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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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Most of those problems due to how they rush it, to release before tenno con, since they sayed that they will-but that fail by itself, in it current state i don't wanna that update thank you very much. On top if that DE KNOW that update if unfinished and buggy as hek, and they still released it despite all of that, due to marketing things.

But there also some things like nullifiers buff, that can't described as "We was in hurry", it was intensional, and after receving all of that negative feedback about it in da forum and in tennocon they backlash it.

TL DR-we waited for half of a year for new major update, we were able wait 1-2 week, but DE decided to rush it for whatever reson and this is what we got.

Edited by -CM-Hekovashi
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2 hours ago, BiomiZ said:

This update, in my opinion, is probably the worst update I've encountered, throughout my years of playing.

After every bigger update there are allways People saying "this is the worst update ever" and I really question how Long These People are playing Warframe.

Everyone can have their own opinion and that´s good, but the update back in the days were way worse.

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1 minute ago, Kuestenjung said:

After every bigger update there are allways People saying "this is the worst update ever" and I really question how Long These People are playing Warframe.

Everyone can have their own opinion and that´s good, but the update back in the days were way worse.

i wasn't around during it's early days so, i wouldn't know. That's why i implemented 'throughout my years of playing.' Also, to answer your curiosity, I've been playing Warframe for 1994 hours (according to Warframe) and 2900 hours (according to Steam). 

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I like the new system with the Void Fissures, it's really fun. The refining of Relics is interesting, yet I feel it's quite limited at the moment. You need to "sacrifice" a Relic to get Void Traces, used to refine Relics. It's no problem on my side, but that means you have to run sometimes a little bunch of Fissures mission (and as many Relics) to get the amount of Void Traces needed to refine the specific Relics you want to. So I was thinking, why not making them a drop in the Void Tileset ? There is no risk of players stacking huge reserves due to the cap at 100 anyway. It sounds reasonable to me. It may reduce the grind, as the devs talked about that :angel:  .

Edited by Arkhenbarn
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Well, the devs said it was utterly rushed. The update is evidently a shell of what was supposed to be SotR. Pity. We get it. Why isn't anything getting done about it?

We got a mission screen glitch that makes you alt+F4 every 15 minutes, we got broken Sorties, Synthesis missions, we got freezes, unbelievably unpolished starmap and pretty much everything else... Why not fix at least something of it? It's been more than a day since last hotfix. The devs can go all 'it was supposed to come out years later but the financial restrictions and stuff and guuuh we failed you' and all but there are thousands of players waiting for at least something.

You know, basically, deadlines exist for a reason, and 7 months since U18 was more than enough to get everything of it ready. The thing we have now is really half-baked for no reason and nothing is getting done about it. I thought I was ready to like the devs again but no, no I'm not.

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2 hours ago, BiomiZ said:

#2 'Nerfing Bonus Credit Rewards?' Now tell me please, is it a crime for a player to be stacked with credits? Is it a crime for players to farm credits with ease? And also, why and who decided to 'Nerf' the LOR bonus credits? Why? Why? Was it too rewarding... i don't understand. The main reason i run LOR (Law of Retribution) is for credits. The amount of Credits compensated the atrocious RNG that LOR has and now, you simply subtract a portion of it.  We need credits, both trading and Baro alike. 

Considering everything... why was "nerf" the first thing to pass your head instead of "bug"?


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7 hours ago, Stonehenge said:

And there is no denying the loudest part of this community calls for rethought and more every update for years.

look, as a relatively new player with just a wee bit over 100 hours in the game, this update has literally thrown c*ckblock over even opening up the map. it has thrown c*ckblock over completing quests i was working through when the update landed. it has done so hard enough to make me go from lets toss the 5 bucks i had sitting in steam in this until i can add more funds, to hmm maybe spending even that five bucks wasn't the best idea in two days with it.

looking back over the past ten or eleven days in the game, i can see how i would have been punched in the nuts while it ran with my wallet even harder if i started with this patch instead of a week earlier.

some of this is the bugs, but other aspects are terrible planning, fighting frost in the junction battle got my hide wiped instantly multiple times until i switched frames to something that couldn't be oneshot out the gate i farmed up elsewhere, beyond those junctions.. if i had earth only tier gear and no other frames? i would have been stuck. hells i farmed up frame parts from regular old alad v half a week ago. i visited him today while trying to see what i *could* complete junction wise since i'm stuck in other places(and the unlocks prior to update persist even if junction blocked) and got my proverbial hide handed to me with a few near instant kills *IN MY RHINO* with 2 ability up, to say nothing of the three bursas on the way.

