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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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On 5/27/2016 at 2:45 PM, Satinpuppies said:

I used to be able to take volt into corpus sorties and keep up damage wise with the old mag. Now I can't even clear a room in a t2-t3 tower with his ult ;/


What?! You mean  you have to actively engage enemies with your weapons and not press a single button to destroy a room?! HOW TERRIBLE wait no that's awesome. Boo hoo. o3o

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After dropping electric shield weapon does not auto-switches to primary. 

It was a returning glitch with excavator batteries so I hope this case is just an oversight. 

I would sacrifice instant secondary equipping after pick up, just make regular weapon switch animation happen for both - pick and drop.


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Just now, Sannidor said:

After dropping electric shield weapon does not auto-switches to primary. 

It was a returning glitch with excavator batteries so I hope this case is just an oversight. 

I would sacrifice instant secondary equipping after pick up, just make regular weapon switch animation happen for both - pick and drop.


Needs lots of refinement

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Volt's shield is a much nicer shape and helps protect him better, but i've had some problems with accidentally picking it up when I was trying to do other things such as reviving a teammate. I think I might have picked it up one time when hacking a console as well, though that is more rare because of angle. The teammate revive thing is a pretty big issue.

The energy cost for carrying it is way too high.  I thought I might have been imagining things so I tested it out, but my unscientific numbers I got were a bit shocking for the 25 second duration. To use the shield and then just stand there with it for the duration costs me about 175 energy base (no efficiency, duration, or anything else modifying his ability or speed), though you would be much better off just dropping two or three more shields at that point. But moving and moving faster increases the cost; this is where the costs really become crazy because picking up the shield means basically nothing if you can't move. With no movement speed increases just walking amps up the cost to around 285... that's two hundred and eighty five energy just to walk around. Running or using his speed amps up the cost to around 310. Jumping and sliding pushes the cost to 445, and jumping and sliding with speed costs around 465 without including the cost of his speed. Adding other speed mods or power to his speed further increases the cost.  Just saying, those numbers really, REALLY need to be reexamined. Moving shouldn't affect the cost, not sure if this is a bug.

The interaction between volt's #1 ability and his shield, the electric proc doesn't always go of. It probably went off once in 10 times or less. I'm pretty sure that is a bug. The proc is way more important than the damage.

His speed seems to have gotten a direct nerf as well, though I'm not sure if it is intentional. It used to be that he could continue running when you used his speed and the full movement speed, if not his attack speed, applied immediately. Now it takes him a second of "wind up" after the cast (and the timer begins at the beginning of the cast) before he gets to full speed. For an ability that lasts only 10 seconds at lv30, that is a really big deal. I think this was done for the anti-vertigo thing, but that could more easily have been delt with by removing the zoom on use (though I liked it, so maybe an option would be good to add; some sort of "anti-vertigo" checkbox or something).

The other problem is that the buff drop is so difficult for friends to opt into. If a friend is in front of you or doesn't see the small powerup than they never have a chance to pick it up, and even if that isn't the case they have to divert from whatever they are doing to go get the thing. A better alternative would be to let others opt in by sliding so long as they are within range of volt and it is going (or something similar) or have them pick it up once to opt in to every use of it until they roll to opt out of it again. Something needs to change.  Most of the time my friends who want the speed bost can't get it, to the point where it is actually a bigger issue than the unwanted speed boost ever was. The old speed boost only seemed to cause real frusteration when someone got it while jumping or if they wanted to get rid of it but couldn't, so by that logic the easiest way to fix the original issue might be to give allies an opt-out by rolling and have the boost not begin to apply till allies are on the ground (not jumping).

Furthermore an ally stepping onto the buff when an earlier buff is activated seems to consume the second buff without applying the new allied speed boost.

His Discharge is... buggy and unfocused, though still a lot better than his old ability.  It has a good duration CC, unless there are enemies together (which is when AoE CC is important) in which case it is unpredictable and sometimes short. It deals ok damage when enemies are together, except that it does almost no damage vs a lot of high level enemies (who are the ones you would really need to kill). The range is good until you take into account terrain, which the effect travels on, and suddenly you can have enemies super close who somehow are out of range. the longish animation and travel time are an issue as well, especially considering volt's squishiness. Getting rid of the "reduced stun duration when it deals damage" mechanic would go a long way toward justifying how vulnerable volt must get to cast it effectively.

The "Charger" infested enemy in a group have a 3 second total stun time. I'm pretty sure this is a bug.

Ospreys are not stunned, and damage against them seems to be unreliable (they aren't always dropping as fast as they should given their defense).

