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Why did Valkyr get nerfed?


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6 minutes ago, BlazerEraser said:

eeeh...Inaros is just as easy for me to use...but w/e.


I didn't say "Nerf Inaros now, he's broken" now did i? I was just curious since he's just as OP as Valkyr was :3.

as i sayed is not op as valkyr was because she coult take no matter the dmg and inaros can still one shot  not only that valkyr could be in that stat like forever

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It's just that : Hysteria is now more situational, not tard spam. It's the occasion to build her more focused on Warcry, for example. And Paralysis when you proc bleeds.

That's not a bad thing for me.

But i agree on that : her skills need more synergies.

Edited by Stonehenge
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OP, you're not making any sense here. I have gone hours playing with Valkyr post change. There is no issue in survivability. Too many players out here, want down right God-mode with no effort. Leechers etc, mean nothing if you know how to play each individual frame properly or mod them for late game content. Please reconsider what you're saying or asking for. I won't even bring Inaros into this... peace.

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I consider Valkyr a support frame at this point, and only use her in specific team setups. If you bring Volt with max Power Strength, Valkyr with a good Warcry setup, Nova if desired, and whatever else, your squad can insta-trash virtually any situation with melee weapons alone.

I didn't much like playing Valkyr without a team setup even before Hysteria was nerfed, though.

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However-many-minutes of absolute god mode, to the point that you could do an entire extended duration run in Hysteria, was bald-faced cheese.

She's still very viable. It's just that Hysteria is now more entrenched as an emergency buff/heal like the various super-modes of hack-n-slash franchises such Devil May Cry and God of War. Considering that Shadow Debt mods let normal weapons outdo Exalted weapons by a significant margin, you'd want to hold off on Hysteria until you actually needed it anyway to take full advantage of that. Try building around a different ability, like Warcry or Paralysis (but not Ripline because it's garbage). You'd probably be surprised.

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1 hour ago, BlazerEraser said:

Yeah, i know, but it's not like nulifiers weren't a thing, Inaros is literally unkillable if you know how as well...

4-5k Health, 100% armor up, health steal from finishers and ultimate. He's pretty "invulnerable" in my eyes.

U can still get killed with Inaros but since he has that unique way to "bleed out" you can be indeed unkillable even in solo missions, but yeah he doesn't have the invulnerable thingy like Valyr, Valkyr got nerfed so that u can just blindly use hysteria over and over again. It's still not hard to pull off but it was to lock out people for being in hysteria 100% of the time.

Personally I use some heavy dmg crit/status on Valkyr and only use hysteria for helping a downed teammate on a high mob lvl mission(aka sortie) or  for the life steal so I can save a slot on my melee(no lifestrike)


Ps: Invulnerable means immune to damage what u think.

Edited by D-Voidborn
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21 minutes ago, ArchangelusAlpharius said:

The problem now is valkyr needs a full mod loadout and at least 4 forma to even play with any manner of satisfaction

I have been using an eternal war valkyr ever since the release of the augment and I don't see why you would need something even close to a 4 forma Hysteria build to feel satisfied playing with her.

It is not her only ability you know :/

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1 minute ago, Airwolfen said:

I have been using an eternal war valkyr ever since the release of the augment and I don't see why you would need something even close to a 4 forma Hysteria build to feel satisfied playing with her.

It is not her only ability you know :/

Same like I said only have two reasons to use hysteria, rest of the time I'm just having fun with my warcry+melee+beserker

Edited by D-Voidborn
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1 hour ago, BlazerEraser said:


Not to Inaros ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You got 500 health left but 100% armor up? Run into a nulifier to get ALL your health back :D.

Leechers almost stealing all your energy? it's ok not like you gonna loose your armor.

Low on health even with armor up? Pocket Sand and finisher, thx.

Why do you keep mentioning 100% armor like that percent alone tells something? You could get to exactly 400 total armor with that 100%. That is barely anything. Valkyr with only Steel Fiber and all her buffs could reach higher effective health than that. And that is still nothing compared to total invulnerability.

Edited by -BM-Leonhart
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am like the only valk player that likes her augments and builds for her augments.

Its fun having a trin and give me over-shields Plus building for shields on Valk for Prolong paralysis. Sooo nifty AOE Damage :D

I did have an OP Valk Build I got rathuum 800 I think
Then i did Rathuum 1000+ with Ivari :D (which was WAY FASTER)

But even before the "nerf"  I never really used Hysteria much since it was kinda Meh, I love it and used it in tight spots.  But i normal run around in melee anyway with Tons of armor :D hacking away like a speed demon

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Valkyr was nerfed because she needed to be nerfed

BUT giving her a 12 energy a second drain is @(*()$ horrible it makes her ult unusable because you have to recast it every 40 seconds because the energy drain is too high , I am fine with the damage ring but seriously F*** te energy drain

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11 minutes ago, --Q--Lotus_Underwear said:

Because she is unbeatable with histerya.  

Ancient Disruptors say hi. Which is really weird honestly. Melee enemy fraction can destroy melee berserk frame in seconds just because of draining her energy. She is forced not to use hysteria against them, which is bad. I want to have a choice what to use.

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12 minutes ago, ograzzt said:

Ancient Disruptors say hi. Which is really weird honestly. Melee enemy fraction can destroy melee berserk frame in seconds just because of draining her energy. She is forced not to use hysteria against them, which is bad. I want to have a choice what to use.

Then dont get hit or kill them first.

Ancients are quiet noticeable and priority targets anyways.

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