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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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I was looking over the new market UI and noticed one thing. The newKavat Genetic Code item in the companion tab. Looking at it one might think it is initially like a kubrow egg that you buy and go use in the incubator. However I was shocked to find that it was not what I thought. Seeing that it was only one of ten pieces needed struck me as odd. If you do the math that is 50 plat compared to the 10 plat that is needed to buy a kubrow egg. This strikes me as odd since they do the same thing, the only difference is one is harder to get than the other as far as I am aware, that being the kubrow egg. I personally do not think it should be ten separate items that have to be purchased from the market. Like the Kubrow egg it should be one item not a part of what you need. The price may be more at that point but it makes more sense to me than selling it as one of ten pieces.

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I don't believe this was a necessary update. It didn't add anything it just changed stuff to be more complicated. Not in a good way either.

(TLDR below)


The only flaws fixed with this "Update" and the old ways was a new way to acquire prime parts. But essentially its the same exact thing. But at least i dont have to do strenuous missions over and over for a single part.


The remainder is not great. I enjoyed the previous star chart. It was simple and easy to memorize the game modes based on name. Navigating through the unnecessary adjustments to the map takes more time. While i still have the names memorized i have to find the itty bitty text that says the name of the mission im looking for. Navigation is now much more annoying. Star chart 2.0 had everything laid before you. Easy highlighting would give you all the information you need to prepare. Now i have all this extra stuff distracting my view of the mission nodes i want to find. 

The void segment for the ship is not necessary. Having to complete tasks just to get back into the void to earn rewards is completely ridiculous. I've played for nearly 3 years now. And im forced to fight level 1 enemies and do missions way beneath me to get some segment to continue finding parts i need for new primes. It may be a one and done, but as of writing this review, there are no earth alerts which is clearly what the mars junction wants because i took out a saturn alert and didnt progress on the mars junction. It literally says "Complete 1 alert" why do i have to wait for RNG to place an alert on earth? When an earth alert shows its head, will i have time to complete it? Why is the segment given there in the first place? Shouldnt it be in the market for credits? or a quest you can complete ANY TIME? Instead of forcing me to fight level 1 throwaway enemies couldnt there have been something different? Maybe lore as to why i need to use these things to make prime stuff? complete nuisance. utter nonsense.


Market 2.0 is annoying to navigate. Half the screen is used on complete blackness. the other half is used for 3-4 items at a time. Category browsing is only good if i can see the entire category. So i know if my item falls under the category or not. I spent about 10 minutes looking for the void relic segment before i realized its some star chart reward. I tried to find it under gear and miscellaneous and due to the small size of the icons in the market i double checked about 6 times each time doing my searching slower. The reason being that i had found the void segment machine on my ship and figured it must be in the market and i could find it really quick. Until a few minutes passed and i had to google some reference notes.

Star Chart 3.0 is inferior to star chart 2.0. Ill explain with an analogy. Imagine trying to build a Red and Blue Lego house. Your brother, Star Chart 2.0 has his legos sorted in different boxes of which he color coded. Your brother isnt the most perfect person, so he has a few yellows in his red box and so on, but the majority of the box is one color. and now you. Star Chart 3.0 have just bought a new lego set and dumped it all into one box. Sifting through the yellow and green bricks could take a while. Especially near the end when there are only a couple of red bricks left.


Kavats? I'll let you know in 3 days cuz of required waiting. Just more waiting. Expected. I wouldnt say im used to it, id say im numb to it. It still hurts me but just lesser so.

Specter rail thing? well whats the point if the objective isnt done? I have to wait to get an alert for the earth one, that left me sour so why should i have to do all these other really easy things ive done a bazillion times to get the rewards for it. Ive collected over 10 thousand fusion cores. Now i gotta get more of them. Kill 150 of a specific enemy class. Ive done all these. Making it mandatory to do so is like being told to do something you already have done. Which is exactly what it is really.


