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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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5 minutes ago, (PS4)haffmo said:

Btw 12 to 6 is exactly half

Do you know how to calculate the volume of a sphere? The reduction in total volume is well over half. It's actually 13.82 times less.


> iv never been slow at picking up loot i dont under stand how you can suffer so much from such a little change if carrier did not exist ever we would not even be having this conversation

I would not be playing the game if there was no vacuum. I would have stopped playing after getting annoyed by having to LITERALLY walk/slide/roll over every single drop.

Edited by Nolc
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5 minutes ago, Nolc said:

Glitchy thing? I've played the game for 2 months now~ and I haven't seen the thing glitch out in any significant way, maybe you need to get gud in reading the thing? lol

You simply didn't play this game long enough to know anything. Don't tell people to "git gud" when you're just a newbie. Minimap has different layers of altitude it doesn't work properly. It doesn't show anything and without modding for radars it's useless anyway.

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I'm the one of those who don't care much about the vacuum.

As I stated in other topics - on a speedrun missions, like exterminate and such, there's not that much loot to begin with, so a pack or two of resourses left behind doesn't make any difference, and on an endless missions I'm running back and forth across the map anyway, so the loot is being picked up along the way.

So I was using kubrow, kavat and diriga for eternity now, and didn't feel any need of vacuum since I've tried what it's like to switch off of carrier forever ago.

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lol, I fall into this category. I could care less as I have more resources than I'll ever need anyway. plus I much prefer my Adarza Kavat, which instantly disables all enemy Armor, gives me a huge Crit Chance boost, and is surprisingly hard to take down. compare that to my Carrier Prime: no armor removal, no crit boost, easy to shoot down, and with a Sweeper Prime dealing fairly miniscule damage. but hey, at least it's easier to pick up that billionth Fieldron Sample that I sooooo desperately need...

Adarzas are amazing people, try them, you won't regret it.


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6 minutes ago, KiloFoxx said:

 unfortunately, this is also true with Rhino's Iron Skin and WAS True with Valk's Hysteria. their early acquisition stages meant that players could cheese past the starmap and missions with them before ever actually gaining the skills they needed to hold up later on >.< Carrier and Vacuum did the same thing, only with Pickups rather than skill

I bet you have some mad loot picking skillz.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)haffmo said:

Rhino skin was nerfed. So what crutch?

Ehh, I haven't re-treaded the low level scene in a while, but Nerfing Iron Skin in a manner to "Fix" that problem would break the whole thing down so that he's near useless in high-level play, in fact, last I recall Iron Skin was buffed so that it functioned similarly to Snow Globe with the Damage Absorb (and Nezha's Warding Halo)

Honestly a "Fix" for Rhino would be to either MR lock him higher than he is, or replace Excal's drop slot on Pluto with him, or some other later-game drop point, like how the Similarly Powered (But AFAIK still viewed as weaker) Nezha is locked behind frickin SORTIES, yet Rhino drops from one of the first 3 planets... you get him too early IMO.

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3 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

You simply didn't play this game long enough to know anything. Don't tell people to "git gud" when you're just a newbie. Minimap has different layers of altitude it doesn't work properly. It doesn't show anything and without modding for radars it's useless anyway.

Get gud. 

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5 minutes ago, Nolc said:

Glitchy thing? I've played the game for 2 months now~ and I haven't seen the thing glitch out in any significant way, maybe you need to get gud in reading the thing? lol

Defense missions do leave you time in between waves to run around and pick up loot o_O Obviously I'm not literally walking, I'm rolling and sliding, but I still have to now be slower and look more careful to pick up all the loot. It's just not as fast or fluid as it was before. It feels really bad. Are you intentionally obtuse? Is this what it is? Do you just not understand that before I would fly around and pick up loot just by playing and occasionally doing a parkour time flip around on the map, and now i have to actually look for the loot because the range has been more than halved?

its called practice, when you're good you can see and keep track of all kinds of small things while moving around at high speeds. its not exactly hard to learn.


Just now, Nolc said:

Do you know how to calculate the volume of a sphere? The reduction in total volume is well over half. It's actually 13.82 times less.

3 minutes ago, (PS4)haffmo said:

Btw 12 to 6 is exactly half

its rank 0 dudes, they used rank 0 as the base line for the passive version, oh, and btw, the old version at the very least (not sure about the new version, havent bothered to pay that close attention) wouldnt pick things up unless you were on a surface of some kind, so it didnt work mid air

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1 minute ago, KiloFoxx said:

Ehh, I haven't re-treaded the low level scene in a while, but Nerfing Iron Skin in a manner to "Fix" that problem would break the whole thing down so that he's near useless in high-level play, in fact, last I recall Iron Skin was buffed so that it functioned similarly to Snow Globe with the Damage Absorb (and Nezha's Warding Halo)

Honestly a "Fix" for Rhino would be to either MR lock him higher than he is, or replace Excal's drop slot on Pluto with him, or some other later-game drop point, like how the Similarly Powered (But AFAIK still viewed as weaker) Nezha is locked behind frickin SORTIES, yet Rhino drops from one of the first 3 planets... you get him too early IMO.

After being exploited to create over a million iron skin they stopped absorb.

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At this rate I'm feeling left out. Perhaps I should also make an entirely new thread to basically reiterate the same things that every other thread is saying?

43 minutes ago, 3goats said:

As it sits, most of the sentinels are still pretty bad.

Spoken like a true Carrier user.

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I don't consider Vacuum a critical component of gameplay (MR21, love my spacellamadog and spacecat too much), but the whole fiasco goes to show the principles at work.

It highlights, once again, DE's almost antagonistic relationship with players regarding certain feedback. "Oh, you wanted X? Well, here's something that's like X, but firmly gimped without us providing any reason or rationale. Enjoy!"

I would love to actually read a full post from Scott or Steve as to why they do certain things, as opposed to the latest Dev Workshop which was basically just a statement of affairs.

Edited by SilentCynic
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Never cared about Vacuum or Carrier in general. As far as I've always been concerned, Carrier was a "convenience Sentinel" that only served to let people be lazy. The only difference now with the Vacuum changes is that they seem to be determined to be both lazy AND very vocal about how the game apparently doesn't let them be lazy any more.

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