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Mag Prime Vault Feedback


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On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 2:19 PM, (PS4)twistedodean14 said:


       Now, i will be purchasing this pack because i really wanted targis armor. I already have mag prime, boar prime and dakra prime. I also don't really need the plat. $60 on cosmetics yes i am sure most of you who read this will call me a fool or a drone, and that's fine i love this game and i want the armor. Now i will be using gift cards i have had for quite some time to buy it, but DE After this purchase i will not be supporting this game anymore with my money. Sure ill recommend the game to people and other stuff but i won't spend anymore money because i feel like you guys have taken advantage players like me and its obvious that you don't care about what the tenno want(at least in this regard). 


Would you be happy with it being $50? Because that's what everyone else paid "just" for cosmetics when it was released the first time. Sure, prime access gets 90 days boosters too guess what? There are people that don't even want those (including me).  In this unvaulting, you get Mag (free slot), Boar Prime (free slot), Dakra Prime (free slot), the Targis Armor, 1200 plat, and Mag avatars (which prime access accessory packs don't even get btw) all for $60.  Now Prime access cost like $140 if you want the those avatars. I'd take 1200plat over 90 days booster (because then I could just buy boosters if and when I wanted to instead of not using like 80days of boosters). If they went lower than $50 they'd be slapping everyone in the Prime Access groups in the face because I still feel people are getting more out of the unvaulting than the access in the first place.

PS pricing in general is a completely different monster. And perhaps the better solution is to make a separate tab to trade in fully built prime items for ducats so you can get even more tangible stuff from getting the full pack you don't need.

9 hours ago, xection9 said:

Nah...you're just tarnishing the community's demand regarding the Mag pack fiasco.

Someone obviously never heard of Quick Count, i also believe the straw poll result it's not 1 to 1 to a Quick Count method either, BUT it gave a glimpse what the community wants. I only can imagine IF...IF DE support the poll and went to a full blown survey and made it expose to most of the the players (i.e sent out survey by mail or just like what Steve did on twitter) I bet i'll came out the same.


I'd agree that if you could survey everyone that plays warframe if they should have a separate pack cheaper that they would say yes simply because "people want things cheaper" not that its particularly the right thing to do. The whole problem with this is not that it cost $60 but that it includes items that people might already have, don't want or want to farm themselves. But as I said above I still think you are getting a better deal out of this than prime access got.

But Letter13 is still correct and realistically the people that are more likely to agree to separate packs that are cheaper are people that satisfy these conditions: have Mag, Boar, and Dakra, and didn't pay into prime access.

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10 minutes ago, zNightWolfz said:

i dont see a issue really i mean its $55 to buy 1000 plats u get 1200 with this + the armor dont care about about the boar as i have it but now i have 2 free weapon slots

No it's $55 to buy 1000 plat for an idiot only. Anyone with a brain buys plat on the 75% discount. So it's actually 4300 plat for $55 normally. 

Besides that, many of us don't need more plat or weapon slots etc so those perks hold zero value for us.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Rift-Kaisar said:

at least you guys can GET the damn thing. I live in Australia its 30th june and there is NO mag prime pack in the store not even the Excalibur obsidian pack (cries) and I checked it both through my ps4 and my PC. Nothing. Not a damn thing because I don't have any of it except mag herself.

I'm in Australia too mate and I assure you it's there in the market. But I ain't about to pay $65 for it.

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2 minutes ago, Magicfingers said:

in the going on 4 years now that i've played this game, i've never gotten a 75% off coupon. does this mean i should never buy plat?

Do you want one? It's easy to get. Don't log in for 2 weeks and then suprise suprise, you will get a 75% discount on next log in.

Gee it's almost as if DE are trying to encourage returning players to start playing again...

Edited by Zilchy
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46 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:

And this is probably the exact reason why it isn't happening. Based on the prices of the Prime Access accessory packs, DE clearly values the Prime Access cosmetics higher than the $25 or so that many players have suggested for the price of the requested Prime Vault accessory pack. If this is the case, then $15 is certainly out of the question.

Furthermore, there will certainly be righteous anger from previous buyers of the Prime Access accessory pack if the cosmetics that cost $50 with Prime Access (albeit with a different set of additional perks) are made available from the Prime Vault for a significantly cheaper cost. I personally don't care, but there are definitely people who do and would feel insulted if it happened.

I completely understand that, and if that option were available, I would expect there to be some contention from those players that did buy it originally, but that's why I also included a plea to generally revise their pricing. For the price of prime accessories (which I would only buy for the armor) I could buy a new game, for prime access (which I wouldn't buy since all things are farmable) I could buy the deluxe edition of a new game. Cosmetics and earlier access to gear is not worth an entire game in my opinion. Yes you get the boosters and you get the plat, but I do not desire those and would rather buy the pieces individually. I think of this the same way I approach trading...I'd rather sell more at a slightly cheaper rate than hold out for a larger sum for 1 item.

