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Grinding Gone Too Far


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So let me get this straight:

  •   DE created an event that is a PvE version of the PvP Conclave mode (The Same PvP mode that a LOT of players hate).

  • The only painless way to do this event is to abuse EV Trinity so you can actually use your abilities (In a game where the entire point of playing is to be a super space ninja using awesome powers. But, sure, take those away. And let's be honest, EV Trinity will be patched out. I give it a day at best~).

  • The Boss requires 10 Tier 3 runs to UNLOCK, and 5 Tier 3 runs per boss ATTEMPT (Meaning, you guessed it, RNG makes this entire event a needless, painful grindfest).

  • The Rewards are pathetic at best. The Furax Wraith has the exact same base damage stats and gets such a slight change I can't help but feel DE doesn't care that it's never going to be used. The reward with the syndicate is, who could have guessed it, reputation!? Great. I'll slap that on top of my 4 maxed factions (REALLY!?).

  • The mods are all for terrible weapons that need upgrades. So, DE's solution? Have mods that bring them up to snuff by placing the mods behind a grind wall that would make an Everquest player quit the game.

Like, DE. You're driving your casual players away with these events. They're NOT fun. You're asking players with minimal time in their days to donate their lives to get a few mandatory mods that help fix some of the power creep you YOURSELF should be balancing for! You take years to fix simple scaling problems that cause hardcore players to rage and quit your game!

I used to love Warframe. I spent hours playing it. Now enemies strip me of my powers, weapons and energy. Their AI is still laughable and terrible. Glitches are everywhere. You patch and fix guns for Conclave, but ignore them in THE ENTIRE FOCUS OF YOUR GAME: PvE CONTENT!

I've never seen such a cool idea get stepped all over and ignored before. What happened to being super space ninjas? What happened to HAVING FUN!?

Edited by LoudNoize
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12 minutes ago, LoudNoize said:

The mods are all for terrible weapons that need upgrades. So, DE's solution? Have mods that bring them up to snuff by placing the mods behind a grind wall that would make an Everquest player quit the game.

Aside from the executioner's ability design (which is awful btw), this is the problem I have with the event.

No matter how much we say "bandaids are not a good thing", DE keeps adding bandaids. STOP ADDING BANDAIDS.

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My only problems with the event is the Executioners one shotting you when you're an Inaros with 5k HP and that the reworked boss fight is really BS on top of BS. Stun locks by rollers everywhere, air strikes every 10 seconds (literally) and this random "puzzle" with the spinning buttons.

I was excited at first, now I'm just frustrated after only one fight. Guess I gotta git gud.

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Agree with the OP: The event is terrible. 

Enemies are once again ridiculous damage sponges. Cool thematically and in their movements; but they deal and absorb far too much damage. The boss fight is plain stupid. No other way around it; no other word works. Its just stupid. 

The rewards are...bad. Really bad. And the RNG basis for them is worse still. 

The good news: This event it as pointless as it is frustrating. So I can just go back to running Ninja like missions, with Ninja like powers, and forget this crap ever existed. Which is nice, cause there's NOTHING fun about this event at all.

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Casual player here I had a ton of fun in the event. People saying the executioners are damage sponged need to 1. Learn to do actual damage 2. Learn to check when an enemy has their temp invuln visual on.

The Kela fight had a couple fun mechanics that you had to time and work together for, and the executioners were a fun-but-short thing and once you have an EV Trinity they become super easy.

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event is fun for me but there are some stuff that kinda ruins it for me

after doing kela arena (heh) you are forced to regrind points in order to fight that boss again.... why ?!!! fighting lvl 100+ aimbots in pvp maps are not enough ? do you like see us suffer ? IF I CUT THEM DO THEY NOT BLEED ?!!!


but other then that not half bad

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8 minutes ago, PhillipJokar said:

Casual player here I had a ton of fun in the event. People saying the executioners are damage sponged need to 1. Learn to do actual damage 2. Learn to check when an enemy has their temp invuln visual on.

The Kela fight had a couple fun mechanics that you had to time and work together for, and the executioners were a fun-but-short thing and once you have an EV Trinity they become super easy.

You're wrong.

First, multi forma Vaykor Hek does plenty of damage.

Second, rank and file enemies should never HAVE invulnerability phases or powers. Its utterly absurd. Giving them to bosses was bad ENOUGH. That's bad game design done once. Giving them to enemies roaming around maps is like TEACHING A CLASS on BAD game design. 