Finally, from what I can tell, something in volt's kit seems to be disabling the quick thinking mod.  I'm not sure why or what, but I've only had it happen after using his Discharge. Not much more I can say before I track the issue down.

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4 hours ago, DiosGX said:

What?! You mean  you have to actively engage enemies with your weapons and not press a single button to destroy a room?! HOW TERRIBLE wait no that's awesome. Boo hoo. o3o

are you seriously complaining about volt's old ult?

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4 hours ago, DiosGX said:

What?! You mean  you have to actively engage enemies with your weapons and not press a single button to destroy a room?! HOW TERRIBLE wait no that's awesome. Boo hoo. o3o

Situational overload is gone now...good riddance 

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If riot shield didn't drain energy, slowed him and didn't count against the 4 shield cap, I probably wouldn't still use it, I'm allways rolling incoming shots anyways...
...It does help when resurrecting allies tho, but that's it.

I used to happily place countless shields, I could place them in assorted directions, scattered across a wide area, it could efficiently cut down a good chunk of damage by redesigning a wide area to my liking. No open space was too open. Bombards never bothered me because they'd have to face 2 shields, the one further away from me had the single purpose of exploding Bombard shots on a safe distance.

As it is now, it's just not fun anymore. I can get used to this new gimmick. But playing as Volt lost a lot of its charm.

Edited by Duduminador
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4 minutes ago, Duduminador said:

If riot shield didn't drain energy, slowed him and didn't count against the 4 shield cap, I probably wouldn't still use it, I'm allways rolling incoming shots anyways...
...It does help when resurrecting allies tho, but that's it.

I used to happily place countless shields, I could place them in assorted directions, scattered across a wide area, it could efficiently cut down a good chunk of damage by redesigning a wide area to my liking. No open space was too open. Bombards never bothered me because they'd have to face 2 shields, the one further away from me had the single purpose of exploding Bombard shots on a safe distance.

As it is now, it's just not fun anymore. I can get used to this new gimmick. But playing as Volt lost a lot of its charm.

I'm just gunna leave this here 

I guess this thread's message wasn't heard...Also I agree with you 

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So. After playing for a bit with the Volt rework I can say that I like it but with one minor complaint.

Shock: (Nothing to say here)

Speed: Like the absence of a FOV increase. Dislike that you need to pick up the thingy to get the speed buff. Teammates disliked the speed buff only due to the FOV increase. If you really want ot make it optional go the same way as limbo. (But instead of roll use a backflip to dispell it )

Shield: Shield now looks quite clean so you do not need to squint your eyes to see enemies through it. Being able to carry the shield is fun but damn, the amount of energy it chews up if you try to move.

Overload: Now this ability is very usefull. You can easilly lockout a big group of enemies alongside dealing damage to them. (When there is a lot of enemies they die almost instantly.)

Passive: Neat idea but comeon. 1k damage and in order to accumulate it you need to run through half the map. Either remove the cap or make the generation much faster.

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Haven't spent a huge deal of time on this yet, but preliminary feedback:

* Speed FoV could use a slight increase, imo. (About double what it is now.)

* New shield looks nice.

* Unless Volt is not intended to be able to defend a large objective, please either:

A) Scale shield size with range mods, or

B) revert or increase the 4 shield limit.

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34 minutes ago, Wolfnrun said:

I'm just gunna leave this here 

I guess this thread's message wasn't heard...Also I agree with you 

Too bad DE limit it. I'm a bit surprise some people are not complaining as much for the limit of 4 shields. Now I can't make a Great Wall of Warframe and make corpus pay for it.

sad face

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Please make speed resuable. This increases its usefulness in a team by a lot.

Also is it really needed that volt can't move while using his ultimate? Before it was possible to use it mid air, which was really nice, because volt is still quite squishy. Rhino and Frost don't really care that they have to stand still, but it's a huge problem for volt.

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the more i play with new volt the more i think this rework really is quite amazing (apart from qol aspects most people agreed on thus far*). discharge has incredible cc potential, no idea how anyone would want overload back. did a 3700 hieracon just now in a pug (frost, ember, rhino and myself as volt), haven't had so much fun with this game in months. the shield cap really is managable. i wouldn't complain if they reverted it, i didn't feel it was broken before but like this you really have to play around with possibilities of realignment via pick up plus you have to make every shield count, it's kinda more exciting really.


* being:

- auto switch back to original weapon held after dropping shield instead of staying with secondary

- all shields in area completely disappearing after death, intentional??

