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Coming Soon: Devstream #78!


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Could we get feral kavat/kubrow skins (or make them born that way) ?

Dont get me wrong i love pet kavat/kubrow designs i just thought having creepier versions would be nice since nekros prime si comming. :)

Also could we get medi-ray mod for other companions as well ?

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19 hours ago, Mengaster said:

1 . Any plan on making Vacuum a passive for every frame or sentinel/companion? Just make Carrier carry ammo/energy in case you need he drops it , this way i can use my kubrows and kavats without being annoyed to walk around searching for ammo and loot..

2 . When TennoGen skins will be released?

3 . With Vauban Prime Access ending soon , when can we expect for Nekros prime?

This is the main reason I never leave my liset without my Carrier. There's just no way that I'm running around the whole map in order to get stuff. 

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1. When do you plan to make quests replayable? I'm not asking to receive the rewards all over again, I just want to relive the Second Dream. Also, I skipped the tutorial quest when it was first released and that empty spot in my codex is bugging me.

2. Are there any plans to rework the Codex? It's barely changed since Update 11. Several enemy entries have gone missing, including the Manic and half the Hyenas, and you can't even get a good look at some enemies! At the very least, I'd appreciate it if we could rotate through Eximus and Comba/Scrambus variants again, and if we could actually see the Dargyn in its own codex entry.

3. Where is all the wildlife on Earth? It can't just be super-trees and space-poodles, what do the Kubrows even eat? I know it wouldn't be practical to populate the tileset with an entire ecosystem of new enemies, but even some prop-animals would really help bring the place to life.

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22 hours ago, KaeseSchnitte said:

I know this has been asked a lot already, but why can't we get an extra color slot for the golden parts of prime warframes, instead of merging two layers of non-PBR'd prime warframes? I really liked how my Ember Prime looked before she got PBR'd. Now I can't recreate that look because of the missing color layer.


Onto a different topic: Will Syndicates will have a greater role in the future? Will they influence the story or even got some story for their own? Will their "leaders" get more fleshed out as characters?

Yes please 

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Archwing and Archweapon Slot Limitations

Telling us about the limitation on Archwing gear and slots to be bought for platinum 11 hotfixes into Specters of the Rail was NOT a solution to disingenuously sneaking it in without adequate, fair forewarning in the first place.

What do you intend to do to give players a fair compensation or opportunity to acquire the free slots they could and often would have had grandfathered in if given proper notice of the change?



Previously Unanswered Questions:

Polarisation and Forma

Q: Separate to the issue of relevelling after Forma use, will there be any change to Forma and Polarisation to avoid 'wasted' forma in future?

A lot of posters seem to bemoan the lack of Forma drops, while some like myself rarely end up using it at all because of the downsides of removing build flexibility. Is there any chance of a Polarisation quality of life change so we don't have to suffer our obsolete polarity builds when balance changes and new mods happen? Body Count and Blood Rush gave melees more reason to want Madurai slots, while the upcoming removal of 'mandatory' base damage and multishot mods might ruin heavily Madurai polarised guns. Times change, and while we have to relevel our gear for every Forma we use, even if less in the proposed new Mastery Rank relevance change, making our efforts, our time and our resources wasted is not a satisfying element of the game.

Here's my original thread on the subject and a solution, with more discussion from another player's similar suggestion here.

Another thread here as well. Threads keep popping up about new Forma, better Forma, different Forma on a regular basis. The system needs overhauling.

Now: We have 'lower limit' modding capacity, making it more comfortable to level weapons by using them after Forma.

However, some still recognise that there's a bigger issue than just "when do I get to use a polarised item again". The growing mod load with Primed and other high-drain mods demands a lot out of our very limited drain, as often do Sorties for most weapons to perform adequately. The user-unfriendliness of polarisation impacts negatively on flexibility and fun, and I doubt I'm the only one who tends not to use it where possible to not lock myself out of half my mod collection.


Q: Is there a possibility of an ammo rework to fix bugs and aid balance of several weapon classes?

With static ammo pickups and certain restrictions, high ammo consumption weapons often fall short, not in raw DPS which they compete evenly in, but because they just can't keep going for long before they're completely dry and relying on pickups/Restores. We also see such bugs as the Sniper+Castana ammo restriction issue, recently addressed by a half-application of my own suggestion for the issue overall, using Pistol ammo for 'special' secondaries but with a different actual restoration numbers.
My suggestion here attempts to address all of that, as well as opens up balance levers by allowing any ammo type to be used for secondaries. There's also a chance for this to bring currently unused Max Ammo mods up to a functional level by allowing them to improve ammo gained per pickup (while not making Mutation obsolete either).

