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Mission Idea Sandbox.


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Saitama's Dream

"What is this feeling? This wild throbbing in my heart?! This rush, this tension! It's been so long I forgot. The exhilaration of a real fight!"

A high level survival on each planet that is MR locked at +18, you only get 1 life, and each faction has their own custom reward table.

Summary: This mission type is aimed at high MR players and vets who think Warframe is boring and mainly for newer players. Speaking from experience as someone who has over 5.5k in-game hours, it would be nice if there was a consistent place to go and have fun with my other high level friends and burn an hour or two of our time together for a chance at a nice reward.

The effect of this mission type will have on players/squads:

  • Having a mission of this type in the star chart will further incentivize players to max out their gear before entering.
  • The 1 life modifier will force squads to play near each other as drifting far away from the group will only mean your imminent doom. 
  • With each faction with their own custom reward table means no one faction will be played against more than the other. 

Financial incentive for the business aspect: More purchases of maxed rank 10 mods via Trade Chat and/or Prime Variants of frame and weapon types for their bonus stats.



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Protect citizens from invading forces. Grineer, Corpus, or Infested
Ideas for Locations include; a village, underground bunker, spaceship, a death camp, a Lab.

The basic premise is that 1-4 players have to gather as many citizens as possible to the safe point from invading enemies. 
The mission is in 2 parts.

Players start at one point on the map, they can work together or split up to gather survivors and defend them.
A survivor will move once a player comes in contact with them. 
As they make their way to the rescue point it is the players job to defend them. Sometimes the survivors will hide behind cover and wait for the fight to end before they continue.
You can only lose so many survivors before the mission is a failure

Once everyone is at the safe point the players have to fend off waves of invading forces for a certain amount of time. 
Turrets will be available for players.
Invading forces will have ground and air support. Shoot them down.
They will have many ways of reaching the survivors so be vigilant. 

After fending off enemies a tenno dropship arrives to pick up survivors. Mission accomplished

Edited by Iccotak
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Ideas branching off of Kuva Fortress:

This tileset was one of the best additions to Warframe in recent times, even more fun than most of the raids IMO. Playing it as a whole, sequentially felt like playing as your own operative. You weren't being ordered to do it by Lotus, you were just there on your own accord, and that lone wolf dynamic paired with an especially fish-out-of-water starting point made it more engrossing.

I think they should continue the trend with a corpus and infested themed fortress as well. Maybe Corpus could be Nef Anyo's bank as a giant corpus ship, and infested could be a pre derilect or sentient ship with the creator of Lephantis aboard (the codex entries of OD allude to him being created pre war as a weapon).

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This (very long) post is for a new Archwing assassination mission type, sort of inspired by Starfox, and a two part fight.

The first part of the assassination plays like a rail shooter with the goal of disabling the boss by inflicting enough damage to the engines to cause it to slow down.  During this sequence, we will be locked into a sprint and only able to shoot the boss with a limited amount of time to destroy the engines before the mission fails (because the boss got away).

After disabling the engines, the boss would slow down and we'd chase the boss into a second tile that's similar in design to the Jordas Golem, and the fight would work much the same way where we have to kill the boss at that point - not disable it.  This would be done by blowing off armor plates, shooting a hotspot, or some other mechanic of DE's choice.

During both parts of the fight, we'd have the option to shoot off turrets (to minimize our incoming damage) and armor plates (to increase damage to the boss).  In the second phase, we'd get the option to permanently disable thrusters with would turn off the bosses ability to roll, pitch, yaw, and translate on the x, y, and z axis - causing the boss to move into a drifting glide and/or move erratically like wounded  prey because it'd have to use other forms of rotation and translation to move.

Technical stuff
The first phase would be one tile with invisible walls keeping the players in a specific plane so objects outside and textures outside of the players box can be moved giving the illusion that we’re sprinting full tilt to catch and disable the boss. Additionally, as the rail shooting section can essentially be treated as one very unique tile, that means the entire boss fight arena can be loaded in on the initial load which would allow for a smooth transition from the rail shooting to the more open ranged arena - including the possibility of having the first tile be deleted from the instance once everyone is into the second tile (this is where having the players chase the boss would naturally cause this to happen).

To make the rail shooter tile interesting, players would have to dodge incoming asteroids and debris.  Unfortunately due to the speed players are going at, if they get killed, they automatically die during the rail shooter segment (you would be left pretty far behind if we were sprinting at full tilt and you stopped moving).

Transition into the arena tile would basically involve players moving from the "plane" to the arena, with other visual tricks used to mask/hide the false rapid movement of the first phase.

Edited by Almagnus1
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1. escort or multiple stages:

some of the missions have moving platforms (earth spy vault, the big corpus intercept/defense "outside pit" map). i would love some sort of escort mission like the current corpus rover/grineer core escort stuff. you would have the platform or this could be on a river with some sort of futuristic raft. or it could be rails like the platforms currently are. the players would "start" the jounrney. then the platform/raft would move. on some points there would be either clamps/mines/doors blocking the raills. where you would have to either fight some enemies, maybe get a drop/console/key to plug in to proceed. or destroy a powersource to disable the mechanism blocking your path. it could be some spy vault etc. for river option these could be some sort of watergate that connects different highlevels of the river. yor team would have to operate this on consloles (liek double doors). for rails there could be some elevator etc.

for this option the "map" would basicly be the platform most of the time and during the ride it could be some sort of "traditional" shooter feeling. where you sit on your moving dfense target and do some sort of duck shooting style defense. if you get at an obstacle the map would open up basicly when the platform stops.

2. implement the trails maps mechanics on normal missions:

recently started to play some raids and they are super fun, but some mechanics are not all in any way found at normal missions. so like the nidus quest or even just in some very minor form i would love to have some mechanics implemented into the normal starchart missions. for example:

-(lor) the injector sabotage could be a normal earth sabotage mission. add a injector. the team has to hack 4 consoles and then you can damage the target. there should be a visible timer for players to show when all consoles reset the force field. it could include a "simple" bomb. that you just plug in the injector console to disable a force field.