no notice indicating it being nightmare mode so i still don't get what was up with that.


i went back since new strange is impassable both on the synthesize because phobos is now corpus and mars has no elite arid lancers spawning because the new mission target zones are 8-12 not 15+, synth target or no, and ones found elsewhere in the solar system don't seem to count.. and even if i beat that the hotfixed fix to the chroma crafting isn't working for most, and completing new strange is another junction requirement later.(to say nothing of second dream, logout won't fix can't play grade issues.).. heck some chroma parts are on junctions requiring new strange to be completed to get to if not previously having the planet unlocked.

i look at a few weeks of watching multiple warframe streams doing audience participation and prime farming etc, then i look at what we have.

farm 10 times the key/relics to blow to even out the chance for your personal bring in to random pick 1in 6, and have four others do the same(Assuming they don't rando in with no relic or a diff relic with nothing of value , much less anything of value post rng roll)and add in the possibility of mission failure post relic use. and even that, only when fissures that are apropo and accessible are up randomly because the removal of layered mission choice is also gone along with the have key on anyone can go. the feel seems to be that prime bit drops were about 20% chance in the old system. with soloing its 15% now for last 2 possible drops when improved by blowing 10 ish relics for fuel or even lower with no refinement due to the skew..

call me crazy but thats not an improvement in odds for the time invested, it is however many fold the work for near equivalence. which says nothing of the scale of things.

it also added the joy of needing to node unlock the void to even do rifts there, and similar elsewhere in the map. while making them undesirable places to find a random squad running to unlock the rest unless a tear is on the next step, and even less chance of running off solo to gung ho an exterminate or the like for a couple argon crystals for some early crafts or some neurodes because earth frequently gives you the naughty finger on neurode drops.

oh and on that, for regions with no possibility to deploy extractors like void and orokin derelict, it seems theres no in game way to see what special resources drop now.

void missions listed as 45+ for the first one i can touch. guess i'm not even trying to run t1 voids except when, like earlier some landed on mars.

which is the next c-blocking issue. if you have to wait for a random event which is time limited to move up planets like its set up right now(t1 fissures for mars junctions needing them to land ON mars mission instances) means a completely out of the players hands wall. it shows up while you are asleep or at work etc, too bad so sad.

that isn't good for anyone, and theres quite a lot of it in the current setup.


the market has its issues they seem to say are due to bugs, like the plat prices being the main view not credit/bp prices, no sorting choices for plat vs credit etc are sidelines.

heck even the ship, the liset has become a deathtrap in places now.


so to wit stonehenge, theres an old axiomatic adage about hindsight. players aren't the only ones who think this needed more work time and more in general, and the truest way to tell if a thing is gonna fly is to try flying it hands on, not just spray and pray. it feels rushed out the door with not enough time given to see how it would need refinement or change, and while theres still time for new approaches in player approach to meta around it as well, and time for refinement and change to come, at present its just buried a lot of the community, cooperativity and ardor that existed in the old system, well above and beyond what any simple case of change resistance would account for.

that said i'll defend to the death your right to your opinions, just remember others have theirs too, even if theres a fair dose of hyperbole in how they express them.

and with that i leave you with the reddit comment.


DE_SteveDE Game Director 512 points 1 day ago 

We should have held it back 100%. Sometimes we have an immovable deadline (almost always a marketing promotion) and it twists up our priorities. It shouldn't but it does. Our QA is not at fault and did their best given the unreasonable scope and time. Your rant is spot on and the only thing we can do now is make it right.

Sorry for the mess. :(




and thats what an extra day or two vainly trying to work around the issues created leaves with regards to feedback. hype and positivity brickwalled into a growing sense of frustration and rage.



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2 hours ago, CheezyBroc said:

This post needs to be seen by the devs. Many of the changes made my DE are unacceptable.

Yes... for me is it the void change .. The golden glory void has no glory any more ...
Orokin things cannot be find there ... i dont get it

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1 hour ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

Give it some time.

Steve said himself that SotR was released long before it was ready to ship it (Mostly due to marketing demands and deadlines, I think), which is way we have so many problems with it.

Released long before it was ready? They worked on it several months, at least since U18. In last devstream you could see how unfinished it was! Most chunk of work was put into Archwing and UI.

