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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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The better question would be why wasn't it implemented as a personal loot vacuum on the warframe itself at the beginning of the game?

Imagine if you had to manually pick up each patch of gold in Diablo 3 (i.e. no gold pickup radius) unless you had X armor equipped?

It's "kind of" the same concept really, just poor initial design.

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48 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Out of interest, what would be your preferred outcome to the current vacuum issue?

My preferred option would be 5m vacuum on sentinels and Carrier gets no new precept, but gets a 7m vacuum range buff mod. Boom, we're all happy. Carrier gets to keep his 12m range, and the other sentinels get mini vacuum.


Then wait 6 months and see just how popular the 12m range is over the 5m range on a sentinel with another ability. THAT will tell you how people really feel, and I won't have my carrier nerfed to the ground for no reason at all. I never asked for universal vaccuum to begin with. I was happy as a clam playing with my carrier. Now we get a nerf to all pickups.

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1 hour ago, Daggerpaw1 said:

Is it an attempt to "balance" the rework? And if so, balance what? If all sentinels have vacuum then there's no need to "balance" anything about the rework.

It's not a balance dealing with sentinels but with the whole game.

Vac let's you have ammo, health, energy, etc, more than the standard game was probably made for. This meant that encounters and enemies needed to be adjusted to Carrier but that meant that w/o carrier you could be in double trouble.

So the lower the range to a managable amount and gave it to all.

BTW, with the 3 mods the vac would probably have been at the current range but people bugged out quickly and this is what we get. So blame yourselves instead of DE.

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New Radius is a joke.

The new change was added a day after it was announced. That tells me feedback was irrelevant.

Nothing but smoke and Mirrors.

I'm going to continue to use Carrier. It's not like companions are useful through actual game play anyways.

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1 hour ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

Vacuum is literally like coptering people only used fast weapons because they wanted to copter as fast as possible making all other weapons garbage. Carrier is way too over used and from this chart DE just put out literally says everything you need to know. DE wants other sentinels to be used hence why they are doing this.


So by DE logic if players like it/use it. Nerf it.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)dursereg said:

So by DE logic if players like it/use it. Nerf it.

You obviously didn't read anything I said. DE wants people to USE OTHER THINGS. By adding vacuum as a mod this entire chart is going to change exactly like the point I made about coptoring, parkour 2.0 allowed everyone to use the melees they want and not just from the simple fact of wanting to go fast.

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I've just tried playing the game post patch. To me the current pickup range makes the game unplayable.

I am not having any fun having to literally stand on top of every item that drops while I kill stuff and break boxes.

Please find below the screenshot showing the amount of drops that are generated after less than a minute of gameplay. For me to pick every one of those up would take longer than to generate exactly the same amount of drops again. This is in a very closed environment. Considering that a lot of times the game is played with random people that run all over the place and do not mark drops this means I miss most of the drops. Considering that in order to progress I require to collect tens of thousands of relatively rare resources making this portion of the game even more tedious is not something I am willing to bare. Also to me this is a shooter game. Making me spend exactly half of my time picking dung off the floor is not something I will do. The only time I was willing to put up with those sorts of moments when I was leveling new sentinels when I knew I can go back to normal whenever I chose to do so with Carrier/Vacuum.

This is extremely annoying and upsetting to me to the point I am not playing this game any longer.


good bye

Edited by cornfed_pig
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1 minute ago, Mak_Gohae said:

It's not a balance dealing with sentinels but with the whole game.

Vac let's you have ammo, health, energy, etc, more than the standard game was probably made for. This meant that encounters and enemies needed to be adjusted to Carrier but that meant that w/o carrier you could be in double trouble.

So the lower the range to a managable amount and gave it to all.

BTW, with the 3 mods the vac would probably have been at the current range but people bugged out quickly and this is what we get. So blame yourselves instead of DE.

Are you kidding? Most players use Carrier, the game seems to be doing just fine with people having access to loot. Regardless, after any appreciable tenure in the game, a player has most resources in abundance. The only possible excuse is they would rather us argue about this than the constant delays to actual updates. This does not need to be an issue, Warframes should have had vacuum baseline for a long time. It took them 2 years to figure out what players were saying before they released Carrier. 

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I agree with this dude. 


The 6 meter range is horrible, not to the extent of me not wanting to play the game, but it kills a little bit of me inside.

I have to practically stand on top of the item for it to hoover up, 6 meters was no where near enough. Pretty disappointing. 

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1 hour ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Out of interest, what would be your preferred outcome to the current vacuum issue?

