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Regular melee user and 1000 cut tac alert


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I got quite a chuckle out of it because during the first mission I think I got a typical mr.21-draco-only dude who thought he could rush through the mission with his ember p and obviously ddin't see the 25 energy cap. Seeing someome like this repeadetly die to lvl 15 enemies is just somehow oh so satisfying.

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7 minutes ago, no_stripes said:

I got quite a chuckle out of it because during the first mission I think I got a typical mr.21-draco-only dude who thought he could rush through the mission with his ember p and obviously ddin't see the 25 energy cap. Seeing someome like this repeadetly die to lvl 15 enemies is just somehow oh so satisfying.

Yup I loled every time seeing this type of players 

And they cripple in this type of situation

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Everything but the endurance run was easy-peasy. That last one, though...

Died a LOT as Saryn on the first endurance run, but still got the job done with... well, room-wide sporesplosions with a toxic or gas proc weapon work wonders. Fixed the dying problem with properly armored frames later on, although I like playing spiderframe with Saryn and just dropping down to loot while the sluggers do their thing to the plague victims. Even if Saryn does NOTHING but throw down spores and trigger toxic procs from time to time, you still end up with 20-30% of damage as the fight drags on.

Limbo was my only outright failure due to lack of energy siphons and not being able to isolate and kill things fast enough to keep up with air supply with the group I was in. Turns out that 9 times out of ten, if you aren't planning on being the carry, nobody else is either. Still had highest damage even though I spent most of the map in rift and only got to pull things every so often, if that gives you an idea of what I was dealing with. I tried to fail on an invis Loki when I went in with a duration build rather than straight efficiency, so I couldn't actually go invis. Thankfully, a stun-lacera works really, really well in this one when you're running a squish frame (still died a lot, though). 

Overall result is a lot of deaths in ill-suited frames for the endurance run, and pretty safe, solid runs when I ran Valkyr with an HP/Armor setup and popped hysteria for heals (stand on top of energy orbs for best results). This entire TA was honestly just a showcase for Inaros' specialties. He's a freaking beast when it comes to low-energy and debuff situations.

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Ran it with Excalibro and Nikana all the way through. Saw a lot of players who thought they would ability cheese through it in 1 and 2, saw less in 4. Sadly, I ended up using my cheese-net several times, Excal can still use Exalted Blade with minimal issues in 4. It is a little harder in 2 when there are several energy leeches running around, but the massive damage on Nikana shreds through them. 

@taiiat Not sure what you mean by abysmal range, if you move, combo, and track enemies correctly, you won't get stagger locked with the Nikana. 

My 5th run, I brought along two MR2 friends who ran around with Skanas in 4. They probably would not have made it on my carry alone, but a friendly Rhino appeared, stuck around, and helped them get their Ash parts. 

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I did not want to go for one of the classic melee frames so while scrolling through my Warframe list it hit me... Banshee. Then I went to the melee weapon I have the second most faith in (first being Glaive, but I wanted to play this event "correctly"), Atterax. And holy hell, I like that combo. A min range Savage Silence Banshee combined oh so perfectly with the massive range of Atterax. Almost did it solo but I died 30 seconds from completion due to a BS insta-gib roller and out of rage I just did a pub (and got 65% damage done). And no, there was no shadow step involved.

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What amused me is how I finally found a situation where shadow step was a trade off. 

On the one hand, I'm invisible and not being constantly staggered, proced, and pinned by the AI; as well as doing stealth multiplier damage, getting faster individual kills. 

On the other hand, the AI won't come to me as quickly and in lower volume, making the pace overall slower and less rewarding both in loot and cathartic killing spree challenge. 

Writing this now, though, I realize I just need another player or a summon to function as bait and I have the best of both worlds. . .

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I didn't really use the Dual Kamas Prime when I levelled them so I took that weapon for a spin on the first Survival mission. Great weapon but Crossing Snakes was just a terrible stance. Swirling Tiger for life now. Still topped the kill count but ugh.

So then I switched to my two-Forma War on a Radiant Finish Excalibur and went to town.

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No Naramon, But a Valkyr with Atterax, focused on bodycount and bloodrush.  Cast 2 once, and spin to win. Red crits start appearing at the X2 multiplier, I ended up with 700 combo in last mission.

Ended up using hysteria a few times to rez some allies


BTW, is there a purpose in doing that mission once I got the Sigil?

Edited by Necromanrius
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4th Endurance really need some skill, especially with all those enemies which can stun or knock you down, pulling you into the crowd which does high damage to you while you're still in recovering. 

Really like this tactical alert. Even it doesn't has many attractive rewards but I found myself playing it often. It makes me learned not to go into center of crowd and press E until dead.

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