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Hotfix 18.5.5 +


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still need to be fixed: Shock eximus proc-ing Magnetic too often. Its fine that they do it, but maybe make it 1/2 as likely. Also no fox for Staticor just not firing sometimes in missions for long periods of time, sometimes even the whole mission. I can't even use them anymore because of this, DE PLS FIX

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

•    Tweaked lensflares on certain Warframe abilities to reduce brightness.

This is great, you moving in the right direction, because this is a huge deal and can cause  a sickness to many gamers.

But still there is a lot of issues with visual garbage, like this Banshee's afk animation.xTlfoZcl5Fk.jpg

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1 minute ago, LlamaWaffles555 said:

Shock eximus proc-ing Magnetic too often

Wait, it's still a chance? I've gotten insta-procced as soon as I get close enough every single time.

Edited by Chroia
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There's a bug about the quest, players losing the vessel from inventory when losing, leaving or disconnecting from the quest where it was used and they can't get in because they need a vessel to enter the quest, even if it's right there on the ship, it's not in gear list and thus cannot be equipped.


yay, vessel is back *kisses DE responsible*

Edited by SnacksLP
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Simulor (atleast Synoid, maybe regular too, idk) definitely needs a fix, atleast for clients. i shoot out the balls and they just bump against eachother for a few seconds instead of fusing into the portal. Staticor also needs a fix since it sometimes decides to stop firing projectiles, but still consumes ammo.

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1 minute ago, brewedjuice said:

Simulor (atleast Synoid, maybe regular too, idk) definitely needs a fix, atleast for clients. i shoot out the balls and they just bump against eachother for a few seconds instead of fusing into the portal. Staticor also needs a fix since it sometimes decides to stop firing projectiles, but still consumes ammo.

i ha dit happen twice while i was doing the Sands of Inaros Quest. hope this doesnt get worse. <3 the damn'd thing as its a fun weapon to use (or spam :D )

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