- discharge should be possible in the air, please :)

- charged shields should be able to at least proc once per enemy. (augment idea??)

- speed is somewhat of a problem, i had to mark the spot i activated it constantly, maybe rather give people a possibility to cancel out instead of pick up activation?

- shield / gun interactions (like beam extension on continuous/no falloff with shotguns) we were promised to be reintroduced still missing.


overall i wanna say kudos to the devs for leaving his true identitiy as jack of all trades intact! you polished him in the right direction, now just change his description in the codex and all will be just nice n dandy :)

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
typos, mainly
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So, I'm really happy with the new Volt changes. Volt was my starter years ago, and he was my exclusive frame or a long time. I've invested nearly a quarter of my play time on Volt alone.....and I think they really nailed it. I have seen a lot of players freaking out that Volt can no longer do damage with his ultimate (even though volt has never really been a damage frame, despite his codex entry, and that his 4th does almost triple what is did before and gives some of the best CC in the game now)....but I respect those complaints. I'm totally cool with any differences of opinion and disliking him, and I don't want to fight about that here.I just am very happy with it myself.


However, i'd like to suggest a single, final tweak. It's not much of a difference, but I feel it would perfect Volt and has already sort of been done. I also left an older post back when the community was asked for feedback, and if you want to see that it is listed below, just because I touched on this idea, and a lot of the ideas I posted were implemented (obviously I had no effect but it's a happy feeling to know someone else agreed with me).



Electric Shield

I am super happy with the changes to Shock and Discharge, and feel DE nailed what Volt is supposed to be. I'm saying this knowing that Volt has long been my fallback frame and one of my favorites.  I feel that the changes to Electric Shield are excellent as well....and I'm not pandering to DE, I just really think his kit feels cohesive now. However, if i may, I want to ask for one final (very minor) tweak.


You've already introduced the mechanic in which Shock "charges" the Electric Shield. However, in my older post listed above, I made one suggestion that I still think Volt's kit really needs to make him the perfect mix of balanced and end-game relevant: please allow the charges to give the shield a limited stun or knockback when enemies come into physical contact with it. I suggested this in the original post, but here's the short of it: Volt's Electric Shield is great, but it still suffers from the key problem of leaving Volt completely vulnerable to large groups of melee units, like, say, Infested hordes (at higher levels) or the nasty melee units from other factions. This isn't a huge problem, especially for vets, but since Volt is a starter frame (and since even vets can be one-shotted at high levels if they decide to use Volt's shield)....this stun mechanic would finish perfecting Volt's kit, in my opinion.

Since the "Shock" ability already charges the shield, just make it stun/knockback in addition to the small damage instance. Honestly, the damage instance upon contacting a charged shield is a gimmick. It's a really cool gimmick, but it doesn't really change the way the shield works, you know? It's just...oh, it adds damage one time. Letting the shield's charges give a temporary stun (like Shock does) when they hit the shield makes this synergy complete and encourages skill play. One Shock charge equals one stun. Maybe the stun has like, a one to five meter range that stuns other enemies within that are (since that's really just "anything touching the initial target"). Then let players but multiple charges on the shield....say, a max of five? Maybe less.


It would just fix the already great rework completely. I'd really appreciate it if anyone took the time to read this. I don't visit the forums often so I hope this is okay. I really hope this change gets implemented on a Hotfix, and I've heard a few other players like the idea as well.


Old post: 



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11 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

New Volt Passive suggestion: 

While Volt is on the ground and moving, he restores +1 energy/second.

There. THIS is a good passive.


Also, what's with people complaining about the new Volt being worse than the old Volt? Might be placebo effect, but I felt much more survivable. While leveling him up after a Forma, I didn't die ONCE. And I did more than 50% damage of all the damage in the Proxy Retribution Tactical Alert. Volt is so much BETTER now.

I still think the damage cap on Discharge should be removed and last until it's duration runs out. Having the arcs damage the tesla as well as nearby enemies at the same time would also be nice, because right now, you have to wait for 4sec until the enemy shocks itself.

