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Dev Workshop Part 4: Hotfix 18.13.2 information & more!


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2 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

ALL of this. Guys. Rework MR completely from the ground up. Seperate it from affinity. Reset everyone's MR to 0 afterwards (with grandfather clause). After it sits for a while and you guys KNOW it works- THEN take your time to figure out what should be MR locked where and make forma/MR change. Until MR isn't cheesable just like the stuff you're nerfing- it shouldn't be relied on for anything. If it means nothing (And it DOES mean nothing because of Draco- NO ONE can honestly deny that) then it shouldn't even be given the time of day as a system for other things.

Uh, what? None of the stats in the profile page mean anything considering the skill ceiling in this game is right there at floor level and any one can exploit mission times and kill numbers just by strolling by at low level nodes cleaning everything or using an ahk script to circle around in exterminations or captures or deceptions, or simply getting carried. Even so, at the moment, as far as my hours have changed, idling in the dojo and relay will also add to the mission time played. The only thing that is closest to measuring skill there is conclave kills. Other than that, measuring skill from garbage AI is absurd and a poor metric.

Sure, measuring from how many guns you have ranked up and how many nodes in the star chart you have cleared does not mean skill either, but its at least a more unbiased metric and it defines how far you have progressed in experiencing most of the content in the game. Perhaps it can add in how many quests you have completed, or how much have you participated in the simaris scans, and how much have you completed your codex. The only problem here is draco, not the fact that guns and nodes are used to determine progression. Maybe mastery rank should be simply renamed to something else to not imply "mastery", maybe something like completion rank, while fixing nodes that breed mediocre habits. Hours mean sh*t when it comes to true skill simply because of carry, cheese and because people will just stick with 2 or 3 guns/frames and that's it, without at least giving at try to others, people will just stick to a few mission nodes and ignore everything else, to then complain they dont have x number of resources when DE releases a frame or gun asking for it. Just look at the dude you quoted, 4890 missions completed, 628K grineer kills and an absolute mediocre number in the other factions for the amount of hours he has spent. We could even throw the assumption he is probably in the group that would complain he has not enough oxium. He is exactly the draco-type guy you are referring to, if you have given him the choice, he probably would have less than 5K kills on the other factions, only ranked up a handlful of equipment and he would be done with the game. We can throw the argument that dude should be at most MR 6 based on what he has experienced apart from dracoing his guns, its clear enough he barely plays any other faction, he could have just simply idled out a good number of these hours and there is no test to measure how well he can aim, how well he can use the mobility in the game, how good he is with the warframes, his game sense, and how well he will do under stress e.g how well he can do against other humans in a disadvantaged position (because the AI in this game is not really "intelligent"), unless DE implements ranked conclave/team conclave. Profile stats for hours and PVE kills are just meaningless, it doesnt imply content progression and completion, and it doesnt imply skill either.

Mastery rank should remain as it is, just a completion and progression number for content, just fix the draco leeching and rename it to something else. You know what would drain the number of players from draco? making it the size of the large corpus interception map. You will have a hard time sharing affinity and leeches will simply just die because they cant hold points by themselves and you can't RJ FROST EV from the middle of the map to anywhere. You will have to actually kill your stuff by yourself, hold your point and not die. And with the new forma system, you are fully viable to do so with an unranked gun.

The PVE aspect of this game has a lot in common with MMO type games in the sense that the enemy is stupid easy or a bullet sponge that needs to be gangbanged or wasting time hosing it, it is based on using time to complete the game and determine your rank from that. If you want true skill you are gonna have to measure it from human players a la counter strike, not NPCs.

Edited by nms.
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7 minutes ago, nms. said:

Uh, what? None of the stats in the profile page mean anything considering the skill ceiling in this game is right there at floor level

I fell out of my seat laughing. The rest is an incredibly fine read. My thoughts exactly.

Edited by Hierarch-Artanis
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75% it is x4 EHP

80% is x5 EHP

85% is x6.6 EHP

90% is x10 EHP

95% is x20 EHP

99% is x100 EHP

99.9% is x1000 EHP

Well, it was huge nerf. In 250 times.

