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Syndicate Melee


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Arbiters of Hexis: it MUST be a sword, is their symbol. Telos Galatine is my bet.

Merdidian: I would say Vaykor Jat Kittag, but Atterax, Amphis or Sheev seem like viable options too.

Suda: I imagine a gammacor set on "melee blade" instead of a ranged beam, picture the Protoss psi-blades on a gammacor, something like that. Could be classified as 'Claws'

Perrin: Serro is my bet on this one (it was used by rebel forces after all)

Red Veil: An assassin weapon of tenno design would fit, my bet is on Rakta Venka.

New Loka: dunno...

Edited by Nazrethim
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Well. Im hope, that perrin will get secura obex, bcause, we already have upgraded prova, and serro arent look like weapon, its tool adapted (or weaponised) to use as weapon.

Arbiters, follow by logis, should get boltace, as a part of boltor family, but their symbol represent a sword, so new longsword, or heavy blade will be good, or even rework of some luckluster, Pangolin maybe? Why not? Looks cool, with added stats will be good, i guess.

Red Veil, imo, should get some sort of dagger, bcause, u know, assassins. They already has augment for dark dagger, and u know, rakta dark dagger sounds kinda bad, so, why not rakta caryst, rakta ceranic dagger (yeah, sound long and funny, but in perspective looks good), or rakta heat dagger (again, souds long and funny, but looks good in perspective).

Suda, imo, should get new weapon, bcause weapons, what was introduced to cephalons, arent belong to any "school", they arent tenno, greneer, corpus or even infested, and tehre are now no melee weapons, that will be in line with cephalons weapons, so... I can predict new one.

New Loka? Well, if really doesnt know, but some old or underused weapon can get some love. Why not Pangolin sword (yeah, i putted it to arbiters, but also, why not there too? :D )

Meridian. This mean brutality. Raw power! So, Hek was already good, Marelok too, but they gived this a try, so why not Kittag? Btw, im more hope for faster version of sheev, bcause it will be sick! Just imagine it with speed of 1.0, and slightly adjusted dmg? Oh, such sweet :3

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Vaykor twin basolk? Or ninkondi?

Telos rapier

Synoid obex? Or lacera?

Secura prova?

Rakta heat dagger? Or mios?

Sancti nikana....sancti skana

a telos rapier would be rather awesome, though i worry of the implications of that kind of desire. (we dont even have the basic rapier yet so that would make syndicate melees a far away project)

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Synoid [NEW WEAPON]: Just like you're speculating, I also think we'll be getting a new type of melee weapon to fit this Syndicate.
Maybe something like the double discs from Tron? Combo's would be wide range attacks with discs floating around you.



Could be a possibility,remeber DE said we will be getting dual trowing Axes?

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Arbiters of Hexis: it MUST be a sword, is their symbol. Telos Galatine is my bet.

Merdidian: I would say Vaykor Jat Kittag, but Atterax, Amphis or Sheev seem like viable options too.

Suda: I imagine a gammacor set on "melee blade" instead of a ranged beam, picture the Protoss psi-blades on a gammacor, something like that. Could be classified as 'Claws'

Perrin: Serro is my bet on this one (it was used by rebel forces after all)

Red Veil: An assassin weapon of tenno design would fit, my bet is on Rakta Venka.

New Loka: dunno...

Wait! I got it! SANCTI REDEEMER!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sancti Destreza. It's already got the flowing, swirling lines of New Loka's design, all it needs it patterns and colors~


Rakta Karyst / Reaper. Daggers or Scythes for the assassins. Oooh.... maybe Kama.... hmm...


Secura Gram. Rapid fire twin secondaries, heavy hitting grenade launcher primary, why not have a giant-! laser sword melee? Mostly, I just like the Gram. I want Gram Prime... but this'll have to do.


Synoid Obex. Originally intended for safe handle of volatile materials, the Synoid Obex have been repurposed for self defense. Interesting idea, (at least, I think so,) and kinda fits thematically. Of course, a new Cephalon Melee would be awesome to have, and maybe even one that syndicate-only. (Tradeable, as per usual.)


Telos Jaw Sword / Dakra / Cronus. A single sword is a must. Jaw Sword, they have a melee mod for, so maybe not, but a Dakra of some kind would be cool. Cronus maybe needs a remodel before a reskin, (or maybe both at the same time?), but it's an idea.


Vaykor Atterax / Ripkas. We don't need an already ridiculously powerful melee getting a buff. (Looking specifically at Jat Kittag)


Addendum; I really liked the Gramacor idea, but Gram for the Perrin just kinda... feels right, to me. =P

Edited by KaraOgata
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Cephalon Suda: As with Suda, Simulor and Gammacor are data analyzing weapons, both were given upgraded variants soon after their initial release, so perhaps a new dat-analyzing melee of some sort.



I would like something as close as a light sabre 

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Considering how they talked about melee weapons on the stream my guess is all those big fancy weapons (Jat Kittag, Galatine, BFKillsword2000K) are not what we'll be looking at. And I'd be all for some love for the real ninja-esq weapons like the daggers, nunchakus, claw-weapons, scythes and sword/dagger combos.

So, here's my guesses.

Sancti Fang
Rakta Glaive
Secura Kogake
Synoid Dark Dagger
Telos Shaku
Vaykor Ripkas

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