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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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6 hours ago, Wolfwaffe said:

Guys, stop complaining about drop rates and prices. DE needs people buying plat, after all.

No one would be complaining if a single kavat is as easy as a kubrow to get.

The problem is that getting a single kavat DNA sample is pretty much as hard as getting a kubrow egg and we need 10, yes 10 of them. And I'm pretty astonished by the fact that breeding a single kavat is 5 times more expensive than a kubrow (in plats).

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Scanning wild kavats is cancer.


Either drastically reduce the genetic code cost to create a kavat, or drastically increase the chance of getting dna from a scan or nobody is going to bother.


You expect us to fight level 25 infested units with constant knockdown and poison BS, while scanning a fast-moving enemy that jumps off the goddamn walls for a 10% or less chance of one code when we need TEN? and only four of them spawn a mission?


It is, to be absolutely frank, bullS#&$.


I've run at least ten missions in the void and gotten three entire dna segments. You need TWENTY for your first kavat.


This degree of grinding is not acceptable and if it's not fixed, nobody is going to bother with kavats.

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Scanning is a real pain - Ivara + sleep arrow is my preferred technique, but it's such a tough process to get a DNA sample. Derelict exterminates are going to get really tired, though it's nice to get so many mods. Bought my first kavat (grumpy cat / scottish fold head ftw!) - will likely buy at least one or two more to see what RNG gets me but I have other things that are higher priority than 20+ derelict exterminates for another cat...

DNA samples should be boosted by resource boosters + drop chance boosters... and if they are already, then damn I feel bad for people without any boosters. 25% chance would be better than what feels like 10% currently.

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I really suggest to raise the chance of Kavat DNA drop chance, I need 10 DNA to build the model, and 1 Kavat have about 5~10% to drop DNA(and thx to my S#&$ty luck, after scanning 25 Kavats, I still havn't get ONE DNA.)

Don't know why don't you guys just raise it to 100%. What's the harm of it? Scan 10 Kavats and build the model, easy and simple.

If you think this solution will make the system too "boring", than you can lower the drop chance AFTER players build the model(drop to 25~50% I guess)

Scan the Kavats isn't a happy business, sorry man, but it's the truth. Scan more than 100 Kavats?That's not just annoying, it's HELL.

(No meaning of harm, I really love Kavats, but the drop chance is just tooooooo low)

(And sorry about my bad English, it's not my mother tongue(?)

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143 wild kavat scans for 1 genetic code and i need 19 more to get my first cat, yeah sure everything is just fine i think you need to drop the chance of getting a genetic print from wild kavats.

No seriously at the moment the drop tables are pure garbage and you cannot get a cat without paying money or being the RNGesus.

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1 hour ago, Xianyu said:

Scanning wild kavats is cancer.


Either drastically reduce the genetic code cost to create a kavat, or drastically increase the chance of getting dna from a scan or nobody is going to bother.


You expect us to fight level 25 infested units with constant knockdown and poison BS, while scanning a fast-moving enemy that jumps off the goddamn walls for a 10% or less chance of one code when we need TEN? and only four of them spawn a mission?


It is, to be absolutely frank, bullS#&$.


I've run at least ten missions in the void and gotten three entire dna segments. You need TWENTY for your first kavat.


This degree of grinding is not acceptable and if it's not fixed, nobody is going to bother with kavats.

I guess you didn't bother to notice all the kavat post that is going on.alright.

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8 hours ago, Wolfwaffe said:

Guys, stop complaining about drop rates and prices. DE needs people buying plat, after all.

Ironically, I'd have bought the DNA with plat if you didn't need so many of them.

Sometimes less makes more profit.

Would you rather sell 10 cards for $20, or 200 cards for $2?

Edited by Maugre
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I see a LOT of squads on recruiting for Katscan. But what's the point of doing that if the individual scans don't add to the mission reward? Just tested, each person got 7 scans, only one got a dna imprint, the rest of the team didn't get any.

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7 hours of farming. countless ode/c keys wasted. 8/20 dna. gotta love these "bugs" every time players get a new overhyped toy that can be bought with plat. please for the love of rngsus this needs a hotfix.

Edited by Trayzerlol
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30 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

I guess you didn't bother to notice all the kavat post that is going on.alright.

You also need another incubator segment for breeding kavats and another 10 imprint to forge and a +2 days research.

So, whoever has Kavats Right now, has paid (bypassed the grinding) of AT LEAST: the incubator segment, the forging AND the breeding rush. to get at least the puppy. And honestly, if anyone is willing to pay that much, most certainly, that person have also paid for the market imprints as well.

The argument in here doesn't even stand against paying or not, but the fact that as it is now, breeding kavats is far from practical, specially if compared to Kubrows.

