo system) put them in a really bad place, and as I've daid before, currently there's no reason to choose a sniper over a bow, a bullet hose when even tigris and hek series are better at sniping in the game's current state, mostly due to small rooms and tilesets (except for ceres, europa, earth and some uranus rooms), low skyboxes, penalty for not changing position after certain time, which forces snipers to move from sniping places to keep rewards (thank afk leechers and "efficient farmers" for that), unreliable hipfire accuracy mixed with high zoom and low fire rate make them unusable in the middle of the battlefield, what turns snipers in very situational weapons in a game where versatility is a must.

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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 Snipers suffer a bit of an oddity with third person targeting.  Roughly put, in some third person games, the shot doesn't come from the gun, but from some point in the body so at very very short ranges, it is traveling across the crosshair before actually going to that spot.  Basically at point blank, the sniper will end up firing straight to the side instead of at the target because of that oddity in programming.


 Long shots without scoping should still remain mostly accurate except most people mod with the inaccuracy but power mod.  Meaning that they dump accuracy for a huge boost, which causes it to still be off target most of the time.


 Both issues together means that snipers are only good for hip fire at about 10 feet to 15 feet roughly.  Inside that range and you have to not aim at the target to hit, and outside that range it all depends on your accuracy because you certainly aren't shooting for the crosshair.  Though if you don't use the mod most of the rifles hit pretty well.

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Please read this




Real-life Sniper gun are more advance than what we have in warframe. Smart bullets with build-in CPU and they are exposive


Buzlok XD


About the video, that's not exactly a sniper. It's somewhat a grenade-sniper...thingy...gun...

Edited by LeeAmatsu
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After today's sortie its quite apparent that snipers are still in serious need of help. The killing potential just isn't there. and it brings up how AMAZING it would be if they could take down nulifiers. Literally every time I went down was because of nulifiers.

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Again Snipers Vs Nullifiers... snipers fail totally, I can't end today las sortie because of that condition...


 Not that it isn't a bad point for the quality of snipers, but it's a really overly used excuse.  Nullifiers have two ways to be downed, rapid attacks on their shield or enter the shield and kill the nullifier.  It may be tough and ridiculous with high level enemies, but it's the way to take care of the nullifier with a sniper, enter the bubble.


 The bubbles are just generally ridiculous in their own way, but that is a problem with bubbles, not with sniper rifles.  I want sniper rifles to be reasonable and they aren't really there, and the new changes are bad, but the constant repetition of "nullifier" isn't going to help the discussion.

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Dear DE, I, fellow Tennos player hope you are reading this.


Sniper as the Vulkar or Snipertron are great, as semi-auto sniper rifle. However do not be scared to walk on the side of auto sniper rifle.

Nevertheless, Tennos would not mind another Bolt sniper rifle that can compete with the Vectis/Prime, doing massive damage at some cost(like 3.5/4 sec reload).

Find what work.



EDIT: Also, I do not remember, but holding down shift should stable the aim, is that not a thing already?

Edited by DesFrSpace
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You guys all seem to be well seasoned sniper rifle players, so I'm not sure what my two cents will do, but the one thing, and I only played Vanilla destiny back in 2013, the only only thing destiny did that could ever be considered a success in my opinion was their sniper rifles, and the game play with them....I was able to quick scope people flying on sparrows, so maybe it was a little too easy...but I just feel like destinies sniper rifles worked better than DEs past attempts at snipers, even the new rubico...sorry for spreading trash in the forums, but it was something that someone else somewhere was probably thinking, unless it's just me.

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After all the constructive feedback from players - the reaction from DE only reminds me of this:
... watch?v=GHX2mvFVQMs
Mercedes - Library advert.


Guys, just go and talk to people (aren't they the same DIGITAL EXTREMES) who developed UNREAL TOURNAMENT - ask for their help!!

Edited by SlayER-guts-
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After all the constructive feedback from players - the reaction from DE only reminds me of this:

... watch?v=GHX2mvFVQMs

Mercedes - Library advert.


Guys, just go and talk to people (aren't they the same DIGITAL EXTREMES) who developed UNREAL TOURNAMENT - ask for their help!!

I have sent a personal message to DE_Danielle who started this thread about the issue about devs not giving a single S#&$ about feedback threads ever, she said she'd compile the thread and show the devs, I'm still awaiting a response after a month.

Edited by StickyBaseline
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I have sent a personal message to DE_Danielle who started this thread about the issue about devs not giving a single S#&$ about feedback threads ever, she said she'd compile the thread and show the devs, I'm still awaiting a response after a month.

Currently seems like the devs don't give a single s**t about many things. They aren't taking feedback, or just small amounts of it on very specific topics; no word on re-releasing the older event rewards like snipetron vandal or primed chamber, even tougj they said they might put all players on even grounds when talking of tools, making most event mods and weapons available for everyone (except for those two, even tough they have said to be waiting for a special event to re-release pc, gave a couple of copies to a lucky few on some devstreams, and still no word on a public re-release when the mod has reached over 20K plat value on market), no words on expected frames like umbra (not even the faq Rebecca said was going to be released months ago) nor typhus (the most popular fan concept to date) orone of the biggest examples could be how tgey have said many times that they will reduce the grind, but ibsteas they keep nerfing mission rewards and adding RNG layers to everything, even event mod sets like we saw on shadow debt. And I bet there are more issues being simply ignored for them because of... unknown reasons.

*goes to kitchen, takes some tinfoil, covers head and starts blaming the chinese for this change*

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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I don't know if this has been mentioned here, or if I'm even in the right subcategory, but here goes. I like the sniper buffs, some additional tweaks would really bring them up further, but my biggest issue lies with the fact that there are no good mission types or maps that are conducive to sniper weapons. The gameplay is fast and in your face, which is great, but snipers are distance, slow, methodical and calculated weapons. I love snipers. Being able to pull off successive headshots, one shot kills, picking off enemies from a distance while they have no idea who it what is killing them is so much fun to me, but the game currently lacks the mission/map variety to accomplish a true use for snipers

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General observation:


I like the buffs, but fundamentally, in a game where sancti tigris can do 32k+ damage per barrel, and Hek exists, I think sniper rifles (and bows) probably still need a damage buff. They should be able to one-shot non-sortie non-boss enemies on head shots reliably. At 35+, a pretty heavily modded Vectis Prime was taking three or four headshots to take out grineer napalms.

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 Not that it isn't a bad point for the quality of snipers, but it's a really overly used excuse.  Nullifiers have two ways to be downed, rapid attacks on their shield or enter the shield and kill the nullifier.  It may be tough and ridiculous with high level enemies, but it's the way to take care of the nullifier with a sniper, enter the bubble.


 The bubbles are just generally ridiculous in their own way, but that is a problem with bubbles, not with sniper rifles.  I want sniper rifles to be reasonable and they aren't really there, and the new changes are bad, but the constant repetition of "nullifier" isn't going to help the discussion.


Wrong, it is one of the main reasons why snipers are not viable. The AI spamms nullifier in such high numbers and their globes can cover so many other units that any weapon that has no way to deal with them is simply useless by default.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but what if snipers had innate bubble punch through (both nullifier and arctic eximus). This would be a nice buff that would make snipers viable in the late game vs corpus and void. It would play to their style too as with snipers you are generally away from combat, so instead of pumping 10 rounds to pop a bubble, or running in to suicide kill the nullifier, you can snipe him from a ways away and would almost guarantee that 1 or 2 snipers are present in most deep void and corpus runs.

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