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Coming Soon: Devstream #79!


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QUESTION: Are there any plans post-post-War Within to give the Corpus some major love re: 1) boss reworks (Sergeant, Ambulas, Raptor, etc.); 2) tileset additions (Phobos, Neptune, Pluto?); and 3) cinematic quests?

And two less important side questions: A) Any thoughts about expanding the role of syndicates in the game long-term (landing craft or dojo themes, unique missions, unique weapons, etc.)? And, B) can we get a Corpus volcano-lab tileset?

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DE will you ever trow the beta title away after 3 years and man up for mistakes instead of hiding behind the "its still beta"?

Also will there ever come a test server/client through steam so we (the actual players and money spenders) will get to test new content befor it goes public and we end up with buggy stuff that only get fixed in weeks if not months? Marvel Heroes 2016 has it and it works well there, and i think it will work for this game aswell, just make a section for it in forums where people accepted for the test server will post bugs/glitches prior to release of new content. Pretty much like the design council used to be.

(as we all love buggy and glitchy quests and we bin testing the game public for over 3 bloody years!!)

Edited by Defion
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Soon, there are going to be a lot of vaulted relics.

Can we have some kind of symbol or marker on vaulted relics on the relic-select screen?

It would also be nice to see which items are vaulted in the Ducat trading screen for those of us who have terrible memories.

My concern is that there is no clear way in-game to distinguish what is vaulted when you're in the place that makes it possible to use/sell said items. Since there is a push to add more information inside the games (with relic farming and drops now in the codex, among other examples), this may be very helpful.

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Have you ever considered adding augment mods or something else along those lines - of which change a warframe's ability completely? For example, an augment that changes World on Fire into Overheat.

Also can we please get that sexy Grineer Riot shield? I have wanted to bash enemies into the wall ever since I started playing! 

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1 hour ago, IceColdHawk said:

Good day DE. Got a small topic to ask you about.

Nullifiers: The more you patch them, the more the community gets dissatisfied. Where we once could kill them with AoE, atomos lasers or even a glaive throwing in, it doesn't work anymore and thus the problem of the nullifiers just starts to get more noticable. Especially after "fixing" the inconsistency issue about nullies where they are now able to instantly destroy a stacked up frost globe JUST by touching it.

The problem is simple. I suppose nullifier got added to counter ability spamming which is fine i guess. The problem though is, they also counter anything which has not a high rate of fire to quickly dispatch the bubble. AoEs are laughably ineffective. Shotguns and Sniper/Bows just take too long and in general have not so much ammo as an assault rifle. And frames that actually rely on their abilities than being tanky on their own will look totally old. Good example would be vauban whose spells just get deleted by a simple touch by the huge bubble. Also a big problem is their rather high spawn rate paired with their habit of assaulting you rather than sniping you from afar.

So in conclusion, they encourage the usage of bullet spamming (à la boltor prime) to continue with CC spamming or just mindless "inside-bubble-meleesliding" which can be sometimes a suicidal move depending on your frame and which enemy appears to be in the bubble. Not to mention it dispells your ability buffs when you enter it. While the managing of your bullets, aiming and general sniping are just too ineffective to be considered. A good example of that IMHO would be the combas/scrambus. Everyone has their own type of abilities that he/she dispells and not just EVERYTHING. And you can counter them through a well placed shot against the helmet. That is good!

So, the question is, Are you considering to remove or tweak them accordingly to not be so annoyingly unfair compared to other units? Because as of now, they are more of an annoying enemy that restricts build diversity rather than being a challenge.


This. So much this. It's about high time something is done about these god damn roadblocks.

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Question : 

are we ever going to see hud changes for example crosshairs, for selected weapons different crosshairs such as Bows, grenade launchers,charge weapons or even melee 

sounds like a lot of work but the current old crosshair is still blocking my way on playing rhino prime because i still cant see half of my screen while aiming down sights 

so in short: UPDATE the crosshair please. or make it more modern 

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Hi, devs, stances have some really flashy combos, but i think that almost all of the playerbase dont bother with them. Most are hard to pull off and/or not worth it, so  you just E spam or  use quick melee for killing enemies. (Really few can be pull off that give CC, headshot potencial or good mobility)

Any plans of:

  • Changing the key combinations for combos on the PvE stances to be easier to pull off (Like the PvP stances)
  • Introducing the PvP stances to PvE
  • Revisite the viability of the combos in some stances


P.D: Buff the machete family and bring all those changes i mention at least to the machete  as an experiment. 

Edited by Heliopata
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So uh, you tryna do something about Sniper Scope sway?

I know they aren't your top priority right now, but the addition of scope sway really has no place in a game like warframe and honestly makes snipers more painful than enjoyable to use, while giving an innate advantage to certain snipers over others based on their zoom levels.

I could be a lot more extensive in why but I already made a post like that.

Quite simply, sniper scope sway is a terrible mechanic that should not exist at all in Warframe and I'm wondering when you're going to get it removed. 


one of the probably 10 or so people who actually care about sniper rifles

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In the Reddit AMA, you were asked if you'd considered adding an extra color tint option for metals on the PBR Prime items (including the frames post-Nova Prime)... and Sheldon missed the point when he answered. Would someone else care to revise?

