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Console & PC Controller / Gamepad Suggestions


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Ayyyoooo Tenno!!!

This thread is mainly for players that play on console, or for PC players that happen to use a game pad / controller!

If by chance some suggestions are thrown in by PC players, they are more than welcome!  I'd love to see some controller QoL for KB and Mouse / Steam Controllers as well!

This thread is the result of me playing a LOT of Warframe on both Console (PS4) -- and PC over the past two years or so.  There are, and always will be some disparity between the controls for any given game on a Controller vs a Keyboard and Mouse, however my goal is to collect as much feedback as possible, with the help of everyone, and hopefully close the gap in controller functionality on Warframe for PC vs Warframe on Consoles! (or at the very least, get controllers some QoL upgrades!)

With that said, I'll just hop right to it!


The following Layout is what I like to call "All Thumbs" - Thank you to (PS4)Sreza for this picture!.  He is also the one who turned me on to this entire way of thinking when playing Warframe on console.

Please note:  There are two main goals with this layout

1. To have all the abilities on the D - Pad (which helps greatly with the "hold to charge / use and tap to swap abilities) such as Ivara's Quiver or Inaros' Scarab Swarm & Devour.

2. To have everything in a place, so that you have to take your thumbs off of the controller as LITTLE as possible at any given time to perform any sort of parkour maneuver / jump / roll etc.... because it just simply "doesn't feel 100% like Warframe" unless you have full control of your Slide, Crouch, and Jump buttons readily available while maintaining control over both your movement (left joystick), and your aim / look (Right Joystick)



For the above lay out, there are several things to note:

  • Jump is on R3, and yes it is insanely hard to get used to, but I promise you, if you force yourself to try it this way or, alternatively, putting jump on R1 for a week or two, you will not go back.
  • I would prefer to have R1 as my jump key, but then that forces me to put Melee/ quick melee on R3 - as I cannot deal with melee being on Triangle, Square, Circle, or X.  The absolute best way to melee in Warframe, is to have attacks alligned to camera turned "ON" (also a toggle in the options)  This makes it so that, you aim your melee with your right joystick, just as you would a gun.  

    In regards to the above two bullet points:
    The reason that we do this, is there are some combo's on certain stances that require you to hold "back" while pressing the melee button.  & Unless allign attacks to camera is toggled "On", your character is most likely always going to turn backwards and whiff whatever you are wanting to hit for that particular swing.
  • All abilities are readily available on the D pad for "tapping to switch, or Hold to use"   -- 
  • Note that Context action is also the Reload Button via the options menu toggle for that
  • Crouch is set to "toggle" - but that's purely preference with this load out, however it does allow you to do a "super roll" of sorts.  (See below later in the thread, as I plan on demonstrating this with a video on PC and then again on Console.)  - but a quick explanation of how to do this, would be to sprint forward, hold crouch to slide and then VERY quickly tap to roll while you still have momentum going from the slide.  (This is not possible currently unless crouch is set to toggle, and even when performed with precise timing, it is "not" the same as hitting Roll + Crouch at the same time on PC) -- which sends you "very far" and it is extremely useful in almost all situations
  • Last but not least, one MAJOR inconsistency is fixed when using the above layout by simply swapping Melee Channel and Block to L2 and R2, respectively.  This allows you to use L2 for aim gliding whether you are using a Gun, or going all out Melee.

Other small up-sides of this lay out:

  • Using Archwing Super boost by pressing R3 -- allowing you full control while boosting.  (It is normally X)
  • Having Gear slots Hotkeyed
  • No need for a power menu button at all with this layout, or the "use ability" button.
  • Also please note that Power E = Focus ability, and is bound to swipe "up" on the D pad.


  • No room for the "reverse camera" or "shoulder swap bind" 
  • Hard to get used to because of Jump being on R3.


Layout 2 -- Which I will just call "Default / Custom"  because it is simply the "new" controller defaults, but switched around a little bit. -- Huge thanks to (PS4)Viggorrah for providing me with this pic!



This is most often what I see when I look at someone else's custom controller -- give or take a bind here or there.


