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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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1 minute ago, EinheriarJudith said:

i dont see where he said he enjoys meta please try not to assume the point he is conveying

Every 'frame listed is a meta 'frame, for the reasons listed.  

I suggest sticking to "it's okay to have different opinions" and stay away from trying to moderate someone else's posts. 

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Just now, DeMonkey said:


What on earth are you talking about? You have no idea what you're saying. Are you hoping if you derail your argument enough people will forget what it was all about, and you'll claim some small victory or something. Because that's what I'm getting both from here, and one of your earlier posts.

Actually read my response to you. Notice how not once do I mention trivialising, or how effective the abilities are? 

No, I just think it's utterly stupid for you to bring up how ''we already have an ability like that, we don't need another'' when that's blatantly, laughably false.

i can magnetize enough of the enemies in one room that no one gets shot. have you ever used magnetized with enough range? no more shooting enemies since all bullets get sucked to the center.

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1 minute ago, Noamuth said:

So you're saying that you enjoy the meta.  Congrats.

I enjoy having frames that feel like they can do something. The area of the game where Mag's damage is relevent barely needs abilities. I can go through all that content with just a good gun. 


I want all frames to be brought up to the level of Mesa, Frost, Nova, and Ivara. It irks me that there are frames that make me feel like I'm gimping myself by using them. I want the meta to be choice.

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Just now, EinheriarJudith said:

i can magnetize enough of the enemies in one room that no one gets shot. have you ever used magnetized with enough range? no more shooting enemies since all bullets get sucked to the center.

I don't think I have every facepalmed my desk so hard before.

I'm not sure you even read my post, that's how off base your comment is.

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8 hours ago, malekas said:

I enjoy having frames that feel like they can do something. The area of the game where Mag's damage is relevent barely needs abilities. I can go through all that content with just a good gun. 


I want all frames to be brought up to the level of Mesa, Frost, Nova, and Ivara. It irks me that there are frames that make me feel like I'm gimping myself by using them. I want the meta to be choice.

I enjoy Mag, and have mained her for years, simply  because she is so devastating.  "Being able to do something" is both subjective and dependant on the games design.  It's not a one or the other.

I want people to chose a 'frame because it's fun. not because of the meta.

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On 24/07/2016 at 6:50 PM, tnccs215 said:

1/25? Funny thing, they are supposed to do 1/4, or 25% ... Wonder if thats were the bug is.

[Edit]: 50 pages! Wohoo!

Just pulling this out (and the quoted @RealPandemonium ) to clarify that if it was in reference to my post earlier, it was 1/25th of the expected 25% proportion, or 1%. A hundredth of the damage from that single click of the continual weapon.

I suppose technically that could possibly be increased to around 4% or 5% depending on whether the absorption is not obedient to the Power Strength-affected modifier to damage (initial testing upon rework launch suggested that it is, however; I recall much bigger numbers with power strength than without), and whether the damage I observed from the weapon fire happened to have been calculated as a headshot based on the point of entry (multiplier of 2, as it wasn't a crit of course, since we already knew crits don't work either).

So yeah, I guess it's somewhere between 1/100 and 1/25. Both are still a far cry from 1/4.


6 hours ago, malekas said:

Magnetize dealing good damage and being useful against bosses - nerfed

If you find a good use for Mag now, better not let anyone know. If DE finds out it'll get nerfed too.

Picking this one out as a sore spot last night too. Granted, it's more because of the terrible boss diminishing-duration-returns making a 42 second Magnetise into a 4.2 second one after a couple casts, but lacking most weapon functionality on the DoT absorption still hugely hurts the damage output while it's there, and made Sortie Vay Hek as much of an unpleasant experience to fight (even after fully stripping armour) as he was at Assassination Sortie Mission ground zero, before the Mag rework made things manageable for a while.

Edited by EDYinnit
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On 26.07.2016 at 3:26 AM, tnccs215 said:

es, ignoring crits and multishot killed many weapons, and the fact that beam weapons went from being too strong to too weak is quite the bummer, but it is a bug, and it belongs to the bug section of the forums.

Not to "Too weak" but to "fully useless". They charge up exactly 0 dot. So it is a bug, i did report and video for it but i don't think it was a real bug when they charged up bubble fast. Look at description, they should charge really well but they do nothing for now which is much more broken than a good damage they did.

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perhaps off topic, but after 2 months of testing and 51 pages of feedback and opinions , who wouldn't like to hear more from the Devs on the subject ? Something like " we'll consider changing xyz " or " we think mag is super fine the way she is and we don't plan of changing anything anytime soon ".. I certainly would ( beside the shocked reaction of Danielle after seeing 50 pages , that is lol )

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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I had a thought today about a Mag change that I think would be cool; if Crush detonated Magnetize bubbles that she had up, it would make duration builds better on her (which is good for her Polarize ability) and give her more control over the magnetize explosions. Thoughts?

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36 minutes ago, Madkap said:

I had a thought today about a Mag change that I think would be cool; if Crush detonated Magnetize bubbles that she had up, it would make duration builds better on her (which is good for her Polarize ability) and give her more control over the magnetize explosions. Thoughts?

Would rather have it "hold pull inside magnetize" or something. quite personally, Crush's CC is important for a good use of Magnetize, so have it trigger the explosion would be counter-productive.

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20 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Would rather have it "hold pull inside magnetize" or something. quite personally, Crush's CC is important for a good use of Magnetize, so have it trigger the explosion would be counter-productive.

What if crush was made into a toggle and the bubbles would explode either when they time out or the toggle is ended?