-(lor) the locking mechanism with the symbols could be either a preboss room lock (bit like kehla's thing) or it could be the mechanism for the grineer mining equipment sabotge missions. because these things currently jsut stand around, it would be cool if the grinner would have these or another special maschine loocked away behind a big door. this your team would have to unlock via this raid mechanism. destroy the machine/boss. mission done. the scale could be a bit smaller for 4 ppls. but people would learn the mechanisms do's and don'ts. (no nightmare mode, just normal)

-(lor) the button unlocking of the core escort could be implemented in a simply form, that a player jsut has to stand on and then there is a timer the path is free until it resets. so you could do this solo or with fewer ppls. but you would get the basic idea, button disables bad things ;)

-(lor) the charging bomb could be some variation of a sabotage/defense mission. a player would pick up a bomb. thzisi would charge, for simplicity this would be without the energy drain and without disabling the abilites. so this could be done solo. but you would have the normal meele or 2ndary weapon only. so you would have to stay alive during the chargin and then drop/use it on the objective to disable/destroy it. so the charging bomb mechanism would be shown. (the drop thiong is kinda already in the raptor bossfight)

- (jv) an addoned/overrun corpus ship holds important information. this would be a spylike or like the old sabotage where you would have to plugin in a console thing only. but it would have either/or/and the esophage mechanic, infested consles, incubator bubble thing. with these the room you need to get into would have been blocked off. so you would have to use these new mechanics to get in there. there could be different missions for each mechanic, that build on each other getting more complicated with each higher enemy level. the whole esophage thing could be explained by lotus in some short sentence or even a quest. where you have to "save" stuff out of such blocked room form an infested ship.( this abbadoned infested ship thing with esophages/bubbles/overgorwnconsoles i would looove to see as an actual mission^^^would be so much fun and be a change to other normal pathing in missions)

- (jv) spore pushing, buttons in archwing. all the archwing mechanics are not explained anyhwere. and some small aw missions to implement would be nice. maybe an easy spore pushing to open a few "gates" that are blocked by infested overgrow in an aw mission. with the buttons some core sabotage like the corpus sabtoge, but you would have to shoot the buttons. or jsut some buttoned gates in aw missions to open. (buttons can have again a timer to make this solo friendly)


thx for reading.

fight on tenno



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Bring back archwing defense and put weapon parts in Rotation C

Archwing defense, where there were 2 defense targets that needed to be protected no longer exists. This was fun and was  challenging and I suggest bringing it back. It incentivized people into playing archwing as there were literally 2x defense rewards if you managed to keep both targets up. To further this, I recommend reintroducing a new archgun or archmelee weapon and adding its components to this mode's Rotation C drop table.

My reason for defense is there's a lack of endgame content for archwing. The only endless mission presently is an interception one, which is annoying as all the players are spread out across the map and it doesn't feel team oriented because of this. Defense requires everyone staying close to eachother which is good for affinity, and also creating a sense of teamwork as you can see what everyone is doing and it just feels nice being together.

My reason for putting weapons back into the archwing drop table is experienced archwing players and new ones don't have a reason to play archwing right now besides mods and mastery. All the archwing and its weapon parts are available through syndicates, and this means there's nothing unique in the archwing loot table to attract players to the game mode/ incentivize them to try it out.

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Warframe is in desperate need of a Good raid. Trials may not be the most played game mode, but that information is kinda Irrelevant when you consider the reward's importance and fact that you only get one arcane a day from a raid. If a person jumps online and does one raid and 20 exterminates, that doesn't make the raid any less important. Just that you only need to do one raid. That doesn't mean you shouldn't put effort into raids  just because exterminate and defense have more people playing them. Raids are one of the most important and sought after aspects of a video game, especially a multiplayer game. Vets need somewhere to go other than endless mission type games. A good raid is what can get those players back into the swing of things. Check out this idea of mine. 

This is an 8 man raid with option of 4 players minimum. Story behind raid can vary and really is up to DE to design lore, but it will not affect the gameplay mechanics itself. I developed this raid over a long period of time, talking with clan members and friends while taking influence from other games and their raids. So here's the last raid we'll ever need, the Corpus Trial "Savior of The Void" 



Lotus: Our scouts have picked up an unusual amount of credits being transferred through corpus funds to a number of remote locations. It is no coincidence that these sites also contain an extreme amount of robotic activity, the corpus have been hiding something here for a long time and it's time to find out with it is. Investigate and sabotage this Corpus scheme before it becomes a danger for our colonies.

Tile 1: Ground Map

  • Premise:
    Lotus: I have picked up two of the large robotic signatures to this location. There is also an extreme amount of magnetic shielding throughout the building indicating it's heavy guarded. Stealth may be your only option for success, therefore I may only be able to guide you for a short amount of time. Are you ready tenno?


Map: Corpus Outpost Cave and Hallway with invulnerable cameras scanning from right side, panning the area. An open electrical cord is on the left side of the mission entrance. Hallways is separated by 4 doors that must be hacked to open.

Objective: Get Through hallways by avoiding detection, killing guards, and hacking doorway.

Lotus: "Those cameras are part of a new line of security I thought still in development phase. You'll have to find a way to overload them with a power surge. The guard is the only opening to the security console."

  • Step 1: Break open electrical cord and charge yourself with power, counting a 10 second timer of charge. If user is holding charge after 10 seconds, charge zaps warframe depleting 300 shields/sec. Once shields are completely depleted, charge will deal deal 750k electrical damage to user and completely deplete energy.
  • Step 2: Get passed camera and zap guard sitting at desk, slamming his head into the controls. This will transfer the charge into guard and overload camera. Guard is required to disable camera and is only vulnerable to electrical damage. Slamming guard will destroy camera and kill guard.
  • Step 3: Hack console by door to open to the next room. Repeat Step 2.
    Getting caught by camera will alert guard, guard will nullify the room from powers and self detonate,dealing 50k damage all warframes in room. Guard is invulnerable to damage.