Using Mod Ranks Below Fusion Level

Q: Why force users to potentially hold many mods of lesser fusion, instead of being able to use ranks up to the fused maximum?

This has been mentioned in passing at times, but it's still ridiculous that we can't have this quality of life with the current modding system. It seems like something that would be an inherent part of a system where drain ranges so wildly and precise values are so aggressively tweaked (Corrupted Mods, looking at you).

Can the data load of a handful of extra bytes per loadout (to identify the rank of the slotted mod to use) really be higher than the load involved with having an actual incentive to hold multiple mods all with their own fusion levels? Can it even be anything but a drop in the bucket in comparison to simply holding thousands of instances of mods?


Things mentioned in a previous stream, but no changes yet seen:

Weapon Balance

Q: What changes might we see in the not too distant future to bring down outliers / bring up underperformers?


A lot of guns are completely outclassed in their field, such as the whole Gorgon family versus Soma. Since Mastery Rank Restriction appears to be tied less and less to the power grade of a weapon, is there any hope for more tightening of the 'tiers' of weapon power, as happened with such as the Supra among LMGs?

Players feel like weapons are often "missed" in a wave of buffs (e.g. secondary-shotguns as a whole during shotgun buff wave), or have suffered nerfs as outliers in the past (such as the Brakk and S.Gammacor) which may be outdated in today's Warframe. Are any of these on the radar for getting their fair share of buffs, or reversions of outdated nerfs?

Tonkor and Launchers

Q: Can the Tonkor get fair risk/reward rebalancing, and a tweak to r/r balance of other launcher weaponry, to bring back legitimacy of using other weapons and especially other launchers?


More damage, more blast radius, less risk. The Tonkor is an obvious outlier, and not even locked behind a high MR. Its no-worry, highest-damage nature while also being AOE means that it detracts from the contribution of other Tenno in a squad. Like a fully modded Ember Prime running through Mercury, people barely get to play the game in comparison. Usage statistics speak for themselves - almost every Sortie, and even most Void missions still feature at least one Tonkor.

Here's a long thread of arguments for and against.

Personally, I would prefer not removing self-damage from other launchers almost-entirely to bring them to the Tonkor's level. Part of the fantasy of using explosive ordnance is Danger Close - don't be reckless and hit yourself.

However, the self-damaging paradigm at the moment appears to be lower base damage, but full mod scaling. This brings untriggered ordnance launchers such as the Ogris into a position where they pose a greater risk to the user than to enemies, and because of a lack of optional detonation, mistakes are guaranteed to be deadly to the player.

I'd suggest the following to start with:

 - As per the Elytron Archwing, grant a UI element projectile beacon for launcher weapons to help guard against mistakes (and helps triggered explosives be used more effectively).

 - Alter the paradigm of self-damage so that players (with appropriate effective health mods) are protected from instant suicide until much closer to an upper limit on modding for power than current functionality.

 - Give the Tonkor this tamer, more balanced self-damage.


Edited by EDYinnit
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So this is gonna be a bit of a different question to ask for this DevStream and you all but here we go.

I have a Video I want to show you guys and if possible if it can be played during the DevStream please! All I ask for is 5 minutes of your time. I am known as the Greatest Excalibur on Console and I have created builds and went past levels of skill beyond most players.

This Video is more aiming towards Geoff cause well his passion and love for Excal and Rebecca would enjoy it as well. 

I can post the link to my YouTube Video during the Twitch or you can bring it up during the DevStream by going to XioxakuraSKNRZK and clicking The Greatest Excalibur - Exalted Weapons

This is no Hack as if it was I would be tarnished by SONY but my passion for Warframe and my love for you all in creating the Best Game I have ever played to date. I Thank You all for the creation of this game. I hope I can get far with you guys and I hope that you all create a deeper realm in Warframe for me to push my limits.

Thank You and Enjoy the Video


Edited by (PS4)XioxakuraSKNRZK
For My Love and Passion in Warframe
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The SotR update supposedly buffed Mutalist Osprey Carriers and now they hit like a truck with their 7-14 shot burst fire which home in on their targets; they can also fire without even aiming or looking towards their target which can lead to some pretty frustrating excavations missions. This gigantic damage boost has led mutalist osprey carriers to become one of the most dangerous infested enemies in the game, is this an intentional change or have these guys been hitting the juice without your knowabouts?

See also: This forum post, this other forum post, and this reddit post


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1. Will oberon get a rework to make him Full Druid frame, Leaving the other half of Pally frame to a new one?