  • Being able to use 2ndary fire while aiming by pressing R3
  • Context action and reload are separate, which results in less accidental deaths because you decided to "reload" using context action beside a void laser, which.... probably downed your entire squad if you have my luck.
  • Not having to re-train your brain to use something other than X to Jump

Something that these two customizations have in common that I would like to point out:

-Neither of them use the Power Menu Button

Why? -  Because the power menu button cancels you out of whatever you are doing whether it be aiming down sights, charging a weapon, or even wall latching / aim gliding.  Suffice to say, most players that have played Warframe as long as I have on console end up veering away from the power menu button because of this.


  • No shoulder swap bind (AKA: Reverse Camera in the options)
  • Not as great for freedom of movement while aiming, as you need thumbs "off" joysticks more often.


FINALLY, we are at the entire reason for this post.  I have tackled what seemed somewhat impossible, and taken the Xbox 1 controller, which has the least amount of buttons available to it, and decided to make a layout which I would use all the time, while at the same time accomplishing several QoL changes!

See the proposed Layout Here:




Main things to note about the above lay out:

To be clear - I would not suggest the above as a default layout --

I would suggest everything except I would swap the function of the A button and R1 as defaults, simply because I know most people probably are too used to jump being on A to change.  

Regarding having jump on a shoulder button or R3 --  (I was stubborn at first, but now that I've changed, I won't ever go back -- I can't stress the difference it has made!) - To be honest, it's not something you are going to know that you are missing out on movement wise, unless you have played Warframe with a Keyboard and mouse.

Obviously the Ps4 and Steam controllers would have more leniency with where they can put things and how many different things can be bound. However, I felt that when proposing a QoL change, the best course of action would be to do the best I could with the least amount of buttons possible.

Oversights / other notes regarding the above controller layout:

  • When making it, I overlooked and forgot to add the "place mark / waypoint" -- so I would suggest putting that on "left on the D-pad".
  • I have separated roll and crouch/slide, as this is causing more "funky" things to happen than I care to think about right now, but here they are:

1. Cannot perform a "roll" in Arch-wing (Yes you can roll by turning quickly, but that is not what I am talking about- I am talking about being able to literally dodge missiles etc... while Aiming down sights by rolling left or right by pressing "Roll")
2. Have to toggle sprint to perform a "roll" while in abilities such as Atlas' Stonegaze or Chroma's Fire breath as opposed to just pressing "roll"
3. Even if Crouch is set to Toggle in Options, you cannot toggle crouch on a zipline, which seriously hurts their functionality as you are not free to aim and shoot while sliding across a zip-line.  (this IS possible on PC with toggle crouch "on")
4. You cannot do the "super roll" that I've mentioned earlier in the post as efficiently due to not being able to pressing Roll and Crouch to slide at the same exact time. 

(Will insert Video's here ASAP)

  • No direct bind for focus ability -- just activated / deactivated by pressing 2 shoulder buttons at the same time, or both joystick (Seems fine?)
  • Tap to switch through abilities but hold to use that ability, or inverse that and hold to switch and tap to use (bound to Right on the D-pad) then have the "use ability" button work the exact same way for Ivara's quiver / Inaros Scarab Swarm / Devour / Vaubans Traps etc....
  • I've squashed Toggle Melee channel in with context action AND reload as this is the only way I was able to fit everything.  I don't see how this would cause any conflict, however, since you can't reload a melee weapon, and you can't channel a gun.
  • Separated Quick Melee and "All out Melee" --  Replaced "fire gun" with "all out melee" on R2 depending on if you are in melee / holding a gun

-After taking a good second, third, and fourth look at the above layout, here are some things I would change in hindsight.

-put Jump / Archwing thrusters on A

-Shoulder swap on R3

-Use ability on D pad UP

-Remove the funkiness I have on R3

-Move Quick melee / Melee together back on R1 

-Melee channel back up to R2 with "fire gun"

-Possibly Context action + reload also includes "secondary fire"?  -- Secondary fire if applicable and ADS'd -- reload when not applicable / not ADS'd?



I've put hours and hours if not days, or maybe even entire "weeks" of thought into the above, and over 2 years of playing Warframe on PC and Console as my #1 hobby in order to come up with the above suggestions and notice all the differences with controls in the game.

Now, what I want to know is --- What do YOU guys (The entire Warframe community) think!?  

-PC players that use controllers, I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU TOO!!  -- If you have and use a steam controller layout that you think is awesome, or you have problems with - please post them here!

-XB1 & PS4 players -- do you like the controls how they currently are? is there anything else you would suggest or change!?  Would you change things at all?

