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Tennocon: What Are The Top 2 Announcements/Reveals You Are Hoping For?


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2 minutes ago, (XB1)FISTO ROBOT0 said:

Where are you getting this info? Sorry I heard typhus and got excited.

Forgive me, it was written as hogwash. This isn't happening. It's what I'd like to hear just to see the Typhus hype die in a hype crash.

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1 The duplicates to cores idea they mentioned in passing many dev streams ago. No more annoying using similar polarity signs to get the base amount of fusion out of a card.

2 Choosing primary syndicates like focus trees so we don't have to bother with a million sigils on all the frames.

All the quality of life stuff that should have been done ages ago.

Edited by Firetempest
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A call to arms, something really bad happens like a raid on a Relay instead of a Fomorian and in the background it really gives an epic scale of battle, even if you're still stuck as a 4 man squad, something to make it feel like other tenno are out there fighting as a large group. Even a cinematic of 8 Warframes at once would satisfy me. Most of the events in Warframe feel too isolated and unrelated to every other thing that happens. I suppose I'm thinking of Mass Effect I know what I ask is impossible but I just want a larger sense of scale.

Fixing those bloody Specters since the update name. One flaw Specters have is that they don't regen energy at all, once it's gone it's gone and the specters no longer use their ability. This is annoying as it means you're best off bringing a Rhino specter complete with boltor and such. For a system made to customize your specters it's limited to what is the best tank and what is the best dps.

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Not to  burst everyone's bubble, but DE previously said in a Devstream that Umbra's will be tied to the lore and that they don't want to spoil it.

It'll probabily appear at some point like the Focus system.

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19 hours ago, Saint_Tan said:

1. A new, fully realized, enemy faction/race the Tenno will be able to battle against.


2. Void Key exchange system (because I have a surplus on so many keys that I could never possibly deplete.)  Like having an option in the market that would take 10 T1 keys in exchange for 1 Bronze Core, 10 T4 keys in exchange for 1 Gold Core, etc.


And you…?



My speculation is that The War Within will develop the sentient more and give us the tools to battle them. Also in U19 are the void projections, which I think will make keys more useful as there won't be T1 defense and Survival keys anymore. 

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23 hours ago, (PS4)Yee_The_MLG_Pro said:

Wasn't Nova "voted" to be the next prime? Like DE saw on their charts that she was one of the most popular frames, so if they released her in prime acces it would mean "cash money" for them? Not sure if this was the case, but I've both heard it in an yt-vid and I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere on the internet too. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Well according to Mogamu's poll Oberon is more popular than Nekros. Though Nekros is in a bigger need of a rework. I'm afraid the only thing that can be done is nerfing desecrate. His other abilities are cool, he is a good frame overall, but desecrate is just too useful not to spam it all the time and he ranks low just because people playing him rarely even fight and only press 3.

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22 hours ago, Drufo said:

New gamemodes. With SotR we will get more Archwing modes, but it's passed quite some time since the last new "normal" gamemode

At this point, I think this might be NEEDED. It's been a while since new missions were introduced. And half of the current involved defending fixed objects.

That needs fixed.

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