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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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24 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:
58 minutes ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

that 78% is as you stated in recent time, the previous number said by DE was 89% on stream as said by someone else, but regardless, is either side of 80% not a landslide?

Provide the devstream number, because it certainly was not #80

the devstream number is irrelevant, is 78% not still a landslide?


24 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

And? That is a part of game lifespans for people to leave after updates that alter Meta while updates that add content brings new ones in. This is nothing new, at all. If they leave they leave, we'll see their replacements next controversial update

except if you look at play statistics, they aren't recovering the amount of players they are losing. I'll show you http://imgur.com/a/LiKDB

but regardless, my point in which you did not counter is that, contrary to what you said, the forums aren't just visited by complainers and people who dont go to the forums aren't all happy with things. In fact from my interactions with the community, more players now are losing faith in DE way quicker n more often than in the two years ive been around, less players want to support DE with their wallet, and theres less of a perception that DE is capable of fixing the issues they've created.

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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5 minutes ago, Viedra_Lavinova said:

Making vacuum a mod instantly makes it mandatory in any build. I want more customization with my content not less...

? like most mods for sentinel. 10 slots, you can set mods: hp, shield, regen, armor, medi-ray, guardian, mod for weapon and sentinel ability and fired up - 9 mod

Sanctuary on hi level unless, on low lewel not needed.

Coolant Lank - small radius and almost useless

In addition, not all the sentinels needed shield and hp at the same time.

Yes, this mod will be instantly used, but rare in drop/ivent. why not?


Edited by lAtlanticl
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Resources, mods and similar loot should have the 12m pickup range for sentinels and a smaller one for other companions. For energy, health and ammo the current one is fine enough, though a mod that increases pickup range for ammo/energy/health would be good and won't become mandatory because no, not every loadout cares that much about ammo and energy and even those do not care on shorter missions.

Edited by Randomeer
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1 minute ago, lAtlanticl said:

? like most mods for sentinel. 10 slots, you can set mods: hp, shield, regen, armor, medi-ray, guardian, mod for weapon and sentinel ability and fired up - 9 mod

Sanctuary on hi level unless, on low lewel not needed.

Coolant Lank - small radius and almost useless

In addition, not all the sentinels needed shield and hp at the same time.


Most mods in this game are mandatory anyway, with a high penalty for not using them.

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Don't look for psychological reason.. vacuum change is a bad choince onmany levels...

Dob't blame the community its a game old and stale.


Nobody asked for a 83% nerf to vacuum... even having 3 mods would ve been better......

Nerfs to  QoL items are the most useless and hated and often comes for economical reasons just give it time and they will be clear because there is no reason to prioritize something that doens t add anything and instead removes options and costs work


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It's not exactly overrated, it's just that vacuum could change the flow of the game drastically unlike otger sentinels who just do something.

Other sentinels are incapable of affecting the flow of the game, but carrier could because with him by their side players could spend much less time to loot things.

I used carrier once, mostly for mastery and fashion. At first i was like "huh, that's kinda neat"...

The real problem came up when i changed carrier to something else. I immediately felt the difference.

It's like a drug: the moment you start - you immediately get used to it, but when you stop... It's like that feeling that addictive people get when they stop getting what they are addicted to. It was terrible.

Since that day i intentionally avoided using Carrier ever again. Picking up resources by myself became a habbit and a thing i'm used to.

Carrier users basically were drug-addicts: they got used to something good to the point that they couldn't live without it.

While i agree with the recent change and aprove it - i kinda feel sorry for those who got hit by it the hardest.

I suppose we need "Carrier rehabilitation center" now. ASAP.

Edited by Artek94
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No its not.

People are willingly sacrificing damage or options to have fun.

This brings the game a little towards korean mmorpgs...replacing farming with GRINDING (different meanings the first is a good thing, the second is the plague of mmos).


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48 minutes ago, KAHO16 said:

There is no reason for use carrier now.

I think that is wrong. They (sadly) nerfed the vacuum range but they have give us more ammo and ammo mutation for carrier. Combined with the best survivabllity of all sentinels that put carrier for me at least again in the top spot. - I do not need a sentinel that does irrlevant damage compared to my warframe CC or any of my weapons. I need a long lasting sentinel with as much utility as I can get.