Funny, now EV can be compared with Bless. Let's say 300 HP and 300 Shilds. 1200 overshilds is like +200% EHP. Blessing +300%.


DE, i wanna tell you a thing. Before you can think about reactive healers try to play a game. Blessing have no way to be a thing in a Mercury. But enemy scaling make oneshot a thing very fast. Sometimes i have no idea what is have kill me. Sometimes it is drone's mines after other players. I can't be reactive even to myself. There is just no place to call a medic.

And a second state. There is only 4 places in team. Must be a reason to take one with Blessing Trinity. Now i have no idea, why i will use her. I see you are in total panic with she. Just make it 75% for lower limit*. Simple as what.

*I mean 75% just for pushing a button. And other condition same as now. This can be deal for a next week, until you start to really think about her.

And no STR requiment for a duration based skill. It is a bit weird. And i need a range to use 2 just for myself. This can be if no 50m cap, since i can recast it anytime, but now... Every cast is a pain in &#!.


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10 minutes ago, nms. said:


Mastery rank should remain as it is, just a completion and progression number for content, just fix the draco leeching and rename it to something else.

Rename it something else? But then it's not mastery rank anymore. "just a completion and progression number for content"? That's what the equipment section of our profiles and our codex is for mate. No. It needs fixing. Period. There are already "systems" in place to do what you just said- there's no reason to leave it in it's horrible state. DE themselves have said it's bad and they want to fix it to mean something in the past, they just need to be reminded of that until they eventually have time to do it.

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9 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

Rename it something else? But then it's not mastery rank anymore. "just a completion and progression number for content"? That's what the equipment section of our profiles and our codex is for mate. No. It needs fixing. Period. There are already "systems" in place to do what you just said- there's no reason to leave it in it's horrible state. DE themselves have said it's bad and they want to fix it to mean something in the past, they just need to be reminded of that until they eventually have time to do it.

Yeah, and how much you have completed in the game, from all of its content (which should be accounted for and given weight to offset the guns and frames) should be the metric that will define how many perks you get in return, like number of trades, syndicate cap, drone allocation, starting capacity for forma'd weapons, etc. Not your number of grineer/corpus/infested kills considering how useless they are in determining actually skill and "mastery". Mission time also includes grinding the same mission over and over, repeatedly, grinding vauban prime in t3s with ivara adding to your mission time determines your skill? really? nah. Currently, mastery rank is progression (call them progression points that give you perks and qol), they just need to include all the other aspects of the game into it so that its not just about guns. And yeah, the equipment page and codex are there, but to only show you, not to give you back things for doing everything in the game.

Edited by nms.
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On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 6:19 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Long term:

The bigger picture is the way enemy damage and EHP scales in the higher level content. We are discussing a few options at this time on the way scaling works, but ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission. The long term of this will demand a greater Dev Workshop as we make decisions on the topic - more to come here.

DE, the minute you fix scaling, you will open a world full of new ways to change endless missions to whatever "big picture" you desire. A possible consideration to help you reach your goal (as far as endless survival runs) could be adding conditions/hazards to certain rooms over the course of the mission,  for example increased life support drain in rooms (A,B, etc..) during minutes x to x. then perhaps decreased shield/health/energy capacity in rooms C and D during minutes x to x. This will promote players to rotate around the tile set instead of staying in one spot, focus more enemies towards the players for increased difficulty (shrinking the area were the players are 'safe' will decrease the area the enemies have to cover over the course of the mission and also keep tenno within the tenno affinity boundaries for more team play) , add some "spice" ,if you will, to endless survival runs and also as far as the conditions/hazards go, maybe an introduction to more tactical communication between players as rooms become hazardous.

If you took the time to read this and like the idea consider leaving +1, quoting and adding to it to promote this idea.

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On 1.6.2016 at 0:19 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission.


When did that replace the "Powerfull Space Ninja in the face of their enemies" core philosophy of the game? I'm genuinely shedding a few tears here. It wasn't even a month ago that Rebecca emphasized how important the more aggressive playstyle of Warframe is compared to other Hack and Slash Co-op games in that interview you proudly linked on twitter. I didn't sign up for this game to sit around in a frost bubble for 60 minutes. Sure, it eventually became inevitable meta for high end rewards, but it wasn't what i really played for, i played for the combat experience, the fun of getting into enemies faces, and now that's going to be replaced by a "get out or get killed" philosophy if i don't wanna play hyper defensive?