Edited by ElectronX_Core
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I'm going to go a little more in depth with my proposed changes and really go for the "Alternative to gunplay" theme... I use bows as an alternative to guns and I use throwing stars as opposed to pistols so I'm all about this 

Passive : Stores a max of 10K damage, 10% of the total accumulated amount is unleashed on your next attack

1 energy per second is gained 

Sprint speed increased to 1.2 

Shock : Chains to 5/10/15/20 enemies dealing 400/500/600/800 damage to the INITIAL target, chained enemies will be stunned for 8 seconds and receive 50% of the damage done to them over the duration. On the last chained enemy, 500 damage in a 5m radius will be dealt.5m Range cannot but increased but all sources are affected by strength and duration 

Speed : A 5/10/15/30 second duration with the reload buff increasing reload speed by 25% all abilities are casted 50% faster 

ES: Stationary : 10m tall and wide already electrified and stuns enemies that contact it. MES Is half the size and the only drawbacks are 1 energy drain per meter and slowed down. 10 shield cap with the ability to preview the angle of shield.  Shock + ES = 50% more damage. 40 second duration 

Discharge: Cast in air, 15 second duration, remove health cap and 25m radius, or more if that's seen as to little. 100% bonus electric damage to affected enemies, ability radius increased to 5 

Edited by Wolfnrun
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4 minutes ago, Wolfnrun said:

I'm going to go a little more in depth with my proposed changes and really go for the "Alternative to gunplay" theme... I use bows as an alternative to guns and I use throwing stars as opposed to pistols so I'm all about this 

Passive : Stores a max of 10K damage, 10% of the total accumulated amount is unleashed on your next attack

Sprint speed increased to 1.2 

Shock : Chains to 5/10/15/20 enemies dealing 400/500/600/800 damage to the INITIAL target, chained enemies will be stunned for 8 seconds and receive 50% of the damage done to them over the duration. On the last chained enemy, 500 damage in a 5m radius will be dealt.5m Range cannot but increased but all sources are affected by strength and duration 

Speed : A 5/10/15/20 second duration with the reload buff increasing reload speed by 25% all abilities are casted 50% faster 

ES: Stationary : 10m tall and wide already electrified and stuns enemies that contact it. MES Is half the size and the only drawbacks are 1 energy drain per meter and slowed down. 10 shield cap with the ability to preview the angle of shield.  Shock + ES = 50% more damage. 40 second duration 

Discharge: Cast in air, 15 second duration, remove health cap and 25m radius, or more if that's seen as to little. 100% bonus damage to affected enemies, ability radius increased to 5 

1. 20 enemies for shock sounds nice in theory, but is probably overpowered is actual use. 10 is as far as it should go.

2. Just remove the damage cap. Discharge can do far more damage than the cap allows it to.

3. Instead of the increased damage vulnerability on discharge, it should just permanently strip armor.

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OKAY, DE look there are a lot of people complaining (don't look away yet D:) but the Volt Rework is insanely nice.

The moves work together -awesome

his ult does something- awesome

people who didn't want speed cant complain now- WTF WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT SPEED, but anyways awesome

the only two points I have

1. You indirectly nerfed his amount of shields. Please buff this to 5-7. His shields don't cover enough to protect a point, and if someone wants to use a shield then they are put down to 3 shields and that's just gross.

2. volts speed should have just been a backflip but its okay now.

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Electric Shield:

Awesome! However the Current Shield needs to choose between duration and energy drain. It already slows and removes weapon choice from us, it shouldn't tick down duration AND energy at the same time. Please have it FREEZE THE DURATION AND ONLY DRAIN ENERGY or CONTINUE THE DURATION AND DRAIN NO ENERGY. Please increase number of shields deployable to 5.


I am highly pleased with the CC. However:

PLEASE MAKE ALL INSTANCES OF DAMAGE FROM THE ABILITY PROC SHOCK STUN and PLEASE REMOVE THE HEALTH CAP. It only hurts the CC status of the ability except all but highly armored targets.

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While Volt didn't quite get to "an alternative to gunplay" state, I do think that Volt is an "alternative TWIST to gunplay". There wasn't a lot done to Volt but the most notable change was from his ultimate (Overload to Discharge) which gives him a lot more freedom and team support than past incarnations. All that being said, with the LoS changes to Mirage's Prism (which I agree with btw and had foreseen since Excalibur Radial Blind LoS changes) I am a bit surprised that Discharge's CC potential was worked to be in the state that it is in, granted that it is still a smaller radius and less overall duration (attributed to the superior protections of the Blind status) and limited by the health cap though that becomes less an issue as enemies scale higher.

Anyway Volt has an interesting play-style depending on enemy level and faction. Lower levels can enjoy quick movements with Speed and any desired balance of gunplay and sweeping power casting with Shock.  With Electric Shield being movable, Volt can have some moderate protections when he needs to press the enemy back and move for better vantage points. And as the enemy levels increase Discharge provides very good enemy lockdown capabilities to protect him/squad while Electric Shield can provide further protection and increased gun damage due to enhanced critical damage.