Archwing changes, while objectivly good, don't fix the problem with the gamemod itself; AW is still disjlointed from the main game and serves no purpose. This makes the rework absolutely worthless.

New Starchart looks like improvement of the old Starchart. Esthetically I like it, but it still is just an UI update. This should not be impossible to do. Additionally, it still has a lot of issues, like not being able to select different misisons on one node.

2 hours ago, Neptlude said:

On the bug part, its to be expected in any major update in any game.


1 hour ago, Agentawesome said:

3. Bugs are a part of every big content drop, wait a week or so for fixes.

Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Several years ago games were released complete and almost bugfree. And even now there are games with polished updates! Nowadays games get a pass just because they were recently released or the player accepts additional content locked behind DLCs. No wonder EA does what it does!

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14 minutes ago, steelblueskies said:

look, as a relatively new player with just a wee bit over 100 hours in the game, this update has literally thrown c*ckblock over even opening up the map. it has thrown c*ckblock over completing quests i was working through when the update landed. it has done so hard enough to make me go from lets toss the 5 bucks i had sitting in steam in this until i can add more funds, to hmm maybe spending even that five bucks wasn't the best idea in two days with it.

looking back over the past ten or eleven days in the game, i can see how i would have been punched in the nuts while it ran with my wallet even harder if i started with this patch instead of a week earlier.

some of this is the bugs, but other aspects are terrible planning, fighting frost in the junction battle got my hide wiped instantly multiple times until i switched frames to something that couldn't be oneshot out the gate i farmed up elsewhere, beyond those junctions.. if i had earth only tier gear and no other frames? i would have been stuck. hells i farmed up frame parts from regular old alad v half a week ago. i visited him today while trying to see what i *could* complete junction wise since i'm stuck in other places(and the unlocks prior to update persist even if junction blocked) and got my proverbial hide handed to me with a few near instant kills *IN MY RHINO* with 2 ability up, to say nothing of the three bursas on the way.

no notice indicating it being nightmare mode so i still don't get what was up with that.


i went back since new strange is impassable both on the synthesize because phobos is now corpus and mars has no elite arid lancers spawning because the new mission target zones are 8-12 not 15+, synth target or no, and ones found elsewhere in the solar system don't seem to count.. and even if i beat that the hotfixed fix to the chroma crafting isn't working for most, and completing new strange is another junction requirement later.(to say nothing of second dream, logout won't fix can't play grade issues.).. heck some chroma parts are on junctions requiring new strange to be completed to get to if not previously having the planet unlocked.

i look at a few weeks of watching multiple warframe streams doing audience participation and prime farming etc, then i look at what we have.

farm 10 times the key/relics to blow to even out the chance for your personal bring in to random pick 1in 6, and have four others do the same(Assuming they don't rando in with no relic or a diff relic with nothing of value , much less anything of value post rng roll)and add in the possibility of mission failure post relic use. and even that, only when fissures that are apropo and accessible are up randomly because the removal of layered mission choice is also gone along with the have key on anyone can go. the feel seems to be that prime bit drops were about 20% chance in the old system. with soloing its 15% now for last 2 possible drops when improved by blowing 10 ish relics for fuel or even lower with no refinement due to the skew..

call me crazy but thats not an improvement in odds for the time invested, it is however many fold the work for near equivalence. which says nothing of the scale of things.

it also added the joy of needing to node unlock the void to even do rifts there, and similar elsewhere in the map. while making them undesirable places to find a random squad running to unlock the rest unless a tear is on the next step, and even less chance of running off solo to gung ho an exterminate or the like for a couple argon crystals for some early crafts or some neurodes because earth frequently gives you the naughty finger on neurode drops.

oh and on that, for regions with no possibility to deploy extractors like void and orokin derelict, it seems theres no in game way to see what special resources drop now.

void missions listed as 45+ for the first one i can touch. guess i'm not even trying to run t1 voids except when, like earlier some landed on mars.

which is the next c-blocking issue. if you have to wait for a random event which is time limited to move up planets like its set up right now(t1 fissures for mars junctions needing them to land ON mars mission instances) means a completely out of the players hands wall. it shows up while you are asleep or at work etc, too bad so sad.

that isn't good for anyone, and theres quite a lot of it in the current setup.