Taking the Nintendo approach to something is not the best idea. Not for Nintendo and certainly not for an MMO game. Trying to make a game user friendly that is an ever living thing will certainly upset older players. Newer players are great. But give us options too. I dont want to kill 150 level 1 enemies because ive already killed thousands of them. Making it a pre-requisite to get something that helps me continue doing what im supposed to do as a veteran player is incredibly annoying. i have to go out of my way from enemies in my criteria to do this to be able to collect prime parts. Im trying to get Vauban Prime and now i have to do these super specific things before i can RESUME doing so. Im not quite sure whom would enjoy the new crazy star chart layout but kudos to them if they do. Its a crazy wild layout of nodes id honestly just rather have a list or a spreadsheet to select my mission in place of this. I could collect all the info without even having to mouse over anything.


I dont like to take the fun out of anything when its there, but the update changed mostly the UIs of the game and added space cats. Kind of feels like each menu was given an unnecessary extra layer or 2 to eat up my time. What with the other problems in the game such as collecting prime parts not being such a time vacuum or strange finicky matchmaking or all the strangely bad weapons or outdated warframe abilities needing work, im pretty sure i was selecting missions just fine, buying my items in the market pretty easily and having extra time afterwards to do some bobble-head admiration was a more simplistic feeling which in turn adds to the charm of the game. Rapidly going in-and-out is what warframe is at its core. Finding ways to optimize time spent or reduce time spent is what the game lives for. This game has what i like to call a simple complexity enigma. The modding system is a great example of this. Each mod card does one thing or sometimes 2. It exists for that single purpose. But its the combination of the other 7 to 10 cards that creates the complexity, when in reality those other cards only do 1 thing as well.


TLDR: Lately warframe has found ways of circumventing achieving a goal into spending more time doing something you dont really need to do. Thats pretty much this entire update does to the game.

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Profile - Equipment is total mess, some items are doubled like Amesha AW and Amesha is in wrong category, some weapons missing from their category like AW melee or gun. Dark-Split Sword triple entry still not fixed

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After an hour of tinkering with new update, theres some early feedback:

I have no idea what to do :-) Where's some tutorial? Where's map legend? Actualy map is pretty and shiny but user unfriendly. What about quick resources showing as you browse over the planets? How can I get my cats? No help. What the frak is this new thingie in my ship and how can I get the segment? No help. I can read the patch notes and learn everything, but thats not how it should be.

And then the market. Nice try to burry BP and make people pay platinum for weapons and frames. Do you realy think that this is more user frinedly then previous setup? I dont. And paying for AW and AWW slots? Realy? I tought that maybe the time is right for you to abandon payed slots idea. I was wrong apparently. More payed slots thats what we need!

So after an hour my conclusion is this. User friendly interface still missing, some suspicious changes in market and I'm lost in the game, almost like I was when I started. Without external help (wiki, uncleG) this game is unplayable :-) I'll be back in month or two, when this mess will be polished. Hopefully.

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When I go to a junction, my sentinel gets trapped at the spawn and can't follow:


Companions should either be able to follow or not spawn at all. Edit: it ended up getting freed at some point before or after I defeated the specter-- I didn't notice when.

Edited by Scylax
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I'm running missions to seal Void Fissures and I'm only getting MAYBE 4 reactant to drop. Totally get and love the challenge of the Orokin coming in (that's awesome), but I can't even remotely get enough reactant to drop to seal the Fissure. Is it just me?

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2 minutes ago, SilentWalrus91 said:

I'm running missions to seal Void Fissures and I'm only getting MAYBE 4 reactant to drop. Totally get and love the challenge of the Orokin coming in (that's awesome), but I can't even remotely get enough reactant to drop to seal the Fissure. Is it just me?

No it's not just you. Void fissures are near-entirely broken due to RNG mechanics. DE needs to sort out drops so you always get enough so long as you're putting in enough effort.

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Solo'ing a void fissure the drop rate for the reactors is fairly low, that said, I do like the fact I can choose what prime part or forma blueprint I want. It's confusing a little at first but the Junctions are a nice addition, I'm not necessarily needing to do the Junctions but for fun I'm doing them. Others have said this but having a tutorial on how to navigate the new starchart would be great. I do find that the text is small enough that I might have trouble seeing it without my glasses.

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Let me start by saying that the new starmap looks amazing, less nodes, and much easier to get around you just need to follow the line to the new planet. What i dont know is how this affects players that dont have all the planets unlocked, so the Junctions become a somewhat optional thing for me, also since i completed every quest i dont know how this affects quest progression, ive seen some of the quest here and there as rewards in the junctions, but how this affects new players i dont know. Will quests be faster to complete or much slower? But from an outsiders perspective it seems that it will help with mission flow.