Please, let me know!  

Warframe is one of the more, if not the most "controller intensive" games I have played as far as how many things are possible / bindable simply because it is so movement and Ninja / Parkour oriented, and has so many different, awesome aspects to it.

The game is absolutely amazing with the current controller configurations, but I believe it "can" be made better! -- do you?  

What would you suggest!?  

Please feel free to post ANY opinions / suggestions here!

Thank you everyone!  :-)

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
added "tons" of stuff! FIxed Typos! / Grammar
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"you don't lose mobility. your thumb never has to leave the analog stick(L3) while activating abilities with index finger and middle finger on aiming/sliding button all at the same time. if you air glide(aiming while in air)/slide with index/middle finger(you're moving in one direction so the analog stick(L3) doesn't matter. remove your thumb to activate ability). it's all about finger positioning and learning to get use to it i guess. might feel uncomfortable at first but it works been using it for ~2 years with some minor button changes. can also invert L1/L2 & R1/R2 if like to aim/fire with L2/R2

the only problem i've ever had with reload/context action is standing under a zip line which causes you to jump on it.

you are correct about the default controller settings. it needs an update lol"

talked about it in this Link


i wish we can integrate Jump with Move up(archwing), aim weapon w/ block, secondary fire with melee attack, if we had complete control no pun intended over what we can bind together free up more buttons.

Edited by (PS4)Boy_Joker
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I think allowing players to be able to manually remap their controls (on controller) would be good.

Also, the touch pad on the controller is extremely robust; although you have just 1 action mapped to pressing it, it actually has 2 pressure sensitive buttons which can detect presses on the left side of the touchpad or the right (meaning you could have the "Map" on the right side touchpad press, and a gear radial on the left side of the touchpad).

I also think, for the sake of cleanliness and clarity, Archwing and Normal controller layouts should be separate (or editable separately).

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3 hours ago, Letter13 said:

I also think, for the sake of cleanliness and clarity, Archwing and Normal controller layouts should be separate (or editable separately).

Archwing might be getting its own in the near future - hold that thought. 

Bindings are tricky because they tend to be personal preference (with the exception of bugs). So, there are two QoL requests that I'm hearing might help:

  1. More customizable bindings
  2. More variety in the default bindings (ie, not just Classic & New)

I mentioned to @Crackle2012 earlier that the D pad ability bindings seem to be common enough among players that it might make a good third default binding. 

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I am all for more customizable bindings to be honest, that is what I personally would like to see out of this. (IE: separating roll and crouch etc...) 

I am also DEFINITELY for Archwing getting it's own bindings completely.  I've wanted that since Archwing's release!  That would be amazing.

My thinking is, at the very worst, if a player messed their controls up to the point of not being able to do "insert whatever here", there is always a reset to default button.

Suggestion: (Thank you @Letter13 for bringing this up to me!)

In the case of PS4 players, what about taking advantage of the "left and right" Buttons within the touchpad"?  -- there are many games where pressing the touchpad down on the left side = one menu, and pressing the touchpad down on the right side = a totally different menu.  An example would be darksouls 3 or Bloodborne.


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I'm glad controller customization is finally getting more attention.

Things that need to be addressed:

  • Swapping b/w 2 keybindings should not cause error if they can be swapped. Swapping any key bindings with "Quick Melee" is annoying.

Lets say I want to switch Power B button with Quick Melee. D-pad down = Power B, R1 = Quick Melee. The only way of swapping them is to set Quick Melee to D-pad down. If I set R1 as Power B I get error because R1 is bound to melee.

This is a big deal for me because I like to set aim abilities like EV to R1, which makes targeting enemies so much easier.

  • We need to be able to bind more functions to swipe buttons. (ie same ones from regular buttons)
  • As mentioned, ps4 controller has additional left and right touch buttons. We need to utilize them.
  • Why is there no separate key binding for just Roll? Fastest way to parkour can only be done with separate Roll button. Check out this "speed role" video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj04uepTQFI

I'm not asking to implement it to control scheme, just have it available in options to keybinding like on PC. I'd gladly take Roll over consumables or secondary fire buttons. Compare





Edited by (PS4)iBoiz
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I saw you talking about this unique control scheme on the Stream, and I gotta say, it sounds pretty crazy! But in such a good way.

The suggestion to have two separate taps on the touch pad would be a huge help to everyone.

