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Why Nullifiers?


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Having recently levelled most of the items in the game and maxed all/most mods, but left Archwing grind and RNG galore, so i'm not planning to waste my time there.... i've been playing with the other frames that are normally trash to use in endgame without group synergies and the real annoyance i face is nullifiers.... they render most frames useless and they don't pose any difficulty at all! Rather they are very annoying, it's like the small kid bullying the tall tough kid, can't throw a punch but will keep provoking, i rather bursas, Bombards, Stalker be  replaced double the numbers than having those annoying beings, or are they there to push you out of the mission??

Nullies remind me of hours i wasted Fighting Vergil, having forgotten to use devil trigger to do the final blow (Devil May Cry), you have it under control but you don't.

Edited by NightElve
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3 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

I just find them annoying since I prefer sniper rifles. I'm typically forced to just bullet jump straight at them and stab them in the face, since using an entire magazine on a single enemy offends my sensibilities.

Agreed. The sniper fans are all RIP. 

Nullies are my least favorite enemies by a long shot. They just make things less fun. I'm perfectly down for some OP enemies (I was upset by the Kavat/CatMom nerfs). Give us some challenge, [DE], not another nuisance. 

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20 minutes ago, Cazzzz said:

Agreed. The sniper fans are all RIP. 

Nullies are my least favorite enemies by a long shot. They just make things less fun. I'm perfectly down for some OP enemies (I was upset by the Kavat/CatMom nerfs). Give us some challenge, [DE], not another nuisance. 

Huge damage numbers on the enemies' part lead to more gear checks than Nullifiers do. As far as the Kavats go, I think they should dish out about the same damage as Drahks do, while sacrificing some durability for speed (since they look to be lightweights compared to the Drahks).

To be fair, though, incoming and outgoing damage all needs a look at. I'm hoping Damage 3.0 will do something about it. I've put 3,000+ hours into Warframe, and the most fun I've had was slogging through the Star Chart in the single digit mastery ranks with my favorite guy. All the endgame content (things around Sortie level) is about locking down maps with CC and only bringing certain weapons. That's not the game I fell in love with.

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9 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

That's not the game I fell in love with.

I agree. The sad thing is, most people defend these map locking and meta gear tendencies, hindering any improvement to the game. I miss the old days when I blocked all incoming fire with my skana and proceeded to finish off those lancers with style.

Edited by TheScytale
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59 minutes ago, NightElve said:

Having recently levelled most of the items in the game and maxed all/most mods, but left Archwing grind and RNG galore, so i'm not planning to waste my time there.... i've been playing with the other frames that are normally trash to use in endgame without group synergies and the real annoyance i face is nullifiers.... they render most frames useless and they don'y pose any difficulty at all! Rather they are very annoying, it's like the small kid bullying the tall tough kid, can't throw a punch but will keep provoking, i rather bursas, Bombards, Stalker be  replaced double the numbers than having those annoying beings, or are they there to push you out of the mission??

Nullies remind me of hours i wasted Fighting Vergil, having forgotten to use devil trigger to do the final blow (Devil May Cry), you have it under control but you don't.

neophytes have to suffer

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the theory behind the nullifier is a bit stupid, or stupidly used. i made a post about it some time ago but i cant find it. so i'll just rewrite my thoughts.

think about this. the nullifier carries on its back a device which renders the tenno warframe technology ineffective if cast outside of the bubble. however, if you are within the bubble, it renders all the warframe's abilities useless.

if the corpus were in possession of something this powerful,

1) why have they not utilised this on a large scale? encircle entire settlements with these devices. envelope entire ships with them. tenno would then resort to only being able to shoot at it, until it diminishes, if large scale implementations of that kind would allow any sort of diminishing at all.

