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Hotfix 18.13.3


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Hotfix 18.13.3


•    Fixed players attempting to play a solo forced mission (Tutorial, Second Dream) being thrown into a public match and hanging on an unresponsive black screen.
•    Fixed a gradual decrease in performance that could occur in long duration missions if a player cast Equinox's Metamorphosis ability while having a Sigil equipped.
•    Fixed insta-killing enemies with Mag’s Magnetize + Crush due to enemies not being able to get up.
•    Disabled PhysX Effects on systems with CPUs that support AVX without operating-system support (ie: before Windows 7 SP1).

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Im so lost, My Chat is straight broken, Just the little loading circle in the top left of the chat box ;-; @[DE]Megan Can you or someone please help me or guide me, Ive checked settings and it didnt help ;-;


UPDATE: Nevermind, I was typing this and its back 0.0 Sorry to bother you guys

Edited by Alexer123000
I dun gooofed
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Sadness...  I am always glad to see fixes, and yet I hoped for something to fix issues with Volt or Mag...  Thanks for the work though.

EDIT:  Discharge says it can't be used in the air, but when you use it it lifts you into the air before it kicks off.....  Can we get a fix for this?

EDIT OF EDIT:  By "fix" I mean please re-enable the in-air cast, pretty please!  Air mobility is one of the coolest aspects to playing Warframe, and I hate to see players punished for doing the cool things.

Edited by Cytobel
No can haz logic
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