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Headaches from playing warframe.



Hey i'm not exactly sure where to put this so sorry in advance if it's in the wrong place.

Me and my girlfriend both play this game and i enjoy playing with her but she tends to get a headache after playing the game more than 15 minutes, this doesn't happen with any other game that we play and im hoping to find a little advice on ways to prevent headaches while playing warfame. :)

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being in the state of facing a wonderful created "godrealm" mirrored in our minds could lead to a heaache by reflecting on it

now i could explain what a "limited godrealm" where all the gods fighting each other endlessly ! (esoteric spoileralarm) ! means

but hey, the gaming industry is one realm of this and back to your comment, i think the source for the headache can be found at your girlfriend, not at warframe ^^)

just guessing ... and im not provoking here, just having a bit fun about your strange question (^^

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Well, I'm not doctor, but I do kown quite some ideas of what or how it is caused. But I'l need to ask you a few qeastions.

1.: What are you doing in the game?, fast-pacing?, going into big fighting zones, with bullets/lasers and powers flashing around going off all at once?.

2. Are you playing in the dark?, no lights, no window open, headphones, with screen on bright?

3. How do you or your girlfriend feel?, when you get the headaches?, Dizzy/sore head/Sickness?, is there any forthcoming feeling, before the headaches?, like eye-strains?

4. When did you both start playing?, together

and last qeastion: Do any of you or had suffered Seizures?


I do apologize, if they seem a bit personal, but its the right qeastions to ask and the only ones in order to help you both.   

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Try to remove as many effects as you can, motion blur, bloom, particle effects etc. you can also try to make her play with a controller (or lower the sensitivity on the mouse) as this game is very motion sickness inducing since it requires you to jump, slide and roll all over the place like a madman.

The game is generally pretty bad with its visual effects too, sometimes there's stuff all over your screen and you can barely see anything and that could be a cause.

Again, try fiddling with the settings and see if it help, good luck.

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I suffered the same, disabled the moving HUD, depth of field, bloom, anti-aliasing (it really helped in my case), Nvidia physx, glare, motion blur (the worst for me), adaptive lighting.

VSYNC is a must have for me too.

Warframe is really intensive in terms of brightness/contrast and sudden big flashes. Hope this helps you with your case.

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18 minutes ago, crackbeard said:

Hey i'm not exactly sure where to put this so sorry in advance if it's in the wrong place.

Me and my girlfriend both play this game and i enjoy playing with her but she tends to get a headache after playing the game more than 15 minutes, this doesn't happen with any other game that we play and im hoping to find a little advice on ways to prevent headaches while playing warfame. :)

honestly im guesing its because she is forcing herself to play, I get the same thing when I play diablo 3 with my fiancée, I can play warframe for 16 hours straight but after 20 mins of diablo 3 ive a headache and ready to pass out

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19 minutes ago, crackbeard said:

she tends to get a headache after playing the game more than 15 minutes

First thing that came to mind is eye strain, barring more detrimental reasons, I would suggest either sitting closer or further away from the screen.  If she wears glasses perhaps she needs a new pair, if not perhaps she should.  Beyond that this is really a question you should be asking a doctor.

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She does have glasses that she wears when reading or playing games. I don't think it's health or lifestyle cause it doesn't happen with other games only this one. I think you're right about the eyestrain i'm going to try changing those settings that sounds like a good idea.

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22 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

being in the state of facing a wonderful created "godrealm" mirrored in our minds could lead to a heaache by reflecting on it

now i could explain what a "limited godrealm" where all the gods fighting each other endlessly ! (esoteric spoileralarm) ! means

but hey, the gaming industry is one realm of this and back to your comment, i think the source for the headache can be found at your girlfriend, not at warframe ^^)

just guessing ... and im not provoking here, just having a bit fun about your strange question (^^

This post is amazing i have no idea what you're talking about but it was funny and the fact that you thought what i said was strange made it even better.

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It all depends on the type of headache she's getting each time..

-- A commun cause is the need for her to have her eyes checked --

It's specifically from over-exposure to visual stimulation such as computer screens, television screens, or even reading books for extended periods of time! Eyestrain headaches can actually trigger migraines, which are very nasty - light sensitivity, severe pain in the eyes and temples, that lasts sometimes up to a day or more. 

A good way to avoid eyestrain is to set a timer or stopwatch to go off every 20 minutes or so while you're using the computer, watching TV, or playing video games. Force yourself to look around the room, change the focus of your eyes (look at something far away), close your eyes, and relax for several minutes. Then go back the the activity. This isn't always practical when watching a TV show or playing a video game, so then just try to schedule breaks when you can - during the commercials on a TV show, or when you complete a level of a video game before you continue to the next one. 

It also helps to get up and walk around for just a few minutes every hour that you're using the computer or TV or are reading intensively. This also helps readjust the focus of your eyes and get the blood circulating throughout your body normally again. 

These techniques can really help avoid eyestrain headaches; something you can also do, if you use the computer a lot, is get an anti-glare computer monitor shield. They're a special small piece of plastic or glass that fits over your computer screen. You can buy them many places.

Another good rule of thumb is to make sure you're up to date with vision exams; if you're having eyestrain problems, it's very likely you're slightly nearsighted or farsighted, and glasses can really, REALLY help! 