You also pointed out the exact reason why I don't use the power menu; I can't do anything else (if they change that, then maybe I'll use it).

Since you asked what I would like to see changed though in controls...

I'm one of those people who still uses the touch pad for powers, but frames that have a "hold" mechanic for their powers can be really annoying to use. I would love to be able to set a preference as to what hold or tap does. Like, I want to just tap/swipe to Fire Ivara's arrows or Vauban's balls, and then hold to switch them.

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)INFINITYWART said:

context action/ secondary fire option  would be a perfect option for my D pad powers setup.  I currently don't have secondary fire equipped on my setup.

Context action already has few functions. It Reloads and picks up loot if for whatever reason it can't be picked up. If you still use "Reload" button consider replacing it with "Context action", this would free up 1 button.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)Crackle2012 said:

The following Layout is what I like to call "All Thumbs" - Thank you to (PS4)Sreza for this picture!.  He is also the one who turned me on to this entire way of thinking when playing Warframe on console.

Please note:  There are two main goals with this layout

1. To have all the abilities on the D - Pad (which helps greatly with the "hold to charge / use and tap to swap abilities) such as Ivara's Quiver or Inaros' Scarab Swarm & Devour.

2. To have everything in a place, so that you have to take your thumbs off of the controller as LITTLE as possible at any given time to perform any sort of parkour maneuver / jump / roll etc.... because it just simply "doesn't feel 100% like Warframe" unless you have full control of your Slide, Crouch, and Jump buttons readily available while maintaining control over both your movement (left joystick), and your aim / look (Right Joystick)

  Reveal hidden contents



  • My setup is similar to this but I bind my jump to L1 and Crouch/Slide to R3. The main reason is because I jump a lot in this game and having to press R3 all the time is rather taxing. I find it much more manageable using L1. The downside to this is that it makes it difficult to aim while sliding, but that's a small inconvenient for me.
  • The second changes are that I use X, O for my 2 of my abilities. This allow for movement with Left thumbstick while still be able to cast certain abilities (mostly non-aiming) on the go. For example, Mag shield polarize (before rework) and Trinity blessing.
  • Third, I leave 2 abilities and less often use keys to the D-pad (Secondary fire, consumable). I don't like using gear items (pizzas are cheating, personal opinion).
  • Fourth, Touch pad double back as a fail safe for abilities (because  grrrr Archwings). Swipe left - scroll ability left, Swipe right - ability right, swipe down - use current/selected ability.
  • Yes, please separate Warframe button binding from Archwings! 
  • Fully customizable button binding will be the best solution as each of us have different way of thinking. One man perfect setup may be a hassle for another. If you messed up or lost during the customize part, there is always a reset to default as fail safe.


Edited by (PS4)A_SimpleName
3rd and 4th point
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3 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

Archwing might be getting its own in the near future - hold that thought. 

Bindings are tricky because they tend to be personal preference (with the exception of bugs). So, there are two QoL requests that I'm hearing might help:

  1. More customizable bindings
  2. More variety in the default bindings (ie, not just Classic & New)


Basically what Drew is saying right here (1)... I'm all in for it.

I wish we can do atleast 75% of the parkours being done on the PC with some decent key bindings. 

It might be a lil bit far fetched, but I'm thinking that we can even make a plug-in extra buttons for a controller upgrade. <<-- will into this financial wise.

The biggest challenge in completely overhauling our current key bindings is the creating of New Neural Pathways... 

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50 minutes ago, (PS4)AngelShur said:

The biggest challenge in completely overhauling our current key bindings is the creating of New Neural Pathways... 

I convinced @Crackle2012 to switch to my R3 jump setup, and it only took him about a week to get used to it, hooray for neuroplasticity!

On a serious note, however you want to bind your keys, I strongly urge all players to move Jump/Parkour to a shoulder button or R3. Unless you've played Warframe fluidly on PC, you really don't know what you're missing. In fact, the very first thing I did when getting Warframe on console was spend a couple hours just messing with the controls because it just felt so awkward and immobile with console defaults.

Being fully free to parkour with no penalties to your aiming or attacking is something PC players can take for granted, but console players simply cant do so with Jump on a face button. I've personally noticed a stark difference between PC and console players when it comes to movement. The average PC player spends far more time in the air, while console players tend to use the parkour as a second thought, only ever taking to the air as a last resort to get around the map. Some players actually use the stairs.. 

