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If Damage 3.0 Removes Serration/damage Mods....


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I just wanted to say im all open to them switching up how players mod the're weapons and such, BUT what im REALLY hopeing is that if it gets removed I want my fusion cores refunded at least. I mean I put alot of time, cores and credits into those damage mods. Again all speculation on what may or may not happen. 

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I just wanted to say im all open to them switching up how players mod the're weapons and such, BUT what im REALLY hopeing is that if it gets removed I want my fusion cores refunded at least. I mean I put alot of time, cores and credits into those damage mods. Again all speculation on what may or may not happen. 


Every time DE has gotten rid of mods, they've given us an equivalent number of fusion cores. Most recent instance was when Parkour 2.0 came out and they got rid of any mods relating to Stamina.

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Every time DE has gotten rid of mods, they've given us an equivalent number of fusion cores. Most recent instance was when Parkour 2.0 came out and they got rid of any mods relating to Stamina.


and last time they removed/deranked rank10 mods they were giving out legendary fusion cores for maxed r10....

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I Hope they won't remove those mods unless they add the ability to buff our weapons different ways like choosable stat points and you can spend to customize your weapon for your taste. This also could mean mod system not needs but atleast you can make your own weapon build without sacrficie other mods.


The current bad mods never will be used if they not buff and change them directly to a more usable form I am sure you doesn't to want use a warm coat instead vitality if that reamin in the current form because it is useless.


Compensation won't be really happening because of the time what you spent to improve those mods will be denied with one click of remove and the legendary cores not really that things what should be exist in the future of modding.


Simply just create mods which are pair in each other and almost all balanced. Not every mod needs backwards just focus in one ability where these can be good other or dual mods could be different. Same with auras because there is alot of which needs at least a tweak or just more mod level to be useful others again like physique could be give you lot more hp but needing speed or something.

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I Hope they won't remove those mods unless they add the ability to buff our weapons different ways like choosable stat points and you can spend to customize your weapon for your taste. This also could mean mod system not needs but atleast you can make your own weapon build without sacrficie other mods.


The current bad mods never will be used if they not buff and change them directly to a more usable form I am sure you doesn't to want use a warm coat instead vitality if that reamin in the current form because it is useless.


Compensation won't be really happening because of the time what you spent to improve those mods will be denied with one click of remove and the legendary cores not really that things what should be exist in the future of modding.


Simply just create mods which are pair in each other and almost all balanced. Not every mod needs backwards just focus in one ability where these can be good other or dual mods could be different. Same with auras because there is alot of which needs at least a tweak or just more mod level to be useful others again like physique could be give you lot more hp but needing speed or something.

They NEED to remove those mods...

When you have something that is absolutely necessary on every single build, it means that it can be removed as a common factor, like basic math. Of course within game design you can/should change something to make up for the lack of this item but it should be changed for the better. 

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They always compensate players for changes like these.


Personally, if the change is an overall improvement to the game, that's enough compensation for me. I really hate the idea of the devs having a change they know they should make, but they're hesitating because they're not sure how to compensate players for it. 

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The ideal for this remove the entire mod system from the game because it always will cause powercreep. This game always meant fun-skill orientation and the current system built for killing stuff and go forward. They should scale the enemies before they removing essential mods. They cannot really compensate with legendary cores because that not solution because after you just using those cores for upgrading another mods then they introduce another and another...


I hope you see this. If they removing the damage mods from the game and add utilities necessary mods then everyone will cry because those mods will be boring later when they add new shiny mods. They doesn1t want removing the mod system because they like the cards and they invested a lot of time to make it.


Personally I can imagine another systems implement or re implemented which able to you to make your arsenal more personal and unique but the modding system is with the current limitations just not enough to do this job.


If they removing this then it will be another generic shooter with fixed stats which makes the game less fun.


Another threads adviced the weapons similar levelling which actually have in frame levelling which means the weapons with level ups given stats or stat points what you can spend depend on what you want to improve on your weapon.


The current damage mods needs to overperform the high level enemies which scaled only as bulletsponges not any smarter enemies whom can kill you with tactic or better formulas only just mean insanely higher armor hp and damage which often means one shot to you.


Other hand whom actually want this changes is the veteran players a point of new players these mods necessary to level up and stay alive.


If you suggest changes then say something idea instead of bashing others whom want to keep the current things. Solutions could came from everyone and everywhere to improve the overall game experience and performance.


Personally I would like back a skill tree system with a lot of choosable passives which can help to personalise your own build but for this needs the Ai improvements and better enemy scaling and stopping the current policy to make overpowered stuffs and uttery bad stuffs.


P S: The focus system is not that really equal with skill tree so forgot to suggest that.

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They NEED to remove those mods...

When you have something that is absolutely necessary on every single build, it means that it can be removed as a common factor, like basic math. Of course within game design you can/should change something to make up for the lack of this item but it should be changed for the better. 


Yeah - sorry - I just don't see it changing or improving all that much if they go. I think this NEED has become a talking-point trend that is way overblown. Please note - I'm not against their removal - but I am dubious about all the wonderful, revitalising changes folks have convinced themselves will happen once they're gone. 


