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The Vacuum Within: Hotfix #2


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so now its NOT a passive?...make up your dang minds DE......should have just made it a passive at 10m....

either way, thank you for FINALLY doing somethign about the Carrier being the number one used in game.....could you add something similar to kavats and kubrows now?

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12 minutes ago, Grebnennar said:

I don't see how any of this decreases the use of carrier. What other sentinel has an ability that compares with free ammo? If any thing its going to make people to use carrier more.

Well true. But how many people prefer more ammo? Gor some guns sure but a vast majority doesn't need more ammo. Plus there are ammo restores if needed. I don't use ammo mutations or increase my magizine clip/capacity. Really i onlu used those mods on my secura penta. Other than that i had all out damage

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I like the way DE made Vacuum a universal mod on all sentinels. I feel it should be included in the kavats/kubrows as well although something would have to be done about the chesa kubrow because as far as I know noone uses it as there's no reason to since there was carrier maybe make it similar to how the carrier works now as an ammo mutation type of pet. The 6m passive we had was not as bad as I initially thought it'd be but this change is much better and appeals to a larger audience of players. Thank you for finally listening to your fans on this subject I hope you will listen to us about other subjects in the future. Also I'd like to add the people who were giving you death threats have no place in this game and I feel they should be banned from this point on imo there's no need to get that worked up other something digital and if it causes them that much frustration they shouldn't be here in the first place.

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i wonder if it would be possible for a locker radar or locker scavenge mod for sayyyy heilos , i'm always looting on maps and sometimes its hard or impossible to get a kubrow or kavat in certain places like corners & up high places and what not , the AI pathing is needing improvement at least :) a sentinel mod would fix this some , or an aim down the sights addition to the scavance card to get the pet to scavange the locker


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First off, thank you for the Vacuum change. Secondly, it is likely not high on your priority list with the War Within update and Halloween events coming up. I understand you guys manage a lot but is there any chance a fix might be incoming for the Calm & Frenzy augment not being spread with Covert Lethality kills when you are the host in the near future?

Edited by Thetwick
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I feel like if you put the innate 5m vacuum passive on warframes, it would solves all the problems. People could use kavats and kubrows and have a better time getting loot, and players who want that massive vacuum range can still use sentinels with the mod. 

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Nice...  I'll have to look for the new vacuum mod after I get home (no wonder the vacuum precept wasn't working at all earlier).  Personally I could care less if an additional mod and slot is needed for the vacuum precept, to me it's well worth the trade-off and would definitely open the door of equality for the remaining sentinels.


Yes, I too agree that we need a re-work for the sentinels and pets abilities.  Shade should function the same as the Huras etc., it has been broken from the start.


Additionally, Kubros and Kavats should also receive some additional mods similar to the sentinels Medi-Ray and Guardian precept mods.  This way all the pets in general could share certain abilities.  Call the changes "Companions 2.0"...

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Beautiful move. 

Truth is, vacuum passive on Warframes is just never going to happen.  It was a sentinel mod before and it's fitting that it's a mod now.

Great job by DE.

What they really need to do next is add the ability for mini-pixie frame to RIDE on kubrows/kavats...that would be pretty fun...

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Thanks for the change but I'm confused.  It was made passive for a reason, is that reason not valid now because it has a larger range?  We have a game about shooting stuff and being mobile. It shouldn't be about chasing loot (if we wanted that we would play an ARPG), that is why players use vacuum.

So why exactly wasn't this just made a game-play option tied to warframes (a slider for the distance a player wants it to be between 1 and 10 meters) rather than a some what mandatory mod?  In essence you just buffed carrier.

Edited by Loswaith
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1 hour ago, ----AncientHunter---- said:

one more thing to add.. Vacuum will be useless -- in upper level Mobs enemys can 1 ko ur Precious Sentinel 

so its Like [Tenno Scuuuum.. Bang (kills it ) collect ur Sh!t by yourself Tard Tenno


Unless it's Carrier Prime, which has high shields and hp on par with a frame lol

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Vacuum Within: Hotfix #2


*Note from your Developers: It’s been 3 years of Carrier dominating the Vacuum business, and only recently we've even started a dialog on a topic you've brought up frequently. Experiments (such as The Vacuum Within) typically have 2 sides- you either fail or you succeed. Our previous idea to have universal Vacuum be a 3 Mod makeup was proposed on Devstream #80, to which we then scrapped after acknowledging the copious amounts of “please don’t do that” feedback.

From that, our new idea was to have Vacuum built into every Sentinel with a reduced range. Upon reading the constructive feedback from our Community about The Vacuum Within, it was clear we needed to make some tweaks- and here we have experimental Mutation X! Vacuum is now an equippable Mod (Precept) for all Sentinels. We have also increased the range from 6m to 12m at max rank. All current Sentinel owners will receive this Mod instantly, as well as retroactively with every Sentinel crafted or purchased- much like other default Precepts.

With that being said, we appreciate those that kept the feedback valuable and refrained from death threats. We changed something precious to you, and we will continue to change where needed as we listen to the Community.

  • Changed the Mod image for Ammo Case to better reflect its role. 
  • Compacted large numbers for some ability notifications on the HUD (eg: Equinox’s Maim).


  • Fixed the Wukong Noggle missing his tail.
  • Fixed the Gazal Chest Plate not being centered on Hydroid.
  • Fixed the Halikar doing 10 throw damage. Increased base throw damage to 150.
  • Fixed Sentinels attacking enemies while you’re performing a stealth finisher. 
  • Fixed Oxium Ospreys suicide charging immediately.
  • Fixed being able to place decorations in the Operator room in areas you should not be able to.
  • Fixed Ammo Case still applying its buffs after Carrier has died.
  • Fixed Ammo Case refilling ammo on respawn.
  • Fixed Ammo Case refilling ammo on Host Migration. 
  • Fixed Emblems placed on the right Gazal Shoulder Guard floating away.
  • Fixed numerous translation errors.

BEST UP DATE EVER. Thanks for listening to the community. Honestly, I could have lived with the 6m radius. But I guess to balance the fact that it wasn't a mod, it had to be 6m. Having it as a mod is quite nice, just means I'll have to move stuff around a little bit.

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