2. Will you rework the A.I. functions cause I keep seeing them run into corners and never to the player at times in survival missions? They seem to just slow down the survival rate from hiding around corners and not being that all agressive grineer or corpus unit they need to be.

3. Will you do QoL changes for more frames like you did with Volt or Vauban? Kinda directed at Zephyr and her clunky kit, mostly her 1 and 2, Limbo's 2 and 1, and Chroma's Effigy? I'd like the Effigy to get a buff for its intention of credit farming, and Dragon's hoard feel of slowly dragging credits under it piling them together. 

4. Augment mods for Inaros, Ivara, maybe one for Saryn Miasma, maybe for Chroma Effigy. Miasma augment targets the units proc'd with spores or toxin or viral damage, procs 100 damage and pops a spore if infected with one, spreads the toxin procs to nearby units after miasma with a toxin cloud left behind, and if viral proc without spore (or with) it would sap 100 hp from nearby units or leave a health orb on the ground. Inaros Scarab Armor augment Leech armor, Apply it to allies,(will not work for self) the leech armor would sap health from nearby enemies each second while also increasing the affected ally's armor by 50%. The previous credit dragging augment for chroma's ult and the longer it stays out the more the credits increase the Effigy's damage, but those credits cant be removed by the effigy user till its deactivated? (1k credits is 1% increase in damage no real cap, it just decays slowly if no credits are picked up in 3 seconds?)

5. Take a look at older weapons, (like the Akbronco Prime, it loses 30 damage when upgraded from Bronco Primes)?

6. Werewolf Frame? Plant Frame? Clem Frame? 

Edited by Oakhams
Added more Questions for Hope
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First, thanks you for the fixes and updates...
1º more dynamic missions "missons changing while in game" ex: normal extermination mission change to archwing due to an explosion or failure of the ship?
2º will we ever see a centaur type enemie or warframe?
3º An auction system, reason: most players that i know are workin and dont have enough time to play to get platinum or prime gear, so the auction system would work with a player requesting an item or plat for another item or plat and another player could see it on the relay and if they accepted to trade for that certain item or plat, the player which set the trade would receive a message or notification to grab the item or items, but all this while the player who set the trade being offline or playing missions.


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Will you guys be doing anything with Valkyr's massive energy drain at 100% it seems like almost no matter how I mod her she still takes almost 5 energy per second at 100%. Like maybe our effenciny mods or duration or combo of both slow down how fast it gets to 100%. I even have an almost max narrow mided on and that field around her doesn't seem to get any smaller.


Also will you guys ever bring any of the old events to console it sucks to have 0 score for these events on my profile I think it's be fun for new tenno whom have missued them as well as veteran tenno who may have had to work or something


Cicero Crisis

Tethra's Doom

Specters of Liberty 

Breeding Grounds

Cyrotic Front

Gate Crash

Mutalist Incursions

Edited by (XB1)Kiri Neko
Thought of another question
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1) Can we possibly get a search bar for our relics? For example "Nyx prime systems" shows all the relics that hold that, and those relics drop locations.

2) 10 years ago did you ever think you'd be the creators of such a popular and much loved game?

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Hello DE! I would like to ask a question for this Devstream.


Wanted to know if you are planning anything for veteran players(basicly MR22 players which have everything) in near future. Game is getting a bit boring,I've gotten MR22 and almost every item that is possible to get besides maybe 1-2 items and got nothing to do. Daily raids are fine, besides the JV crash which prevents raid completion along with daily sorties.

So the real question is will there be any content for higher players or the game will still be focused for new players?

Sorry for my bad English. 

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Is there any chance of replacing the dual boss battle on Ceres (formerly Phobos) with another, new boss in the future? It's bugged me ever since the introduction of Corrupted Vor that this boss fight exists from a lore standpoint. At the current state of the game, Vor is very clearly killed after our encounter with him narratively, as this death is necessary for his resurrection in the Void. Yet some time after his death at our hands he is revived through unmentioned means along with Lech Kril who we also have assumedly killed in order to try and take us out as a team. Mechanically there is nothing wrong with the fight, but it sticks out like a sore thumb.

If they are indeed here to stay, it would be appreciated to at least sprinkle in some story explanation. Either amend the previous encounters with Vor and Kril so they flee from the battle like Vay Hek does, implying they teamed up to save face before ultimately being killed or add a line about them being clones (not uncommon for Grineer higher-ups) sent at us in a pair to hopefully not anger the queens and send more important Grineer after us (Ruk, Regor, etc). It's not really that important, but it's one thing that bugs me about the newly streamlined starchart progression.

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