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The Silver Grove: Hotfix 3 (Nekros Prime!) 


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I don't want to sound ungrateful, but since you are already fixing issues with Raptor, maybe you could nerf their weapons a bit and increase the time or remove the timer completely from the power cell. The timer right now is simply absurd, first of all, ti is allegedly of 10 seconds after the Raptor dies, and sometimes it exploded and killed me just after I picked it, and I was not even far from the drop point.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Fixed Raptor being able to damage Limbo while in the rift.

Still no fix for: limbo is damaged by the jackal.

There are still a boat load of things that damage limbo. Its really embarasing when I go down inside the rift when that is my one true advatage then a trinity and valkyre on my team pick me up to do...nothing because that was suppoesed to be my job...



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I so cant be arsed to do that quest and the stupid scanning, I just bought Titania in the store, do I still have to do it all to get the aura's? or did they fix the trading?

Sidenote, the store shows the Galatine Prime in the 1st pack, but in the 2nd one only Nekros and Tigris, does the galatine still included on the 2nd pack?

Edited by SinergyX
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lol releasing nekros prime after that disaster you called a rework

wow you are really brave!


ps. the trailer is awesome but false avertising

nekros cant have an army like advertised in the trailer (rework you know, limited the shadows to only 7!)

you cant get shadows with soul punch...


if you could just remove that health bleeding from the shadows, i would be paritally happy, later you can fix the crippled droprate of desecrate (you nerfed the drop rate , since bodies disappear even if they dont drop any loot)

yet nothing about the low credit gain since Sotr


sorry that all my recent posts are negative but it is really hard to be positive lately

since SoTr the game went downhill... very fast!

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This is actual BS. The Void rework completely screws people who have Relics built up. All of my Relics are worthless for the new stuff, whereas with the old system I always had a ton of keys to farm the parts. That's why vaulting old primes made sense, in order to avoid continuously diluting the drop tables, but now it makes 0 sense. Just make a brand new relic for every single piece. If I'm wrong and there's some way to convert old relics into new ones then please let me know (other than just trading with players, that system is also garbage), otherwise there should be one. Farming the new prime gear is already a rediculous grind, which I don't actually mind, since it gives me a goal to work toward, but I really, really hate farming for a chance to farm for a chance for something, it gets real old.

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The release of nekros prime is a slap in the face to veteran players with how DE royally screwed the system to get prime parts. I go from having a good collection of keys to use at my leasure that I have collected over my many hours of playing to this new system with many relics that now contain nothing but ducat fodder. Now not only do I have to grind the rng to get the relics as the new keys, I also have to grind the void traces to even get a sliver of a chance to have the required rare parts that never seem to drop anyway. The only vaguely redeeming fact of this system is the allowance of choosing between squad's rewards, and not having to be in the same tileset repeatedly. I don't have the time to play for the now required hours to grind for the relics before I then have the "opportunity" to grind for the parts themselves. At least in the old methods you could get multiple prime drops for a single key.


Anyone with good time in the game has too many crap relics now.

You have to grind for relics and traces before you can grind for the parts.

You are chasing away veteran players who have other things to do than grind.


/end rant

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