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[Poll] Are Sorties Worth It?


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hummmm there should be 2 sorties per day or more .... Why 
the rewards are nothing good  well  legendary fusion cores and 1 other thing here and there but lets be honest
now the problem is when i have time i do them in like 40 mins easy and have nothing more too go with hard mobs too kill from the start
when i dont have time i almost dont have time too do one so is kinda a blade off 2 edges  i think the biggest problem with thee drop pools of the sorties is nehza hes taking 3 slots that could have something there that was kinda cool   and also remove the 25 fusion cores  50 are already medium reward 25 are bad for the missions it is cuz if u do a survivel or a excavation till u fighting enemys lvl 100  u probably do the 25 fusion cores  so sorties have 25 fusion cores is a pretty bad reward   the 50 well was not bad  but is a medium reward   the legendary is a great reward  event weapons the other ppl dont have well kinda agree with that   lenses well ok -/+  but they could have something more cute there thats for sure 

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And here I am just playing them for fun.

Token system will just bring more salt to the forum. It will go from "horrible RNG" to "too much grind! De wants me to play every day just to earn X. I dont have time!"

Personally, I play them for fun with the chance to get a legendary core as extra motivation. I dont even go meta, ill abort out of a game with 4 mags or 4 excals.

I think DE should have made the sorites have a more intrinsic reward system. Badges or some type of status for completing them. There is no way to have consistent rewards that people will always find "worthy"

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Not worth it imo.

They were kinda fun at first ... But I don't even bother with them now ,

There's a lot more fun things to do In WF.


Running the same void mission with the same rules over and over?


Syndicate missions?

They are ALL the same exact thing. This is the game.

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with current rewards and weighted drop table?  No.  I stopped doing them.  Especially that "sniper only" level 100 Corpus.  no thanks


I got 3 sets of Nezah right now... built one, and have no idea what I am going to with the others. I got a set of Dera Vandel I sold earlier.  And I have a 3rd set of Karak Wraith.  The Rare Drops (Potatoes, Adapater, greater lenses, Legendary core, 50 cores) are the only thing of value and they are so rare I think I have never gotten any of them except a Adapter, and a potatoe)


if you want to get right down to it's value in plat, I can do a T4D for 40 waves, and get more resources, more credits, and better drops that I can resell for less effort


maybe if they get the token system working I might like it more

Edited by kkinnison
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 I voted no because doing a DEF SURV and EXCAV is not worth a common lens a wep part already flooded in trade or 25 cores... I'm not even doing that for a LEGEND CORE. I did about 12-15 in a row then just gave up. to much time to put in for nothing really. MR21 BTW so I was hoping it was going to keep me going in a different direction. I'd rather hunt the stalker or G3

Edited by (XB1)BULLS 0N PAR4DE
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For me; it depends on the missions.  We had a couple that were really easy and took roughly 30 minutes to finish.  The Cores, lenses and repeat barrels were okay for the effort put forth.


The Sortie missions like yesterdays, that is just...no.  A Maduri Lense isn't worth what we went through in that Survival. : /  

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I don't much care for their difficulty, I always finish them. Since they were introduced I've done all except one (wasn't near my PC that day) and for some reason I still expect a decent reward at the end and never get one. The rewards are not good enough, what am I supposed to do with Karak parts? Nobody wants them.

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Are Sorties worth completing for the rewards that are offered?

Keeping in mind that, at this point, I have a complete Karak Wraith, Dera Vandal and Nezha (and many many spare parts...) as well as enough lenses for every single Way and then some?

No. They're really not.

(And I dare someone to say 'but but that Legendary Core...' with a straight face.)


But the reward isn't why I do them.

It's an interesting change of pace. It's a puzzle. And it's a shame they're one-and-done daily. I'd like to rerun some of them with different setups, to see how they compare (for instance).


Beyond that? We'll see what the next pass over them brings. (Tokens or something else.)
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The enemy levels and restrictions definitely make them interesting and fun to do. But with the current drop table, they are not worth it. I am waiting to see how the new system goes, but depending on the "token price" of each item and how many you get per sortie will determine if I still feel the same after the change.

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I really hope the new token system is in tomorrows patch. "X" lenses in a row then a blueprint I already have followed by more lenses and more blueprints I already have then maybe after about 2 weeks a weapon part i already have over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over........

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Not worth it unless mission types are all Sabotage/Spy/Deception/Rescue.


As others have said, getting a potato/Legendary core is like winning the lottery... the rest of the rewards are S#&$ unless you don't have them already. The cores are nice but I rarely get even the 25 cores... never seen 50.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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