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Well, if you don't bring a frame like nova or volt that can either slow or stun the kavats, they are a pain to scan,and half the time they just die to scorches or hyekka masters with those bloody flamethrowers that seem to have punch through, meaning the kavats just die and you can't even enter a room without having half of you heath depleted by one of those units who you don't have a line of sight on and is killing you precious kavat scans as well as you. Seriously though, remove those units from the OD or just rework their weapons so they don't have so much range or punch though. (and this doesn't even take into consideration on how much time it takes to get a single thing of DNA)

Edited by Hail_Cobras
eh, I forgot about this
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Agreed with everyone in this topic, 6.5% drop chance is FAR too low for the Kavat DNA. I've spent about 5 hours over the past day farming DNA with only 6 to show for it, and am only now building the incubator thanks to the generous donations of a clan member.

I dearly hope the abysmal drop rates are a mistake, but I can't help but wonder if it's intentional to get people to impulse-buy Kavat DNA with plat.

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First of: I think scanning wild Kavats for the genetic code in an interesting and fun sort of mechanic. I like a good hunt! Even though the actual scanning part it is very tricky without a warframe like Ivara or Nova to slow them down, I still like the challenge it gives.

BUT whether or not you manage to find and scan them doesn't feel like it matters in the end right now, with the terrible, terrible DNA drop rates... I've scanned around 150 kavats since last night, gotten 5 codes. And reading through this thread, I seem to be one of the luckier ones. It feels all kinds of unrewarding.

This drop rate is such a hype killer for me. Been looking forward to Kavats since last summer when the concept art was shown, and I thought I didn't mind grinding to get one. But seeing so little progress in so many hours (You need 20 codes afterall! 10 for the ship upgrade, 10 for an actual kavat), made me not really care anymore.

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1 minute ago, Sheegrah said:

This drop rate is such a hype killer for me. Been looking forward to Kavats since last summer when the concept art was shown, and I thought I didn't mind grinding to get one. But seeing so little progress in so many hours (You need 20 codes afterall! 10 for the ship upgrade, 10 for an actual kavat), made me not really care anymore.

Exactly. I would probably even be fine with just one DNA per run, but nope. Lucky if you get one for 5 runs.

I have discovered, though, that if you happen to scan a Kavat that gives DNA with the double scan widget activating, it gives two DNA.

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7 runs and 13 scans later and NOT A SINGLE DNA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  This NEEDS to be fixed, I can get a Kubrow faster than this.  I know it's new, but I think the drop rate for their DNA is ridiculously low...  and still waiting for the dojo segment to finish.  Which I just now found out that it requires 10 DNA itself... it's killing it for me REAL fast unfortunately.  

Also been "hunted" twice today by stalker and Zanuka... I must have HORRIBLE luck today lol... -_-


Also, on a side note, can we PLEASE make the pups and kittens immune to DNA degrading for those of us who WANT to keep a pup in our liset without having to worry about it/them dying (for aesthetic reasons)?

Edited by Btabc
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3 hours ago, Kawalorn said:

Drop rate for codes is way too low.

It's like Kubrow Egg all over again. But this time we need 20 to make Incubator + 1 Kavat. Seriously? Honestly I'm giving up on them until drop rate is increased.

Right there with you.  just made another run and 5 more scans... nada. 

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Nullifier buffs are probably the key thing I despise on this update, the hiding blueprints in market, then archwing the random spinning gives me a headache. Other than that everythings been ok so far.

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The quantity of codes needed to get a Kavat is frustrating.  I've heard numbers floating around from 5% to 10% and we're not sure yet but either way, needing 400 scans to get your first Kavat is pretty silly.  That's maybe 3-4 hours of running Derelict compared to maybe 30 minutes on Earth for a Kubrow Egg?  The difference is a little extreme.

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I have 2 issues with Kavats at the moment (might be a third but need to double check).

1 - I need another power cell etc and that needs argon crystals which only come from the void and well I can't access the void anymore as you took the keys away for the fissures...

2 - Couldn't you have just done another egg rather than these scans, I already think the scanners are too slow as it is and well kavats aren't exactly slow.

3 - (need to double check) but we didn't get any extra slots for a kavat so would either need to buy some more or sell off a kubrow...

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3 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

I have 2 issues with Kavats at the moment (might be a third but need to double check).

1 - I need another power cell etc and that needs argon crystals which only come from the void and well I can't access the void anymore as you took the keys away for the fissures...

You can still go to the void tileset via the starmap, you just don't get prime stuff from the void anymore. You still get argon.

Anyway, I have to echo how painful it is getting kavats and I haven't even started farming intensively for them yet.

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11 minutes ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:

You can still go to the void tileset via the starmap, you just don't get prime stuff from the void anymore. You still get argon.

Anyway, I have to echo how painful it is getting kavats and I haven't even started farming intensively for them yet.

Not until I open up a pathway... I can't click on the links until I've worked through all the requirements again to open up a route.  Before it was, ah I need argon, I'll just use a key and see if I can get some..

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2 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Not until I open up a pathway... I can't click on the links until I've worked through all the requirements again to open up a route.  Before it was, ah I need argon, I'll just use a key and see if I can get some..


Well yeah, you have to actually open up the void to play there now, but it's still accessible. It's not like DE took out any and all ways of acquiring argon.

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