Vacuum (as it is now) made into a passive that directly affects the player/Warframe.

The passive could be toggled on or off in the options menu under gameplay settings.

No there are no complications with companions. Players than don't want Vacuum can shut it off. Players that did want Vacuum now have it and are free to choose whatever companion they wish. Everyone wins (except Mag who needs a new passive now).

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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3 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

That's all on you then,

Meanwhile I'll be automatically scanning things during quest with helios AND USING VACCUM.

I'll equip the dethcube to see why people like it so much AND USING VACCUM.

I'll use the diriga for CC AND USE VACUUM.

I'll also try out the new carrier and, you guessed it, USE VACCUM.

I like the new way much better.

What about Wyrm? He has cookies .-. 

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I don't care how they gonna suck it. Running around picking up loot and these tiny ammo pickups is ridiculously tedious and boring. It slows down the game to a snail pace and distracts from actual fun. That's why the majority preferred carrier - it's basic quality of life. 

The point of this thread (one of many I'm sure) is to offer a simple and long due solution for both warframes and archwings: 12m radius passive vacuum for warframes and 30-40m radius vacuum for archwings. Not for sentinels. Not for pets. Please, don't lock quality of life behind specific equipment. People tend not to like that.

Silvus-Sol: " Bingo! Putting Vacuum on Warframes instantly clears up all the companion complications and issues. Just don't forget to have the ability to toggle it on/off in the gameplay options menu, for those that dislike Vacuum." - just to see how many people will keep it turned off.

Update: Maybe increase the range of this inbuild warframe\aw vacuum with Mastery rank. (up for debate)
For example: Default at MR1 vacuum range 10m. After MR 10 you will start gaining +1m vacuum range per rank so at mr12 for example you'll have 12m vacuum radius.

Another possible solution
DoctorBagPhDHonestly I think the biggest issue about this update (dude, where's my vacuum?) could have easily been avoided simply by keeping the Vacuum mod and allowing all sentinels/companions to equip it.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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If the Carrier could have just stayed the same this would have been a QoL improvement. The new Carrier precept is completly useless, it's just too easy to craft a few ammo restores and never have to worry, even with really ammo-consuming weapons. Running around and picking stuff up should not be the main content of this game. Surivaval missions with a group of 4 already gave you enough of that, now I think I will avoid doing group content. And I will still not use any other sentinel. All their abilities are nothing in a fight against high-level enemies, you don't need them. The one thing they really made easier was picking up the hundreds of items you need to collect in a single game.

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7 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

I don't care how they gonna suck it. Running around picking up loot and these tiny ammo pickups is ridiculously tedious and boring. It slows down the game to a snail pace and distracts from actual fun. That's why the majority preferred carrier - it's basic quality of life. 

The point of this thread (one of many I'm sure) is to offer a simple and long due solution for both warframes and archwings: 12m radius passive vacuum for warframes and 30-40 m vacuum for archwings. Not for sentinels. Not for pets. Don't lock quality of life behind specific equipment. People tend not to like that.

Bingo! Putting Vacuum on Warframes instantly clears up all the companion complications and issues. Just don't forget to have the ability to toggle it on/off in the gameplay options menu, for those that dislike Vacuum.

After all Vacuum is a band-aid for the loot system. And a strong band-aid means you won't have to fix the real problem, which requires a lot more work. I'm not being sarcastic here, reworking the whole loot system would eat up a lot of resources that could be used elsewhere, and it can be wholly avoided by handling this Vacuum situation smartly. All DE has to do is stop looking at Vacuum like a sentinel mod, and start looking at it for what it truly is, a band-aid.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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12 minutes ago, F8ted said:

Are you kidding? Most players use Carrier, the game seems to be doing just fine with people having access to loot. Regardless, after any appreciable tenure in the game, a player has most resources in abundance. The only possible excuse is they would rather us argue about this than the constant delays to actual updates. This does not need to be an issue, Warframes should have had vacuum baseline for a long time. It took them 2 years to figure out what players were saying before they released Carrier. 

No, most people that use Sentinels use Carrier.

And i wasnt talking about resources, my post focuses on combat. People with Carrier do have things that help combat come to them easier than the people that dont.

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7 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

Bingo! Putting Vacuum on Warframes instantly clears up all the companion complications and issues. Just don't forget to have the ability to toggle it on/off in the gameplay options menu, for those that dislike Vacuum.

I completely forgot about it. Ye, I like it. Thanks. I'm curious if there will be anyone who's gonna turn it off tho. It might be useful sometimes not to have the vacuum on but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be On most of the time for the majority of the people.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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