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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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4 minutes ago, AussiePommy said:

It use to be that carrier didn't exist and you had to manually pick up your loot

yeah and the game and its players progressed past that static junction why is going back good?  even at 12m vacuum hardly worked properly as shown in pic above loot not drawn at 6m still dwelling on half arsed job.

Edited by ranks21
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2 minutes ago, Racter said:

Again, it's not even just this "minor detail", though I would disagree that it's minor considering it negatively affects 89% of the player base. It's the fact that DE saw all of our complaints, came up with two absolute dumpster fire ideas, saw our mountain of negative feedback and implemented it anyway.

Maybe because you just need to yell at something as usual. I must have used Carrier a dozen of time in 2000 hours gaming, i know i'm part of the minority, but guess what, it didnt affect at all the way i enjoyed this game and stacked ressources. 

Aaand now they extend Vacuum to all sentinels, and you are still not happy. 5 meters is not enough. This community becomes more obscene every day.

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I don't necessarily agree with the lazy quip (as there are plenty of people who used it to ensure that they missed nothing when gathering specific resources), but I do agree that the changes are fine.

Most people are just whining instead of taking this time to see why those of us who didn't regularly use Carrier actually chose not to. I've even had a few great conversations with people about which sentinels we actually enjoyed using, which lead to a lot of talks of ups and downs of Djinn, Diriga, Wyrm, etc. Fun fact, none of them mentioned Carrier.

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I like that every sentinel gets vacuum now, but the only thing that's a little disappointing is the effect radius.  I guess I was so used to having 12 meters of pickup that I could run through levels and just automatically collect things.  Now I at least have to pay attention to my mini-map (which isn't the end of the world).  I had an opinion to not even attempt crafting the other sentinel's, but this at least makes them more useful to me :)

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The way it is now, its as if I dont have vacuum at all, we need to get on top of the drops so it can catch them, plus, this new nerfed vacuum really cuts on the amount of parkour (RIP movement 2.0) since now you gotta keep more time glued/close to the ground.


On a rate from 0 to 10, I give it a score of 1.

Since this change is as bad as archwing vacuum, AKA: you dont catch anything with it anyway.

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Before I start, My vote is on increasing the range back to normal But that being said.... 

I'm gonna get hated on for saying this, but i don't see what the big deal is. Yeah, it sucks that it's only 5m. but I treated the old carrier as a luxury. A way to lazy frame. With a fast paced game like warframe, you should be running over the map just playing the game like normal.... A lot of the community will waypoint rare stuff, Especially if you let em know you are farming for the rare resource or whatever in case you do miss something. 

I dunno, This seems to be getting blown out of proportion. I can understand being mad, but it's not like 10m is that big of a range anyways. I run with my smeeta, and will continue to do so. I've compared end results with many squads, It's really comparable with what carrier runners were getting.


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Playing literally any other, I repeat, ANY OTHER, FPS or TPS will show that vacuum is an accessory that isn't necessary, and DE even including this across more than 1 sentinel is a cop out to satisfy the laziest of players. If the playerbase can't be grateful for the fact that Vacuum even exists, I honestly don't think DE should even have to listen to their childish mewling. 

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oh, c'mon, is not that bad. Besides, Megan said in the update post that this was like a test. Maybe they'll end buffing the range a little more. Still i don't think we need the 12m range, it was kinda an overkill

meanwhile i'll be enyoing running my Helios with it's augment and see if i can make some use of the others :P

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8 minutes ago, Cyandana said:

I do.

The vacuum radius pre-nerf was ridiculously huge, and all but eliminated the core PvE experience of "picking up your loot".

It was too convenient, why use any other companion in a game where farming is most of what we do on a daily basis?

I sure as hell am not interested in wasting time running around to pick things up + paying less attention to killing things when I have auto-loot as an option. ESPECIALLY on a time limit.

