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Lets discuss the nullifiers


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I dont mind a few nullifiers in normal missions/void to be honest. I dont do extended void runs (40 mins+) so I couldnt say about that.

Seems to me though that there is a problem with all of these 'sub boss' type enemies, combas, bursa's etc which is occasionally their spawn rates get a bit 'over generous.'

How about a limitation for sub bosses as a group, probably including eximus, so that only x sub bosses can spawn per squad /member at any one point in time, with a maximum of half that for any one type.

So if the limit was four, (for a normal mission,) then you could have 2 bursas & 1 comba & 1 scrambus, but not three bursas.

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17 minutes ago, polarity said:

Sorry, I'm just sat here laughing at how nobody can work out how to attack 3 stacked nullifiers with bombard and heavy gunner support, with any frame available to you.

You're not getting the amount of replies that you expected. Unfortunately your desperate attempt at being noticed has made you look like a troll :-(

I'll like your posts if that helps

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Just now, Slaviar said:

As far as I'm aware Nullifiers were created to stop nuking. But they do poor job at it because nuker will simply use rapid fire weapon to take shield down. "Active" playstyles suffer way more


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38 minutes ago, polarity said:

Sorry, I'm just sat here laughing at how nobody can work out how to attack 3 stacked nullifiers with bombard and heavy gunner support, with any frame available to you.

This ^ :D.

I just did random stuff in the Simulacrum, melee only, 20 nullifiers rank 100 (fit for a sortie), Frost and Volt. Killed 6 nullifiers with a Sheev before dying, second run with a Twin Basolk and got them all. A Jak Kittag can make a snitzel out of them. With the Furax Wraith it wasn't that bad either.

And thats with only melee equiped, you guys can do it too.

BTW, it's the crowd around him that kills you and not the nullifier.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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Don't get me wrong. I do not like nullifiers and just got used to dealing with them. Are they annoying? Yes. Should they go? Probably not. Should they spawn less often? Maybe.
Do they need another look? Sure as hell they do.

Please do not start another was here or this thread will be nuked with a lockbomb.





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the powerful feeling I have while decimating everyone is what I love about this game, which is exactly why I have stopped playing against corpus once nullifiers spawn and have stopped playing tower 3 and 4, nullifiers just rob me of my fun, I loved using a bow and taking a marelok with me, that's just absolutely pointless now, and hell with all my abilities disabled this just turn into another 3rd person shooter.


the lore states how we are few, outnumbered but because of our amazing battlefield changing abilities we can fight the enemy...untill nullifiers come along and we have litterally no advantage left anymore.

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The problem I have with nullies is they extremely restrict how Corpus and high level Void missions can be played. Want to run an active buffer with a sniper rifle? You're probably not going to have a good time. That's because not only do they restrict the use of powers, they also as a result restrict melee (Good luck surviving high levels with all your buffs dispelled, not to mention enemies tend to group up in the bubble.. Ancients aren't fun when they join that bubble party), crit weapons (The shield has object health, and cannot be critted) and due to the health gating mechanics, restrict single-shot high damage weapons play. You're basically pigeonholed into using a frame that doesn't care as much about Nullifiers as much as another frame or equipping a weapon to exclusively deal with them. I think we either need to be able to shoot through nullifier bubbles like we can with Isolator Bursa bubbles, or they need to be removed.



And I don't know if it's just me.. But the buggers seem really buggy. I'll take down a shield, land a hit, and they won't take damage. Usually only happens with hitscan weaps.. Maybe I'm just bad.

Edited by Mastercontrol98
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1 hour ago, Technologic141 said:

Absolutely remove nullifiers (instant ability reset/shutdown) and boost Scrambus (that guy on flying rolerblades).
Scrambus is pretty good balanced because he dont reset powers but block their using (example: if you have active warcry and this guy come, you CANT recast but timer is not reseted so your abillitly is still active until rech zero so only prevent from abillity spam)

Nope, they remove any active buffs of their type if you wander into range.

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I think we should have and augment for Limbro that turns his cataclysm into a nullifier bubble.

Rift Ax:

Cataclysm is now a nullifier bubble that moves with Limbo and negates all incoming projectile fire, auras and damage from auras.

The bubble still shrinks like normal but now also feeds off of incoming projectiles damage, adding them to its own health/duration, which can increase shrink time/reduce shrinking effect and even reverse it (given enough damage to absorb, on a constant-enough level, the globe will stop shrinking). Melee units can still run into the bubble and attack Limbo.

Fire with fire and all that.


Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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3 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Saryn is just...too tedious to play, now.

kinda sad that she's "tedious" because you have to press more than one button. 
it's not like she's complicated. 
and it's not like it's stressful. 
She scales higher than she used to now because of the change with spores. 

Infact, you can just use spores to kill anything you want, cause of its effect + this thing we call having guns and swords
at -50% hp spreads so quickly, its really.. not tedious at all. 

Instead most of the players are like "uhg, I can't press 4 to wipe a room anymore" 

Myabe if they didn't change the way her ticks work ( like how less duration = super nuked) 
people wouldn't complain so hard still to this day.

but, 'eh. Less Saryn players, the better for me I guess, don't like playing the same frame someone else is bringing into a mission. 

On the topic of the thread;
Nullifiers aren't really a big deal if you're active running around, running into their bubble and one shotting them is pretty easy. Or if you have a high RoF pistol to swap to(Akstiletto prime work wonders) 
I don't really think of them as annoying, I see them as priority #1, which means I ignore every enemy coming at me by parkouring around them, and getting rid of the nullifier then wiping the rest out. 

a lot of people see them as a lazy design - high dmg giant defense bubble. I see them kinda like the bombard of corpus. 