Traveling to Jackal:

Map: Corpus Outpost with random corpus  throughout outpost

Objective: Get to Outpost Lab, fighting through random small number of corpus.

Lotus: "The closest of these large robotics is up ahead. Get to it and find out what it is."

  • Step 1: Run through corpus outpost, killing random corpus along the way.
  • Step 2: Once at lab door, have all players take a console to hack nigh-simultaneously

The Jackal:

Map: Modified Jackal Arena with Strung Up Low-Hanging Jackal

Objective: Defeat strung up jackal using arcata and batteries.

Lotus: "That is a new Jackal prototype. It seems to be offline for the moment. Hack it's main computer and start a self-destruct sequence."

  • Step 1: Have 1 player jump on jackal's back hacking console on back to begin self destruct sequence. Jackal will interrupt sequence and activate. Jackal cannot move, being strung up, but he can rotate and will fire on anyone in Line of Sight.
  • Step 2: Take down bursa that spawn in balconies, one at a time, and pull out batteries by hacking bursa's back. Entering balcony will spawn impassible laser barriers. 10 Batteries per Bursa.
  • Step 3: Pass batteries to players and throw batteries at jackal's 4 legs. Throwing and passing in done in the same fashion as Lunaro, Throwing at jackal detonates battery, exposing legs to damage.
  • Step 4:Once legs are exposed, shoot at legs to take down health. Legs are open to damage for 5 seconds,  unless all four are detonated nigh-simultaneously (within 1 sec), in which case 15 seconds of damage is allowed. Each leg has 10,000,000 robotic health.
  • Step 5: After each leg re-shields itself, it will begin a self-repair process. If self repair is successful, repeat from Step 3. Otherwise, continue throwing batteries at jackal to keep self repair below 100%. Repair works at 10% per second and each battery downs the repair by 20%.
  • Step 6: While repairs are being delayed, 4 consoles on each corner pillar will randomly activate 1 by 1. Each console must be hacked in the order that it lights up and console lights up after previous was successfully hacked.
  • Step 7: Successfully hacking all four consoles before repairs are complete will cancel the self repair, allowing for another 15 seconds of damage to legs, After 15 second damage phase, repeat Step 5 until legs reach 5% Health.
  • Step 8: After each leg reaches 5% health, Jackal will free himself of the cables suspending him. He will initiate his self-detonation sequence by overheating himself. This opens up any part of his body to damage. Self Destruct has a 30 second charge time, at which the team has to kill him before he self detonates. If jackal self detonates, he first releases a magnetic pulse with guaranteed magnetic proc, followed by a 100k blast explosion, wiping both Jackal and team.

Parkour Challenge to Next Battle:

Map: Corpus Ventilation System and Engine/Generator Room with endless pits and various parkour challenges.

Objective: Get through challenging path to next battle.

Lotus: "Great work. This Jackal will not be put into production thanks to you. The next robotic signature is up ahead. Take the ventilation system to avoid tripping the alarms."

  • Step 1: Navigate the complex path with various parkour challenges.

The Razorback Rematch:

Map: Large and Tall cave with single massive stalactite hanging from ceiling. Stalactite has object health. Door to small saferoom with a blocked off door behind it.

Objective: Destroy Razorback by crushing under stalactite and damaging under fire.

Lotus: "A Razorback? Nef Anyo must be the perpetrator behind this whole operation. If he can develop a Razorback this quickly, why hasn't he made more? Tenno, crush this Razorback under the mountain it was built. We have to find out what is really going on here." 

  • Step 1: Avoid Razorback attacks and locate saferoom. Two players simultaneously activate panel on each side to open safe room door.
  • Step 2: Door openers on each side step on pads inside to hold door open.
  • Step 3: Shoot at first layer of giant stalactite (Icicle) on the ceiling 50m above. Stalactite has 250k object health.
  • Step 4: Run into safe room for cover. First layer of stalactite will fall on top of Razorback, trapping him under it.
  • Step 5: After Razorback is crushed, exit safe room  and begin damaging the Razorback for 25% of his health.
  • Step 6: Damaging Razorback destroys rubble, allowing Razorback to get back up. Razorback is invincible until the first layer of the stalactite falls on him. Afterwards, he'll only regain invincibility when getting up from rubble.  From then on, his legs have a .5x damage multiplier, his head has a 1.5x damage multiplier, and everything else has a 1x damage multiplier. Razorback evolves after every damage phase, gaining new powers each time. First damage phase gives him the ability to shoot large but slow homing high damage energy spheres that can only be destroyed by being shot, spheres have 10 object health and are roughly the size of a head. Cannot be avoided, even while invisible. Second evolution gears him with the ability to disassemble himself and reassemble himself somewhere else as if he's slowly teleporting. Final evolution grants Razorback the ability to fire a magnetic pole that will tether nearby tenno can be shot to destroy. Razorback will focus his fire on tethered tenno.
  • Step 7: Once dead, grab power core off of dead Razorback to blow up the door behind safe room and exit.

The Exit Off Outpost and Onto Capital Ship:

Map: Large Corpus Hangar with Landed Capsule Ships.

Objective: Hijack Capsule Ship and use it to get to orbiting capital ship above.

Lotus: "With the Razorback down, Nef Anyo's operation will be put in hold for a while, but it seems that the largest amount of funding is actually on Europa, but I don't know where. We cannot afford to have Nef Anyo know that we're on to his scheme, or else he'll find out and pull out his operations before we get there. We will have to enter a Capital Ship to pull the exact coordinates. Taking it to Europa as a Corpus, not a tenno. Use the Capsule Ships docked here to enter and hijack a Capital Ship."

