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the Buzlok Buzz!


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so I've spent several hours playing with the Buzlok, giving it plenty of Forma, and I wondered; why isn't this gun loved more? sure it's not the best crit or status weapon, but it has homing bullets! HOMING BULLETS! it literally allows you to kill heavy enemies without even being near them. just pop a dart on a bombard (not hard to hit them), head round the nearest corner and fire away! once I finally gave this gun a chance, it has proved itself quite well. I even killed Vay Hek with it!

so am I the only one who wants to see the Buzlok get a little more love? maybe a Prisma Buzlok/ Buzlok Wraith? let me know your thoughts on the gun here!

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I think the general mindset of the community is to have a primary gun that kills everything, and then to have a power set that you can use to kill more dangerous targets. The buzlok isn't good at killing mass amounts of guys, so it's generally discarded.

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6 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

i think either a syndicate version (less likely since we're still waiting on syndicate melee) or a prisma/wraith would do it nicely. heck maybe even an augment would help.

that would be pretty cool 1+

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Actually, I don't like using it because there are other weapons that kill faster more efficiently. The Buzlok uses, what, 5 or 10 rifle ammo for the marking shot, and only then can you make use of its homing abilities. Seems weird to have less ammo efficiency, less damage efficiency, and less accuracy efficiency all on one weapon, especially when there are so many better alternatives that don't necessitate such a roundabout method of combat.

I'd honestly use it more if the only thing that changed was that the marking shot didn't cost ammo to use, or at the very least it only used 1 shot.

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Just now, Krion112 said:

Actually, I don't like using it because there are other weapons that kill faster more efficiently. The Buzlok uses, what, 5 or 10 rifle ammo for the marking shot, and only then can you make use of its homing abilities. Seems weird to have less ammo efficiency, less damage efficiency, and less accuracy efficiency all on one weapon, especially when there are so many better alternatives that don't necessitate such a roundabout method of combat.

I'd honestly use it more if the only thing that changed was that the marking shot didn't cost ammo to use, or at the very least it only used 1 shot.

The point is that it's fun to use. Not that it's another Boltor Prime.

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4 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

It's one of those weapons that I don't think is amazing damage-wise but still have a lot of fun with. Plus the sound is great.

something i think about is looking at the SoTR update, DE went and rearranged planets by level and pretty much made it so endless missions aren't as desirable (draco/ void endless) pretty much the only real challenge players would bother running are sortie missions, i take it as it's more of a buff to mid tier weapons since there is actually alot of weapons that are perfectly fine at tackling the starchart missions

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Buzlok has ok damage. The issue is in its inaccuracy, huge recoil, slow projectile speed.

DE tends to "reward" weapons (with meh gimmicks) with huge downsides (Harpak, Paracyst, Buzlok, Convectrix, Hind). So, the disadvantages and clunkiness are not compensated by anything useful. Homing bullets are only good for killing some bullet sponges from safety. The thing is that with other weapons (sniper rifles) you would kill said enemy by the time you manage to properly land slow projectile beacon.

Weapons with actually useful gimmicks have awesome raw stats mostly as well as some bonus cool features (Synoid Simulor, Quanta, Opticor, Tonkor, Jat Kittag, Soma, Boltor). This only adds to disparity.

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I absolutely love the Buzlok. It reminds me of how the Gorgon used to be way back, in the way it feels and sounds. That recoil is amazing, it kicks like a mule and I love it! However I use it rarely as it's sadly fairly underwhelming when it comes to damage. And I generally prefer shotguns and snipers.

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Targeting shot isn't hitscan and takes a bunch of ammo to fire, missed targeting shots can also punish you by redirecting the bullets to inanimate objects that pose no threat to you (which makes the ammo cost of it worse). Damage isn't that great and it's accuracy/recoil makes it unwieldy to use without it's targeting shot. It just feels gimmicky for the sake of gimmicks and nothing else.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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51 minutes ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

I'd say reduce the tag cost from 10 ammo to 0, and double or even triple the base damage. High damage output would be offset by its slow projectiles and somewhat heavy 'screen-shake' recoil.

I say make the scope target enemies like a codex scanner (point and hold, hitscan) then have it mark their headshot spot automatically for you.  It'll be harder to mark with, but a lot more satisfying to use once you've successfully painted a target.  Would be a great gun against bosses like Kril or Hek who you have to shoot in a particular spot, for instance.

In fact, make a Simaris version of the Buzlok, and make it do exactly this.  Gives Simaris scans, and murders enemies at the same time.  Pls and ty.

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1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

i think either a syndicate version (less likely since we're still waiting on syndicate melee) or a prisma/wraith would do it nicely. heck maybe even an augment would help.

Steel Meridian mod. 200-300% ammo capacity with the syndicate proc would be amazing. This gun is great, but there are better options with better ammo efficiency. Give this thing more bullets to play with and its set.

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