That being said, i found most of the rest of the update disappointing.

I wrote a lot about archwing in its feedback thread, but to keep it short the new movement system and the camera are frustrating as hell, to the point of making the game mode completely unenjoyable.

I havent played void fissures, but i did play a few of the void missions in the star map, the fact that there is no kind of reward on those missions (not even a worthy sum of credits) makes them completely pointless. Why sit 40 waves defending a cryopod if you get nothing for the challenge? The old void was much much better, you trully have destroyed the void, but only the mission tileset since now its pointless to play.

Also, did we really needed a new resource?! You removed the grind from the void just to add it somewhere else. And in the process you made the whole void farming system unnecessarily complicated. Before the update we had a grind intensive, but simple way of farming prime parts. It seems to be a constant with this game that after a couple of updates a new resource is introduced and adds a new layer of grind to the game.

Did nullifiers really needed a buff!? The most annoying enemy in the game now is even more annoying. After all the requests by players (myself included) to have a creative way of killing them, you went ahead and buffed them instead, the one thing nullifiers didnt really need.

The Draco removal has mixed feelings for me, on the one hand ill miss leveling up gear quickly after using forma, but it is for the best, since it spoils new players to grind only draco thinking that is the game. A new XP cave will be found eventually, hopefully one that is fun to play, unlike Draco.

As for Kavats i havent tried them yet, they seem interesting though.

I get that the game is constantly changing, old systems are updated, and new ones are introduced. I remember i was frustrated as hell when syndicates were first introduced in the game, since they were extremely grindy, but the rest of the update was amazing, and not long after we got ways to reduce that intensive grind. I was really looking forward to this update, but found most of the changes disappointing and frustrating, and worst new unnecessarily more complicated grinds replace the old ones, for the same old rewards.

To be honest its more of a reason to take a break from Warframe than to keep playing. Im sorry for the saltines, its just an honest opinion.

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10 hours ago, cghawk said:

just do what I've been doing since nullifiers have been introduced, only play vs grineer, infested, used to include tower 1 & 2 but with this update it's gotten reduced to just grineer and infested, probably missing out on about 50% of the game but at least that's more fun then meeting a nullifier squad

Yeah, I guess you're right.

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Solo players are really getting the short end of the stick. 

We can't choose a reward, that's ok but the drop rate of reactants things to close the fissure is way too low, increasing time spent in low lvl missions. 

Edited by Gilmaesh
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I feel lost. A new starchart/nav system isn't a harmful idea, but it's the least bit intuitive.

I've referred to the update log several times to try to comprehend the changes that have

been made - namely to the Void - and I just don't understand it.

I, as most of us (I'd assume), have a full-time job and a hectic schedule,

so to learn this elaborate system feels like such a chore.

I've little interest in the complexity this update's features bring.

Warframe was an immersive game with a fairly nuanced combat system that felt

'good' to master, but this update pushes things beyond the tipping point to frustrating and unappealing.

And I dare to reiterate - what the clem is going on with the Void..... I just have one

big question mark above my head (and a tear in my eye).

My working life doesn't even require this much mental capacity, and I get paid to deal with that mess.







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I feel that the drop rate of void traces is too low, especially given the tendency of most pub groups to close the rift as fast as possible-Either the individual pickups should be larger or the end-of-rift spawns should be multiple pickups.
On a full-time rift with Nekros active I still only get between 10-15, on a speed close I get 2-5.

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The UI for the marketplace is unorganized and further obscures the free options available. Market UI feels cluttered in part due to lack of negative space/overlaying of menu on what you're trying to look at.


Rail junction unlocks feel like tedious mmo quests that halt your progression. Part of the appeal of the previous map was the feeling that you could control the pace of your map progression. You were only required to kill a boss to get the next nav segment and that gave you a lot of freedom. That feeling has been lost. The map is also a bit disorganized and it's hard to find a particular place quickly. Suggest adding a list of different areas of the map, such as relays. Visibility of the nodes needs improved too.

Edited by GaleSquid
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Not a fan of the new method to acquire prime items, it's just as tedious as before, if not more. Why do you insist with this crap design of having to bring items into some missions in order to do something extra within that mission in order to get what you're really after? It's annoying and i don't get it.