Ordis: "No worries operator, Ordis will send your ship to Europa once you've arrived."

  • Step 1: Kill all corpus in hangar.
  • Step 2: Hack terminals of all 8 ships to find the Capsule Ship usable.
  • Step 3: Have all players board said ship and prepare ship for take off. All players must be inside ship to activate.
  • Step 4: Defend Ship from oncoming waves of Corpus for 2 minutes.
  • Step 5: After two minutes, kill all corpus, board ship and leave.

Tile 2: Archwing + Corpus Ship Map

  • Premise:
    Lotus: "Here's the capital ship. Try to avoid it's radar field and get in."

Hijacking Capital Ship:

Map: Free Space With Capital Ship Turning in Corpus Ship 

Objective: Board Capital Ship by exiting capsule ship and entering through exhaust. Take over Capital Ship and set course for Europa.

Lotus: "We're in, you'll need get into the navigation room to find previously logged coordinates and set a path there.

"Those coordinates are exceptionally fortified. We cannot afford to go in as a tenno. Rendezvous the ship to those coordinates. Nef Anyo will most likely believe the ship to be more supplies for his project"

  • Step 1: Fly Archwings behind capsule ship, set to fly into the capital ship docking bay, to avoid Capital Ship's radar. Being seen will increase suspicion by 13% per second for every second visible. If suspicion reaches 100%, Capital Ship will notice it is tenno and charge up an Annihilator Cannon that one shots anything and destroys capsule ship. Cannon takes 20 seconds to charge, Trip is 1000m long and capsule ship moves at 50m per second.
  • Step 2: Once past 1000m radar barrier, fly into loading dock and board ship on foot. Kill all corpus on sight and make your way to the engine room.
  • Step 3: Enter the Engine Room and hack 4 consoles to open fuel cell core. Take a battery from the core. Only one needed.
  • Step 4: Take battery to navigation room and set it into the door, killing corpus along the way. Battery carrier cannot attack and damage to battery will ruin it's structural integrity, 5% per hit.
  • Step 5: Shoot battery to blast open the door and enter, dispatching all crewmen inside navigation room.
  • Step 6: Solve 3 giant puzzles by having players stand on plates on massive navigation board. One player hacks the center console and a pattern will show up on his monitor. Players must then stand on the matching plate to create the pattern on the navigation board. This will open their wall puzzle, which they must decipher. Shooting at a section will rotate it until the puzzle has been connected, remnant of smaller cipher hacks. 
  • Step 7: While puzzles are being deciphered, other players must keep out corpus attempting to enter the navigation room, sabotaging the hijack. If a corpus enemy is able to turn off the center console, the process will have to be repeated from Step 6.
  • Step 8: Once puzzles are solved, the doors will shut, locking out the Corpus and a course will be set for Europa.

Tile 3/Finale: Combined Ground and Archwing Map


Enter Kronos, Savor of the Void:

Map: Outdoor Europa Ice Planet

Objective: Take down 150m tall biped made of salvaged ship parts, called Kronos.

Lotus: What is this....monstrosity? What do the Corpus plan to do with such a creation."

Nef Anyo: "THAT...Lotus was a secret, until you destroyed half of the security I was making to protect him, but you've uncovered my plans. Meet Kronos, Savior of The Void.

Lotus: How long have you been hiding this Nef Anyo?

Nef Anyo: To recuperate our loses at this...wreckage, I personally funded a means to transform a large part of this once great ship into a single being that would truly personify everything that the Void is. A being that will purge the system of its heathen population, and show just how powerful and generousness the Void can be, if you just believe. Kronos, destroy these......non-believers.

Kronos: Yes master. The tenno shall perish here.

Lotus: Tenno, this being is too large for you to take down on the ground. Some of you must take to the air. Ordis, activate Archwing.

Ordis: Yes Lotus. Operator, you'll have to be at a higher elevation for the archwing to reach you without danger. Is there anything around that can get you to a higher elevation?

  • Step 1: Get to battle arena, killing random corpus along the way.
  • Step 2: Open door and enter arena. Large part of the ship will transform into Kronos.
  • Step 3: Activate Broken turbine on back of map to create a makeshift lift/elevator. Activate by shooting jammed turbine blade.
  • Step 4: Send some players up turbine to assume archwings. Archwing flight floor/threshold is 75m and you can only activate archwing by being lifted up the turbine region. Ground has no ceiling and can reach into archwing height without activating archwing.
  • Step 5: Air team will take out archwing enemies that are attacking ground team while ground team takes out hordes of unique ospreys spawned by Kronos to give him impenetrable shields. Once all opreys are destroyed, Kronos' eye will become vulnerable. Both ground and air team must avoid Kronos' massive arms and shoulder rockets.
  • Step 6: Once Kronos is vulnerable, his weakpoint at the eye will become vulnerable. Air or Ground team must shoot his eyes out until they break. Each eye has 50k robotic health.
  • Step 7: Once each eye is shot out, Kronos will attack wildly and inaccuarately, exposing his core. Shoot at core while Kronos replaces his eyes. Core has a 1,000,000 robotics heath gate before coming invulnerable again.
  • Step 8: Once core closes up and eyes are repaired, Repeat Step 5-7 for 3 more damage gates.
  • Step 9: Once Kronos has taken enough damage (4 damage gates), he'll attempt to flee by activating large boot rockets. Air Team must capture a single tower in order to send a Corpus distress signal with a location beacon targeting Kronos into space for a nearby Balor Fomorian to pick up. Archwing enemied will try to intervene.
    Lotus: Tenno, you cannot allow Kronos to escape. Shoot out its legs to hold it down. There is a Balor Fomorian within firing range to this location. Send an anonymous distress beacon pointed at Kronos for the Grineer to see. Maybe they will be able to intercept the beacon and be enticed to shoot down Kronos
  • Step 10: While air team is capturing tower, ground team must prevent Kronos from escaping by continuously damaging his boot rockets. Each shot prevents .5 percent of Kronos' ascension. Kronos moves at 10% per second.
  • Step 11: Once tower is captured, let Kronos go and watch as the nearby Fomorian shoots him out of the sky.