Now to the feedback:

Shock: Unchanged but never the less should be highlighted as a decent first power to cast with damage (depending on enemy level) and CC for a caster.


Not much was changed with Speed other that some Quality of Life issues with the Field of Vision. However the Opt-in system is... questionable. I think I would prefer Opt-out (like Limbo's Banish) since the "Hasten Coil" seems to drop at Volt's location on use.  This poses a problem if the Volt is not already ahead of you meaning that you might need to go out of your way to benefit from it while the Volt can make quite some distance before they'll lay the next one.

  • The opt-in system would be ok if Speed was a recast-able power but perhaps not refreshing the duration or only adding a lesser amount (to curb the amount of trolling that might occur). Then Volt could place coils down as needed at the cost of using up more energy.

Electric Shield:

Electric Shield has always been a nice power for increasing weapon crit damage and now that it can be moved around it allows for more tactical options. However some problems that have come with this change is that the number of shields have been limited to 4 and the energy drain while moving. Despite what some of the community might think, I don't think that ES needs to have very many shields. The shields themselves are fairly big and they don't have damage mitigation limitations.  They should be placed tactifully around defense targets to cover the areas were most the fire is coming from or sections where the enemy cant be as easily suppressed. If you could see a heat map of where the firing paths are, you'd likely notice that you don't need a lot of shields (though there is some worries with having just a single stray shot destroy defense targets at higher levels but this is a subject of scaling for another thread).

  • While there should be a limit on shields I do think that it should be more than 4.  I say Volt should be able to cast at least 5 one so that everyone could pick up a shield and still have one placed for a defense target or cover 4 sides and one above a target (a sort of make-shift dome); or up to 8 for similar reasons.
  • Electric Shields placed relatively close to each other should have an electrical current connecting the edges that deals some damage on contact with the enemy when the Shields are charged with Shock.
  • Charged shields should have a number of "Repel" charges before the charged effect wears off so enemies that run into the shield get push back a number of times.
  • I can understand the extra energy drain when a player picks up a shield but not having even more drain when you move... on top of a slow effect and the original duration to the shield.  The drain for movement should be severely reduced or "Riot Shield" mode should be slightly wider to cover a little more of the frontal assault.


In my opinion, Discharge is a vast superior power than Overload was. It provides great CC on any faction and can be modded to cover quite some area all the while putting out some damage. I'd say it was too much if it wasn't that some enemies are immune to the stunning effect. However Discharge is Volt's only other directly damaging power and as a frame that was advertised as an "alternate to gunplay" should have more options than to just revert back to using guns some more. That said coupled with Discharges Augment, it can provide amazing team support.

  • Though kind of inspired by Destiny's Stormbringer activation, but Discharge could be activated in the air sending Volt's charge hurling to the ground directly below him. Enemies within a smaller radius (perhaps like 5m affected by range) from the ground contact or within the charge's descent on enemies in the air receive bonus damage and are knocked back. The bonus damage could be extra damage that is further enhanced by Volt's Passive Static Charge (eg. 1000 base extra damage (affected by power strength) multiplied by 5 [at max passive charge or 1000 charge on buff bar] for a grand total of 5000 bonus damage within the smaller radius). The power otherwise would work as it does now.

Perhaps the Discharge suggestion's numbers could be tweaked if it sounds too powerful (especially depending how DE decides to rescale enemies) but I think it would give Volt a great situational burst damage power moving into higher levels with all the enemy damage mitigations. It just sounds fun perhaps using Speed and perhaps even Electric Shield and bullet jumping over a group of enemies and unleashing it. It also requires the player to save up their static charge to reach such a high number so they can't just spam Discharge. None the less it could give Volt a little breathing room in close quarters with melee targets as well with the knockback. And this could give Volt just that extra push to be an alternative caster as I do personally believe designed casters should be able to dish out large power damage numbers.

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41 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

Electric Shield:

Awesome! However the Current Shield needs to choose between duration and energy drain. It already slows and removes weapon choice from us, it shouldn't tick down duration AND energy at the same time. Please have it FREEZE THE DURATION AND ONLY DRAIN ENERGY or CONTINUE THE DURATION AND DRAIN NO ENERGY. Please increase number of shields deployable to 5.


I am highly pleased with the CC. However:

PLEASE MAKE ALL INSTANCES OF DAMAGE FROM THE ABILITY PROC SHOCK STUN and PLEASE REMOVE THE HEALTH CAP. It only hurts the CC status of the ability except all but highly armored targets.


Still, nice job with the rework so far, D.E.. Loving the new Volt.

Edited by ElectronX_Core
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