Edited by Madkap
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10 minutes ago, Madkap said:

What if crush was made into a toggle and the bubbles would explode either when they time out or the toggle is ended?

don't you mean magnetize?

And that would bring a problem: How to select which bubbles you want to explode and which bubbles you want to keep?

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45 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

don't you mean magnetize?

And that would bring a problem: How to select which bubbles you want to explode and which bubbles you want to keep?

No I mean crush. And I was thinking it would just detonate all in range.

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Me and a friend have been thinking up some cool alternative passives for Mag and the one we liked the most was:

Flight speed and damage of projectile-based weapons increased.

We thought it would fit her theme of magnetism and such... since most non-hitscan weapons are metallic or electronic in nature.

It would also benefit all three weapon slots, since primary weapons have bows, secondaries have throwing knives, ninja stars and such, and the melee slot has boomerangs and glaives. I would really love to see this happen... I couldn't give you specific numbers on that increase in flight speed and damage though. Whether it's significant enough to build around would have to be seen.

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I have a couple of interesting concepts for Mag's abilities.  Apologies if these have been mentioned before (or other ideas which are similar), but I have not read through all 51 pages of this thread.

The first idea that I had would replace pull (which has been nerfed to the point being fairly useless or generally un-fun, in my opinion).  I have always wondered why the devs have never given a frame an ability which could outright replace the need for guns, which is what comes to mind with this ability.  The ability would have very very low energy cost, no cool down, and could be channeled while moving, and it would basically entail Mag ripping metal materiel out of the ground and shooting the fragments like a machine gun, possibly having certain modifiers change the style of 'weapon' it would be.  For example, having very high power strength and very low efficiency could change it into a very large projectile sniper-esque shot, rather than numerous small shots, and very high range would change it to a shotgun like spray of pellets, rather than a steady stream of projectiles.  This could also be done with augments, of course, and the ability could have more than one for each 'class' of weapon, so everyone would be happy.  I feel like this is a pretty unique idea, and would be a great deal of fun--it would also fit thematically.  Additionally, to make the ability scale into the late-game, the augments could give special enhancements (or the ability itself could simply have them), such as bypassing shields for effectiveness against corpus, shredding armor for grineer, and having slash procs for infested.  This concept might be difficult to pull off from a technical aspect, but I feel like it would be worth it.

The second concept I had was for Mag to gain an ability where she could ragdoll and pick up enemies--a la the gravity gun from half-life 2--and throw them at other enemies.  For bosses or other enemies which would logically be immune to such an attach (juggernauts, capture targets), the ability could instead shred armor and provide a 'wall' of metal (similar to volt's shield) which Mag could carry around/throw/set down and had a certain number of hit points (like Atlas' walls).  I think it would be incredibly hilarious and fun to ragdoll enemies and use their corpses to defeat their friends, and it would again make a lot of sense for Mag--using magnetism to grab them via their armor/metal parts/trace metals in body chemisty for infested, etc.  I am thinking that this could now replace her incredibly useless, pathetic, and terrible polarize and the new augment could either remain the same as the one for polarize (granting shields for armor stripped or whenever you grab an enemy) or it could transfer the armor to her.

I am only unhappy with the rework because it made Mag terrible, but I'm not saying a rework wasn't in order.  I am a fan magnetize, and her ult has always fit thematically (but could use some serious buffs), and with these changes, I feel like Mag could not only be one of the most enjoyable and fun frames to play, but it would also help bring her in line with other frames in terms of power.

Just my two cents, and I would like to hear other interesting ability proposals. 

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11 hours ago, Major_Phantom said:

Guys, is Fracturing Crush affected by power str mods?

I'm trying a 200% str build for armor reduction but it's not removing the armor :/

It is.  At 200% powerstr, two Frac Crushes and a Polarize should fully strip the armor of most enemies, barring special cases like Eximus and Bosses who have drain resistance.  

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4 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

It is.  At 200% powerstr, two Frac Crushes and a Polarize should fully strip the armor of most enemies, barring special cases like Eximus and Bosses who have drain resistance.  

I get it strips portions of the armor but at 50% by default, with 200% power str should be stripping all the armor right?

I even tried 300% str. It still didn't reach 100%

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20 hours ago, Major_Phantom said:

I get it strips portions of the armor but at 50% by default, with 200% power str should be stripping all the armor right?

I even tried 300% str. It still didn't reach 100%

caps at 80% armor (160% power strength). You can stack it though, and make it remove 80% of the 20% armor left, and so on (until Fracturing Crush's duration no longuer allows you to).

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3 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

caps at 80% armor (160% power strength). You can stack it though, and make it remove 80% of the 20% armor left, and so on (until Fracturing Crush's duration no longuer allows you to).

I see, that makes more sense then, thanks ^^

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another big thing the devs needs to do is let Magnetize target corpses. Either that, or refund magnetize's cost if it hits a target that dies too quickly to be bubbled.

Y'know, like when people are too busy killing the stuff you wanna magnetize to control a chokepoint. You still expend energy casting magnetize even though the bubble doesn't show up. In my humble onion, that's not very well thought out.

Edited by Chicadino
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On 8/9/2016 at 10:18 AM, Chicadino said:

another big thing the devs needs to do is let Magnetize target corpses. Either that, or refund magnetize's cost if it hits a target that dies too quickly to be bubbled.

Y'know, like when people are too busy killing the stuff you wanna magnetize to control a chokepoint. You still expend energy casting magnetize even though the bubble doesn't show up. In my humble onion, that's not very well thought out.

They could change magnetize to not require a target, allowing Mag to cast it on the ground.  

inb4 people crying about how that would be overpowered.  Mag is bad, give her something.

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