If it was up to me, i'd get rid of all this relics/keys/rifts nonsense, make void missions just like regular missions except they have the void tileset, enemies, and higher level so they're harder than regular ones and will never be something like lvl1-15 but always at least 40+, and just give prime items upon completion.

I'm fine with farming a mission for a prime piece i want, but farming a relic, to then farm a rift "mission" within a mission, is just overly complex for no real reason, and it just ends up putting me off the game more than anything else.

Edited by AzKnc
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We have to go on scavenger hunts for the void tears? That is absolutely unacceptable. This isn't some subquest tucked away in an item cache -- it's the primary focus of the mission. Void tears should have a permanent marker on the map that's visible as soon as you start. Previous void missions didn't require something that ridiculous, but now all of a sudden there's reason to increase the time barrier items are hidden behind countless times over?

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I did a Greneer Fissure, guess what, Bubble Boys (as i call them, because they die without it).


Conclave is bugged, i choose FFA throws me into Lunaro, can't find players, and when i exit frame i stuck.



The Meso C1 Relic has Saryn P Systems twice in it, Paris parts are in 5-6 relics. And i'm sure i had keys that gave me access to farm the Boar/Dakra parts, now i don't have any relics for them and need to farm again for keys for them :|

Edited by raptorscream
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Some of the Junction quests are very impossible under the current state of the game (full of bugs and uncoded features), and they need to be changed or reworked


1) Complete 3 Nightmare difficulty missions - This is currently impossible because the new starchart does NOT have the ability to let us choose default layered missions, like when a node had an Infestation Outbreak, Nightmare Mode and Alert happening at the same time. Since Sortie, Alert and Syndicate missions take priority, the default mission can NOT be selected, and for a new player, this means they cannot clear a node to advance to the next one. Currently, either the server doesn't put Nightmare status on certain missions nodes, or the current build of the game doesn't have Nightmare missions (but Nightmare Alerts instead).

Earlier, I had attempted to clear an Ice Storm alert, which counts as a Nightmare difficulty mission by all senses of the word. The Junction did NOT register it. If doing it doesn't register, and I have to repeat the same process 3 times without Nightmare missions, this is simply impossible.

2) Seal 3 <Insert Tier Name> Fissues - This one is bugged. I could get a single count to register in the Junctions, but consequent tries did not register. This has to be changed to something else or fixed with all due haste

3) Support either Grineer or Corpus in an Invasion - This one is impossible. I supported Corpus faction against Infestation yesterday and it did not register.

4) Obtain 3 Mods from Orokin Principles Challenges in Lua - This is forcing players to co-operate in something, and no one wants to go through the Lua missions when they don't offer incentives at the first place.

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7 hours ago, Boomangee said:

I'm very surprised at the backlash with the void fissures. Personally I find them a lot more entertaining, and on top of it all, way less time consuming. Remember that some of these rewards were 20 minutes into a survival, or 4 interceptions long. The question i'm really asking is... where's corrupted vor at now?

The problem with Void Fissures is that they are nothing but mini Excavations. Over and over again. With constant Nullifier spam. They completely invalidate Loki, Mesa, Nezha and Zephyr out of the gate (Zephyr because you CANNOT chance scattering the loot by using Tornadoes). They STRONGLY discourage Nova, Mirage, Nyx, and Ember, who they all but make useless as well. On top of that, they invalidate the use of half of our weapons, and FORCE a full auto weapon on every go.

Meanwhile, they absolutely invalidate powers. The very thing that sets Warframe apart, the new feature attraction MAKES TOTALLY USELESS. Might as well bring max defense Valkyr or Atlas on EVERY SINGLE MISSION for Fissures now, because damage and knockdown mitigation are the ONLY thing that matters.

This is like the definition of bad design.

On Corrupted Vor: I ran a Void Mobile Defense yesterday, level 40 - 45. Aten, I think. He showed up. Unfortunately.

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14 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Toda gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo de desarrollo a hacer el juego funcionalmente peor.

