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My idea of fixing this Targis Prime issue...


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What if people want the prime version, though? :wink: 

I get what you are saying with the exclusivity, but I think the idea behind this whole thing is that these armors are not meant to be exclusive. I love my EDO Prime armor set, but that doesn't mean that I cannot enjoy it if others have it. It is not like I earned it somehow like an event item. I just kind of bought it and I think it is nice others get a chance to do that since it will still be rare even if another round get a chance to get it because most people will not buy the bundle for the one thing they want. If it is like the Frost unvaulting, then the cosmetic items will be bundled with the frame so you have to essentially pay ~$60 for a piece of armor if you really want it and at that point they deserve it. 

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Sorry if this sounds a bit stupid, but we don't really know how the Targis Prime armor will be available.
I mean, you're all assuming the worst before the stuff is even available.

I don't watch every single Prime Time ever. Screw me, right!?

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Asdeft said:

Because downgrading it is insulting to the people who want to buy the Prime set. 

And bringing back the prime set doesn't insult those who bought it when it first arrived, like the 140$ Misa Prime Syandana that was advertised as a one time exclusive back when Ember Prime's Access was released being brought back for 60$ and spitting in the faces of everyone who paid 140$?  

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3 hours ago, Tymerc said:

And bringing back the prime set doesn't insult those who bought it when it first arrived, like the 140$ Misa Prime Syandana that was advertised as a one time exclusive back when Ember Prime's Access was released being brought back for 60$ and spitting in the faces of everyone who paid 140$?  


You paid $140 for a Warframe, 2 weapons, a syandana, an extractor, a large amount of Platinum, and 3 month boosters, yet everyone thinks they paid $140 for the syandana alone. Consumer's intent of purchase is not relevant to DE's rereleases, just because a person wanted to pay full price for the syandana only doesn't mean DE feels it's worth the same.

Edited by LazerSkink
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11 minutes ago, TheGuyverOne said:

They primed the Edo set though, why not do the opposite here?

The Edo set was pre-existing was it not? And I meant insulting as in the artists looking over their creation going "How am I going to dingy this up for the poor people". Not saying it's not possible but the thought is unappealing.

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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3 minutes ago, Tymerc said:

And bringing back the prime set doesn't insult those who bought it when it first arrived, like the 140$ Misa Prime Syandana that was advertised as a one time exclusive back when Ember Prime's Access was released being brought back for 60$ and spitting in the faces of everyone who paid 140$?  

Is that even comparable though? And why do people hold exclusivity grudges so much, let everyone enjoy their cosmetics. The only thing I think should be exclusive is the founder gear. Like I said, I love my EDO Prime set, but I do not see why everyone can't have it if they pay as well. 

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Just now, (PS4)Asdeft said:

Is that even comparable though? And why do people hold exclusivity grudges so much, let everyone enjoy their cosmetics. The only thing I think should be exclusive is the founder gear. Like I said, I love my EDO Prime set, but I do not see why everyone can't have it if they pay as well. 

Perhaps it isn't the best comparison, but the point is you're getting another chance at something someone already paid for. I am not holding a grudge. I just think it's something worth noting. I am glad people got a chance at it, but I just didn't like that the price difference between then and now was quite significant. I am sure you can see where I am coming from. Look if people are willing to pay for the gear in question then great. But people who still are not satisfied with their second chance and want it to be even easier/cheaper just bug me I am sorry. 

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1 hour ago, Tymerc said:

And bringing back the prime set doesn't insult those who bought it when it first arrived, like the 140$ Misa Prime Syandana that was advertised as a one time exclusive back when Ember Prime's Access was released being brought back for 60$ and spitting in the faces of everyone who paid 140$?  

It doesn't, because the syandana was not the only thing in the pack and was not the only thing in the accessories. $139.99 - 79.99 = $60 between the inferno and blaze package. If your intent was getting the prime pack, you only paid $60 extra for the accessories and received an extra 2200 plat with boosters. Not being available separately doesn't mean its mandatory, or that a single item absorbs the entire cost, so stop assigning a $140 value to the misa prime. If you didn't want absolutely anything else from that prime access you shouldn't have paid $140, simple as that. Next time apply some rationalization to your financial choices at the moment instead of whining about it 2 years later.


58 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:


You paid $140 for a Warframe, 2 weapons, a syandana, an extractor, a large amount of Platinum, and 3 month boosters, yet everyone thinks they paid $140 for the syandana alone. Consumer's intent of purchase is not relevant to DE's rereleases, just because a person wanted to pay full price for the syandana only doesn't mean DE feels it's worth the same.

But but... but then they can't be melodramatic on how they starved for the entire month because they HAD to buy the syandana. I'm sure they gave the plat away and asked DE to transfer these booster to a random dude's account, as well as turn the warframe and weapon into blueprints for a giveaway.

Edited by nms.
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I think people are being too salty quikly. Be a bit more openminded. I own the targis set but would love to see a non prime version as well. Would give the plat spenders something at least. Not as fabulous but it'll have to do.

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1 hour ago, Tymerc said:

And bringing back the prime set doesn't insult those who bought it when it first arrived, like the 140$ Misa Prime Syandana that was advertised as a one time exclusive back when Ember Prime's Access was released being brought back for 60$ and spitting in the faces of everyone who paid 140$?  

You had the exclusive for what, 1-2 years.  If you can afford to throw down that much on just a sydanna, buy the next 1-2 year exclusive.  


I'm not paying that much for a cosmetic, not even $60, and I could afford it.  I'd rather just spend the money on my family.  


I just don't get the whole exclusive crowd.  So what, it's a video game.  I guarantee the majority of the people who see you don't care and if they do, they forget 5 minutes later.  


They are for you to enjoy.  Why do you enjoy it less if someone else has it?



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1 minute ago, Educated_Beast said:

You had the exclusive for what, 1-2 years.  If you can afford to throw down that much on just a sydanna, buy the next 1-2 year exclusive.  


I'm not paying that much for a cosmetic, not even $60, and I could afford it.  I'd rather just spend the money on my family.  


I just don't get the whole exclusive crowd.  So what, it's a video game.  I guarantee the majority of the people who see you don't care and if they do, they forget 5 minutes later.  


They are for you to enjoy.  Why do you enjoy it less if someone else has it?



To feel like special snowflakes is my guess. Honestly I find it silly too.

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Ok so time to put this to rest, confirmed there is only ONE pack available with the unvault, they are not breaking it up, it was confirmed on stream, someone asked the devs and they said ONLY ONE PACK WILL BE AVAILABLE, no armor or splitting the packs, don't believe me? go ask on stream be sure and use @warframe to get a dev.

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Just release a seperate option to buy the Armour plus boosters for cheaper than buying the entire Vault release. This is for the players who have Mag Prime, Dakra etc and only want the armour. It's a bit steep to buy the armour for the normal Vault set price if you already have everything else, it can't even be sold for Prime parts.

Edited by Zilchy
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2 hours ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

Sorry if this sounds a bit stupid, but we don't really know how the Targis Prime armor will be available.

Sorry if this sounds a bit smart, but we actually do know how the Targis Prime armor will be available. 

Through a 60 bucks complete pack including some plat and all the prime stuff.


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