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Coming Soon: Devstream #66!


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My question:

Why are you doing constant rush in releasing stuff but are quite slow when it comes to fixing bugs known for ages?

Content sells. Course, CBT Firefall should be an example to other devs that content isn't needed to make a game great, but that doesn't change devs joining the content bandwagon anyway.

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1. is valkyr bond can't be fixed when using the gersemi skin? kinda strange to see valk bond pop out nowhere from gersemi skin elbow :v


2. need more "clothing/hair customized" option for the operator please :D


3.in some mode espesially during defense/exterminate/interception , rarely there some last enemy to dealth with but stuck from their spawn spot, not moving to centre area where the player are, not moving. is that intended?


4. redemeer is nice shotgun blade, any plan to make other similiar weapon for melee like this? like pile bunker type ? of course with new stance for it too  


5. catbrow catbrow catbrow :3


im not good at asking question nor to do some request . . . its just a moment to think and typing . sorry if its trouble you (_ _)

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Gonna try to make my questions easy to answer.. Hope our questions are atleast reviewed even when unannounced 


Can you guys get tyl regor and hunhow voice actors to do operator voices?
Any other customizes coming for operators? Will they be free or platinum purchase?

I missed out on second dream promo, no stalker noggle because i didnt know code was in news, thought I'd be emailed and worse was during holiday season, anyway to make it easier to get promos?

Brakk needs some tweaks.. sonicor getting all the love.

Madurai please switch positions of dragon and chimera, seems uninviting to have your damage split in order to get an additional feature from another skill, chimera in my opinion should feel more optional because some people would like to have their maximized damage not spread and loss with each beam type.


I use Vazarin and keep wondering why the two revive focuses, I understand one is good after power use but gives me limited amount of revives to give while other is during but cause revived players to have negative status effects, wouldn't it be wiser to combine both into one focus skill? How about the passive revive gives a small damage increase or defense for 8 seconds when used, it feels like a placeholder to have two similar skills,

I like Vazarin but I'm fearing this game will shun solo by the end of day like how most games are going if I want all the nice stuff.. Can do Sortie solo or my friend but can't prove I can do raid/trial due to player limit control and people only wanting frost or nova.. Should I just give up on this? 


why must passives be activated after using your focus power? 


Why is it with Ivara I need to bring a bow to use her quivers? Wukong doesn't require me to bring a staff weapon, how come Ivara doesn't use her signature bow to activate when I don't bring a bow?


Also, in the recent comic con stream, the wukong cosplayer mentioned if we could use their signature weapons as normal weapons or cosmetic appearel as long as you're that specific character , instead of toggling the ability to have for example mesa holding her pistols, why not allow without ability in use and weaker stats or no usage but just for looks her gripping onto her pistols or if player removes secondary from mesa and in game when you switch to secondary instead of nothing it'd be her peacemakers, no leveling required or level with ability level or just make it weak like quake 2's blaster pistol.. Something to draw upon when out of ammo and has range.


Digital Extremes future with the recent partnership what will this unfold for you the developers and consumers? What about going on Shark tank [Just kidding, would be cool to see steve and/or Rebecca on there], you guys pulled the impossible and is succeeding in most ways or atleast looks that way.

Edited by (PS4)Killerworld
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Dojo >>> What are the current idea's for dojo expansions?

- New decorations to be included? Along with their requirements, heavens forbid we need plastids 90% of the time XD

  some resources don't get to be used very often, and i'm wondering if there will be a rebalance of which resources are   used with certain dojo aspects.

- New rooms? There's concept art in the Codex, they look wonderful ^__^

- Returning the Orokin dojo tileset?

- Changing the capacities that a dojo can hold, such as room and decoration limit?

- Idea - Possible to use warframe parts obtained to make warframe statues?

- Idea -  same as above ^, but with weapons and weapon mounts? would be interesting to have weapon's mounted somewhere

- Expansion to the currently available 25 pigments? Also, two of the colors are extremely close in their appearance, was wondering if we'll obtain more pigments in the future. To include pigments that match their name with the enemy that drops them XD

- Orokin Room - What will become of this room if Dark Sectors are in decline currently? 

  - Also, can we open the shutters whenever we want, especially if we have a Solar Rail already built? There's a bug that keeps us from opening shutters when another Rail is being worked on T__T

- Trophy Room - all dojo's have Loki, and i love Loki very dearly, but will we be able to select a different frame eventually?

- Obstacle Course - Parkour 2.0 is here, we definetely need a new course to follow through with it. Something similar to the Parkour 2.0 tutorial should be installed?

- Could we possibly have an option to create Signs wherever needed? Tenno can be directionally challenged too XD

- Oracle Room - is that room really necessary? it doesn't include the Tenno or Orokin rooms currently, if it should that is.


Clan >>> What further changes will be introduced to clans and their tiers?

- Downsizing is here, and it's simple so far, but will there be different tiers of clans instead of Ghost/Shadow/Storm/Mountain/Moon? What would you do?

- Clan/Alliance Page - Currently, you have to dig your way through the menu's to find the Alliance page, will we have a seperate tab in the future, instead of having to dig through Clan page settings to find Alliance page?

- Insert idea here - hey, i'm having trouble remembering ideas, give me a break XD


I know you're working on a new interface for WF, so i can't ask too much. All i can do is wait and see, test it out, and report my findings further. Cheers to 2016 ^__^

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Any possibility of reworking the Sortie rewards into something better or at least adjusting the drop chance on items to allow for better variation? Eight Karak Wraith BPs (and a multitude of Karak Wraith parts) makes for a disappointing experience.