The problem isnt the players. Its the game. It needs a massive overhaul, including a complete rebalance of numerous frame powers and the energy economy as well as an accompanying spawn adjustment and enemy rebalance.

Until then, we get more of this crap.

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Yeah, thanks but no thanks DE. I killed that event boss once and I witnessed the outright stupidity that I need another 50 points to kill her again. Nah, not going to happen; I have other games to waste my time on this is blatant time sink is not my idea of fun.

I am not in the mood for another hardcore pointless grind for limited time mods and I am caring less and less about this game due to wasting my time with fruitless RNG.

I do not care one iota about arena game-play (i just find it to be the definition of both boring and tedious). So, whatever bye event and back to the random game i was playing other than playing warframe.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Yeah, I do agree with OP, I'm playing this game because I want to have fun, getting two shotted behind a corner by the shotgun guy with 4.6kHP and something like 800 Armor isn't fun at all, especially comparing it with the amount of time that you'll have to spend in order to kill one of them.

I mean it can be done, but it just isn't fun, and when a game isn't fun there's something wrong about it.

Gonna kill this boss once tomorrow then I'm gonna switch to something else again, this until DE finally decides to stop putting bandaids and bulletsponges/oneshotting enemies + insane grind on their events.

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Its really not that difficult, and having proper team management you can successfully complete all of the event with an Ash and a Slow Nova. The endless mode as well as the Kela boss fight is a piece of cake with two Valkyrs. EV is not necessary and the fact you are implying it is required is completely false. I would recommend taking two people to complete the event as each node has an average of 3-4 Energy and health pods and so it is easy to share between the two members compared to four. 



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The event wasn't the best, I burned till I got 100 whatever points took one crack at the boss came to the conclusion that I can't be bothered to continue. It felt fun the first time but the novelty wore off fast. I like the concept of the arena though. ^^

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This might actually be the first event I won't play.

I started playing events since Tethra's Doom and done all of them, some of them were nice and fun, others not so much. I did the Acolytes and really burned myself, but the mods were more than good so I wanted to grind for them.

Not only that the event seems tedious, but the rewards are so niche or just unnecessary ( 10k rep ) but you also need to play the mode over and over again to reach 100 points and possibly even more if you want to snag all the mods ( thinking about it reminds me of acolytes again ). *shivers

Idk, what to say... I don't have that much time to spend grinding and also I have DS3 to finish, play Killer Instinct here and there and possibly even to try open beta of overwatch when it arrives.

*Deep long sigh

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46 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Enemies are once again ridiculous damage sponges.

I am having no trouble killing executioners with vaykor hek, staticor, or kulstar.  I've seen others use (obviously) tonkor, soma prime and  synoid simulor.

What weapon are using that they are absorbing your "ridiculous" amount of damage, in quotes since I don't even have half my weapons forma'd for top tier builds and I do fine.

1 hour ago, Senpai-Pie said:

Guess I gotta git gud.

I find the most common problem people have with new events and new content is they waltz in expecting it to be exactly as all the other content they've gotten used to.  So, basically, yes you have to get good here.  Learn how the new content works.

I went into the first mission of the event and died 5 times in a row without even seeing where the enemies were coming from or how I got killed.  After a few tries, I was one shotting their faces off well into the 3rd mission and not dying more than twice the entire mission.

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I partially agree. I'd like to enjoy the event more, but there are a couple of things that are plainly annoying. The grind for points, which is ridiculous; enemy scaling, which doesn't make fights harder, only longer; the healer that provides invincibility and appears in every single match (call it bad luck); and that drone that one shots you, no matter what you run. How is that good? I know it is easy to escape, but most of the times I simply don't see it. One shoting like that should not be a thing. 

Acolytes were fun because I at least got to do different missions while looking for them, here it is the same thing until you reach the boss. It's better to just do the Conclave, players provide much more variety and unpredictability to matches. 

And then we have non-universal mods for quite obscure weapons as rewards. Some of them seem nice, but why limit them to just one weapon?

To finish on a more positive note, I like the design of some of the new enemies.

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I can ignore the fact Kela is yet another niche boss with invinciblity phases, all these GODDAMN ROLLERS EVERYWHERE and the instakill airstrikes.

Just WHY we have to grind 5 missions of arena to get ONE attempt at Kela?! Why there is this second layer of grinding? We have to grind to grind!!

I could ignore all this and say 'meh, its just DE doing what they do best again', but this event was right after the devstream where they talked about the ridiculous amount of grinding in the game. This is one level of irony I cannot handle.

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