Make sure you stay at LEAST five feet away from the television screen when watching or playing games also (farther is better). 

Other types of headaches, that are mechanically induced, called Tension, or Stress headaches, can occur from staying in the same posture or from poor posture while sitting at the computer or TV. They feel very similar to eyestrain, but are different types of headaches, and can start with pain in the neck first. However, tension headaches don't cause the same visual sensitivity as eyestrain headaches, and I don't believe that's what you're describing here. However, just to be sure, you may want to pay attention to your posture as well, and make sure you move around a bit every few minutes. 

Sorry, I know you didn't ask for all that info, but I thought it might be helpful.

==Source is the Internet==


Edited by (PS4)AngelShur
Inlcuded more info.
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I cant play certain games with certain types of Anti-Aliasing they just blur everything which strains my eyes and leads to headaches 

A few other reasons could be lighting in the room, motion blur, bloom, contrast and brightness etc.

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1 hour ago, crackbeard said:

Hey i'm not exactly sure where to put this so sorry in advance if it's in the wrong place.

Me and my girlfriend both play this game and i enjoy playing with her but she tends to get a headache after playing the game more than 15 minutes, this doesn't happen with any other game that we play and im hoping to find a little advice on ways to prevent headaches while playing warfame. :)

"My girlfriend and I"......

Check the frame rate on the monitor (#1 culprit flickering causing eyes to tire, which in turn cause headaches. Think fluorescent lighting).

Change the spatial headache causing graphic effects (the game is very unkind to anything but 20/20 vision).

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My suggestions: 

1:Check to see if your monitor and game refresh rates match.

2: Turn down some effects in the game, such as Motion Blur, Depth of Field, Bloom and Glare and Colour Correction.

3: Adjust the gamma and contrast values of the game to your specifications.

3: If your warframes use very bright energy colours some spell effects can cause pretty intense effects causing eyestrain, in my experience neon colours are the worst offenders here. (Imagine standing inside Frost snow globe with white energy colour vs. dark blue/dark gray). When playing Ember/Nova/excalibur I tend to try to find a "broken" or "washed" colour that is more pleasing to the eye, while still having some visibility.

4: Check your weapons. If you use energy weapons the projectiles can cause eyestrain, so turn them down to something that is still visible, but gentler to the eye. Feel free to experiment to find something that you enjoy using the most.

5: Make sure you there is some ambient lighting in the room.

6: When I was having my worst period of eyestrain-related headaches I bought myself a pair of Gunnar gaming glasses (+0.2, yellowish tint) they did help a lot. A cheap alternative for this, if you are using a PC is a free tool called "f.lux". It changes the display colour temperature by reducing the amount of blue on the screen slightly when sun sets, creating a very similar effect. It is worth a try.

Edited by SoanoS
Adjusted line spacing.
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easiest way to solve headache problems for me is to play in a well-lit environment. pretty much anyone will recommend to do that, as your eyes are taking in regular amounts or light from everywhere, rather than being bombarded with light from just one area, which isn't good.

some people might say diet is a factor, and that might be true; I can't eat a whole lot of Dark Chocolate because it can give me a headache. not sure if it's the same thing, but it's worth considering.

also, Warframe is pretty fast paced, so motion sickness could also be a factor. the game does also say to take a break after every hour or so. perhaps your Girlfriend will recover if she spends 10 minutes or so after every hour doing something else. and of course, there's visual options you can tweak, as others have mentioned.


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first of all try turning (motion) blur off, bloom off/ extremely low w the sliding scale, adjust contrast and gamma until it feels comfortable in dark areas (eg. night time in tunnels, fully lit orokin tile set).


These are first few things I couldn't stand with warframe's visual effects that I have to adjust. If nothing works you can try to adjust field of view. Finding a balance that you can see things alright while you can hip firing without stressing your eyes too much will be fine.

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Stop using EB on Excal with Bloom, Motion Blur, remove local Reflections, HDR, Color Correction, Adaptive Exposing, bla bla those fancy things that makes the screen looking like a Frenzy Lights Christmas Tree in tha night.

Now serious.

Remove/disable all and every special effects options in Display. Play sometime, and go gradually enable some effects to catch with one is causing the symptoms.

And yes, lower sensitivity on mouse... or try to use not so strong colors on Warframe Energy and Color Themes... Warframe have some strong colors and flashes, that can cause that. Color Correction ( or something like that ) causes some freaking strong color and saturation, its nice for some skills, but bad for long hours.


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I found this vid on youtube a while ago that explains a few of the ways that movies have used that cause issues, the one about "Cloverfield" starts at around 5:40 and is mostly related to the issue of "excess camera shake" which is mostly why Warframe is a problem for me.

It's interesting watching.

WebMD: "While watching Cloverfield, viewers were sitting still in their seats, so their inner ear was telling them their body were motionless. But the bumpy camera movements - and their eyes - misled them into thinking they were moving erratically"




Edited by DSpite
WebMd quote
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Try adjusting Field of View, by default it's kinda low, depending how close she is to the screen she may need to increase it or decrease it. Personally I get a headache if I have more or less than 100 degree field of view.

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