That might be Warframe's Requiem if you actually make that the new core experience. That's not what players signed on for. Screw all the whining about how rewards are getting stretched and how difficult certain things are to farm, if you tear apart the core combat concept and playing experience that defined this great game, i will probably retire from it. No amount of awesome quests and content expansions will be able to save the game if you take away what made the game satisfying to play.

I have no idea how to show you just how badly you'd alienate your playerbase if you did that. I can't possibly be the only one who cares more about the gameplay itself than the feeling of progression and reward. Please, don't go through with this. Don't make me regret finally having stepped up and having bought a pricy prime access to support your game. This can't have simply just "been it". My passion for the game is threatening to evaporate. Destroyed within two weeks, what took years to build, i just don't want that to be true.

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3 hours ago, Hierarch-Artanis said:

Mastery is a non-issue was/is my point, they offer us something that was just a cosmetic appearance and people find a way to complain about it, just like passive... WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THEM, and yet people complain about a nicety, that thinking is absurd. My question is why should mastery rank matter? Why should it have some great scope outside of items you have accumulated and progressed with? Mastery only serves as a means to further this just distinction... They can take away the mastery gate completely... then what? The current system fits the lore and synergizes with the game... Tenno must have intimate knowledge of a great many weapons to be in a position to use better, you just don't give a new recruit a Prime Weapon in a war, they haven't earned that distinction, they don't deserve it and haven't put in the effort to show that they need something beyond a MK-1 series infantry weapon.

My 2 cents. Mastery doesn't matter, it hasn't mattered for anything obviously, I've seen Rank 3's on draco, I've and hour long survivals and 60 wave defense missions with them, sure they may be carried, but in the end we are all working together, and again mastery means nothing, it's not a skill level, it's just a symbol, the exact symbol you achieve when you achieve the next rank. Wear it as a badge of honor on your chest or back and let all the Tenno know.

You're right that mastery means nothing.


But that's the problem. Mastery matters because it gates weapons, missions, and quests. Now, it will also have an affect on Forma and getting new items. Now, this would be good, if only mastery mattered. But because it doesn't, its restrictions and benefits feel arbitrary. The concept of mastery should exist, to allow tiered weapons and sanctioned missions to exist. But because mastery is so non-functional, those things also feel problematic as a result.

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@[DE]RebeccaCan we please just iterate here the real problem with trinity, those complaining that she is simply better than other healing frames are missing the point. Trinity was never taken just for the healing, the damage reduction is what she is used for this is why we never see any other healing frames used as they don't have this and healing is garbage late game due to just getting one shot unless you are tanky like chroma or inaros. Please fix healing and make it relevant in the later stages of the game  -_-  

Edited by CephalonSimaris
Typos and OCD everywhere...
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Long term:

The bigger picture is the way enemy damage and EHP scales in the higher level content. We are discussing a few options at this time on the way scaling works, but ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission. The long term of this will demand a greater Dev Workshop as we make decisions on the topic - more to come here.

As someone who has spent a long time playing this game I am ok with this. Only on the exception that the longer you stay in an 'endless' mission the better your rewards will be. My most hated thing in this game is 60 minute forma bp's, so if the missions progressively get harder and harder there needs to be some sort of incentive to even go past rotation C. For example: whatever has the lowest drop in the pool for T4D (generally the most desired item for the pool) will be significantly more easier to obtain given you can survive a few rotation C's.

The logic I have for this reward scaling works hand-in-hand with the enemy difficulty scaling idea. Either get good and play as a committed team or grind away and pray to RNGesus.


DE, the minute you fix scaling, you will open a world full of new ways to change endless missions to whatever "big picture" you desire. A possible consideration to help you reach your goal (as far as endless survival runs) could be adding conditions/hazards to certain rooms over the course of the mission,  for example increased life support drain in rooms (A,B, etc..) during minutes x to x. then perhaps decreased shield/health/energy capacity in rooms C and D during minutes x to x. This will promote players to rotate around the tile set instead of staying in one spot, focus more enemies towards the players for increased difficulty (shrinking the area were the players are 'safe' will decrease the area the enemies have to cover over the course of the mission and also keep tenno within the tenno affinity boundaries for more team play) , add some "spice" ,if you will, to endless survival runs and also as far as the conditions/hazards go, maybe an introduction to more tactical communication between players as rooms become hazardous.