The Raid is Complete!!


  • First Part:
    50,000 Credits
    Primary Riven Mod
  • Second Part:
    75,000 Credits
    Secondary Riven Mod
  • Finale:
    100,000 Credits
    Rare Arcane Enhancement
    Kronos Sekhara Badge (Resembles Enlarged Illuminated Jordas Badge Without Infested)
  • Boss Drops:
  • Jackal: Blueprint To Trial Exclusive Primary Weapon and/or Trial Used Lunaro Arcata
  • Razorback: Blueprint To Trial Exclusive Secondary Weapon and/or Trial Exclusive Cosmetic
  • Kronos: Blueprint To Trial Exclusive Melee Weapon and/or Trial Exclusive Cosmetic

I thought about this raid for a long time and I've pictured how it would work. Rewards for this raid should be substantial due to all the work involved in it. I put a lot of thought into this raid idea, and I know it will work. Thank you for reading.

Edit: Added an evolution phase to the razorback fight after suggestion from Endless_Destruction.

Edited by (PS4)Crixus044
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Endless Mobile Defense Missions in the same vein as Intercept/Surival/Defense to spice things up (I know, I kinda like Mobile Defense, screw me right?)

Multi Tiered Missions with multiple mission types patchworked together (Think Spy, then Mobile Defense, Then Survival?)

Instead of outright mission failures, simply have the mission morph into another subtype (failed Spy mission? Turns into Eximus Stronghold survival, giving more of a incentive to get the job done right the first time)

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Just created an account and haven't been on long but I have played warframe for a long time, one mission I want to see is a mission similar to survival and exterminate. Just keep killing till you want to leave, rewards for every 200-250 kills or something like that, but no life support, just killing

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A new relay shows up on the star map, but it looks vastly different to the others, mainly having hexagonal patterns in the walls. It's run by someone who has a relation to Teshin, but he practically has no real affiliation. An entire squad may be able to enter the relay to participate in this mission, but you may come alone if you want. You all vote on the mission once you enter the portal, and you begin.

The mission itself is a boss rush with random encounters, (they're all simulations of course) and every boss is twice as hard as he was in the normal star-map. Your entire team must work together to stay alive for as long as possible, and there is a rest area with limited resources after every battle. This is an endless mission, but there is a bit of a catch. After ten bosses, you're greeted with a simulation not found anywhere else in the normal game. After this new boss is defeated, the vanilla bosses raise their level by ten. At the 100th boss fight, you're greeted with one last fight. The keeper of the relay, who's practically going to be a superboss at this point, requiring the entire squad to fight their hearts out if they want to succeed. After that, the simulations just reset. Each new boss that is unlocked on the star-map or patched into the game will be added to the randomized encounter list.

Each individual boss fight will give you a score of "1", and these points can be traded for increasingly valuable mods and items with the keeper of the relay. However, because these items are so valuable, and these bosses may be a cakewalk for tenno who have become consistently sortie worthy, it will take an immense amount of points in order to grab even a single mod/item, and they can not be traded with other tenno. Defeating the keeper doesn't kill him either, since all of these items come from him. So he is also a simulation.

So this is my idea for a brand new mission type. I know this was brief, but the rules stated it needed to be, and I wanted to get a lot of things across in a short amount of time. Anything you might question is up to your imagination.


EDIT: I just realized this was made last year. nvm about this post then.

Edited by (XB1)ZeroMKIX
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Escape: The mission starts off as a normal capture and/or assassinate mission, but after you capture/kill the target, the lotus informs you that this was a decoy and the real one isn't here, and all this was a trap. Your new objective is to escape through enemies with prepared defenses around your evac point. Ramparts, arc mines, laser grids, etc. Numerous enemies more difficult than what you faced previously in the mission are there and it's timed (Kind of like a mix of capture/assassination and sabotage).

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hey when i was watching an old devstream and thought it might be cool to have an event/quest restricted for specific warframes pairs like oberon and titania kinda like a origin lovers themed warframe deal cause i seem to remember hearing those names form the same fantasy novel i don't remember what happened but i think they were lovers in that book.  

my idea is basically a rescue mission that takes place in the tile set for alad v's zanuka project, that has the player(s) go and rescue 1-4 captured tenno that are supposed to be 1 love interest for the participating tenno, if player has a prime warframe equipped rescue target will also be a prime warframe unless said warframe doesn't have a prime variant, in the squad stats of captured tenno are the same as if they were maxed out after rescuing the tenno the player(s) must search the map for the captives weapons primary secondary melee and powers as for what they are i suppose they can be what the player(s) have on their character, unless warframe has a signature weapon, i.e. octavia's signature guns or weapons released with the warframe or deluxe skin, like prime weapons that got released with the prime warframe, excluding sentinels and companions, or weapon skins that come with a deluxe warframe, to have the captive pick it up the player must mark the weapon with a waypoint marker after obtaining all weapons they go to extraction and just before they get to the room to extract zanuka(s), depending on how many players in team may spawn 1-3 zanukas, appear and a lockdown is activated and can only be lifted if the player(s) defeat all of the zanuka(s), after all zanuka are killed player(s) can extract and rewards are given to the player(s).

Requested reward: player's 10th rescued warframe plus warframe slot and reactor preinstalled awarded after 10th successful rescue, if a non prime was equipped.  If player wants the prime version of the love interest, if one exists, they must do 10 successful rescues with the same prime warframe, but will be rewarded a set of the prime love interest's blueprints, a warframe slot, and a reactor blueprint, after 10th rescue player will get a warframe blueprint set every 10 successful rescues but they only get the reactor or the reactor blueprint after the first 10th successful rescue.  The warfame slot will only be given after every 20th successful rescue.