Full keybinding support would be a godsend of course, but I strongly feel that the default controls themselves need to change. One of Warframe's major points of appeal is the fact that we can fly around the map in ways that no other game lets you, but anyone using the default controls simply cant do so. It's in our best interests as players, and DE's best interests for publicity, that console players experience Warframe the way it ought to be played, not as a generic ground pounding shooter with a super jump every now and then to clear a map tile, but as crazy magic space ninjas dodging bullets in mid-air while returning fire.

Edited by (PS4)Sreza
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3 hours ago, (PS4)iBoiz said:

Context action already has few functions. It Reloads and picks up loot if for whatever reason it can't be picked up. If you still use "Reload" button consider replacing it with "Context action", this would free up 1 button.

I tried that awhile back and found it annoying, It seems to default to reload first which makes hacking terminals, opening lockers even slower, always having to reload first. So i turned off the reload option. Having the same option to add/sub secondary fire to context action would be a quick option when equipping an Alt fire weapon.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Sreza said:

I convinced @Crackle2012 to switch to my R3 jump setup, and it only took him about a week to get used to it, hooray for neuroplasticity!

On a serious note, however you want to bind your keys, I strongly urge all players to move Jump/Parkour to a shoulder button or R3. Unless you've played Warframe fluidly on PC, you really don't know what you're missing. In fact, the very first thing I did when getting Warframe on console was spend a couple hours just messing with the controls because it just felt so awkward and immobile with console defaults.

Being fully free to parkour with no penalties to your aiming or attacking is something PC players can take for granted, but console players simply cant do so with Jump on a face button. I've personally noticed a stark difference between PC and console players when it comes to movement. The average PC player spends far more time in the air, while console players tend to use the parkour as a second thought, only ever taking to the air as a last resort to get around the map. Some players actually use the stairs.. 

Full keybinding support would be a godsend of course, but I strongly feel that the default controls themselves need to change. One of Warframe's major points of appeal is the fact that we can fly around the map in ways that no other game lets you, but anyone using the default controls simply cant do so. It's in our best interests as players, and DE's best interests for publicity, that console players experience Warframe the way it ought to be played, not as a generic ground pounding shooter with a super jump every now and then to clear a map tile, but as crazy magic space ninjas dodging bullets in mid-air while returning fire.

I seriously, cannot stress the above enough.  (The Jump being on R3 or a shoulder button)

It may be a bit unnecessary to repeat it "again" -- but seriously, this is the best change I have ever made to a controller binding in the history of my gaming days, which goes back to watching my dad play the first Zelda on NES when I was like 1 and a half years old....

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Allowing us to bind the two LR touchpad buttons would be awesome. MGSV Ground Zeroes made use of it by binding the menu to one -- which could easily be the gear menu for us -- and the map to the other (which would help me personally since I sacrificed the minimap bind for Power E). Doing so would also allow me to bind Inspect, as I sacrificed that for Activate Power to be able to use Inaros, Ivara, etc.

TL;DR we can haz more freedom with customizing keybindings pretty pls?

Edited by (PS4)Viggorrah
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*throws in my addition as PC player who uses an xbox one elite for PC*


for too long controller support on PC has been unfinished you can't navigate most of the menus with the controller something that drastically needs to be fixed


on top of that I fully support the idea of alternate set ups for normal gameplay and archwing both on keyboards and controllers

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18 minutes ago, Melos-mevim said:

*throws in my addition as PC player who uses an xbox one elite for PC*


for too long controller support on PC has been unfinished you can't navigate most of the menus with the controller something that drastically needs to be fixed


on top of that I fully support the idea of alternate set ups for normal gameplay and archwing both on keyboards and controllers

I've heard of this being an issue for a while on PC -- That has to be frustrating....

I have a question for you actually though!  With the XB1 controller, are you able to separate Crouch / Slide from Roll if you want on PC, with the XB1 Elite?

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)Crackle2012 said:

I've heard of this being an issue for a while on PC -- That has to be frustrating....

I have a question for you actually though!  With the XB1 controller, are you able to separate Crouch / Slide from Roll if you want on PC, with the XB1 Elite?

not sure I always have had them bound together because I like hitting the right thumbstick for rolls and slides

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Wow. Crackle, when you told me you'd been working on a post all night, I definitely wasn't expecting this. Amazingly put together, and I agree--gamepads definitely need some coffee!