the market has its issues they seem to say are due to bugs, like the plat prices being the main view not credit/bp prices, no sorting choices for plat vs credit etc are sidelines.

heck even the ship, the liset has become a deathtrap in places now.


so to wit stonehenge, theres an old axiomatic adage about hindsight. players aren't the only ones who think this needed more work time and more in general, and the truest way to tell if a thing is gonna fly is to try flying it hands on, not just spray and pray. it feels rushed out the door with not enough time given to see how it would need refinement or change, and while theres still time for new approaches in player approach to meta around it as well, and time for refinement and change to come, at present its just buried a lot of the community, cooperativity and ardor that existed in the old system, well above and beyond what any simple case of change resistance would account for.

that said i'll defend to the death your right to your opinions, just remember others have theirs too, even if theres a fair dose of hyperbole in how they express them.

and with that i leave you with the reddit comment.


DE_SteveDE Game Director 512 points 1 day ago 

We should have held it back 100%. Sometimes we have an immovable deadline (almost always a marketing promotion) and it twists up our priorities. It shouldn't but it does. Our QA is not at fault and did their best given the unreasonable scope and time. Your rant is spot on and the only thing we can do now is make it right.

Sorry for the mess. :(




and thats what an extra day or two vainly trying to work around the issues created leaves with regards to feedback. hype and positivity brickwalled into a growing sense of frustration and rage.



couldnt agree more with the whole post but this DE_Steve quote is what grinds my gears. I mean, its your job, company that you work for etc. etc. I shouldn't be a wiseas* and all.... but dont you think its EXREMELY bad management skills someone up there has? Like, its better to rush a thing that YOU KNOW will ruin the experience to people than to admit a failure in reaching the deadline and maybe, just maybe, do it right sometime later? Really? Come on...

Also, im with you with the fissures bullcrap. Im blocked on Mars since the update launch, cause i cant do fissures. Also when they were available, closing them didnt count for the junction. Cant progress with quests, cant build new frames and items cause i have no resources. And to farm these resources i need to leave mars....

Plus its strange for me that devs prefer to answer to players via reddit than come here and talk on official forums....


Edited by Gronthollo
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13 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Several years ago games were released complete and almost bugfree. And even now there are games with polished updates! Nowadays games get a pass just because they were recently released or the player accepts additional content locked behind DLCs. No wonder EA does what it does!

Tell me how many of those games were MMOs? In a development perspective, its inevitable to have bugs in a MMO with every update. With the sheer amount drastic system changes in SotR, its almost impossible not to have less than a hundred bugs. 

DE doesn't exactly have the time nor man power compared to other big companies, give them time to sort out the issues.

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3 hours ago, BiomiZ said:

There are both negative and positive aspects of this update but i'm here to discuss the negatives, and how they're effecting me in general.

#1 First and foremost, i find this the most impacting, is the removal of endless Void missions (Void Survival and Defense). This, i believe was a huge mistake by the Developers. I understand the objective of the Void rework was to minimize the grind and simplify acquiring prime parts. I respect that, i really do but that doesn't mean you have to eliminate the grind completely. Some players, including I, enjoy running long Tower 4 Survivals or Tower 3 Defense etc, but now, there's not much for me to play for. My frames...now are useless. What was the point of spending hours and hours, forma after forma, into a frame that now seems, casual. Casual purposes. You've taken away a great asset from the game. 


@BiomiZ This point is completely incorrect. Please improve the quality of your post by either removing it or adding a note that disclaims it.

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2 minutes ago, Hamstertron said:

@BiomiZ This point is completely incorrect. Please improve the quality of your post by either removing it or adding a note that disclaims it.

What do you not understand? Please elaborate. I simply summarized my opinion. 

Edited by BiomiZ
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Not sure if anyone even reads this... but maybe i would be a good idea to start a permanent alert on earth - maybe with a 1 credit reward or something, because i have missed all of them in the last 2 days simply because i cant  be on all the time - as i understand it the relic segment is a major part of the update and ordis start explaining stuff afterwards, right?

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Just now, killedbydeath said:

Not sure if anyone even reads this... but maybe i would be a good idea to start a permanent alert on earth - maybe with a 1 credit reward or something, because i have missed all of them in the last 2 days simply because i cant  be on all the time - as i understand it the relic segment is a major part of the update and ordis start explaining stuff afterwards, right?

I just did a random alert on the solar system and it counted towards the junction unlock. It doesn't have to necessarily be a earth alert.