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5 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Do you want one? It's easy to get. Don't log in for 2 weeks and then suprise suprise, you will get a 75% discount on next log in.

Gee it's almost as if DE are trying to encourage returning players to start playing again...

so i have to quit playing the game to get that coupon....no thanks...i'll just remain without a brain.

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3 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Do you want one? It's easy to get. Don't log in for 2 weeks and then suprise suprise, you will get a 75% discount on next log in.

Gee it's almost as if DE are trying to encourage returning players to start playing again...

For me, it starts out with buying the lowest plat pack; $5.00 A week later, 20% - lowest plat pack again.  A week later, 50% - mid tier plat pack.  3 weeks later, 70% - highest plat pack.  Tested this out 4 times, and 3 of those times it triggered a discount cascade.  Probably coincidence, I'm sure. 


That being said; like I've said in multiple other topics - the lack of options that make the pack appealing to players like me is disappointing.  I'd be more willing to purchase any of the Vaulted Prime packs if the Prime items were in blue print form.  I'd be willing to spend the $60.00 for items that I could either sell, gift or donate to clan/alliance events. 

As it stands, I am not spending $60.00 for a cosmetic, 1200 plat, 3 slots and 50k credits. 

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1 hour ago, Magicfingers said:

just goes to prove that DE really does listen to the community


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in case you didn't know or weren't sure, yes that was sarcasm


Well, they saw the demand for Targis, and skipped two accessory packs to get right to it... so they listen Selectively.

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1 hour ago, Ker-Blammo said:

I'm just surprised people were expecting the pack to have tiers.

I'm still surprised DE hasn't even considered adding extra tiers to the package (Prime Access: Unvaulted). If they cater to players who only need a certain thing, I'm sure they would make more money in the long run. But I suppose instant gratification matters more, nothing wrong with that I guess.

It still begs the question though, if they really thought this is the best way for things to work out for everyone, why are there so many players talking about it? It wouldn't cost them any more man-hours or resources to just make a secondary pack for those that don't want the parts you can just farm for while playing.

I think I've said this a bunch of times already, along with several other members in this thread. But I don't see a downside to a secondary pack, unless they have proof they will end up making less in the long run if they did so. (Everyone would try to farm the stuff they can, and buy what they can't.) I suppose they don't want to take that sort of gambit.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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1 hour ago, Inarticulate said:

And this is probably the exact reason why it isn't happening. Based on the prices of the Prime Access accessory packs, DE clearly values the Prime Access cosmetics higher than the $25 or so that many players have suggested for the price of the requested Prime Vault accessory pack. If this is the case, then $15 is certainly out of the question.

Furthermore, there will certainly be righteous anger from previous buyers of the Prime Access accessory pack if the cosmetics that cost $50 with Prime Access (albeit with a different set of additional perks) are made available from the Prime Vault for a significantly cheaper cost. I personally don't care, but there are definitely people who do and would feel insulted if it happened.

i agree, the valu of these accesories is far more then making available for any 1 and every 1 simply due to the fact that you want it. i had mag Dakra and Boar prime and paid 60$ to get this pack, not for the frame not for the weapons not for the plat , for sure not for some Stupid profile pic icon ( no offence DE ) i bought it for the Targis Prime Armor set. players paid 60$ back in the day when it came out because it was worth it , why? the Armor if u want it and you think its worth it then buy it. if you dont feel the 60$ is worth it then you dont seem to want it bad enough 

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1 hour ago, Magicfingers said:

just goes to prove that DE really does listen to the community


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in case you didn't know or weren't sure, yes that was sarcasm


"Listening to" and "agreeing with" are actually different words that mean completely different things.


edit: Haha, wait, are you guys kidding me? You get 1200 platinum!? I paid $50 for the Targis armor, no platinum, and some boosters that I didn't want. You're basically getting 1200 plat for ten bucks. I honestly don't understand what anyone is complaining about.

Edited by motorfirebox
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At first I was a little sympathetic to those who are unhappy with the Prime Vault pack. Buying stuff you already have isn't much fun. I mean, not too sympathetic, because I paid $50 for the armor (and got some stuff I didn't want along with), so $60 for the armor (and some stuff you don't want) doesn't seem like a horrible deal to me.

But then I realized that the PV pack comes with 1200 platinum.

I mean, wow. That basically means you're paying $50 for the armor (and some stuff you don't want) and $10 for 1200 plat. Which is, as deals go, nutso, considering that the 1k plat pack is $50 by itself. The PV pack is better than a 75% Gift of the Lotus.