2) without weapons, regardless of the scale of implementation, tenno would never dare entire areas with these nullifier bubbles. because they'd die. what does that do for the idea that the "Warframe exo-armor uses unique combative technology to create the ultimate weaponry. The Warframes hold many mysterious powers and mastering one requires dedicated use." =|

3) The apparent dependence on weapons that it ultimately forces on players. For example, Volt is described as "This is a high-damage warframe perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay." but that's not rly true is it? not with nullifiers around.

a good compromise would be to allow casting of warframe abilities within the bubble.

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It doesn't help that Nullifier bubbles have a maximum reduce range, so you can't instantly pop them which at higher levels + Techs or other powerful units makes this hard to survive.
Not to mention that most abilities are instantly removed if you touch the slightest bit of their bubbles.

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6 minutes ago, kalikilic said:

the theory behind the nullifier is a bit stupid, or stupidly used. i made a post about it some time ago but i cant find it. so i'll just rewrite my thoughts.

think about this. the nullifier carries on its back a device which renders the tenno warframe technology ineffective if cast outside of the bubble. however, if you are within the bubble, it renders all the warframe's abilities useless.

if the corpus were in possession of something this powerful,

1) why have they not utilised this on a large scale? encircle entire settlements with these devices. envelope entire ships with them. tenno would then resort to only being able to shoot at it, until it diminishes, if large scale implementations of that kind would allow any sort of diminishing at all.

2) without weapons, regardless of the scale of implementation, tenno would never dare entire areas with these nullifier bubbles. because they'd die. what does that do for the idea that the "Warframe exo-armor uses unique combative technology to create the ultimate weaponry. The Warframes hold many mysterious powers and mastering one requires dedicated use." =|

3) The apparent dependence on weapons that it ultimately forces on players. For example, Volt is described as "This is a high-damage warframe perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay." but that's not rly true is it? not with nullifiers around.

a good compromise would be to allow casting of warframe abilities within the bubble.

1: The technology is probably fairly expensive and rare, and the bubble may be too weak to disable powers on a large scale.

2: We enter these bubbles all the time


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1 minute ago, (XB1)BroaderSaucer said:

1: The technology is probably fairly expensive and rare, and the bubble may be too weak to disable powers on a large scale.

2: We enter these bubbles all the time


1) money should not be a problem for corpus if they truly wanted to implement it to stop tenno on the whole. they are most times determined to get money for their use however they can. see alad v and selling warframe components.

2) of course you enter it all the time, with weapons. that's why you dont die. see "without weapons" at the beginning of that point. 

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2 minutes ago, kalikilic said:

1) money should not be a problem for corpus if they truly wanted to implement it to stop tenno on the whole. they are most times determined to get money for their use however they can. see alad v and selling warframe components.

2) of course you enter it all the time, with weapons. that's why you dont die. see "without weapons" at the beginning of that point. 

1) that is NOT their objective. Their objective is soley profit, and as we can see, they are NOT unified against the tenno.

2) it's never really described. They said that it contains a mysterious power, it didn't specifiy that tenno powers or warframe powers are the same thing.

Mods and Powers are different in other words.


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It is logical that the Orokin would have tech to control the Tenno and would have to have shielding against Void energy to go through void jumps. Since the Corpus are descendants that focus on worshiping/profiting from the old technology, it stands to reason that they would be able to get the stuff running and maybe Stalker has his signature ability from a similar source. The odd thing is why the field blocks bullets. I would figure that this is simply to reduce incentive for one-shot kill weapons and encourage like Sentients drones, a more balanced loadout.

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7 minutes ago, Robm said:

Nullifiers stand no chance against twin grakatas. I don't know why you people complain about them so much. They are easy to deal with and don't provide any challenge to the game. 

Just because you decide to run Twin Grakata doesn't mean the rest of us do. What about the people who use low fire rate weapons? I use snipers/bows and the Lato a lot. So i'm not as effective at taking down there bubble with weapons I like. What is the point of bringing weapons you don't like just to deal with nullifiers. At that point your not really having fun (which is the point of a game, no?) I'm not against there existence but they need to be looked at again and given a balance pass. They can mitigate nearly all ability's and shelter high threat enemy's like Bombards and Ancients 

Edited by williamsos10
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56 minutes ago, UltimateGrr said:

You'd think the forums would have a setting that stops people who AREN'T mods/admins from using PSA and Megathread tags.