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Just now, Hamstertron said:

@BiomiZ Those missions are still available in the new Void area on the starchart. Have you checked the nodes in the new void area? Would it be unfair of me to ask you what you don't understand?

Ah, i get what you mean but, the problem with the new void missions are the rewards. Personally, i don't find it worth my time farming there. A friend suggested an idea earlier today. Giving the current state of farming prime parts in survival, instead of capping the time at 10 minutes for 1 reward per key, remove the time limit and revert survival/defense missions as it was previously, endless (whether it's Grineer, Infested, Corpus or Void). Now of course, if they were to implement this change, acquiring desired prime parts would be too simple. However, instead of returning the reward timer to every 5 minutes, they could continue it's current timer to ever 10 minutes. Just a suggestion. 

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As a newbie since most of you complain about endgame...

I have to complain a little about junctions unlocking:


Kill XX of that, do that in that way, repeat that.....

They seems born by an old style mmorpg designer with the poor excuse of "content locusts".....

That was bad 20 years ago and its worse today

Everything else is awesome except Saturn unlocking requiring MR5 and the need of orokin cells to build frames and some decent equipment to unlock MR5 that sounds like a bait to the shop (and i supported already a lot the game buying aethetic stuff but i refuse to buy stuff to advance). 

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Just now, Agentawesome said:

Tell me how many of those games were MMOs? In a development perspective, its inevitable to have bugs in a MMO with every update. With the sheer amount drastic system changes in SotR, its almost impossible not to have less than a hundred bugs. 

DE doesn't exactly have the time nor man power compared to other big companies, give them time to sort out the issues.

Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, there you go. And it is still not an excuse to bring out unfinished content, there is no just excuse for it.

The thread is also not only about bugs, but other issues the game has. Every 2 weeks there is a DevStream, or how I would call it "HypeStream". Instead of talking in detail about new features or about recent major changes, all they do is create hype. And if they start talking about some important topics they stay vague or hide behind "Spoilers". Up to this date there were no words about sniper accuracy changes, not in patchnotes, on the forum or in a DevStream. Why?

What exactly are those drastic changes? The fact players got dispossessed with conversion from keys into relics? I had all the keys there are in the game, and a lot of them; nevertheless, I was missing some relics. Or do you mean the massive Credit nerf all over the game, not mentioned anywhere? Noone can unintentionally do this. Or reduction of Voidfatigue by converting all void missions into 2 minutes spamfest?

I did/do not compare DE to Blizzard or anyone else. However, Warframe is also not that big, compared to the games those companies produce. In relativ terms they are the same. And if DE is not that big, why are they not talking with each other? Remember last DevStream? When Rebecca said Primed Pressure Point is released and Steve and Scot were surprised, because they said this mod should not be released. Yea, great teamwork there. This update was split into 3 parts not because "Players are overhelmed with one big release", they are just not ready. War Within will not come out in July, because it is not ready. And if it does, it will be the same mess, all because they shove unnecessary stuff, like Archwing, into their updates. They didn't fix Focus, yet they announce entirely new mechanics (E3 presentation). 


With every update they get more and more ambitious, create hype, overestimate themselves and earn rant in return. I play Warframe long enough to not get cought in this trap, and expect almost nothing. I just get engry when those "Messiah-Updates" fail, due to non-existent communication between developers and the playerbase; that is, if there should be communication.


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2 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, there you go. And it is still not an excuse to bring out unfinished content, there is no just excuse for it.

The thread is also not only about bugs, but other issues the game has. Every 2 weeks there is a DevStream, or how I would call it "HypeStream". Instead of talking in detail about new features or about recent major changes, all they do is create hype. And if they start talking about some important topics they stay vague or hide behind "Spoilers". Up to this date there were no words about sniper accuracy changes, not in patchnotes, on the forum or in a DevStream. Why?

What exactly are those drastic changes? The fact players got dispossessed with conversion from keys into relics? I had all the keys there are in the game, and a lot of them; nevertheless, I was missing some relics. Or do you mean the massive Credit nerf all over the game, not mentioned anywhere? Noone can unintentionally do this. Or reduction of Voidfatigue by converting all void missions into 2 minutes spamfest?

