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Operation: Shadow Debt Post 18.4.3 Feedback [Megathread]


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I think the issue that people dislike about the event is that the awards are RNG based, whereas in ALL previous events it simply was based on completion of a task to get the rewards, that is my main issue which was even more complicated by the last hotfix making you unaware of what you received until the end of mission and for me that is where my enjoyment of this event got derailed.

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I feel like most people are not understanding this is

RNG Reward event and Is run x amount of mission you get Y rewards

They work together but all people are interested are the new mods yet we are getting rewards as of now it doesn't matter but once we unlock the final boss it should.


I just like the fact that they are making this more different

Edited by Leavith
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Okay I did say Who Else is enjoying the event not who is feeling miserable or hasn't bother to play it.

Is understandable if you don't like it is okay but this thread was to discuss thing you enjoy.

Edited by Leavith
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I've really been enjoying the new event, if it weren't for the people in the community complaining about the mods and making the whole event take longer, I would enjoy it even more. Especially since the real event reward isn't even the mods, they're more like a side bonus. The real event reward is the sixth mission with the Vulkar Wraith (That I am very much looking forward to) and the Lacera skin. Along with the trophies, the sigil, and the badge. [and also the potatoes are nice]

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I thoroughly enjoy the new NPCs. I think the re-use of in-game assets to create new characters is a quick and neat addition, and I admire the ingenuity of whomever came up with them.


However, it is quite a grind to get these mod. There are A LOT of new mods. And the rare can seem super rare. And of course, it's left to RNG which really does not sit well with some people. I've heard some people got all of them in as little as 64 runs. It took me 271 runs.


Also, I'm currently on a sabbatical from work, so I have the time to invest in this. I feel bad for those at work or school who will now miss out on the Angst grind.


It's give and take, good and bad. Hopefully this is yet another learning experience for future events as well.

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I've been enjoying the event.  I'd appreciate it if I got a rare mod at some point or the uncommon I haven't got off Angst yet but I know I'll have a chance later anyway.  What I have enjoyed is running missions that I wouldn't normally do such as Rescue.  The only complaint I'd have is the amount of Alad V chat.  I hate him and it sickens me that we are fighting to protect him.

Lets go to Jupiter again and give him another drubbing.

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So right now we are killing the emo stalkers and once they are all dead we will get the final mission. (Which I assume is wave based.)

However as you know by killing these enemies we get drops, and at this point I'm pretty much done farming for nothing.

(I just want argon scope is it that much to ask?)

So, what I assume is going on here, is in order to get people to play this horrid event they tease us with rare mods and low drop chances so that they can be killed.

But what I think will happen is during the final mission it will give us all the mods anyways.

Otherwise I am going to be extra satly.

Is there any info released on the final part of the event?

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I really enjoyed the event so far, it being my first. I've gotten 5 argon scopes, 13 blood rushes, 1 maiming Strike, 1 Pressurized something, and at least 1 of the other uncommon mods. Granted most was through abort farming (NOT in public, solo only or with a friend).


Also aborting still works technically, if you are in a non-public party and the host aborts after killing the Acolyte, the other party members get the mod still, just the host doesn't. So sometimes when it lands on defense we kill 'em and abort, reap in the mods and divide the rares among ourselves if we ever get 2 of it.

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This event is great because I don't usually play low level missions, only sortie nowadays, and now I feel like an op god burning everything nearby with World of Fire. I can walk among burned corpses, not even aiming with my gun, slaying low level enemies just with my presence...

Event is easy and fun, when you don't look at all whining people about don't getting a rare mod, which seriously doesn't change much. I always think that not everyone should have everything in game (I am not a fan of putting event mods/weapons to normal drop tables after some time - the reward from event should be special and not accessible to everyone crying that they don't have one). But returning to main topic... Event is great! Community goal like with Balor Fomorians, but with no consequences in case of failure.

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You hate an event that you felt you needed to grind?


That's called being rational. If I was forced to do the same thing over and over and over in a vain effort to get something, I'd be pretty miserable too.


Perhaps next time, do not grind. You could, in fact, fight other acolytes, or do other missions. There's a Grineer/Corpus invasion offering Golden Potato for both sides. Go do that instead.


Getting rare stuff does not equal fun. Grinding does not equal fun. Stop trying to believe that both are your ultimate path to enjoying the event. It'll save you a lot of blood pressure meds later in life. Because it's not worth it.


For the love of DE Rebecca, please, take a break from the event, and enjoy the rest of the game. The event will still be here for you when you feel better.


I still don't understand why people "grind" for these things. The world does not end because they are missing Mods. What about all the people that start playing Warframe a month from now? They won't have any of the new mods, pretty sure they will be able to play just fine.


Must be just the OCD mentality of "get all the Pokemons".

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So right now we are killing the emo stalkers and once they are all dead we will get the final mission. (Which I assume is wave based.)

However as you know by killing these enemies we get drops, and at this point I'm pretty much done farming for nothing.

(I just want argon scope is it that much to ask?)

So, what I assume is going on here, is in order to get people to play this horrid event they tease us with rare mods and low drop chances so that they can be killed.

But what I think will happen is during the final mission it will give us all the mods anyways.

Otherwise I am going to be extra satly.

Is there any info released on the final part of the event?

Don't know if this helps, but I'm assuming since they will be wave based, we will have a normal chance each wave to get one of these mods, which may be bogus being that there are 20 of them. Not only that, but it may take more time. This photo may be able to help you out, it is a datamined chart of the drop rates for all acolytes (including final boss "misery"). Assumptions can be made that misery will have these drop rates. http://imgur.com/a/i5jQn

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