I think people should have common sense and not use what they don't know what it is for.

My opinion is that the tags were used to call for attention. This should have been a common discussion, it shouldn't require attention.

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9 minutes ago, Robm said:


Nullifiers stand no chance against twin grakatas


Okay cool let me only use my long-range auto weapon every corpus or void mission past level 30 enemies because with the nullifier spawn rate and swap speed on weapons god knows I won't have the time of day to use anything else. Weapons like bows and snipers are already a lot trickier to get max mileage out of, and frames that rely on abilities for tanking becomes literally useless the moment they want to get close to a nulli. Sure some frames and weapons absolutely cream them, but they make the rest obsolete. Why should I feel like trying to use my dread or sniper in a corpus mission is a waste of time? Because of 1 enemy type? Pls. 

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44 minutes ago, kalikilic said:

the theory behind the nullifier is a bit stupid, or stupidly used. i made a post about it some time ago but i cant find it. so i'll just rewrite my thoughts.

think about this. the nullifier carries on its back a device which renders the tenno warframe technology ineffective if cast outside of the bubble. however, if you are within the bubble, it renders all the warframe's abilities useless.

if the corpus were in possession of something this powerful,

1) why have they not utilised this on a large scale? encircle entire settlements with these devices. envelope entire ships with them. tenno would then resort to only being able to shoot at it, until it diminishes, if large scale implementations of that kind would allow any sort of diminishing at all.

2) without weapons, regardless of the scale of implementation, tenno would never dare entire areas with these nullifier bubbles. because they'd die. what does that do for the idea that the "Warframe exo-armor uses unique combative technology to create the ultimate weaponry. The Warframes hold many mysterious powers and mastering one requires dedicated use." =|

3) The apparent dependence on weapons that it ultimately forces on players. For example, Volt is described as "This is a high-damage warframe perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay." but that's not rly true is it? not with nullifiers around.

a good compromise would be to allow casting of warframe abilities within the bubble.

you've just said it even better! my friend... Nullifiers even break the lore of the game, with an enemy this powerful why would Tenno bother going into a mission and also why are there no counter measures developed to counter nullifiers.... (but we are sci-fi game and we want fun)

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To be honest, I have no trouble dealing with Nullifiers; running into their bubbles (or rolling for increased protection) and killing them quickly with a melee weapon has almost always worked for me (as long as no other enemies like Techs for regular nullifiers and Bombards or Ancients for corrupted nullifiers are surrounding them). Yes, I know Valkyr is at a disadvantage for trying this due to obvious reasons, but it's probably the most effective way of taking down Nullifiers outside of weapons with high fire rates. In general, Nullifiers were thrown in to help have a safeguard for the Corpus/Corrupted and make them harder to take down with the bubble active. Trust me; the Corpus would be a lot easier (even with Bursa's as they are now) if Nullifiers weren't a thing; when it comes to the Corrupted, it's just an extra hurdle you have to jump through.

Edited by YellowVolt
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18 minutes ago, Robm said:

Nullifiers stand no chance against twin grakatas. I don't know why you people complain about them so much. They are easy to deal with and don't provide any challenge to the game. 

Nullifiers have wrecked you so..... badly out of all the massive collection of weapons in the game, you have to carry that 1 weapon everytime

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11 minutes ago, Manyc said:

I think people should have common sense and not use what they don't know what it is for.

My opinion is that the tags were used to call for attention. This should have been a common discussion, it shouldn't require attention.

Ahem.... i think nullifiers require urgent attention, xD... i actually resisted putting it on Megathread, which i may re-consider since it's game breaking for me, my friends and other players 

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