I did/do not compare DE to Blizzard or anyone else. However, Warframe is also not that big, compared to the games those companies produce. In relativ terms they are the same. And if DE is not that big, why are they not talking with each other? Remember last DevStream? When Rebecca said Primed Pressure Point is released and Steve and Scot were surprised, because they said this mod should not be released. Yea, great teamwork there. This update was split into 3 parts not because "Players are overhelmed with one big release", they are just not ready. War Within will not come out in July, because it is not ready. And if it does, it will be the same mess, all because they shove unnecessary stuff, like Archwing, into their updates. They didn't fix Focus, yet they announce entirely new mechanics (E3 presentation). 


With every update they get more and more ambitious, create hype, overestimate themselves and earn rant in return. I play Warframe long enough to not get cought in this trap, and expect almost nothing. I just get engry when those "Messiah-Updates" fail, due to non-existent communication between developers and the playerbase; that is, if there should be communication.


Well... Quit then.

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So I was first curious about the new update, But I have been disappointed on many things:

The new market design doesn't seems more intuitive I personnaly keep seeing people asking where they can find their blueprints for weapons. Having a unique access for weapons was a good idea but the tabs idea doesn't seems to work very well. I think there should be a pile of 3 windows instead of tabs, where we can navigate through even by clicking on thoses different windows or by clicking on an arrow like an e-book. Also in the market the first information we see on weapons is the platinums price, I understand you have to put them at first but since all information on a weapons are grouped now I think that could implies some errors for the players. At least when we see the weapons list we should have a text displaying more information about it, and by clicking it we could see the description and information on the weapons first then the platinums buying possibility and then then blueprints option. I understand that you use micro persuasion for plats but The way it's done atm implies more confusion than it's helps.

For the new starchart there are some few missing things, like the choice we used to have before, when we can chosse beetween alert mission, invasion, syndicate mission, and regular mission. I personnaly manage 4 syndicate at a time and can't always do them to keep my standings. A possibility for chossing them as an alert or regular mission seems to be a good choice, because waiting 24 hour before completing a regular mission is not relevant to me, wether it's for helping people or it's for farming or anything else. Maybe a tab could appear when clicking on a mission as it has be done for the market. I mean when you select a mission where there is many possibilities (AKA alert, syndicate, invasion and regular) you could have a tabs which informs player, the name of the planet, the mission type (regular, nightmare, syndicate, invasion), the tile type (sealab, grineer ship...) and even the specific requirements of it (melee only, hazards... for sorties).Moreover ressources that are gathered on the planet are not directly show a tab like this could immediatly display thoses informations (we previously had a small windows where thoses information were displayed).

We also miss the nightmares mission ATM so some experienced player like me can't complete the whole junction requirements, and we'll have to wait for nightmare alerts, which doesn't seems to occur frequently. 

Also some junction requirements are not that easy for beginners (thinking about finding eximus units), but I thinks it's quiet frustrating too for some advanced players. I'm mastery 21 and i had to gather drift mod AGAIN, kill things AGAIN and kill almost all bosses AGAIN. This is a bit repetitive, I know that junction is not something made for the most advanced players, but the fact is that rewards doesn't have any interest for me since I already unlocked thoses contents (maybe some relics rewars instead for most adavanced planets). I understand that we have to validate thoses requirements though, since we can't check what all players have already done, but the interest of doing thoses doesn't worth that much (thinking about crafting weapons, not so frustrating because ressources are needed, but because we have to wait 12 hours).

Finally even if thoses points seems negative to me, the whole update experience is not that bad, but it's still needs some improvements, for the market, the navigation system and some missing feature we have previously. I hope I've wrote enough detailed feedback, and sorry for my grammar mistakes (English is not my mother tongue) but I've tried to avoid them.THanks for reading and hope for the best tocontinue my warframe adventure.

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Concerning junctions, it seems many of the requirements for unlocking a junction F*** up over many new players, as they are required to do things they can't do.

I'll add that the Venus junction requires killing 3 eximi, which spawn very very rarely at the level Earth is. That condition should be scrapped or made reasonable. Same thing with the Mercury junction, that required killing 10 eximus enemies. I had to do 30 minutes of survival  so that the level could escalate until eximi started spawning in reasonable quantities and within reasonable delays. [Edit : I realize now that I was only able to do so because of my fully upgraded warframes and weapons. A new player is going to majorly struggle here]

Also, it would seem  obvious, but there is no way to differentiate between a completed junction and a junction waiting to be completed, which could lead to some confusion for me.The icon should change once the junction is activated, this is common sense...

Edited by starMute
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