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Shadow Debt Event Mods Should Be End Of Mission Rewards Instead Of Dropping Mid-Mission


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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.

Sweet. Don't forget to make the rare mods less tedious to get.

Last time I checked, 80+ runs is a bit too much.

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players who leave missions if they don't want the mod that drops.

If you're going to abort, run it solo. That, I don't see a problem with.

Aborting out of a squad, particularly as host, is a rather #$&(%-y thing to do.

Edited by Chroia
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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.


DE.. as usual.. "Fix symptoms, not the problem".


Why everything in this game must be random and full of grind (yeah.. drop chances :D)?


Make reward same as many.. many events before: GUARANTEED not random

- Kill specific acolyte 10-20 times? -> you get pack of mods (the 4 mods it drops now)


And.. when you fix problem.. symptoms.. disappear!

Yeah.. i do many events before.. and aborting mission "issue" does not exists.


Think about it next time you do event.. now its probably too late to change it.

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I killed probably over 150, its just that I extracted and finished 70 missions with kills.

So its waay more than that.

It logs the kills even if you abort so yh you got pretty lucky and got all the current mods around twice as fast as the average player. And btw if anything my point is that I very much support your suggestion to improve the drop rates because if it feels grindy to you who got lucky imagine who bad it is for the unlucky percentiles. It's not gonna happen ofc because DE.

Edited by DitsyPixie
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If you're going to abort, run it solo. That, I don't see a problem with.

Aborting out of a squad, particularly as host, is a rather #$&(%-y thing to do.


Exactly what I had in mind. This is only a problem of bad attitudes and selfishness...caused by the same grind system we always get: grind until you want to take a break again from Warframe. The game doesn't become better when we repeat the same missions hundreds of times only to recieve a 2,5% drop chance mod. At least a drop is guaranteed so you don't have to reduce the drop chance even further.

I didn't get the rare mods yet and I don't even expect to find them. I'm happy I finally got the last non rare mod but it already took lots of tries.

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I think you guys should be asking "why are people aborting missions?" rather than "How can we force people to complete the missions?". I did the abort mission on single tile missions to get the rare mods, i freely admit it. It still took way too long and was not fun at all, and I probably wouldnt have even bothered if i didnt take the time to understand the spawn mechanics, the frankly abysmal and ludicrous drop rates, and then put 2 and 2 together on how to effectively use my time to get what i wanted: The rare mods.


This game is loot driven. Fighting the stalker mimics the first time was FUN. Fighting them the 174th time was not. Forcing me to stay to the end of the mission means im not doing anything except capture, deception, and sabotage.


Currently, It seems DE is taking a stance against the player base rather than that of co operation. If the loot drops were more like 50% common, 35% uncommon, 15% rare, i'd say its rough but it means i only have to run about 7-8 missions per stalker type for the rare mods. 6 x 8 = 48 missions. Still a lot.


Lets break it down further, if some of these datamined drop tables are to be believed ( and i do believe them based on personal experience), a less than 1% drop rate on some rare mods means over 100 mission runs per rare mod you want. So 6 stalkers (lets take out the sixth because he drops all, apparently) so 5 x 100, 500 missions @ 1% drop rate. And if its lower? Eff that, no ones got time for that. That's a straight up middle finger from whoever does loot, straight to the playerbase. Not to mention I do specifically remember Sheldon stating that they would never do a 1%> drop rate in WF, something that has been done before (When's the last time someone got a vermillion storm drop?).


A good event doesnt mean it makes me play WF for 400 hours to complete. A good event is enjoyable, even if its short. The second dream was a blast, it didnt need me to run a mission over and over, it was just an experience that i enjoyed, and i felt better about warframe the next day. When you set up this mountain of a loot treadmill it alienates me as a player, and i assume others (some not all, some people will call me a whiner for complaining that i have to grind to get event rewards) feel the same way as I do.

Edited by Skaleek
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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.