Also this would make things fun.



Punishing scaling should make the drop tables more friendly with the rarer drops forcing players to work together for a more desired reward.

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Alright, so here are my only concerns that I have seen. I would like to preface this with the fact that I am a ranged offensive player who does not ever play support or melee tank, so I never/rarely play Trinity or Valkyr, since I can't build Trinity to murder things, and Valkyr because not my style.


Now, I do have some comments on Volt and on Mag



Noticed little difference in Shock, which there is little difference so that is to be expected

I haven't seen the drops appear when I use speed,  though I'm not sure if Volt CAN see his drops for Speed.


The only complaint comes with Discharge. The new Tesla Coil is a cool mechanic for Volt's ult, and it works well. However, taking away his air casting for his ultimate is more nerfing than the Coils buff. One of the best strategies I've seen used not just by me but many others is to use Discharge in Midair to ensure that you get as much coverage as possible, especially in multi-level stages, examples being the circular Void Tree rooms in Void/Derelict, the two level Grineeer Defence tile, and others like those where enemies are storming towards you to tear your face off from various levels of the area. So to lose that capability takes away a big chunk of Volt's use for not only offence but defence in slowing down enemies that aren't on your level yet. 


In response to "Maybe replacing Limbo's Third" PLEASE do. Maybe just incorporate the bonus damage into the base mechanics of the Rift plane, so that Limbo always deals extra damage to enemies in the Rift. But as it is, the third really isn't that useful. That said, some alternates for it could be: 

Rift Door: Similar to Nova's Wormhole, except for that you can go back and forth from either point, and can see through the rift door. though enemies can also see and shoot through you, and you can shoot through it as well. "Limbo rips open a tunnel through the Rift Plane, allowing for passage between the two points simultaneously." 

Rift Fissue: Similar to Vaubahn's triplines, these will buff allies speed and damage resistance when they cross this threshold, but slow down and trip enemies that cross over it. Running-ragdolled Walking-staggered


Rift Blast/Wave: "Limbo uses his influence over the Rift to cause the plane to collapse in an area, dealing AoE damage to all within the radius./Limbo sends a surge of Rift Energy hurtling towards his foes, damaging them and briefly banishing them to the Rift."

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3 minutes ago, LilyLincesa said:

In response to "Maybe replacing Limbo's Third" PLEASE do. Maybe just incorporate the bonus damage into the base mechanics of the Rift plane, so that Limbo always deals extra damage to enemies in the Rift. But as it is, the third really isn't that useful. That said, some alternates for it could be: 

Rift Door: Similar to Nova's Wormhole, except for that you can go back and forth from either point, and can see through the rift door. though enemies can also see and shoot through you, and you can shoot through it as well. "Limbo rips open a tunnel through the Rift Plane, allowing for passage between the two points simultaneously." 

Rift Fissue: Similar to Vaubahn's triplines, these will buff allies speed and damage resistance when they cross this threshold, but slow down and trip enemies that cross over it. Running-ragdolled Walking-staggered


Rift Blast/Wave: "Limbo uses his influence over the Rift to cause the plane to collapse in an area, dealing AoE damage to all within the radius./Limbo sends a surge of Rift Energy hurtling towards his foes, damaging them and briefly banishing them to the Rift."

Is there any way I can upvote this harder? These changes sounds pretty solid for Limbo.

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I honestly would have preferred the original change to forma and mastery rank. This literally will not make me change my mind about going to Draco and power level all my weapons. To be honest with you, making us level stuff up again and again and again and again and again and again (that's how many forma i have to put into most weapons) is nothing more then tedious work rather then a fun experience. Please consider giving the weapons rank based on mastery AFTER they have been formad. I will still power level stuff at Draco just like the grand majority of warframe players and once Draco is gone I will find the next best node and power level there too. I don't know what the reasoning was to make the change (other then to continue to make us grind this game till we get fed up) because once again the reason why power leveling nodes like Draco exist is NOT being addressed.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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Grenades need a visual FX, i still can't see them, like some circles / ripples that surround them.

