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Nezha Dropping In Sorties [Megathread]


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Hey Tenno - Merged all relevant threads here.


We understand that some of the frustrations are stemming from the timing of Nezha's release, as many of you had already completed your Sortie for the day. To jump start the hunt for his parts, we have bumped the expiry time for the current Sortie to 8 PM EDT. As a result, a new Kela De Thaym Sortie will subsequently be generated that anyone can run regardless of previous completion. 


This regenerated Sortie will end tomorrow at 12 PM EDT. Apologies for the poor timing. 

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Hey Tenno - Merged all relevant threads here.


We understand the frustrations of the timing of Nezha's release, as many of you had already completed your Sortie for the day. To jump start the hunt for his parts, we have bumped the expiry time for the current Sortie to 8 PM EDT. As a result, a new Kela De Thaym Sortie will subsequently be generated that anyone can run regardless of previous completion. 


This regenerated Sortie will end tomorrow at 12 PM EDT. Apologies for the poor timing. 

Soooo we some of will get 2 CHANCES at getting him instead of just one? Should also crank up the drop chance for him for this special one as well...

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Soooo we some of will get 2 CHANCES at getting him instead of just one? Should also crank up the drop chance for him for this special one as well...


Pretty sure everyone gets two chances.


Reading fail on my part. Yeah some people get two shots at Nezha.

Edited by Synitare
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Hey Tenno - Merged all relevant threads here.


We understand the frustrations of the timing of Nezha's release, as many of you had already completed your Sortie for the day. To jump start the hunt for his parts, we have bumped the expiry time for the current Sortie to 8 PM EDT. As a result, a new Kela De Thaym Sortie will subsequently be generated that anyone can run regardless of previous completion. 


This regenerated Sortie will end tomorrow at 12 PM EDT. Apologies for the poor timing. 

We're frustrated not just because a lot of us already completed the sortie, but also because hiding this new frame behind something that can only be done once a day and is already filled to the brim with stuff means unless you're somehow really lucky you probably won't be able to get him without paying out of your wallet. I understand you guys as a business want money, but when every other frame could be gotten in a somewhat reliable way without paying, and then you release this new frame where it seems as though you won't be able to get it with paying, it's just not that good. You should, at the very least, make him a common drop/ you'll always get one of his parts after completing the sortie, sorta like how bosses will always give a frame part.

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Hey Tenno - Merged all relevant threads here.


We understand the frustrations of the timing of Nezha's release, as many of you had already completed your Sortie for the day. To jump start the hunt for his parts, we have bumped the expiry time for the current Sortie to 8 PM EDT. As a result, a new Kela De Thaym Sortie will subsequently be generated that anyone can run regardless of previous completion. 


This regenerated Sortie will end tomorrow at 12 PM EDT. Apologies for the poor timing. 

I don't think the frustration is due to the timing of Nezha's release so much as it is the means to obtain him, which has renewed concerns regarding the grind/rng in the game.

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Im not sure I can convince myself to continue to support DE with this latest decision, I really love the game and their commitment to continued development. But this is just really pushing the grind to way beyond what I would call fair. 

Just my opinion: The game is slowly becoming 'pay to progress' (not pay to win). I feel the latest frames and weapons just have a grindwall that is really far beyond most casual players capabilities, Even the most hardcore of players could get shafted by this Nezha grindwall.

The new skins I love, and will gladly fork-out money for plat to buy these, however locking frames behind such a steep grindwall to encourage us to buy them has me very scared for the future of this game.

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Permanent addition, tradeable, just a matter of waiting. Those who bought him will have repeats to trade early, later as people craft him, more and more repeats will appear. Later people will most likely seem his parts as a crap reward because of how it's only good once, then you just go to trade chat and send the repeats away.

But yeah, not a day 1 thing without plat or being ridiculously lucky to find people trading his parts on day 1 for non plat stuff.

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I just want everyone to remember that DE said "This is the year of quality!" and lets not forget the classic "We want to REDUCE the grind."


We all remember it. DE just seems to be hoping that we forgot it. But everytime they pull something like this, someone will always remind us of what they said.

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Which all does nothing to adress the actual problem with nezha's implementation into sorties. You are not just killing off any effot value, as you can only try for the frame once a day, but also putting it in a terribly cluttered loot table (a 1/20 chance a day is laughable), and making it time limited (rotations), for ages vauban has been the much debated most difficult frame to obtain but now it appears you've topped that.


seriously, what happened to reducing the grind in this game like the devs mentioned in a stream? this entire year seems to only have been about topping previous grind walls and making things more difficult for players.

Edited by Cubewano
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So let me get this straight. I have to grind a group of 3 straight missions full of bullet-sponges just for a chance at getting parts for Nezha. And I can only do one sortie a day. For a 'Frame that might not be all that great.


No thanks. I'll take making Nezha Clan Tech over this.


Getting my hands on Vauban, Mesa and Hydroid was way less frustrating.

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With the quick bit of math I've got an estimate on how long this could take. 48 days this is assuming that all the rewards have the same chance, which is very unlikely. This is harder for me to even get a somewhat accurate guess when compared to primes (which have some measurable worth), as I have got no clue as to the rarity of any of the items in the sortie rewards pool.

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I don't think the annoyance


Hey Tenno - Merged all relevant threads here.


We understand that some of the frustrations are stemming from the timing of Nezha's release, as many of you had already completed your Sortie for the day. To jump start the hunt for his parts, we have bumped the expiry time for the current Sortie to 8 PM EDT. As a result, a new Kela De Thaym Sortie will subsequently be generated that anyone can run regardless of previous completion. 


This regenerated Sortie will end tomorrow at 12 PM EDT. Apologies for the poor timing. 

The annoyance is NOT with that people had already completed their sorties.

It's that Nezha, a Warframe requiring 4 DIFFERENT PIECES, CAN ONLY BE GOTTEN FROM THEM. It will take at LEAST 4 days to get Nezha's parts alone, IF you are INCREDIBLY lucky.
It was a very dumn idea tbh to stick a warframe under a HEAVY grindwall like this, and NEEDS to be changed.

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It is somewhat annoying to myself as well, I did think that a update would come this week but did not expect that I should not try to complete the Sortie to have a chance at the new warframe - honestly did not expect that - so now have lost a day's chance at this allusive reward. Can't say I am not disappointed at this development but hopefully this warframe part blueprint's 'season' will last the full 15 days versus the last 11 days compared. I would assume the Nezha warframe would be available some other method after cycling out of the Sortie reward table though of course that could take a while or be akin to Vauban floating through random alert rewards. I am odded out that Nezha being made Sortie was called this morning/last night as a 'what if' possiblity for Nezha - should have asked the opening poster where they became so cynical! :)


Amended after merge:


It is a postive step to regenerate the Sortie for this day and I most heartily approve but I do find it this kind of random grind to get the new warframe to be a bad step personally. Hopefully, the Lotus Prince will find a nice starchart boss rework; enemy random drop; or clantech to call its own at a when this Sortie season is over - unless of course Nezha is going to be a more permanent staple of Sorties similar to Vauban being the random alert warframe. That wouldn't be ideal but could be understandable I gather.

Edited by Urlan
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