Rebecca, unless there is some sort of guarantee that rarer mods will have a higher chance to drop, or no endless missions will be chosen, then this change will make it much worse than it already is. run that one defense mission, kill the acolyte and complete the 5 waves only to be pelted with hydraulic crosshairs again and again. In it's current state it is very frustrating, but making it worse will only burn more people out and cause the community morale to plummet. 


An easier way would be to leave the rare mod in the drop tables but keep it really low, but once the enemy is defeated, so long as you've hit x amounts of confirmed confrontations (actually getting a mod drop) then you are given the rare mod, so torment gives an argon scope once killed, but you are still able to get an argon scope to drop

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IMHO I think I would rather be disappointed about a duplicate mod in the middle of the mission rather than take all the time to complete a long mission like Spy and find out at the end I received a duplicate as a end of mission reward, unless as someone suggested above that the drop tables be a bit more forgiving:)

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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.

I have been solo farming for the most part of the event, and i do abort the mission if i don't get what i wanted, but only when i was soloing. I think it's understandable why i would abort after seeing the common mods drop so often. This Hotfix will be annoying for me, when it comes to the survivals, defenses and interceptions

Also will this Hotfix solve the issue of the acolytes not appearing in the codex even though i scanned the first 3.

Edited by xBomber
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Sorry but you probably are not running missions for clan members who come online to get mods, and running missions over and over and over and over and over and over again is not fun.

several people are now completely stopped playing the event because of it and are waiting for round 3 of the event. guess what. if that systems is implemented there too there are going to be even more burnouts. 


This guy gets it.

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well a good friend of mine was offering me argon scope for free but I payed him anyways even though he was refusing the plats. this from endless runs of torment missions completed and all I have to show is hydraulic XX mod and nothing else.


 this is getting really bad from a player point of view just outright crappy.. its the same with conculyst that never drops mods for me much less a rare one so like everything that I gave a fair chance to worth my while and it didn't I abandoned it altogether.


 not much left..

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It is definitely very turbulent right now with the aborts. Work is in progress for the next Hotfix that will present the Mods on Mission Complete.

But please let us the Solo type players stays as it is, while public, friends only and invite only gets it at end misison, I'd rather to play with this fun system than sticking till the end of mission, please for Solo players Spacemom

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I have run 29 hunts and have 7 of the 12 mods hydrolic is one of the mods i have the most of, personally i dont abort missions mid way i might do it if i solo, hell i have even stayed after joining a session where some one ell aborted after the acolyt. But i do see everyones points after reading 3 pages i just hope that whatever is changed is for the better for most players. I know that you can't make everyone happy, but all in all i like the event so far.

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They are gonna  move the mods to the end of the mission and we know full well that the drop tables will not be altered in any way to make the event less grindy 

But there will be players who are happy for this, as they are the ultimate troll/masochistic.

Frankly, the kill the acolyte x times and get all the mods is the best plan.

Where x could be the theoretical statistical number, and then we have extras.

Still, 200 plat is mine now.

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If we have to wait till the end of a mission to see what mod we get, this is going to be a very very annoying event... no scratch that, an infuriating event.


Not only would I have to wait to get an acolyte to show up to hunt, I have to find it in the mission then kill it then extract to rerun the mission over again because I got yet another mod I already got countless times before. Then I'll I go to mission selection and find the acolyte has gone under again so now I have to wait for it to show up so I can go and get yet another copy of a mod I already got.


Then I have to go to work and hope that by the time I get back the acolyte will still be available to hunt and the community hasn't killed it off yet. This event is damned vexing.


Honestly, if this wasn't a time limited event... I wouldn't care as much.

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All these replies of "But improve the drop chances!" misses the point.  This is like Eyes of Blight.


The point is to wear down the Acolytes until they die, not to run them until you get your rare drops and then just stop playing the event.  If you want your rares you have to work for them.  5 waves of defense or 5 minutes of survival or one round of intercept won't kill you.

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