6 hours ago, S0V3REiGN said:

Please consider giving the weapons rank based on mastery AFTER they have been formad.

So what they should do is : MR increase your starting capacity and you level the weapon without forma once from 0 to 30 and then when you forma it, your starting capacity + the level of the weapon is affected by MR. 

i'll gladly welcome this.

edit : the change is already not bad though if you have a sufficient MR, at least players who usually take unranked weapons to missions will now be able to kill a few things with them, unlike before.

Edited by Gilmaesh
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On 05/31/2016 at 5:19 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

And now.... for Part 4! Dev Workshops: now officially with more parts than The Hobbit!

To continue from where we left off from Part 3, let's talk about enemy cheesiness.

Shovel in the ground on enemies: short term & long term.

In the short term there are enemies and enemy mechanics we are changing to reduce their cheesiness. These short term changes are coming in Hotfix 18.13.2 (should be tomorrow).

Enemy Plasma Grenades:

If you're like me and you have been playing a lot of Void Defense lately, it's more than likely you've had a mission failed due to one stray grenade from the enemy. These seemingly infinite-damage-scaling grenades of doom can be a death sentence, so here's what's coming:

Before enemy Plasma Grenades explode, they will live for 3 seconds after coming to a rest on the ground. Plasma Grenades can now be shot in air or when they are on the ground. When an enemy Plasma Grenade is shot and killed, it will explode and damage any enemies in range with no damage to you. A Tenno with a keen ear will be able to identify these threats and counter them with an accurate shot before it's too late.


Ballistas will have telegraphing when they are winding up to fire off a round from their deadly Vulkars. An observant Tenno will be better able to identify and prioritize these threats.

Hyekka Masters: 

For now this is as simple as fixing the Hyekka Master’s Ignis dealing damage through walls.

Should you have anything else in mind, leave a comment below linking to your existing feedback thread, or simply discuss here.

Long term:

The bigger picture is the way enemy damage and EHP scales in the higher level content. We are discussing a few options at this time on the way scaling works, but ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission. The long term of this will demand a greater Dev Workshop as we make decisions on the topic - more to come here.

Warframe Feedback:

We've reviewed and made some changes to the following Warframe abilities. Everything is subject to change pending testing, but here are our current plans for Hotfix 18.13.2. Please note we also have a stack of fixes coming, but those are rooted in bug squashing and not principle design so aren't covered here.

Trinity: Blessing: Damage Resistance is no longer calculated based on an Average, but instead a flat value simply capped at 75% (which can be achieved via use of Strength mods). We are working on making the squad UI show who is in range with the Tenno Affinity markers, it might not be ready for 18.13.2.

Valkyr: Hysteria: Each kill reduces her Hysteria Aura by 1 meter, the aura will continue to grow but killing frequently will keep it tight around you so you can control its range.

The Forma'ing

We've received word from the Lotus that everyone will have 7 days following the launch of 18.13.2 to claim a free Forma via inbox simply by logging in.

With the power of all your Draco runs, we have intercepted this message:

 You have fought long and hard for our cause - learning to master many Warframes and Weapons in your Arsenal. Take this gift of Forma as a token of my appreciation for your willingness to bend the will of your equipment to suit your needs on the battlefield.

The Lotus.

June 1 Update:

Here comes another Update on Hotfix 18.13.2.

Starting Mod Capacity Changes:

When Hotfix 18.13.2 launches, the starting Mod Capacity for your gear (new or Forma'd) is now determined by your Mastery Rank and if an item has an Orokin Reactor or Catalyst installed.

For example, a Mastery 20 player would experience the following:

  • Claim a new Warframe from the Foundry with no Reactor installed.
  • Observe the 'Unranked' item and see the starting the Mod capacity is 20.
  • Install a Reactor, observe the Mod capacity has doubled to 40.

This is determined by the following:

Starting Mod Capacity = Mastery Rank (if Orokin Reactor/Catalyst installed: x2).