+1 This ^

El problema con fisuras Void es que no son más que pequeñas excavaciones . Una y otra vez. Con el spam Nulificador constante. Se invalidan por completo Loki, Mesa, Nezha y Zephyr de la puerta (Zephyr porque no se puede dispersar el botín oportunidad mediante el uso de los tornados). Ellos FUERTEMENTE desalientan Nova, Mirage, Nyx, y Ember, que todos ellos, pero hacen inútiles también. Además de eso, se invalidan el uso de la mitad de nuestras armas, y la fuerza de un arma automática completa de cada principio.

Mientras tanto, se invalidan absolutamente poderes. Lo mismo que establece Warframe aparte, la nueva atracción característica hace totalmente inútil. Bien podría traer defensa max Valkyr o Atlas en cada misión INDIVIDUAL para Fisuras ahora, porque el daño y la mitigación de caída son la única cosa que importa.

Esto es como la definición de un mal diseño.

+1 This ^

Did nullifiers really needed a buff!? The most annoying enemy in the game now is even more annoying. After all the requests by players (myself included) to have a creative way of killing them, you went ahead and buffed them instead, the one thing nullifiers didnt really need.

+1 This ^


It's actually baffling how poorly made this update is considering DE's relatively great track-record up until now.




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Ok this update...

Generally its ok, im not a huge fan of the starmap because i have to keep zooming back to see what im doing and it makes me queasy.

Starmap the node bits need to be bigger ffs

I cant see clearly whether ive done something or not give us a legend or something to work from...

make the little square 3 times as large prob more

I cant place extractors now like eris for eg i had all 260 levels open before this update and i cant figure out whats stopping the extractor... it better not be jordas golem as i hate that fecker.

Void tears, concept ok but.

Can it be longer so it touches the floor, i have to keep jumping to add the bit to close it ? as the hitbox is in the wrong place.

Timers why do we have a timer onit. no fecker is watching the timer or even sees it because we have 2 many problems with 5 nulls dropping out of nowhere right ontop of you.

Cerata seems to been nerfed? again wtf so the only chance i had of downing a null other than lose my abailies and run iside with a gun/sword, is now removed... unbelievable

Why do you insist on increasing bombards and nulls when it most be obvious that we all (most) hate them.

Sound effects are good now still a little weird though

Drop rate for the bits to increase the chance of a better drop is way to low (cant remember the name for it)

Jump nodes dont seem to take into account ive already killed vor etc hundreds of times? and similar things like that


Its ok in parts but im hoping it gets patched soon. as it stands tears are tedious when it all drops on top of you

Relics i dont mind as i can see them adding more things so that we can have more in the tables so to speak.


And lastly.   Draco gone good on you best part of the update, maybe people will play the game now and not be carried to 8 levels only for all the stuff which can only be a good thing.


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1. Bring back "confirm to enter" style of clicking on star chart - current is garbage - you can zoom out, click to drag a map and GET into the countdown, even if nodes are invisible due to zoom. 

2. Multi choice on junctions - please, why do we need to do alert to be able to do normal node?

3. Indications for specific missions - searching for something, till you "memorize" new layout in star chart is utter pain. You have to point at node to be able to actually read that tiny description. Give us better tooltips, or just place ICONS near the node which will have the symbol of a mission type. Right now, I have issues finding.. nightmare zones.

4. Stuck on exiting relay - cross sections - dojo. You have to either exit the game, or just use the menu - which does not solve one more problem with that - you get your invitation and choice of multiplayer options removed, also, can't accept or issue invites - even through chat system.

5. More high tier levels to actually do. I thought You wanted to make VOID 2.0 a challenge, not just remodel the stuff. The only challenging thing now are Sorties and endless runs - which get a bit boring to get to, since you just need to sit for X rounds first to actually get something high level at you. Rathum is more like PVP bot fight than normal run, so that does not count ;)

6. Affinity gain - expected to nerf Draco, not remove it completely, not expected to ruin only Grineer planet that was actually fun to play
Also: Why affi gain is so low? Why do I have to remain in a missions for HOURS until I can level up a single weapon? Ever thought that through? Forming weapons will be REAL pain, not to mention the process is dumbed down to just grind million times - except this time, we won't do it on one map, but ANY map. This is not going to make ppl want to play, just the opposite.

PS. WTH is wrong with my warframes - their heads are possesed by some ancients when they look on star chart?

Edited by Xyhon
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