Mission difficulty: mission starts off being easy with normal enemies at level 10 wardens at level 12 and zanuka at 20, but the more successful attempts a player pulls off the harder it will get. Every mission up to the 10th or 20th time enemies will be 1 level higher.  Every 10th try enemies get +10 levels after that mission is completed they drop 5 levels, every 20th level the enemies get +20 levels, after 20th successful rescue, rotation resets as do the levels of enemies but they will get a bonus of +1 level for every rotation.

Item restrictions: player's are allowed only 1 cipher, excluding razorback ciphers, anything else goes.

Mission fails if: player dies four times unless the captive is rescued or captive dies or player dies once after captive is rescued.

Players can only repeat the rotation reset 3 times after that they can no longer do the mission.

 any way if you like my idea let me know,  if my idea does get approved or mentioned in future streams please don't take the credit for it give credit where credit is due by which i mean make sure i'm mentioned for suggesting this please

Edited by Urim512
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Mission Idea: Siphon or 'Endless' Stealth

Your job is to break into the enemy systems and carefully siphon credits / redirect cargo-pods from enemy logistics.

4 vaults located throughout the map contain terminals/consoles. Break in, go to a terminal, then hack it to begin the siphon process.

You must remain within the vicinity while the siphon is in progress. [Inspired by Bursa-hacking in Operation False Profit] Patrols will likely come by to inspect.

After a successful siphon, the console will temporarily go into lock-down, rendering it unusable until the security protocols reset.

You may extract after the first siphon, or you may continue to siphon at other consoles that are not on cool-down.

When returning to a vault that had been previously siphoned, security will have been reset and strengthened, and must once again be bypassed.

You must not allow any alarms to go off on the map. Doing so will permanently shutdown access to all console systems, even after turning off the alarms, and you will have no
other option but to extract.

Upon extraction, you will be rewarded for every successful siphon attempt [progressively increasing in value/rewards, similar to Excavations].

Beware! Comba, Scrambus and Datalysts are known to patrol these bases. Patrols will gradually increase in presence and strength with every siphon attempt.

Keep your senses about you, Tenno.

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@(PS4) Crixus044

Hello, your idea is one of the few in this thread I actually really like. A few things though-

If you need the Trial Arcata to kill the Jackal, and the Trial Arcata only drops from the Jackal, then how can the first part ever be completed?

If you happen to be at Riven capacity on receiving the reward, for stage 1/2, then how will that be dealt with? You can't go back to your ship to fix this until the entire raid is over, but the game might throw a fit. Sorties avoid the problem by giving the reward once all 3 are over, but Trials give each reward after each part.

A larger credit reward might be nice, given the proposed difficulty and use of Archwing.

It doesn't make sense for Kronos to be sending a distress call to a Balor Fomorian, which is a Grineer vessel. Perhaps Anyo's flagship would be more appropriate.

The Jackal fight-why the initial hack? You intend to interrupt it with the Jackal "waking up," and that's excellent for shock value the first time someone does the raid, but after it is completed, it loses its shock value, and will quickly become an action that is more tedious than useful towards some goal in the mission. Also, using Bursas for batteries-I'm assuming you draw inspiration from the event razorback fights. How about a different unit, custom made for the trial? It doesn't seem likely that a bursa would carry 10 lunaro-ball sized bombs in its chassis-it is too small.

The Jackal (continued)-I really dislike how the fight hinges around invincibility, bypassed with bombs, leaving short burst windows open. Constant, hectic action, rather than phase fights are much more preferable. Take the better boss fights in the game- Kela de Thaym, Tyl Regor, reworked Raptor, and reworked Ambulas. KdT and Tyl Regor only have temporary invincibility stages only to move the fight along; invincibility is never the centerpiece of the fight. Bypassing an invincibility phase to get some shots in is lazy design and is hated by the community-just look at how much we hate Lech Kril, Mutalist Alad V, and Sargas Ruk (to a lesser extent). Your proposed boss fight is great in that we have to use tools from the arena instead of just our weapons and powers, but very poor in that we have no choice but to use those same tools. I propose instead, damage reduction, removable through the use of bombs, instead of outright invincibility. Techincal trouble as well-How will equipping the arcata work? Will it take the place of our melee weapon? How will our controls be changed? Will we not be able to use our other weapons? Will it work like just another weapon, where we toggle F to get to it?

The Razorback-250K OBJECT HEALTH HOLY CRAP. Given that objects don't take critical damage or status, and have no vulnerability to any damage type, we are likely to run out of ammo before the stalactite falls. I do see an opportunity for using parkour to trick the razorback into shooting the stalactite as well, however. Also, the proposed fight doesn't make that much sense-damaging the razorback should only hinder its ability to get up. After the stalactite falls, constant bombardment should prevent the next invincibility phase, not serve as a vehicle for it. That rewards the player for bringing gear up to the task, and reacting quickly, instead of just forcing the player to rinse and repeat 3 more times.

The Razorback (continued)- How about instead of having the same thing happen for every phase of the fight, the Razorback "evolves," gaining new attacks and control strategies every 25% health? Instead of having an invincibility phase which the player must remove, just a brief 3 sec invincibility phase for a transformation could prove much more enjoyable and fast paced than the same deal over and over.

Kronos- basically same concerns with an invincibility centered boss fight, with repetitive phases.


Aside from the details of the proposed boss fights, I would really enjoy seeing this in game.

