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An Open Letter To That Guy/gal/sandwich In Every Sortie Spy Mission


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If you solo spy you can only blame yourself for tripping alarms and dont have to say sorry.


Only public spies I have done occur right after sortie 1 or 2.  And usually I only do them with clanmates who communicate and split up


Of course, last one where the one person who said "I got this" failed 3 times before I even got inside B or C

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Over yesterday's Spy Sortie, I learned a valuable lesson. It's not that PUGs can't do Spy missions; they can and I have been part of some of those PUGs. The thing is, when you squad is efficient, you'd split up crack all three vaults separately. I learned my lesson the hard way when my Synoid Simulor got excited and had a premature... release when another squad member cracked his vault undetected.

Needless to say, things got even more exciting after that.

Looks like im not the only one that bought that lol.

I just switched to my synthesis scanner so my weapon doesnt proc. Kill only necessary. By the end of the mission, only had 3 kills lol.

Good times.

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If you really expect a team of total randoms to work flawlessly and not make mistakes then I think those are too high. Also find it amusing that it's 'that other guy, never me' deal....like none of us have made mistakes before, impossibro! Lighten up.

Edited by fizbit
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Dear Guy/Gal/Sandwich,

I appreciate your eagerness. The way you run head first into the spy vaults is a thing of beauty. The absolute look of sincerity on your face as you earnestly electrocute yourself over and over again while failing to open the door to the corpus vault brings tears to my eyes. The way your Warframe trips over the very first laser grid and drops down a pit like a Star Wars villain is one of life's true miracles.

I really do appreciate the thirst to successfully finish the mission that fills every fiber of your being, and I'm not saying I won't be the one to mess up and trigger the alarms on occasion. Just do us all a favor and slow it down. Know your limitations and allow for others, who may have slightly more experience at spy vaults (Ivara will be finished in another 36 hours), take the lead. I know we may not have your youthful vigor and zeal, and it may take us a few more seconds to get the Vaults, but trust me when I say we will try our best to only have to walk to each one once.

I like doing PUBs, they are fun, and I certainly don't mind helping newer players punch through for the rewards. However, take a moment when you get to a spy vault and ask yourself, "How many times do I want to see the Liset loading screen before I finish this stage of the sortie?"

Well I hope this finds you well my fellow Tenno! Have a happy New Year and see you on the battlefield!



Today's Sortie was a PuG Loki Trio, myself included. We ran the Int, Spy, and Sabo without failing once, and I'm average at Spy.

The point? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. The real point? Always go into a PuG expecting failure but hoping for pleasant surprises, and don't be afraid to coach 'em up from the get-go if needed.

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All you people suck.

I pure Pub all missions =ALL MISSIONS=

And I almost never have any issues.

Do spys with Rhinos, Frosts, volts, etc and it done quickly with rarely a mistake.

Hell before Ivara I been doing spies with Nova.

Wow great! Awesome! Congrats! You are a god! I'm sorry everyone else is trash compared to your awesomeness! How about we build a statue in honor of you? That would be great! No, we aren't worthy of your greatness Mr. Lord Pro MLG senpai!


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I usually solo. Got Ivara in a day so that speaks volumes for how efficient I am with spy missions. Most people don't know the tricks and try to bullrush, but cyphers don't work on sorties so... And even if you secure them all and get all the data, alarming them 3 times turns it into an exterminate mission which one game with pubs involved killing over 350 lvl 100 grineer units with enhanced armor. Not impossible, but annoying.


Little off topic: Which is easier? Grineer or Corpus hacking?


I think corpus is easier because you just line up the 3-lines towards the center first then focus on the others very quickly, where grineer you get tossed like a ping pong ball and latency/lag can mess you up.

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It brought tears to my eyes whenever I played spy sortie without having chosen SOLO mode first. I tried so hard, giving PUGs so many chances yet they never failed to blow up themselves and the vaults. 


Edited by Mickey33
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Looks like im not the only one that bought that lol.

I just switched to my synthesis scanner so my weapon doesnt proc. Kill only necessary. By the end of the mission, only had 3 kills lol.

Good times.

I just put hush on a separate loadout for whenever I bother to run a spy.

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I had meticulously used the shortcut in a greener vault and gotten half way to the objective. Then so stupid in a Valkyr started slapping a regulator because lol stealth mission. After he displayed an inability to not be the cause of the mission failure 3 times in a row I went solo. I could only assume he was doing it on purpose. No one can be that stupid.

Then again if he needed a Valkyr to survive a Sortie maybe he did just truly suck at the game that bad.

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I've yet to complete any spy mission with a PuG.

Inumerable Lokis, LokiPs, Ashes of whatever variant, Ivaras, and even a few Wukongs...doesn't matter. They all fail.

You see, I don't do stealth. Not really. It isn't necessary until the vault. I do NOT suffer enemies of the tenno to live. This is a bit of an issue, since I don't have any of the above warframes, other than Wukong, whom I have yet to play. I shoot my way to my objective, mostly out of necessity.

The problem is every PuG is like herding cats. They all run off in random directions in whatever guise of invisibility they might have and all die. Repeatedly. They trip alarms, even though ostensibly invisible. They die again. And again. And again. I have no clue where they are, since they took off at $&*&*#(%& speed and, well, died somewhere. I'm willing to clear paths in and out, but...apparently dying unlamented in a remote corner of the map is a positive in the general community.


What does one do? Well, one does not do this crap with PuGs, since they can't seem to be trusted to find their backsides with both hands, a flashlight, and a GPS.

And that's pretty much the reality of queuing up for a random sortie.

They called "headless chickens"

The average behaviour of a Warframe player is:

Play 2 weeks

throw in 20 dollars

buy all the cosmetics around

duck up all the mission you can going around like an headless chicken

When the plat are gone, leave the game accusing the grind"

Deal with it, in a couple of weeks they will be gone and some others will ruin your public games

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I just can't do it... I can't run a spy mission with others. 

Solo spy for life.


or with very close clanmembers and gamingfriends where i can trust and where we have also fun to retry sometimes when we all miss (^^


and where we talk before we start and where we give us orientation when a alarm happens that we can help each other


it feels good to manage this stuff TOGETHER with somebody, faar more better then my solo-runs even that i like also to do solo's, im a teamplayer ... and this is how it should be when meeting people and doing smth together =)

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