Now lets talk about the true issue... 
32153563 blue rings of DEATH. 

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38 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

This ^ :D.

I just did random stuff in the Simulacrum, melee only, 20 nullifiers rank 100 (fit for a sortie), Frost and Volt. Killed 6 nullifiers with a Sheev before dying, second run with a Twin Basolk and got them all. A Jak Kittag can make a snitzel out of them. With the Furax Wraith it wasn't that bad either.

And thats with only melee equiped, you guys can do it too.

Ikr? Lol. I can instagib 20 lvl 200 nullifiers + corpus techs + the rest with my naramon banshee. Idk what's the problem with some people. They really have to learn to adapt lol.


Saying what had to be said:


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As we know DE has started working on balance, now that combas have been implemented, "press 4 to win" abilities are getting changed up, there is no reason to keep nullifiers, no one likes them, i dont know how many "remove nullifiers" threads weve had here on the forum, but its alot.

Nullifiers force all frames and players into a very specific playstyle, they are not "overpowered" per se, but they are detrimental to the enjoyment (and balance) of the game, and in the following balance updates, they should be removed, since again, Combas are here to take their place already.

Edited by Kutsus
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nullifiers are a problem especially in the void and higher planets as time goes on  when the ancients, starts negating dps and the shield drones and guardian moas are there in the mix with heavy gunners/techs bursas sapping osperys oxium osperys under and above the bubble<, good luck with your melee and low level playing or even your fast firing weapons which are ineffective until you kill the buffers that protects each other ( guardian, shield + ancients)

everybody and their grandma can deal with nullies at low levels where everything is at manageable instances 20-30 mins<< kiddie levels or noob levels..

and not every player should have to "adapt" to naramon just to deal with nullifiers<< how broken can that argument be idk.

Edited by ranks21
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)DataStorm 8Bit said:

Went into the simulacrum, with my 800% armour buff to 700 base armour chroma, nullifiers still destroyed me in seconds when I spawned 20 level 85s.

It isn't easy, but it's possible.

Seperate them, then kill them one by one, they can't shoot into each other's bubbles just like you can't. It's helps a lot.

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I think they should be reworked. For me the biggest issue with nulifiers is they don't so much nullify my powers more so my preferred choice of weapons like bows and not sure if any of you tried shooting those bubbles with a dread but it takes forever and wastes a lot of arrows..


I also think we can turn nullifiers in to a rewarding experience that if you kill them you can get extra energy out of it

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Dang. After reading these replies some players really have troubles dealing with these Nullifiers. I understand where these players are coming from. The bubble should not clip through walls I agree, but because the bubble clips through walls you can identify them before they enter your immediate area. You can prepare yourself this way. Nullifiers change the pace of fights albiet just slightly.

I personally have had no troubles dealing with Nullifiers. My experience is sliding melee attacks make short work of Nullifiers 80-100% of the time. The only time I ever use a gun to break bubble is if the Nullifier is accompanied by a Corrupted Ancient. The cancel of Warframe abilities really, IMO, isn't a issue. A player can kill a Nullifier and reactivate the ability in less than five seconds. No exxageration here.

Every poster in this thread that says Nullifiers are not difficult, I guarantee will type melee is the way to go. These posters are right. I don't mean to mean to sound like a troll with what I just typed. Thats not my intention. I'm just saying players shouldn't rely to heavily on guns when Nullifiers show up.


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Probably should be removed.  They were a quick fix to p4tw abilities that cleared entire rooms in an instant.  And certain super powerful weapons that have low DPS.  The comba/scrabis units do basically the same thing but are better designed and allow a player to tackle them in more then one way.  lets not forget about bersa's as well and the annoyance they can do.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)HaterReplicator said:

Dang. After reading these replies some players really have troubles dealing with these Nullifiers. I understand where these players are coming from. The bubble should not clip through walls I agree, but because the bubble clips through walls you can identify them before they enter your immediate area. You can prepare yourself this way. Nullifiers change the pace of fights albiet just slightly.

I personally have had no troubles dealing with Nullifiers. My experience is sliding melee attacks make short work of Nullifiers 80-100% of the time. The only time I ever use a gun to break bubble is if the Nullifier is accompanied by a Corrupted Ancient. The cancel of Warframe abilities really, IMO, isn't a issue. A player can kill a Nullifier and reactivate the ability in less than five seconds. No exxageration here.

Every poster in this thread that says Nullifiers are not difficult, I guarantee will type melee is the way to go. These posters are right. I don't mean to mean to sound like a troll with what I just typed. Thats not my intention. I'm just saying players shouldn't rely to heavily on guns when Nullifiers show up.


A majority of people I discuss warframe with are perfectly capable of handling a nullifier.  Even most youtubers are.  The problem isn't dealing with them (though if you're fighting a few in combination with say a bursa or another annoying corpus unit things can be tough.)  It's that it is a poorly designed unit to handle a problem that frankly the game doesn't really have anymore.


Bombards are easy to deal with as well.  Doesn't mean they are fair and balanced.

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IMO, I would find them more tolerable if they had to remove their generator backpack and deploy it on the ground like Blunts to create bubble domes. Destroy the pack to stop the nullification.

Give the Nullifier another weapon that doesn't 1HKO from long range (maybe Amprex) so it can fend for itself after deploying the bubble.

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