We haven’t had a dojo update for… over a year now, I think. Are they due for a checkup? Perhaps some updates to editing features?

Akvasto Prime: When?

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Question: Sheldon can we gets some of your thoughts given your recent undercover boss playing? Intrested in his opinion on what's working and not working given his general focus.

Question: Lieutenant Lech Kri is considered a fairly difficult/annoying bosses due to their invulnerability mechanics and how their staging out of those phases work. Are there any ideas in regards to changing her given that she was one of the first boss reworks? I ask because with the starmap rework she went from being one of the last bosses you ran into to being one of the earlier ones and triggering that overhead ice hammer tends to be a pain.

Question: Originally the archwing load-outs synched with the various warframe loadouts, at some point they became detached. Was this a glitch, or done by design? It was kinda nice being able to setup an entire kit for one frame, archwing included for maximum fashionframe.

Question: With the Endo energy change, what's happening with Ancient and Legendary cores?

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your main excuse, devs, is, that you wanna give us bugfree updates further in the updates, thats why we get parts and the whole pack late

i for myself hope that we dont need 10 updates again for having the full impact of your professionality and artistic genius after all this delays ^^)


thank you for doing your best =P

as a sidenote: i suffer right now because of your stressed network since closely 3 years and my whole system (being) is in stress because of ignoring it

and there are bugs in the game since the last update which i cant understand, they appear and dissapear as if smth is totally out of control since the last updates ... not really nice

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Please ask this question:

Can we get a modern LFG interface? One where we could specify goals like XP farm, find ALL syndicate marks, resource farm, sortie series with gear level requirements, warframe, none or microphone?

It could be an option in addition to what we have now. Honestly, the recruiting channel is full of similar requirements.

It's also chaotic and like BBS bulletin boards circa 1977.

Thank you!!

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Customization questions.


You have been slowly adding end game content which is usually populated with high rank enemies. To counter that crazy damage output and health from enemies you have to forma your frame which kinda ends up stopping customization of builds. So how about giving us the option to forma each of our 3 configs differently? This way you can actually bring a frame with different setups  into high level content instead of just have each frame fit one exact role because of how you forma them.


Can we get more immortal skins? More importantly, you guys NEVER release the helmets of the first round of immortal skins.

That left us with some frames looking goofy because you changed how the colors works on frames so the helmets can end up with backwards coloration when using immortal skins.

Anyway, people are asking for immortal skins cause some folks like the way the standard frames look and want to do a bit of fashion frame with that base. And before you say Tennogen, not everyone is using steam or wants to do that runaround just for skins.

Oh, but can we get a Limbo skin where he actually looks like a space wizard instead of Mr. Peanut?


Edited by Mak_Gohae
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1. Why is the development of shallow and meaningless content that barely lasts for a week prioritized over deep, meaningful, entertaining and rewarding content, that potentially could keep the player engaged for months?

2. Do you believe it is fair to allow console users to purchase Tennogen items for platinum while denying this option for PC users?(especially non-steam users).

3. What happened to the idea of difficulty sliders for missions to increase the challenge for better rewards?

4. When you first teased the Archwing, we could see a dynamic transition from normal mission to Archwing. A lot of time has passed since, will we see such missions in the future or was that idea scrapped?

5. We already have a nice selection of conclave themed skins for weapons but what about skins for warframes?

6. What is your opinion on the so called 0 effort weapons such as tonkor and synoid simulor? Are they ever going to be properly balanced?

7. Since the introduction of raids the players have accumulated alot of *junk arcanes*.
Do you plan to introduce something that would allow players to turn undesired arcanes into something more useful and desired? Maybe something like transmutation for arcanes?

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1. Can we expect a new set of Oddities soon?

2. Are there plans to add lore to all codex entries? Possibly integrating Synthesis findings into the appropriate codex entries so that we have access to them from our ship? Additionally, will we ever have a Simaris console on the ship, the way we have a Conclave console? There is an empty slot right next to Syndicates, and it would be really convenient.

3. Is it possible to have all Challenges added as Steam achievements? A great number of them exist as both, but some Challenges (for example, Tenno of All Trades, Sword Alone, boss Challenges) are missing from Steam.

Thank you!

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  Reveal hidden contents

PLACEHOLDER IMAGE for y'all! 3VxNjQZ.png

Hot off the release of major Update Part III: The Silver Grove, it's time for us to take a look at the list of content just shipped on PC and discuss it! We'll also



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1 hour ago, Haldos said:

Q1. With Endo being announced as a progression of simplifying the upgrade system for mods, is there any information you can provide on what will happen to Legendary cores and their place in Warframe (Sortie rewards)?

Q2. Who is up next for review now that Nekros has been given a rework? With the introduction of Titania, has this sparked any ideas for Zephyr in the near future?

1) From Steve, Legendary Cores will remain


2) They've said many times that Limbo is next for a (drastic) review

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