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[The Silver Grove Update] Bug Report Megathread!


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When i use TITATIANS 4th ability sometimes its get bugt and when i run out of energy i still can you here weapons i howering i can move but i have normal warframe size and theire is no energy drain it happend to me 2 time in last 8 hours.  (Sorry for my english)




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I guess my bug is just a visual oversight, but where is all the light from the top of the shrine coming from, when it's night?

Also, the shrine is oddly colored, probably because of the different lighting during night.

Visual reference here:



Another bug seems to be with the UI of Simaris. Whenever the preview for the daily synthesis target is shown, the UI is missing the display of the Endo reward obtainable. When the task is completed, the reward is displayed properly (second image).

Visual reference:



Edited by Proxykon
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Titania's lantern is destroyed by vortexes : Any Vauban or Simulor in the mission and I basically have to find another cell. Given how popular the Synoid Simulor is, I have a hard time playing with Titania at all...

Edited by lukaself
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Manually reloading weapons with slow reload rates have a weird effect. Most noticeable with a vectis with critical delay, and tigris with Tainted Shell.
The reload seems to make the reload longer, and the circle animation doesn't appear right after I press R, however, when I wait, the circle reload timer animation is played normally and without delay.

Reproduce: vectis/tigris with critical delay/tainted shell respectively

Issue: shoot, instantly click r, see delay in circle appearing while seeing animation.

Normal: shoot, wait for automatic reload, animation/reload circle is normal.



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Coaction drift does not seem to affect growing power at all. I tested it with Mirage, Nova Prime and Saryn Prime so far in solo mode and it seems to be a static 25% regardless of having coaction drift on. Didn't try it with other people so not sure if that changes anything. Guessing it's because it's applied as a buff, as seen on the UI. I'd have to find manics or stalker to make sure about that with dispel though, I'll edit this post if so.

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You can add freezing enemies (so basically Frost) And Trinity abilities to the list of things that breaks lantern. Seeing a pattern here, so I guess Zephyr tornadoes and Valkyr Ripline and Inaros Sandstorm and... basically every physics based power. 

Titania is more and more looking like a solo warframe TT

14 hours ago, lukaself said:

Titania's lantern is destroyed by vortexes : Any Vauban or Simulor in the mission and I basically have to find another cell. Given how popular the Synoid Simulor is, I have a hard time playing with Titania at all...


Edited by lukaself
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When I use Titaina's Warframe 4 Ability and hold shift to go faster (Just like with a actual Archwing) the movements because EXTREMELY jagged and she seems to go barely any faster. It seems to do it in most if not all missions but it seems worse on Wahiba's Dark Sector Survival on Mars. Also when in "Archwing" Melee mode if there is an inactive turret (I've only seen it happen to corpus turrets so far) she will just keep attacking it as her priority target until you get close enough to a different target or move far enough away.

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Guys, please tell me someone ELSE noticed that every animation in the game is a lot slower than normal(or as it used to be), most only see in some weapons, isn't some, every weapon in the game is slower, the run and cast animations of the warframe, not sure about melee weapons but i think it might be a little bit slower too, none of the stats changed but the warframe animations, weapons attack speed and fire rate are very slow now compared to wat it used to be. Since the update of the silver grove a lot of bugs are just exploding out of nowhere, i've never seen that many bugs in just 1 update...

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1 hour ago, Sevenshooter said:

Guys, please tell me someone ELSE noticed that every animation in the game is a lot slower than normal(or as it used to be), most only see in some weapons, isn't some, every weapon in the game is slower, the run and cast animations of the warframe, not sure about melee weapons but i think it might be a little bit slower too, none of the stats changed but the warframe animations, weapons attack speed and fire rate are very slow now compared to wat it used to be. Since the update of the silver grove a lot of bugs are just exploding out of nowhere, i've never seen that many bugs in just 1 update...

I do find it very hard to tell when my hydroid is "sprinting" or if he's just walking... I thought it was just that I'm used to a Valkyr that runs at 1.6

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OKAY so Holy hell, I got a single List for TItania's Bugs

1. She Spazzes out while accelerating on her 4th, all because she collides with the damn Syndana, it literally makes her look like she's having a stroke mid flight while stopping her at any point and time while trying to accelerate.

Arch-wing also suffers from this.

2. The Drahk Master Grineer can Disarm you Dex Pixia, No joke it happened to me in mid mission while capping a point and he disarmed me leaving me with the melee for your ultimate which by the way is also broken because it does not carry the mods from you melee.

And for those who don't know who i'm talking about.



3. Titania's 4th Glitches any Syndicate weapon she come in contact with Eliminating the gauge build up and completely removing it, After the use of Titania 4th ability the guns gauge is Gone and the build up that you may had had is also gone, doing a long term amount of killing does not fix this.

To fix this problem you must Die in game to fix your gun.

Needless to say, i was really, really exited about this update, and i usually never really see any bugs, but this is ridiculous guys. please fix it.

Other than these i have no quarrels with any one.


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Posting here since I think this is the right spot.

Since the sarpa's release sayrn's 3 "Toxic Lash" doesn't apply the guarenteed toxic dots from the abilities on the ranged melee hits of the Sarpa and the Redeemer. This is while using no stance or either of the two stances. 

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Something seems to be really odd, in terms of how the relic matchmaking works, most of the time it either breaks completely forcing you to restart the game, or it just dosnt find a match at all and just pinballs you between entering a mission and finding a squad.

Ofcourse i cannot say if that isnt the fault of constantly leaving hosts instead.

Additionally i have noticed excavation to be really buggy as of late either not spawning any digsites or not activating the extraction point at all.

no idea how to reproduce those other than just doing the missions.

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55 minutes ago, Millhouse_Manastorm said:

Something seems to be really odd, in terms of how the relic matchmaking works, most of the time it either breaks completely forcing you to restart the game, or it just dosnt find a match at all and just pinballs you between entering a mission and finding a squad.

Ofcourse i cannot say if that isnt the fault of constantly leaving hosts instead.

Additionally i have noticed excavation to be really buggy as of late either not spawning any digsites or not activating the extraction point at all.

no idea how to reproduce those other than just doing the missions.

That ^ happened to me 3 times today and this, reactant + time left on left sidei4klp2.jpg

Edited by mGK_Bomber
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Love how you guys increased Titania's flight speed but didn't fix the actual flight shuddering.

Anyway, I've discovered an unusual bug, I was doing an exterminate and the map indicator showed that the last enemy was at extraction but when we got there, there was nothing. We decided to look around just in case the map was just being buggy and an enemy was stuck somewhere and it turned out to be just that, but there was a catch:


I could hear it's voice, we tried to attack it, kavats tried to attack it and so did the sentinels but no damage was being done to it. It was just glitched  into the ground. Had to abort.

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