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22 hours ago, Urim512 said:

hey when i was watching an old devstream and thought it might be cool to have an event/quest restricted for specific warframes pairs like oberon and titania kinda like a origin lovers themed warframe deal cause i seem to remember hearing those names form the same fantasy novel i don't remember what happened but i think they were lovers in that book.  

my idea is basically a rescue mission that takes place in the tile set for alad v's zanuka project, that has the player(s) go and rescue 1-4 captured tenno that are supposed to be 1 love interest for the participating tenno in the squad stats of captured tenno are the same as if they were maxed out after rescuing the tenno the player(s) must search the map for the captives weapons primary secondary melee and powers as for what they are i suppose they can be what the player(s) have on their character, to have the captive pick it up the player must mark the weapon with a waypoint marker after obtaining all weapons they go to extraction and just before they get to the room to extract zanuka(s), depending on how many players in team may spawn 1-3 zanukas, appear and a lockdown is activated and can only be lifted if the player(s) defeat all of the zanuka(s), after all zanuka are killed player(s) can extract and rewards are given to the player(s).

 any way if you like my idea let me know,  if my idea does get approved or mentioned in future streams please don't take the credit for it give credit where credit is due by which i mean make sure i'm mentioned for suggesting this please

Titania is the queen of the Spring fairies and Oberon is king of the Summer fairies in medieval stories.

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12 hours ago, Endless_Destruction said:

@(PS4) Crixus044

Hello, your idea is one of the few in this thread I actually really like. A few things though-

If you need the Trial Arcata to kill the Jackal, and the Trial Arcata only drops from the Jackal, then how can the first part ever be completed?

If you happen to be at Riven capacity on receiving the reward, for stage 1/2, then how will that be dealt with? You can't go back to your ship to fix this until the entire raid is over, but the game might throw a fit. Sorties avoid the problem by giving the reward once all 3 are over, but Trials give each reward after each part.

A larger credit reward might be nice, given the proposed difficulty and use of Archwing.

It doesn't make sense for Kronos to be sending a distress call to a Balor Fomorian, which is a Grineer vessel. Perhaps Anyo's flagship would be more appropriate.

The Jackal fight-why the initial hack? You intend to interrupt it with the Jackal "waking up," and that's excellent for shock value the first time someone does the raid, but after it is completed, it loses its shock value, and will quickly become an action that is more tedious than useful towards some goal in the mission. Also, using Bursas for batteries-I'm assuming you draw inspiration from the event razorback fights. How about a different unit, custom made for the trial? It doesn't seem likely that a bursa would carry 10 lunaro-ball sized bombs in its chassis-it is too small.

The Jackal (continued)-I really dislike how the fight hinges around invincibility, bypassed with bombs, leaving short burst windows open. Constant, hectic action, rather than phase fights are much more preferable. Take the better boss fights in the game- Kela de Thaym, Tyl Regor, reworked Raptor, and reworked Ambulas. KdT and Tyl Regor only have temporary invincibility stages only to move the fight along; invincibility is never the centerpiece of the fight. Bypassing an invincibility phase to get some shots in is lazy design and is hated by the community-just look at how much we hate Lech Kril, Mutalist Alad V, and Sargas Ruk (to a lesser extent). Your proposed boss fight is great in that we have to use tools from the arena instead of just our weapons and powers, but very poor in that we have no choice but to use those same tools. I propose instead, damage reduction, removable through the use of bombs, instead of outright invincibility. Techincal trouble as well-How will equipping the arcata work? Will it take the place of our melee weapon? How will our controls be changed? Will we not be able to use our other weapons? Will it work like just another weapon, where we toggle F to get to it?

The Razorback-250K OBJECT HEALTH HOLY CRAP. Given that objects don't take critical damage or status, and have no vulnerability to any damage type, we are likely to run out of ammo before the stalactite falls. I do see an opportunity for using parkour to trick the razorback into shooting the stalactite as well, however. Also, the proposed fight doesn't make that much sense-damaging the razorback should only hinder its ability to get up. After the stalactite falls, constant bombardment should prevent the next invincibility phase, not serve as a vehicle for it. That rewards the player for bringing gear up to the task, and reacting quickly, instead of just forcing the player to rinse and repeat 3 more times.

The Razorback (continued)- How about instead of having the same thing happen for every phase of the fight, the Razorback "evolves," gaining new attacks and control strategies every 25% health? Instead of having an invincibility phase which the player must remove, just a brief 3 sec invincibility phase for a transformation could prove much more enjoyable and fast paced than the same deal over and over.

Kronos- basically same concerns with an invincibility centered boss fight, with repetitive phases.


Aside from the details of the proposed boss fights, I would really enjoy seeing this in game.

Thank you for your feedback.  I'm extremely happy you like the idea. Just a few things to point out. Trials Arcata is not required for jackal. Trials arcata is just a cosmetic Arcata for you to take into lunaro or the raid. Warframes come innately with an Arcata for lunaro, and that arcata you automatically get can used for the trial, unless you bought the Arcata from the lunaro bundle. IF you're at riven capacity for the raid, then well IDK lol hurry up and sell your rivens before mission. Same can be said from if that happens from a sortie. I think warframe should have a lost and found section in your inbox for this sort of thing.

Kronos is not sending the distress signal TO the grineer. We're sending an open distress signal, pretending to be corpus for all to hear, banking on the nearby grineer INTERCEPTING it, thinking they got an opportunity to wipe out some corpus, taking out Kronos in the process. It's a bit of trickery, manipulating the grineer to do our dirty work by deceiving them into thinking they can take advantage of a distressed corpus fleet.

About the Jackal fight, the initial shock of the hack doesn't seem too tedious, comparing to the 50 ciphers i use per LoR or JV lol, but it can be removed if it's too much. The main idea behind it is so your team has time to prepare themselves to start the battle when they enter the room, like exploring strategies, coordinating tasks and such, then they can activate the boss so you're not rushed into battle. 

The reason for using a bursa is mainly for simplicity sake, but a Hyena or custom enemy is another option.