In fact, after reading over this, I had to comment (seriously, thank you for moving this to a place where I could). You see, I'm a PC Warframer that uses an Xbox 360 Afterglow controller (because Afterglow. Nuff said).

After reading this thread, it really hits home with the fact that I've felt one of the biggest problems in Warframe was that there were far more bindings than what any normal controller could be set with. It almost forces you to incorporate multiple control sources in order to have at least the majority of the settings bound to a hotkey. It's much more complicated if you choose to use a controller (and then there are some people who may even have to, due to mobility issues in their hands. I live with one such person that's complained about this, in fact).


Noticing the setups you've listed, I'd definitely like to see some sort of multi-button function added to controllers if possible. Because they don't have this at the moment, the most comfortable style for me also happens to sacrifice the ability to fire a gun with my controller (rushing to my mouse instead). I personally don't complain much, being as I mainly prefer melee, but this can still become a serious issue.


Here's my layout for controller:





Notice, I have three things set to the left trigger. Crouch, slide, and roll. Something brought up elsewhere has made me think to switch roll to the Y button, since the X button also naturally reloads a weapon if not directly in front of an interactable. This is a setup I've used for quite some time, and I've really started to favor it, but as mentioned earlier, it still has severe drawbacks,


For one, there's no firing button, which forces a player to rely on the mouse.

Secondly, when time is of the essence, having to cycle through abilities can take much of said-crucial time, especially on frames like Ivara, where you have to select a main ability and then cycle through minor abilities. 

Third, having 3 actions tied to one button can get confusing sometimes, hance why I'm tempted to move the ability to roll to the Y button.


That said, because of both the shortage of binding options on controllers, and the complexities it can lead to, I 110% support this QoL you speak of! :)



Edit: When I said 'Aim' for the R3 button, I mean being able to look around, not aiming your firearm! I've left firing as my left click, and aiming my firearm as my right click on my mouse!

Edited by DaganEldr
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3 hours ago, (PS4)Crackle2012 said:

I've heard of this being an issue for a while on PC -- That has to be frustrating....

I have a question for you actually though!  With the XB1 controller, are you able to separate Crouch / Slide from Roll if you want on PC, with the XB1 Elite?

Yes you can on both.  The elite controller gives more options for button combos and better tweaking of analog sensitivity and behavior.  

Here are my XBox One Elite controller setup on PC.  

It's the Default controller loadout but with jump and roll redirected.  Dpad has additions and are mapped directly to the underside paddles.  Gives me very good control for aiming while doing parkour.   AW controls are untouched in this setup and simplifies things.  At least until DE adds in separate AW controls.  I set this scheme up mostly for Ivara, but it works for other frames as well.  Might have to change up D-Pad powers for different frames

LB - crouch/slide

RB - Power Menu

LT - Aim/Channel

RT - Fire/Block

L3 - Sprint Toggle

R3 - Secondary Fire

Y - Weapon Swap

X - Reload

A - Roll

B - Melee

Select- Show Map

Start- Menu

D-Pad commands all linked to underside Paddles
Left--Power A
Right-Power C

Left Paddle--Power A
Right Paddle-Power C
lower left paddle- Item/gear
lower right paddle-Jump

Set the Right Analog is set to Smooth in XB1 Controller settings.
Turned down the Look, Aim and Scoped Aim Sensitivity settings in game options.  


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I play Both xbox1 and PC warframe. Cards on the table: repeat rapid-fire key presses or prolonged holding of keys is difficult for me due to it triggering extreme muscle fatigue. The disability compensating options on the PC make that platform my preferred choice, although controllers normally come a close second.

Warframe on Xbox1 however, causes me extreme strain, up to the point of muscle spasms and locking up, and it's all due to running. While left analogue stick button is common as the run button in many games most only require small bursts, only allow you to run for short bursts, or have a properly working toggle option. In warframe it's GOTTAGOFAST. You need to run all the time, the parkour, the level designs, the other players, all of it pushes you to run, run, run, run, run! Warframe also has the dubious honour of having the single worst toggle run command I've ever seen. It will stop seemingly at random and very often, so you end up toggling the thing back on constantly, and it makes movement through the game feel clunky, awkward, unrefined.