Lastly, any possibility on a more reliable way to obtain Forma / Forma BPs. Many weapons that I love the feel and playstyle of sit unused due to the scarcity of Forma to properly polarize them to increase efficiency. As a connected issue, any plan to decrease build times for Forma?

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- Will we be seeing syndicate skins or helmets added to the game? 



- Kinda crazy question. Could we be allowed to bring archwing guns or melee weapons with us into normal (non-archwing) missions? Perhaps they could cost 2 weapon slots in our load out to balance it? I've always wanted to take the veritux into the boss fight with Vor and spank him in the face with it.

Plus bringing what is tantamount to a minigun into a mission would be pretty wizard. 


- Would it be crazy to try and add some of the technocyte enemies from dark sector into the game to add even more diversity to the infested? Even those bosses would be an interesting addition.


Thanks as always. Been on 3 years strong, still glad to be with you all.

Edited by Castara
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With the revelation of the Operators we have seen isolated quips from them, but will they play a more active role in conversations with existing and new characters and in cutscenes?


Will you make customized lines and remarks for the Operator based on their active focus?


Will there be more customizable features for the Operator such as there are with our warframes?

Edited by axl808
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Hello, I was just wondering, this might not be welcome in this thread, but if Ivaras prowl could get a rework, like maybe having energy siphon on during it that would be awesome. I'm just really liking Ivara and I really want something to compete with Loki's infinite invisibility build.

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Hello, I can't help but notice and feel slightly bothered about this but. When will we be able to get to the "extended" second floor of the Relays? The part where there is some kind of energy field. Two questions about this that I have, when will we see some function or room back there? And secondly, if that's a long way away, will you consider removing the force field and letting us go into the upper hallway back there? This is assuming that it doesn't look like a jumbled mess back there with it being incomplete.

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Dojo >>> What are the current idea's for dojo expansions?

- New decorations to be included? Along with their requirements, heavens forbid we need plastids 90% of the time XD

  some resources don't get to be used very often, and i'm wondering if there will be a rebalance of which resources are   used with certain dojo aspects.

- New rooms? There's concept art in the Codex, they look wonderful ^__^

- Returning the Orokin dojo tileset?

- Changing the capacities that a dojo can hold, such as room and decoration limit?

- Idea - Possible to use warframe parts obtained to make warframe statues?

- Idea -  same as above ^, but with weapons and weapon mounts? would be interesting to have weapon's mounted somewhere

- Expansion to the currently available 25 pigments? Also, two of the colors are extremely close in their appearance, was wondering if we'll obtain more pigments in the future. To include pigments that match their name with the enemy that drops them XD

- Orokin Room - What will become of this room if Dark Sectors are in decline currently? 

  - Also, can we open the shutters whenever we want, especially if we have a Solar Rail already built? There's a bug that keeps us from opening shutters when another Rail is being worked on T__T

- Trophy Room - all dojo's have Loki, and i love Loki very dearly, but will we be able to select a different frame eventually?

- Obstacle Course - Parkour 2.0 is here, we definetely need a new course to follow through with it. Something similar to the Parkour 2.0 tutorial should be installed?

- Could we possibly have an option to create Signs wherever needed? Tenno can be directionally challenged too XD

- Oracle Room - is that room really necessary? it doesn't include the Tenno or Orokin rooms currently, if it should that is.


Clan >>> What further changes will be introduced to clans and their tiers?

- Downsizing is here, and it's simple so far, but will there be different tiers of clans instead of Ghost/Shadow/Storm/Mountain/Moon? What would you do?

- Clan/Alliance Page - Currently, you have to dig your way through the menu's to find the Alliance page, will we have a seperate tab in the future, instead of having to dig through Clan page settings to find Alliance page?

- Insert idea here - hey, i'm having trouble remembering ideas, give me a break XD


I know you're working on a new interface for WF, so i can't ask too much. All i can do is wait and see, test it out, and report my findings further. Cheers to 2016 ^__^

Read what he's saying ^^^^ well said 

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I'd like to see Conclave scarves, the new Star Chart, explore the Moon, get some cool new lore about the Orokin (maybe even play a flashback to the Old War) and fight some new Sentients.


Oh, and I'd like to see Vampire and Werewolf frames come out at some point.

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I'm really hoping they have a lot of things to show us regarding in-progress Warframe reworks. Ash, Volt, and Mag to be more specific. Also any assets to show pertaining to future deluxe skins would be nice. I'm also curious on what their plans are for the next new Warframe.

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A while back, someone floated a proposal to offer perks to the player on ranking up. I'm interested to know what became of it. Some of the ideas floated--such as extra slots--would be very useful, and it would also be a good place to put unique cosmetics and other cool things you come up with.


Have you guys considered the idea further?

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I know the new sortie missions are random rewards. Is there no way to lock out the rewards you have already gotten. My first season of rewards consisted of 5 lenses (3 being the same lens) which I'm fine with. The rest of my rewards 4 karak wraith barrels, 3 Karak wraith stocks, 1 Karak wraith blueprint, 1 dera vandal barrel, 1 25 cores. Very first reward 2nd season karak wraith barrel. I mean I know there has to be a way to lock it out for top end prizes. Hopefully you can implement something because if I get the same stuff over and over that's a little redundant don't you think. Plus it's not worth my time to play them just to get the same stuff. Thanks for your time hope to play with y'all one day. Keep up the good work.

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Hello! I'm a new player to Warframe [started in December-ish 2015], and I feel like I missed out a bunch on the community events. I understand that you can buy the quests from the store, but it was kind of a pain to wind up asking things like "Hey, why is Alad V's face all effed-up here?" and finding out about infected Alad V after you've started Second Dream.


So, I was wondering if perhaps there's plans to migrate those community-event quests into some form of "main" questline [perhaps as set-up before Second Dream]?

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