So, like... buck up, guys. This is a ridiculously good deal.

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17 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

"Listening to" and "agreeing with" are actually different words that mean completely different things.


edit: Haha, wait, are you guys kidding me? You get 1200 platinum!? I paid $50 for the Targis armor, no platinum, and some boosters that I didn't want. You're basically getting 1200 plat for ten bucks. I honestly don't understand what anyone is complaining about.

I'd love to sell you my car when I decide to upgrade. It'd be the easiest haggle in history.

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6 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

I mean, wow. That basically means you're paying $50 for the armor

Who pays $50 for a set of cosmetic armor in a game?

7 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

So, like... buck up, guys. This is a ridiculously good deal.

It is most certainly not a good deal.  It may be a palatable deal for some people, but it isn't a good deal.

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On 6/23/2016 at 6:27 PM, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

When Misa prime came back they really spit in our faces. Downgraded my $150 worth showing syandana to $50 plebeian one.

I no longer bother buying cosmetics or prime access. No guarantees. Well, at least targis prime is not downgraded. It's still a show off of at least $50.

This has been talked to death on the prime vault announcement, but Prime Access - Accessories only is $50, containing a syandana, sugatra and 90-day boosters. Now if you were to say warframe, weapons with the accessories then there's still the 2 90-day boosters and 2790 plat difference.

If the prime unvault had twice as much plat, I can see it worth it as it takes around 1040 plat for 90days of one booster. Though we are getting  spoiled by plat discounts as $50 would only get 1000 plat at regular. This pack is pretty much saying the frame and weapons is worth 880 plat( 2 90-day boosters is 2080plat)

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15 hours ago, Cenat said:

You know if you live in Singapore, and use Steam it costs $130. JUST SO YOU CAN GET TARGIS PRIME ARMOR


This is unacceptable. Firstly, people only want Targis Prime armor YET even after numerous complains from Frost Prime unvaulting DE still doesn't care. This needs to change. Protest now with your wallets. Don't buy this scam. Show the DE's they can't just get away with charging so much and disrespecting veterans. 

Bruh. I'm from singapore and i only paid 81 dollars for the pack through steam. I think either your steam messed up or your calculations are messed up. either way its not as expensive as you think.

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People just want choice. It's our right as a consumer. 35 bottles of water bundled at 10 cents each for $3.50 total or 1 bottle seperately  for $1.69. Its not a hard concept to grasp. But let de be de. I won't pay full price for 1 item I seek and it's less money for them in the end.

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1 hour ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

I'm still surprised DE hasn't even considered adding extra tiers to the package (Prime Access: Unvaulted). If they cater to players who only need a certain thing, I'm sure they would make more money in the long run. But I suppose instant gratification matters more, nothing wrong with that I guess.

It still begs the question though, if they really thought this is the best way for things to work out for everyone, why are there so many players talking about it? It wouldn't cost them any more man-hours or resources to just make a secondary pack for those that don't want the parts you can just farm for while playing.

I think I've said this a bunch of times already, along with several other members in this thread. But I don't see a downside to a secondary pack, unless they have proof they will end up making less in the long run if they did so. (Everyone would try to farm the stuff they can, and buy what they can't.) I suppose they don't want to take that sort of gambit.

Well, it just doesn't make sense to me for a cheaper pack. Normal Prime accessories packs are 50 dollars (only 10 bucks cheaper), and they come with a whoooooole lot less than this vault pack. 

It just doesn't seem reasonable in the slightest to expect a price drop knowing how DE prices their stuff. 

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I don't know why this is a surprise.  same thing happened when they unvaulted frost prime as well.

You don't know why this is a surprise?  Try reading the the thread and find out for yourself then instead of just commenting.

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9 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

Well, it just doesn't make sense to me for a cheaper pack. Normal Prime accessories packs are 50 dollars (only 10 bucks cheaper), and they come with a whoooooole lot less than this vault pack. 

It just doesn't seem reasonable in the slightest to expect a price drop knowing how DE prices their stuff. 

The value of a normal Prime Accessories pack or the value of anything else is dependent on the views of the purchaser. The value of the Mag Prime Unvaulted pack goes down for someone who already owns a majority of it and doesn't feel like paying $60 for basically just the armor.

That is the real reason there has been so much discussion recently on this topic. They are taking away our choice in the matter, and that is something that is frowned upon by most. This is why they don't bundle cosmetics with normal Prime releases anymore. (they have it in an "accessories" pack.) Because of all the controversy it ignited, why should this be any different? When one doesn't have a need for more platinum or duplicates of items, why be "forced" (inclined) to buy it anyway if all you want is just the armor?

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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