This has also led to me feeling extremely self conscious in public matches as I simple cannot keep up with other players without pain. I end up dragging out mission time due to my slower traversal should I choose to avoid the pain of extended sprinting. While I am generally a soloer by nature I have never felt that I should avoid participating in multiplayer due to inability to perform, however on xbox1 that is exactly how I end up feeling.

I really wish run controls were changed to something like "light push on analogue stick = jog" "Full push on analogue stick = run" "hold/toggle analogue button = walk"


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Oh, hey, I've been waiting for something like this. Was debating on posting up something similar, myself. So, I'll just drop a bit here, instead. Fair warning, I do type a lot, and I tend to ramble.  More than likely, this will turn into quite a wall of text, and there won't be a "tl;dr" thing at the end.  With formalities out of the way, I'll get into it.

I am a console player, always have been, and always will be. While I have a PC that is capable of running most modern games (might need a few upgrades to run anything that came out/is coming out in a recent six months span, or so), I've never really been wild about keyboard and mouse controls, especially for action games.  Probably the only games I've ever preferred K/M over a controller, have been RTS games, for rather obvious reasons.

Anyway, as a console player of many, many years, I've always felt that, with a controller, I could keep up with the K/M crowd, so long as I can completely rebind my controls. Generally speaking, if I find that a game doesn't allow a player to rebind their controls, and I don't like the default scheme/s, I usually pass it up. Most of the times, on console, a dev will allow for limited rebinding, which can alleviate the problem somewhat, but it's almost always the commands that can't be rebound that are the more annoying choices. (Dear, Activision and subsidiary developers therein: If you would have let me put the jetpack/boost-jump stuff from your more recent CoD games, onto one of the shoulder buttons, I might have played more than one game of the demo. Might have even been tempted to buy the games. Just saying...)

As far as Warframe control bindings go, it would be nice to be able to bind any command to any interface. Right now, there are certain commands that aren't bind-able to certain buttons. Sure, it might be foolish to bind jump to swiping left of the touchpad, but there's no real reason why I shouldn't be able to, right? In addition, there are currently more commands than there are bindings available. One does not need every single command to play the game, but some things are rather convenient. Can't speak for XB1 controllers, but PS4's touchpad does allow bindings to either side of the pad, as some have already stated. There's also the sixaxis nonsense that barely works, but could be fun to play with for something like gestures. It's difficult to think if simple solutions to the lack of real estate, but I'm sure there are some answers that a dev can brainstorm. (Food for thought, are the PS4 controller's buttons still pressure sensitive, like the PS3's? I actually don't know this. Not a big fan of the Dualshock4, all things considered.  Dualshock3 was/is superior, in my opinion.)

Now, onto matters of control:  While K/M players do have certain advantages over controller players, simply because they can do things that a controller simply cannot, due to binding limitations, and a limited number of buttons, I still don't think that the gap between the two, in terms of capability, is nearly as vast as some would believe.  The key is movement.  Everyone knows that K/M allows for more precise aiming (Though I do get a kick out of PC people complaining about controller users getting aim assist. I understand the complaints, and they're legit, because aim assist is borderline aimbot on a lot of games, but doesn't stop me from laughing about it.),  but I, personally, feel that the analog sticks of a controller allow for much smoother movement than K/M alternative.  (Disclaimer: I may be wrong about that. I've seen some pretty wicked stuff from some PC action gamers.)  Now, a lot of people might think that the more complex a game is, the more advantage K/M has over a controller.  While that's technically not untrue, it's not exactly true, either.

I've spent years upon years (way more time than anyone should devote to gaming, really) playing a game series that is incredibly complex, and only available on console (emulation aside).  This series is titled Armored Core.  (Warning: This bit may get a little evangelistic...)  For those who don't know, which is probably most, Armored Core is the other big thing that FromSouls did that wasn't Dark Souls.  It's not very well known in the west, because of horrible localization, and more recently, because Bandai Namco intentionally tried to bury the series, so From would feel more obligated to make more Souls games.  Anyway, the basic point of the series is pretty simple:  Build a giant robot, and go blow things up with it, including, but not limited to, other giant robots.  Past the concept, though, it becomes a very complex game, especially with each progressive title (That's 15 titles, by the way, even if 2 of them aren't actually real games...).  In fact, the most recent four titles, while the best selling, (due to the advances of mass media that don't rely on publishers spending more than $20 on a bad trailer that only aired for 3 days...) were also very, very difficult for newcomers to get into, due to a vertical learning curve, as far as movement goes.  And in these games, if you can't move, you die...  Hard...