The cap on capacity remains unchanged.

Please note this is a slight deviation of our discussions on how Mastery Rank will reflect gear level, but by affecting capacity it fundamentally enables you to use Mods the moment you get your hands on new gear or Forma an item. Have fun!



Can i suggest that you get rid of the fact that enemys armor scalate with their level and ours not, i have no problem with their health, neven with the damage they do, but the armor scalating makes almost imposible to kill a high level enemy in the void or even a normal grineer when you are farming mods

Edited by Overam22
Wrong grammatic
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3 hours ago, CephalonSimaris said:

@[DE]RebeccaCan we please just iterate here the real problem with trinity, those complaining that she is simply better than other healing frames are missing the point. Trinity was never taken just for the healing, the damage reduction is what she is used for this is why we never see any other healing frames used as they don't have this and healing is garbage late game due to just getting one shot unless you are tanky like chroma or inaros. Please fix healing and make it relevant in the later stages of the game  -_-  

Or fix the later stages of the game so that damage reduction isn't a necessity.

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 6:51 AM, giantconch said:

JUST Hyeka master flamethrows no longer go through walls?



You forgot scorches and their flamethrower, you also forget about bombard rockets, and napalams.



How about frost globes and volt shields actually being able to block the explosions and flames?




Dont kill the only real support frame in the game. Anything else with a heal, Oberon, Nezha... they have attacking abilities or CC. All trinity is, is a healer and a battery for the team. You have taken that away. Check your heads. Ancient healers give enemies 95% damage reduction and appear 2-3 at a time, we had one damn frame. Now trins going to be limited to 75% while the enemy STILL has the 95% damage reducing ancients, appearing in groups. GG.


Read farther into the thread. A portion of the Trinity players don't even want to try to help the team anymore. They don't want everyone huddled around or have to chase down every random hurt ally to try and heal them. The range restriction has either got to scale with range mods or be gone.


Excaliber players would rather have the slide blind removed than have it cost energy.


Mags polarize not scaling makes it horribly ineffective. You took her from a press 2 to decimate corpus, to a .... .. wait you moved her now only good ability to 2.. so... hmm... which by the way is now broken as hell. Weapon with punch through and gas damage = instarek any level enemy and mobs of them at that.


Start paying attention to who is saying what. The people who want the game harder, who want a challenge, tell people who want kick &#! abilities to stop whining and how you guys shouldnt be responsible for them, yet at the same time won't take their own damn medicine and make the game harder on themselves by not taking 8 forma weapons/frames into every single mission minmaxing everything so they can 1-shot then *@##$ about everything being too easy.

Volt's Shield literally make bombards' missiles useless.

Frost's Globe can guard everything except dem AoE attacks.

If WE get to enjoy AoE and popping their bubbles without going in them, so should THEY (The enemies).

We shouldn't not be able to enjoy bringing our '8 forma' weapons and enjoy the modding we did with them just because other people want the game easy and kill everything in 1-5 bullets.

Imo, just give every node a hard mode, and easy mode. Nightmare conditions aren't enough for some of us.

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On 01/06/2016 at 8:19 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:


Hyekka Masters: 

For now this is as simple as fixing the Hyekka Master’s Ignis dealing damage through walls.

Should you have anything else in mind, leave a comment below linking to your existing feedback thread, or simply discuss here.





i hope this will change includes ES.............

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9 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

Still no Limbo Change or Ash?



Obviously they ran into a roadblock for Limbo and Ash. For Limbo it may due to some larger changes planned because everyone realized he's in a very weird place of being exceptionally good in some areas, and pretty meh everywhere else. I think this will be a half-rework.

Ash is due to how iconic Blade Storm is. I know this is the ability they're focusing on, and changing it up can have a huge impact on the community (read everything recently for Trin, Excal, Valk). That or whatever changes they introduced had more bugs than is acceptable to release. Some bugs can slip through, there's only so much you can catch and fix before release so an acceptable margin is allowed if they are A) happen on rare occurrences but otherwise not game breaking and being worked on while we play with the new thing, or B) simply weren't noticed during testing and found by the player. I think Ash changes had too many issues to be released.

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