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i will leave this here

There is nothing permanent except change ~Heraclitus ( we should all grow up and learn)

Without a struggle, there can be no progress ~Frederick Douglass( if i had to sum up DE )

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance ~ Alan Watts(well all i can say is this exactly what i do love to do and intend to do as long as warframe exist)


so lets just cool - off go with the flow people .



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1 hour ago, NeithanDiniem said:

also, the number of players that go to a forums are in a larger majority the ones that only go there to complain.

I have agreed with some of your points regarding the correct use of numbers. We do not, in fact, know what percentage of players dislike the vacuum change, and we have no reason to suppose that it is anywwhere near as high as 80%. But this statement of yours is equally without evidence. In fact, I'm guessing that this is totally wrong, and that your comment is nothing more than an underhanded criticism of people who disagree with you. There are plenty of people that come to the forums and say positive things, and people criticizing a decision made by DE is not the same as "only going there to complain." You can't label criticisms as complaints just because you disagree with them, and you definitely can't blanket label forum goers that way.

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Vacuum is for people who have played the game long enough, to the point where walking over to pick up items is a pain in the &#!.

There are some that don't mind picking up stuff, but I wasn't one of them.

imo Kubrows sucked, still sucks, will continue to suck more than kavats, so there has never been any reason for me to use anything other than carrier. I keep on hearing people say that "a fully modded kubrow ish da bes" but when I play public squads, all I ever see is "Bob the fatty is down". I prefer sentinels overall because they can't be revived so I don't annoy other people when my companion dies in sorties (it's going to die, kubrow, kavat, or sentinel because of grineer bombards).

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1 hour ago, NeithanDiniem said:

1) And now they have fixed them. Funny how that works eh?

2) The kneejerk reaction was to immediately end the problem of people rushing through content that was not intended to be gotten through that quickly while it gave them time to work on a solution.

3) You remember that part where they fixed problems? Yea, this is when it happened. No the forum backlash largely played so little a part in their decision to do the change that it is only viable as a footnote on the bottom of why they made the change.

4) Just because a few players (you notice that it isn't in the hundreds yet even) complain about something vocally and go to each others forum posts to add their comments doesn't make you the majority here. A very large number of players I have spoken with in-game have regarded the change as a good thing and like the update over all. And this is coming from players who largely all had carrier as their primary companion used. Your feedback alongside every other person's feedback would be what is considered, and people arguing FOR the change being a good thing is just as valid and viable as yours is.

5) Just like you and others like you as a dark knight jump in to complain when a change occurs? Just because people are complaining doesn't mean it actually contributes to another change, just as much as some times there are people that come in and "white knight" to defend something and don't contribute to change. That street is two-ways.

6) unfortunately you don't have the numbers to back up the claim that 80%, not 89%, of players all disagree with this change. From what I have seen there are plenty of people that agree with it.

1) Fixed what exatcly? There is Akkad, Berehinya and so on.

2) They gave us a kneejerk reaction because they didn't expect players to find ways around their own ENORMOUS grindwall? Wow, what a surprise.

3) I remember the part when they nerfed Mag, Excal and Trinity, just because they wasn't capable of any reasonable action.

And then they revert changes and make a better solution, only AFTER forum uproar.

4) Just because majority of players use Vacuum, just because there is another forum uproar, just because reasonable post about Vacuum changes is sitting as most popular post on Warframe Reddit, just because Warfame Reddit filled with Vacuum posts...

Yeah, it's totally irrevelant.

5) People make hundreds of post about Vacuum for a few years. Different suggestions, good alternatives. Much more useful than your white-knighting activivty.

6) Yeah, because ~80% of Carrier users is not a majority, because you say so. Of course.

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51 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Now Carrier's name fits and it was long past due.


Now Carrier carries things into battle for you. It wasn't called the Picker-Upper or the Collector before.

In terms of identity, Carrier is the Sentinel that will finally let me use my assault rifle on missions longer than five minutes and let me stack Corrosive damage on it without infringing on my Crit build.

Also the Sentinel that will let me use my Magnetize/Synoid Gammacor combo more than once per Interception wave.