Allow me to share some examples, via Youtube videos:

These are videos from For Answer, or 4th gen AC (4 and For Answer being the first two titles, of four titles total, on PS3/360). I do not know this player, but these videos are re-uploads by someone who I am acquainted with.  While I'm not a big fan of 4th gen, myself, I can't deny the amount of skill it takes to pull off some of the maneuvers that the top players can.



This next one is from ACV (Armored Core V/5).  5th gen changed a whole lot, in terms of movement.  Took away flight, added in more ground-based maneuvers, as well as wall-jumping, among a vast number of other things.  This video is from a teammate (clanmate) of mine.



And finally, the most recent title: Verdict Day (the successor to ACV, and the most recent title in the series, likely to be the final entry, sadly).  These are just a few sharings from my own channel, showcasing different styles of movement.  (If you'll excuse the blatant self-whoring a moment, I do have many, many videos of 5th gen AC on my channel, in case this post happens to pique anyone's interest.)




Now, you may ask, 'Why are you going on and on about a game series that's totally unrelated, and that no one cares about?'

Well, first off, the movement mechanics, especially in ACV/D, are actually pretty similar to those in Warframe, with Parkour 2.0.  But mostly, because this game is played entirely on controller, stock controllers, pulling of some insane maneuvers.  Granted, some players use things like Scuff pads, and other controller modifications, but that's usually because they lack practice, or they don't realize they can completely rebind their configuration, and the default control schemes for these games is pretty crap-tastic.  (Though, I guess, maybe most people won't understand just how ridiculous some of the things in these games are, without having played it for themselves...)  But that's as far as I'll go on AC.  (Though, seriously, if anyone ever wants to talk about the series, hit me up.  I'd be more than happy to discuss things, and even get some fresh blood into a series that could definitely use it.)

So, I guess, what I'm really trying to say is this: Controller play can be just as complex as K/M play, as long as the player takes the time to learn it through and through.  As I've always said to new players in the AC community, "Make sure you learn how to use the controls. If you can't figure them out, then change them to make them work for you."

And, I guess that brings me to my closing statements, the 'tl;dr' of sorts that I claimed wasn't going to be there.  Warframe controls, with a controller, are completely fine.  In fact, they're pretty good, as far as controller adaptations go.  However, more freedom in bindings would be very welcome.  As much as I would love to see crouch/slide and roll separated, I am a bit worried that it would screw my control scheme, due to lack of real estate.

Currently, my control scheme is as follows:
Powers - D-Pad
Moving/Looking - Sticks
Aim/Block - L1
Fire/Channel - R1
Alt-Fire - R3
Sprint - L3
Crouch/Slide & Roll - L2
Quick Melee/Melee - R2
Weapon Swap - Triangle
Context Action - O
Reload - Square
Jump/Parkour Stuff - X
Focus Power - Swipe Left
Gear 1/2/3 - Swipe Up/Right/Down
Marker - Touchpad

Now, if I could bind anything to anything, I would replace one of the Gear swipes to just open the consumables/gestures menu (as a toggle), which would open up two more bindings for me, which I could maybe assign to other things, like Alt-Fire, or other toggles, thus opening those bindings up for other things not currently bound, such as changing shoulders.  It might not be an overly complex solution, but it is a little idea, that would open up a ton of doors.

Also, there's still this issue, at least on PS4, where Left on the D-pad unbinds itself upon first logging in.  Currently, upon first logging in, it will replace my binding (Currently Power B) with 'swap to melee weapon.'  It will fix itself, without fail, after one mission.  Or, I can open the menu in-mission, and 're-bind' it, for an immediate fix.  But, if I'm not playing solo, this generally leads to people having to wait a couple seconds, while I navigate the menus.  Re-binding on the Liset before beginning a mission does not fix the issue.  Just throwing this out there, in the hopes that it gets fixed, as the Archwing control issue I was having got fixed.  Except, this one's been there ever since I started playing on PS4.

Anyway, I'm done rambling.  Hopefully, that all makes sense.  If not, or if portions of this post are deemed completely irrelevant, mods let me know, and I'll cut stuff out.

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