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Who is your favorite Warframe?


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Got to go with Chroma. I like most of the frames, but I play Chroma the most and have the most fun with him. 

I mean, come on, he's a BAMF. Tanks damage, gives damage, has flashy abilities, looks scary and then becomes a Power Ranger when he summons his pelt to the battle. (Yes, I know his 1 and 4 need work, but they still look pretty sick). If I could make a cosplay of him, I freaking would and it still wouldn't represent the pure awesome Chroma emanates.


Don't know who the artists is, but kudos to them for this piece of work.

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I'm torn between Rhino and Inaros!  I usually choose frames where I can be sufficient in solo runs, or be able to support other players in a co-op.  Inaros for obvious reasons as well as Rhino and his Iron Skin.  I equip Tonkor on both frames for better crowd control/dispersal while giving me the chance to revive downed allies :D

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Press 1 to move fast
Press 3 to protect anything and anyone close to you against corpus and at least half of void
Press 4 to send enemies flying, allowing you to revive someone or just clear out an interception node

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The one at the top of my list is Ash, with a base build of quick thinking + rage + vitality + primed flow + life strike on melee. I just go melee channeling, it's difficult to die that way. Smoke bomb and teleport just in case... aaaand number 4 is just a panic button for me, I don't like spamming it, I prefer to teleport and open enemies guard, and then execute with melee. Mostly because of the ninja look, and the tankiness...

Second, Loki. I love so much all the destructive he can be without damage habilities, and he looks badass and hardcore.

And third; Nezha (I like her habilities and movility), Nova (can't decide if I prefer her fast or slow =P ), Volt (eternal love for electricity and extreme speed) and Trinity (you won't die squadmates! keep up that spamming bro's!!)... can't decide who of those four I like most in the third place. 

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I guess I'm one of 3 people, but my favourite is Zephyr.

It's one of those stories, where back when I was around MR 6-8 still trying out everything and anything, which at the time I still haven't tried two of the Tenno-Clan Warframes, Zephyr and Volt.
So I decided to go with Zephyr first. I actually thought that she looked kinda....weird? And as well that I was likely just going to rank up to 30 and move on....well about 2 years later here we are lol. Now I [mostly] love her design and so much more about her c':

Second place is tied between Equinox and Limbo.
Equinox because the beauty of her design, aesthetically and functionally.
Limbo is a little bit of both reasons of why I love Zephyr and Equinox honestly lol.


Also mad props to all the Limbo lovers here! I was quite surprised lol. Not that I didn't think there was any, but it's still nice to see the classy dude get some love<3

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Zephyr! When I just started playing back in 2014 I found out about her, went :O!!! and farmed up the oxium to make all my birb dreams come true-- and they have! Last I checked I have 27,885,996 XP on her.. and that's with not playing through most of 2015.

Zephyr is a surprisingly versatile frame-- Her powers offer you speed/movement aids, an AOE stun, a shield, and crowd control-- making her useful in the majority of mission types. Although through powers alone she's not a huge damage dealer or tank, in terms of active survival mechanisms, she's well equipped. I almost always run her with my Huras Kubrow, which grants her long-lasting stealth that doesn't drain her energy. 

If you're a player type who enjoys high-movement style of play, Zephyr's a great choice.

BUT THERE ARE DRAWBACKS: With low gravity comes a lot of collisions with geometry. You will absolutely see me slamming into doorjambs and trees and the like when moving at irresponsible speeds, especially in Hive maps or Pluto Corpus maps. It can also make it more difficult to navigate some of the laser traps that you have to drop into, and I don't even want to talk about the problems I had in the 10-->11 Mastery rankup test and face-slamming into platforms from botched bullet jumps...

That said, if you're willing and able to put the time into mastering Zephyr's movement and playstyle, you'll have a lot of fun-- and we Zephyr mains definitely notice and appreciate the others we run into out there in the wilds of the solar system. Birbs unite!

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