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The Enemy Unit That You Despise With Every Single Atom In Your Body?


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What's that one enemy that screws you up every-time, or that you dread showing up, or is just a nuisance? Other than Stalker, G3, or Zanuka? (screw your recovery mission, Salad V.) No bosses either. Despite how irritating it is trying to hit Vay Hek's atom sized hitbox.

For me, its gonna have to be those bloody Sapping Osprey. Their pulse mines deal about 100 damage per second, but round a corner into about 6 of them, and you're too busy trying to kill that Corpus Tech, and they can drop about 3 each, and you will know hell. It is not burning hot, or freezing cold, but it has these goddamn bat looking annoyances pounding your shield and health into the ground.

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Sapper Ospreys

Nullifiers (Combas and Scrambulas can stay as they're limited in how much they can screw you and are much rarer)

Scorches are my BANE when I'm leveling a frame >.<



SWARM INFESTED MOA and Parasitic Eximi (ESPECIALLY Paired together)

The Swarm MOA buff the Eximus' armour, making it nearly unkillable, then I have to try and find that thing and kill it while out of energy THEN kill the Eximus >.< SO MUCH HATE

Edited by KiloFoxx
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Used to be Corrupted Bombards but since Zephyr's turbulence started working against them it's back to Nullifiers. Though mainly the combination of a Nullifier and Corpus Tech / Bombard / Heavy Gunner. It's so annoying when trying to pick off high value targets and they all run into that bubble of "must use a full auto gun to deal with it quickly"


EDIT: after seeing the other posts... I second the Scorch + Scorpion combo.

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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Those Grineer Dog things.  Just unsatisfying.  I can enjoy slaughtering hordes of simpleton corpus crewman and grineer lancers all day, that's what they're there for, they're like the normal infected of Left4Dead, but these dogs are like butchers only not as entertaining to shoot.


Also, Grineer Commanders, because they're essentially lancers with an unavoidable CC mechanic.  Horrible counter-play.

Edited by Littleman88
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How are you guys dying to sapping ospreys? It takes a couple of shots to kill either them or their mines.

I think when people say they hate Sapping Ospreys, they are talking about the Sortie missions in which you frequently encounter entire platoons of them, with each mine potentially 1-shotting you. They also spam them multiple times, severely reducing the space in which you can move safely.

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Even so, for me they feel super predictable. It takes a couple of seconds for their mines to activate. I'm legit confused. Are they immune to CC or something?

It's just that A LOT of them come, and each one throws A LOT of mines. When you least expect it, there's like, five of them, spamming the mines all over the floor and you can't walk anywhere without instadying, and then you have to pick them out while also fending off everything that's throwing themselves at you.


And then there's a lot of Shield Ospreys around, and if the Sapping Ospreys are far enough away from you, or if the mission is chaotic enough, you have a pretty hard time spotting them in the crowd.

Edited by Mcl_BlueMadness
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Even so, for me they feel super predictable. It takes a couple of seconds for their mines to activate. I'm legit confused. Are they immune to CC or something?


Not that I'm aware of, but when there's a bunch of them, and you're busy shooting other stuff as well, they can be overwhelming if you forget to prioritize them :)

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