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When you've been playing the game for 4 years, you kind of enjoy being able to be lazy since the entire game is just farming more stuff in preparation for newer stuff that might come


Just saying

P.S: I didn't really mind the vacuum nerf, though I'm still using carrier or helios because free ammo mutation and scanning is too good. DE "nerfs" carrier and still manages to make it one of the best. Funny, i love it though.

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Seeing alot of upset players, and I wondered if they broke down what we lost and gained.   Having run missions with carrier and others after the change, at least for me, it made all Sentinels much more viable.   It did take a little more running around compared to old carrier but not enough to matter.   Shorter range, but every single one, including carrier was more useful after that change.   Also have to wonder about the reading comprehension of some where in the update notes they mentioned it can be adjusted as seen fit.    Just see how it goes and work from there.   So, to those panicking that the sky is falling, fear not chicken little's, there are just a few clouds on a mostly sunny day.


Carrier/Prime lost 6m radius on its vacuum ability


Carrier/Prime gained ammo mutate and increased ammo capacity for weapons.   Bigger buff than I think some realize or they do not use weapons that need additional ammo.   Ammo hungry weapons that previously needed a mutate or increased ammo capacity now can use those slots for damage mods.  Weapons like Amprex, Kohm etc.

Dethcube gained a 6m vacuum ability.

Diriga gained a 6m vacuum ability.

Djinn gained a 6m vacuum ability. 

Djinn gained a new mechanic that works with another tenno weapon for corrosive damage.

Helios gained a 6m vacuum ability.

Shade/Prisma gained a 6m vacuum ability.

Wyrm/Prime gained a 6m vacuum ability.





Edited by _Vortus_
add djinn mechanic
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I'm a new player and as soon as i got Vacuum i thought "how could i play without this thing before?"

As a new player, all resources are important. All credits. All Mods. Everything. Before vacuum, i was constantly being left behind by squads that cleared room after room, leaving me to pick up stuff one piece at the time, frantically looking at the mini-map and on the ground for the preciuos resources that i needed to build the most basic of stuff.

Once i got hold of Sentinel and Vacuum, i could suddenly start PLAYING THE F***ING GAME. I could chase after the fast running teams, running and gunning, jumping over enemies and enjoying the fast pace of the game.

I understand that there are people who prefer a slower approach to the game, or don't care about drops too much. But if 80% of the playerbase chose Sentinel, i guess that 80% of the player-base is like me. 

This nerf hits the 80% of us. It's nice to have Vacuum on all sentinels, and now i'm considering the possibility of building a Dethcube or some other sentinel, but the nerf is still there.

And i don't like it.

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Pre-vacuum nerf: Carrier > kavats > helios > other sentinels > spores > control modules > alloy plates > kubrow

Post-Vacuum nerf: Carrier = Helios > sentinels = kavats > spores > control modules > alloy plates > kubrow


That's how I feel about the vacuum change

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4 hours ago, hazerddex said:

exept i can garrentee no one would use sentinels ever


3 hours ago, hazerddex said:

1. yes its called space shift control or just used the cc all warframes have.

I'm going to call you out on this. You're underestimating the Diriga, one of its Precepts Electro Coil. It can stun lock a bursa, or any dangerous units close to you at anytime. Bullet jumping into enemies only works if you are moving, the Diriga can do it when you're hacking a console, knocked down or reviving someone.

The sentinel's weapon, Vulklok can clear an entire group of enemies with one shot, or at least stun them if they survive. That's why I use this sentinel, and it's not the Carrier Prime. I understand some people can't live without Vacuum, I myself use it from time to time in survival missions to gather LS capsules or to get gather ammo.

But saying no one would use sentinels just because Vacuum got nerfed is ignorant. In my opinion, more people are going to use other Sentinels thanks to the universal Vacuum change. I don't like the reduced Vacuum range either, but since I'm usually using the Diriga anyway, I now have a free reduced Vacuum without using the Carrier. 


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Yes It is.

I'm more of a Helios guy myself and at most it takes somewhere between 1 to 3 minutes for me to pick up loot in a zone without Vaccum and I can still kill enemies while searching. The old Vaccum was a crutch for lazy players and a 12 meter range was fine for Vaccum because it was a specialized use related to a single sentinel but if you take that Vaccum and give it to everyone then its no longer a special ability, thus the range had to go down. There should at least be some player involvement in picking up their own darn loot since its as much part of the game as it is opening lockers.

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