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[Spoiler] Why Do They Talk To...themself?


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Sometimes Tenno talk to warframe like its...a person.  Suff like "You fought with honor"...


When doing missions, Tenno's mind is inside that warframe. So Tenno just replace their weak body with powerfull warframe....Why would they transmit to him/herself?


It would be fine if they adressed each other...but that happens in solo.



Now it feels like Warframes have their own minds (clever enough to understand what Tenno say). That is no good.




Or is it just me? Maybe i missed something?








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You even see them talk about the enemies


"Watch out, biological attacks incoming."


"Get ready"


After being revived "That was close"


This happened in Tau for me "I think the infested absorb their victims"


"I am immune to the infested, but that doesn't stop them from trying to kill us"


Hate them so much...

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I actually thought a lot of the later part of the Second Dream quest line makes the Tenno sound like they could maybe suffer from dissociative identity disorder to some degree.


If this was the case it would make sense that the 'host' (used here in the DID meaning) might talk to their alters (the frames).

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It's a mess for sure.


Also, focus avatar has the face of operator so what does that suppose to mean? Some sort of holographic projection?


I respect space magic but also like consistency.


This quest was ok until operator started talking to me. I mean himself. I mean me.



Unnecessarily confusing...  (U___ U) 

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The child is your operator it is you it is directly controlling the watframe if you actually listened to lotus during the auest you would know. When the child slid out of the pod and stalker stabbed the frame in the chest that was the child that controlled the frame to get the sword out and it was the child carrying its self in its warframes hands. The warframe is a mindless body with no power without the operator

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Ninjas have to be silent and stealthy. That means no talking.
Developers stance on voice overs was stated in a livestream. It was decided that having them talk wouldn't seem very "Ninja-like". So it's unlikely they'll be talking.

I kinda like em slilent, not sure why exactly, but I just like that even while bleeding out/taking damage or dieing, they don't make a sound.

It's a DE thing. They prefer to have the Tenno be quiet killers. It would also, in DEs opinion, ruin some of the game where people hear the Tenno in their own way.
They don't have a voice you can hear because their voice is your voice. You are supposed to be in the warframe as DE stated...
(well he's not too far off, here)


RIP half the guys in the thread

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There should be an option to disable their chatter in game unless actually necessary. it's immersion breaking and it makes me feel embarrassed due to how cringy it is for "me" to announce something in game. half of the time it doesn't make sense like saying there are enemies ahead when i haven't even activated alarms yet in survival.

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I'm fine if the Warframe and the Tenno have some amount of separate identity, I think that would be really cool. Two minds working as one. But, although it was -hinted- at in the story quest, it wasn't really "revealed" to be as such. At least, to me it didn't seem like it was, in a way that would warrant this kind of sudden chit chat between Tenno and Warframe. ( Its definitely among my favorite of the running theories about what things from the quest mean and what happened ) So, I'm also confused as to who our Tenno-self ( at least I think that we are meant to be perceived as the Tenno we designed? ) is talking to. Sometimes it seems like they are responding to Lotus, other times it seems like they are just shouting out in general.. but, you only hear dialogue from your own Tenno, so its not general team chatter. I love everything else about this story reveal, but the Tenno babbling over the com confuses me. I don't understand it, or what it is trying to convey. I feel like I missed something! And I'm so interested to know what! But, I'm alright with accepting it as it is for now. I played this game for two years without having any real confirmation as to who the Tenno are or what a Warframe is, and this story update was so well done that it doesn't even bother me that much right now. I've been so enthralled by it all, that I'm willing to turn my cheek to this bit of weirdness. I'm just kind of like "What?? Ok then". 


One thing is for sure tho, the kid definitely takes after Lotus, making quips that don't make sense as to whats going on. All too akin to one of my favorite "You're surrounded, ready your weapons" statements, as I casually jog to extraction without encountering a single enemy. Or your kno, "Stay away from the fire" x 100 ( YES MOM, I GET IT GOD STOP BEING SO OVERPROTECTIVE! ). Oh Lotus, you're one of them slightly confused moms but I love you anyways.

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Nah. Warframes having "minds" and "personalities" is a bad idea.    We craft them, we sell/buy them...  It feels like slavery....Kinda.


They should be just robots....Unless DE plan some sort of "Warframe free itself from Tenno influence" kind of twist....But i doubt that.

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In the description on Excalibur Prime it is clearly said that warframe was built "around" the Tenno

In Mirage quest, the operator dies with her warframe

In Limbo quest, the operator died with his warframe

Le Evangelion kids are not canon, it's just an easy plot-gag to seal the hole that came from the fact that the user could have multiple warframe of different sizes, forms and genders.

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My guess would be that originally the Tenno were actually wearing the suits, thus the stuff with Mirage and Limbo, and the wording in the lore and whatnot, but then people/factions/Stalker/Sentients/Infested/whoever started actually killing them from time to time, or they otherwise started meeting "unwanted ends", so with the "originals" dying, the Lotus started doing her thing with the Second Dream, essentially replacing the originals with the kids, thus doing the "safer" thing for the remaining Tenno by turning the Warframes into remote-controlled suits while the kids were hidden away, relatively safe.

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The Tenno dialogue (monologue) and video transmissions reminded me of the good old carmageddon times or doomguy portrait, i would like the Tenno be visual all the time and make duke nukem remarks of stuff, or i could customize what me as Tenno would say on different situations. 

Edited by Bearssi
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am i the only one who thinks that this is intended to be meseges to other players in your party? i think its just a small bug atm for that on how they are suposed to see your tenno talk to them for such things. the "mod marked" was my defining assumption of this

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.... The warframe is a mindless body with no power without the operator


maybe not, because the child can't order anything to the warframe without direct contact or using the somantic link

the warframe, by itself, broken the greatsword


so, i think that we are the warframe, besides being directly controlled, most of the time, by the tenno, we still have our will... and that one, at least, care about itself (by destroying the sword), besides we don't have any powers without tenno guiding us



but based on that, Stalker its only "empty warframe" without tenno guiding it or there's one tenno that doesn't sleep in second dream? or there's something guiding it and that not being tenno?

and Teshin, its grown-up tenno? so, how he doesn't have any problems by keeping outside of the somantic link?

whatever, this will be explained later

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The warframe has been hinted in the Second Dream Quest to be alive and sentient to some degree, as Operators can seemingly only control Warframes though direct contact or through their chair/pod thing. 


It's why Hunhow was so surprised when your stabbed warframe began to break his War-sword in half. As far as he was concerned, the Operator had no way of defending itself from Stalker's throttling. 


So while you, the player, is the Operator, you're also whatever Warframe you choose to play as well. In the Rhino Prime Codex, it is also implied that the rampaging beast is a prototype Rhino that is inherently bestial without an Operator controlling it.

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So while you, the player, is the Operator, you're also whatever Warframe you choose to play as well. In the Rhino Prime Codex, it is also implied that the rampaging beast is a prototype Rhino that is inherently bestial without an Operator controlling it.

Don't forget about Chroma without a Tenno in the New Strange, might be a frame that gained self awareness.

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am i the only one who thinks that this is intended to be meseges to other players in your party? i think its just a small bug atm for that on how they are suposed to see your tenno talk to them for such things. the "mod marked" was my defining assumption of t


I hope you are right and its just a bug.

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