The mod with the Simaris Conversion mods turned Carrier from extremely convenient to power creepy as hell, Nekros Prime + Health Conversion + Equilibrium? Lmao.

tl:dr Carrier was making everyone lazy. This nerf is DE's spoonful of medicine, to its playerbase.


This some kind of troll post insnt it? I refuse to believe that ANYONE can seriously think like this. 


Ok nevermind, considering everyone here is agreeing with you, ill take the possible bait and give you a real response.


"the core PvE experience of "picking up your loot"

Man, that should NOT be a "CORE" part of the game in any form or fashion, if it were youd see it as a selling point of the game, but you dont because it isnt and shouldnt be. Picking up loot is boring and tedious, especially when movement = life in higher levels.

"It was too convenient,"

Seriously? Not really having to worry about gather drops is too convenient? Literally how? You mean to tell me that youd honestly rather walk over 10 oxium? Or 100 alloy plates?

Edited by armedpoop
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4 minutes ago, DAWGUNITALPHA said:

Things don't always drop in a straight line. They have a tendency to explode out of enemies like confetti. You might like running in circles. 89% of the community does not.


2 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

Maybe because you just need to yell at something as usual. I must have used Carrier a dozen of time in 2000 hours gaming, i know i'm part of the minority, but guess what, it didnt affect at all the way i enjoyed this game and stacked resources. 

Aaand now they extend Vacuum to all sentinels, and you are still not happy. 5 meters is not enough. This community becomes more obscene every day.

6m is not enough. The default pickup range is 3. You literally run through a pile of loot right now and miss pick ups. This is a bad joke at best, downright insulting at worst.

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8 minutes ago, TimSin-EGT- said:

Vacuum 12m range changed to 6m range built in every Sentinel.

I love the fast paced stuff in warframe and the extremes.

1. I highly dislike running after every resource drop on the map. I want to do the objective, kill some enemies, speeding through a map, parkour jumping or find some rare sculptures. To find some sculptures i need to check every resource icon on the minimap.

2. It's tedious to run the long way to realize it was only some cheap resource on the minimap. (that ferrite was not sucked in)

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3. There are places where 6m vacuum range is not enough

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So please change it back to at least 12m, even if you need a new range mod on sentinel. I cannot understand why you nerfed the range at all.

In my oppinion the biggest part of the playerbase hates that nerf, a very minor part does not care and the least part likes the reduced range.

This change doesn't slow down the progress of players through the content. But for most players the game feels more tedious and less satisfying now.

Oh jeezus. How dramatic. It shows how bad some people have come to rely on it. Yeah, maybe buff it up to 8m but it's hardly that bad to start whinging about it.

People get to use more Sentinel's other than Carrier now and maybe even Kubrows/Kavats due to this. I don't see how this makes it the game more tedious and less satisfying.

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2 minutes ago, DAWGUNITALPHA said:

Things don't always drop in a straight line. They have a tendency to explode out of enemies like confetti. You might like running in circles. 89% of the community does not.

Incredible amount of hypocrisy here. You mean you will run in circle instead of running in straight line with the loss of 5 meters on your Vacuum ? Yeah, sure. I'm done with that.

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2 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

Playing literally any other, I repeat, ANY OTHER, FPS or TPS will show that vacuum is an accessory that isn't necessary, and DE even including this across more than 1 sentinel is a cop out to satisfy the laziest of players. If the playerbase can't be grateful for the fact that Vacuum even exists, I honestly don't think DE should even have to listen to their childish mewling. 

Couldn't of said that better myself +1.

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13 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

Just remove the need to pick up loot entirely. Ammo, health and energy - "tactical items" - can remain as they are, and we won't need to break gameplay flow or threaten to throttle players' progress if they don't run all over the map constantly stuffing everything into their bindle.

Loot acquisition can still feel good if we represent it inside the UI. You already have measures to penalize players who go afk. Be brave, and take a real step towards unshackling Warframe from its nasty loot problem.

The new DOOM game, made an insane, incredible, crazy move:

Guns dont need to be reloaded, much less ammo pick ups.