In respect to game design give/take - their removal along with the damage buffs being hard-baked into actual gun levels? By necessity will increase the amount of time/xp needed to level from 1-30 by a few orders of magnitude. Too much of the game's little progression is wrapped up in the staple R10 mods - they won't add damage to weapon levels and still leave us able to max a weapon in one Draco visit. If you believe otherwise - you're kidding yourselves.


As for the "more varied builds" argument - all we'll see is super stacked elemental mods - maybe brief experimentation with the QoL mods. Other than that absolutely nothing will change. You will have to stack those elements just to keep up with the majority around you damage-wise ... and for sure that will become the new meta. For all the mods we have - the system simply is not complex enough to call for anything else. 


If this comes with adjustments to the whole system - such as being limited in the number of elemental dmg, physical dmg and utility mods you can actually equip on each weapon at any one time - then their removal might actually make a difference to how we operate. But we all know how the majority of this community feels about their freedoms being restricted ... so I'm on the fence over whether or not DE will even dare. 


And for what its worth - I enjoyed ranking up those mods - the day my Serration hit R10 and I forma'd all my best gear to fit it - felt good! Pride and accomplishment at passing certain marks - there's not enough of that in Warframe. I think removing staples without something to replace it is kind of a dumb move. 

Edited by MumblesMcphatty
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when this day comes as you all wish for the game will be total crap, and the devs would only be giving themselves unneccesary headaches.


 so you remove power mods and multishot mods  what next< those elemental mods that you so treasure will be next in line << then what else when you all continue to whine  about what is staple/mandatory?


the mods are fine as is, they work as intended and for the most part its the vets that should be looking to leave this game behind that are pushing this nonsense simply from how I see it, they are jealous and doesn't want the new players to enjoy such contents<< see spy after the whining, viver, saryn and the list goes on and on.


 here's a tip<< its just a game you play if you like it  if not you move on and quite frankly what major game changing idea this community has ever come up with that actually helped the game and attracted more players??

Edited by ranks21
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I just hope they mess it up really bad. The story and last few updates feel like we are about nosedive really hard. I even get the feeling some of the devs are tired of the game too. I like the game it's the only game I play. If they don't ruin it I will never be free. I am at that point. I really don't want 3.0 anything until the map is completely done. Give me more reason to replay more of the map too. Example. I love the earth tile set but there is nothing going on there unless I am just blowing time. I don't mind grind. But something is off with the game direction. I wish I could say what. Maybe burning out.

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Serration has no need to be removed. What we do need is alternatives to Serration that do not stack with each other.



Like Heavy Caliber giving more damage than Serration but can't be slotted with it. At least then we have to choose what we want at the cost of a disadvantage.

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I just wanted to say im all open to them switching up how players mod the're weapons and such, BUT what im REALLY hopeing is that if it gets removed I want my fusion cores refunded at least. I mean I put alot of time, cores and credits into those damage mods. Again all speculation on what may or may not happen. 

they have already said fusion cores will be refunded and legendary cores will be given if neccesary

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Serration has no need to be removed. What we do need is alternatives to Serration that do not stack with each other.



Like Heavy Caliber giving more damage than Serration but can't be slotted with it. At least then we have to choose what we want at the cost of a disadvantage.

I've said this a few times now, but I'll say it here again.


Add a "stance" slot for guns that only accepts one type of base damage mod.  Serration, Heavy Caliber and Split Chamber can all be sidegrades that way, that you choose to put in the slot based on what you want (damage, damage+ at the sacrifice of accuracy, or multishot which is basically damage + status chance).


Obviously the numbers would have to be tweaked to make them more of a sidegrade compared to one another, but it would mean more significant choices in the long run, and this way we wouldn't have to get rid of these mods at all (plus we'd get more mod capacity out of it).

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When DE changed warframe ability mods into built-in abilities all the ability mods were replaced with fusion cores, unranked if I recalled correctly.

Actually it depended on the rank of your ability. I remember i had far less R5 cores when that update came out.

OT at hand.

Removing serration...

Yes please, i would like to get smashed in the head with Jet Kittag.


If they get removed without a proper replacements; I might as well throw my guns in to the trash pile called useless and go melee only.

Lately i have been enjoying stealth runs more and having a one shotting damage makes stealthing fun.

Removing something leaves an empty hole. Nature does not like empty spots and it will be quickly filled and that becomes new meta so you could cry about it again. Back to square one and new cycle till were back with serration.

PS: Why every anti serration club member cries about OP damage and crap when they maxed their serration? Just get unmodded one, fuse it to a level you like and go on.

Or better yet, remove split chamber and BOOOOOM



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The whole anti-multishot/damagemod topic is a huge trap for fools. DE either nerf veterans or buff newbies with such a move and some really think it's gonna be super... sad fools.

Actually, the true fools are the people rioting over a few sentences stated on a devstream out of the blue before any work had actually been done, sentences which only covered one facet of one section of a much larger change.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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