The thing with invincible bosses is that this game hasn't really ever done them justice. The reason is that they just move too fast and have bad damage windows. A fast invincible boss with high damage and a small complex damage window is just annoying (Mutalist Alad V). A stationary boss, or little mobility boss with invincibility is honestly good because it makes the fight more focused on the build up to the damage phase rather than finding the boss and just mashing dps on him. A raid should have a system to how it is done, not everything can be so free in concept, otherwise this would be a damage simulator instead of a game. 15 seconds of damage is pretty long considering the damage we can output. That being said, I'm open to what your ideas are. 

The way the battery works will be exactly like the upcoming melee+secondary combo mixed with lunaro. So you will pick it up automatically when you get close to a battery, and be switched to the combo. After throwing the battery, you go back to normal.

250k object health is really not that much if you consider that most crit weapons deal roughly 20k damage without crits per second. With 5 people shooting, that's 100k per second, so three seconds of shooting should cover what's needed. Not that much. Also, this would finally make non crit weapons have an importance again (welcome back boltor p!) The invincibility phase is only for the first time, the rest of the time will be for knocking down the boss  and pinning him if desired, since he does high damage, but if you can handle him, stay out lol I like that evolving idea though. I'll work on that in an edit. 

Kronos in my opinion deserves nothing less than invincibility because of his sheer size. He's a god in size and power, and the only way to take him down is to combine strategy with luck. Just think, if we can't damage the ship we are on with our guns, what makes you think we would if the ship was a person.

Anyways, that's the reasoning behind the raid so you can better understand it. If you think others should be changed let me know. And thank you again for replying, you have some nice ideas and good questions.

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Having the arch wing available at all time would be awesome like another tool to the arsenal rather than felling like a second Warframe that uses different mod and mission variants, also having the jet-packed Grineer (and of course the corpus) enemies flying around all the time fighting air born would be fricken awesome. To be able to just jump in to your ark wing and combat them (Titania will be fine if this were ever to come) would be a great addition to the ever customization that this game offers (At least in on plant based missions). When i'm on a mission based in space and I break the glass it would be awesome if i got sucked in to space and Ordis is like "HERE"S YOUR ARK WING" (currently something I never see unless i'm obligated to) and i had to get back in some how or it opened up an entirely new path i could use to complete what ever i'm trying to do (even in a defense mission or excavation where you don't exactly traverse the terrain to much). Also ground to space combat like if you were doing a mission that involved sending a message out some where there could be a point where if the faction your facing intercepts message and you can go to the place where they intercepted it and "DESTROY THEM *cough cough* show them Tenno justice." 

A new planet that's all open world would be great. Planet Name: "Whatever" -Eviroment Setting: lava/rocky and montain (so there can be plenty of fun risky jumps that feel somewhat exciting to do and land and hilarious to fail). In terms of dieing obviously we can't use the revive system that is currently in place (for a free roam that is) thus players will get unlimited self revives (however if they have arcanes they still get that immediate revive on the spot and it can refresh after completing objectives or little missions) but they will be revived somewhere away from where they are (Not other side of the planet but away from what ever killed them for player convenience) Enemies should be much stronger on this planet starting at lvl 80-100.  With bosses starting at lvl 115. I was thinking the main theme of this planet could be a mining point and weapon testing for corpus and grineer creating a basis of constant conflict and war over complete control of this planet. Also If you did implement ark wing as a usable peace of the arsenal there could be ground to space combat, where what you do in space effects the terrain on the planet, for instance if you blow  up a ship it can crash in to the planet making for an interesting little raid. 

idk thats what I wold do... 

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Like rescue but there is going to be a live execution of an important colonist/group of colonists/opposing faction. There is a countdown timer until the execution takes place. You have to get past two terminals on the way. Once you make it to the execution chamber, there is a 3 minute defense as the area goes on lockdown. Maybe the higher the difficulty, the higher the number of people to be executed.

If you have a mark then the 3 minute lockdown can turn into 5 minutes and G3, Hunter, or Stalker show up and talk how it was a trap the whole time.

Early missions could also introduce NPCs like Baro and Darvo to new players.



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4 Tenno are dropped onto a map only to find out that instead of the hunter, they have become the hunted.

 Main difference with any of the actual Stalker / Gustrag hunters is that in this case the hunters kill you when they catch up to you. ( Or at the very least are fast and powerful so that one actually wants to run )

 All Tenno have 1 life plus the ones they have from their Arcanes (if equipped)

The not yet specified hunters will be actively trying to kill all 4 Tenno who’s only goal is to get to extraction. These hunters are assisted by one or more of the three factions in an attempt to slow them down.

Bonus rewards and loot can be gained by completing additional objectives along the way which forces players to strike a balance of risk / reward.


Missions success:

 At least 1 Tenno reaches extraction.

 Evidently extraction is far away, lots of parkour and heavy resistance.



Fortress Defense



Defense variant

A Fortress with multiple destructible objects. (Gates, walls etc etc)

The objectives must be defended successfully by the 4 Tenno

Fortress equipped with additional defensive capabilities such as Turrets, Mortars, Flamethrowers etc etc As well as a somewhat interactive environment to slow down enemy advance (Draw bridge / Barricades, Boulders etc etc )

Objectives do not regenerate health and the mission will fail if all objectives are destroyed before extraction.

Enemies can come in waves or just a steady stream. Rewards granted with every 5 waves, 5 minutes or X amount of enemies slain.


Mission Success:

Reach extraction before the last objective is destroyed.


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Lets say introducing a stalker obsession level count ... so that it is not just power levels but levels of intent to stalk or the amount of obsession to stalk their stalkie 

how obsessed is the AI going to attack this could go across the board as levels go maybe?  

just there could also be the tenno obsession level or game player obsession  sorta like a count for when they should put down the controller and maybe relax for a moment?  (or not)  ---

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5 hours ago, KingBeneathTheMountain said:

I would also think that a new raid would be awesome, but please make it bigger, with something about 3 bosses and make it one fluent experience without switching planets and so on. And a raid weapon and raid moods would be cool

 Exactly what i was putting. What your asking for is something like this right?


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