That was a refreshing, amazing move, by the-guys-who-make-doom (I forget their names), it makes the action on the game non stop, and super dynamic all the time.

DE used to be bold and original like that, but now... lets just say they lost their spark.

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We haven't been asking for this very changed for Years have we? think again a quick google shows it back as far as 2014

So one item you find that can't be looted by your sentinel due to a bug and say its a nurf.  I have done solo exterms/defence and survival since the patch and I am not having any issue with Shade and Diriga looting anything.

This is DE they always rebalance after it hits live as they cant always get bugs happening on the dev servers, not so you can knee jerk react

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Just now, armedpoop said:

This some kind of troll post insnt it? I refuse to believe that ANYONE can seriously think like this. 

Literally and game with drops, you need to pick it up. Get over yourself. This isn't core to PvE, this is core to anything effected by gravity. 

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Just now, Marvelous_A said:

The range is not so important if the vacuum works on kubrows/ kavats too. The fact that it works only on sentinels AND the nerf in vacuum range shows that DE has difficulty in understanding community's feedback.

Apologies how is the range not important?...

but furthermore, building the vacuum passive on kubrows/kavats would mean reworking there A.I (so they follow you consistently within a respectable range and not derp TFO as they do right now) or changing the way vacuum works entirely, vacuums 'hoover' is active on the companion itself, meaning where ever u run too, vacuum's 'hoover' wouldn't be picking up the items u want. the only reason it works the way it does on sentinels now days is because they follow you within 1m of your model.
i would greatly appreciate this change to the other companions no doubt, however i understand the issues relating to such a thing and am patient enough to wait for it's steady and polished arrival. 

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9 minutes ago, AussiePommy said:

It use to be that carrier didn't exist and you had to manually pick up your loot

Haha Hey!!! I remember those days :D Carrier was a god send. haha

*continues to run with smeeta* 


1 minute ago, TimSin-EGT- said:

Are there any argument PRO nerfing the range of vacuum?

Ummmm.... Hmmmmm.... Welll....... Yeah.... ummm.... Let me get back to you on that. lol

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Just now, SquireAngel said:

Literally and game with drops, you need to pick it up. Get over yourself. This isn't core to PvE, this is core to anything effected by gravity. 

Give me another 3rd person shooter where movement is key to staying alive, as well as having as much mobility as we do in warframe where the pickups are as bountiful. Go ahead, ill wait. 

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Just now, Xekrin said:

So another dev bashing thread.  Moving on.

That's a little uncharitable, don't you think?

Maybe the thread didn't start out on a terrifically even tone, but there's no need to reflexively label negative feedback as 'dev bashing.'

Moving on, indeed. We already have items like Ayatan Stars and Sculptures that I do stop to pick up, because they're shiny and I like collecting them. Ultimately, I still feel like DE missed the crux of players' issues with vacuum.

Many people hate feeling like they need to constantly backtrack and rub their faces on everything to avoid 'missing out.'

I am one of these people. Without vacuum, the task of thorough looting begins to feel so big that it takes over the whole mission. I'm not thinking about combat, even when engaging in combat. I'm watching where all the loot is going, and not having any fun.

"But hey, man, you could just have some discipline and realize that you don't need every piece of loot!."

That may very well be true, but getting piles of loot feels good. I love popping every container in a room and seeing it all just swoose right into my frame. I love watching the loot tracker go crazy and show big numbers. I can't currently get that experience without vacuum.

I'm rambling now, but my Warframe experience would be vastly improved if players weren't tasked with directly picking up so many different categories of things.

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13 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

This some kind of troll post insnt it? I refuse to believe that ANYONE can seriously think like this. 

It WAS too convenient , now you have to work and get your stuff , wait You still have vacuum! you just have to get closer, that's like pressing W , A  S , D , i mean you're lazy not to do that , carrier overshadowed a lot of sentnels , and i think this change is really good and will give variety to gameplay and your loadout choices

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