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A Letter of Support to [DE]Rebecca


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1 hour ago, Azrael said:

received a death threat

This is sad, not just because it's a death thread, but because she is one of the few people in the company who are actually aware of the problems with the game, she's most in touch with the community, since she has to listen to all the player feedback.

But anyway, I don't think she needs to take this seriously, was probaly just some angsty teen who did it, but alerting the authorities never hurts.

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19 minutes ago, Separius said:

But anyway, I don't think she needs to take this seriously, was probaly just some angsty teen who did it, but alerting the authorities never hurts.

I totally agree. But either way, it's not okay. And I just don't feel like it's my place to say whether Rebecca should take a threat seriously or not.

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25 minutes ago, Azrael said:

I totally agree. But either way, it's not okay. And I just don't feel like it's my place to say whether Rebecca should take a threat seriously or not.


I think we have to look at it as a matter of perspective as well. To us, the threat while inappropriate, doesn't look all that serious from the way it was written. Someone likely teenage who is angry, angsty, etc. 

However, if Rebecca's twitter was getting slammed with angry comments all day, some of them getting more personal, due to anger over vacuum spilling over from reddit (where the less polite warframer players like to chill), then she may have taken it more seriously in the moment. It may have felt more serious, more nasty, and given it more of an undercurrent of that feeling where you just feel vulnerable and threatened for real, even if the logical part of you knows its basically an empty threat/dark humor. 

I would also add that as someone who has received death threats for creative work I have released into the public eye, on fairly popular sites, I can say that even when it seems like they are likely joking, it still feels bad to get one. I don't know how to explain the feeling, but it definitely is one of the reasons I rarely read the comments on anything of mine that gets published anymore. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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4 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

However, if Rebecca's twitter was getting slammed with angry comments all day, some of them getting more personal, due to anger over vacuum spilling over from reddit (where the less polite warframer players like to chill), then she may have taken it more seriously in the moment. It may have felt more serious, more nasty, and given it more of an undercurrent of that nasty "ugh" feeling. 

This is a very good point. There could easily be a lot of context that we aren't seeing.


Part of me wants to tweet this thread to [DE] Rebecca, or someone else, just so it doesn't just fade into obscurity and serve no purpose. Anybody have any thoughts on this? I don't even remember my twitter password (I really dislike twitter, though I'm not sure why), so I probably won't, but if someone else wanted to I'd appreciate it.

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2 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I would also add that as someone who has received death threats for creative work I have released into the public eye, on fairly popular sites, I can say that even when it seems like they are likely joking, it still feels bad to get one. I don't know how to explain the feeling, but it definitely is one of the reasons I rarely read the comments on anything of mine that gets published anymore. 

I've never received a threat for anything creative I've put out, but I can connect with you.

I actually received a threat from a clan member in a group I had literally just joined that day, all because I disagreed with him on whether or not Firequake was better than high power strength on Ember. Just directly said that he wanted to kill me. I have never made a snarky comment and then left a group so fast in my life. I wasn't emotionally shaken, but it caught me off guard and left a horrible taste in my mouth for a while.

They're no fun, regardless of context.

However, context is key. After all, if your mother was mad at your father and said, "oh I could just kill that man right now," would you consider that a credible threat or just a way of expressing frustration? That needs to be kept in mind, both in our cases, as outsiders, and in DE's case, as insiders. Hindsight needs to be used, here, and the block function needs to be utilized. Authorities don't need to necessarily be involved, as some are saying.

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This is horrific that people are losing their humanity to the point of sending death threats, really for any reason, but especially over a video game!  Rebecca, as well as all of the DE staff, we are here for y'all.  Even at my most frustrated with people who are critical of DE, or at my most frustrated with DE, I had enough common sense to realize that I had no control over the situation and that stupidity like death threats and rants loaded with foul language were pointless.  People who stoop to these lows should be ashamed for having done so.  We're praying for all of y'all, and even praying that the threatening parties see the error of their ways.  Hope you're doing ok, Rebecca.  No one should go through this.

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I'm hoping that the potential alternate reading of that tweet as commentary on what was happening here on the Forums is what is applicable here.

Criticism is valid and essential, but threats are not.

I'm sorry to hear that this sort of crap is going on... but at least it means you guys are popular enough, right? Stay strong.

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So, not to get off-topic or anything, but... I'm not gonna lie. The title of the topic/thread, "Dear (insert DE Devteam member here) is ambiguous at best, and I'm sure that title has graced many salt-filled rants. Might wanna change it to "a letter of support from the forums to [DE]Rebecca" or something. That way it might actually be seen by spacemom.

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37 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

So, not to get off-topic or anything, but... I'm not gonna lie. The title of the topic/thread, "Dear (insert DE Devteam member here) is ambiguous at best, and I'm sure that title has graced many salt-filled rants. Might wanna change it to "a letter of support from the forums to [DE]Rebecca" or something. That way it might actually be seen by spacemom.

Good point. I'll change it.


*Edit: Okay, that should be better.

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Just like always, Rebecca handles it with class and grace.

It shouldn't need to be said, but anyone who would resort to threats is not a representative of this community.

@[DE]Rebecca We support our terrific staffers, even when we don't see eye to eye. Myself (and a few others) will remember a word that Rebecca herself introduced as a byword for this community:


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I would say we are somewhat blowing this out of proportion, as to be honest, it really isn't too big of a deal, especially since it was more in-line to a joke than an outright threat.

Yet, at the same time, we really aren't. The Warframe Community is known, overall, for it's great feedback, discussions, ideas, and self-discipline. Respect for others lies deep within the roots of this Community, especially for DE.

Death Threats are just bad, whether stated as a joke or as a pun, no matter what. This whole "go kill yourself" schtick isn't funny. It's crass. It's rude. It even labels the Community as "wannabe murderers", or rather, spiteful and despicable, which this Community is FAR from. We've stuck with this game for ages, yet some folks let their "jokes" go too far. 

This whole situation isn't good for anyone. The Community get's shown in a dark light, DE worries far too much about appeasing us and the game, as a whole, suffers from the disconnect between DE and the players. I'm not trying to say this IS happening, but if we're not careful, this COULD happen, and to be honest, I'd rather not see threads like this becoming oh so very common.

We're Tenno, not children (the irony). Threatening someone in such a manner is simply demoralizing, uncalled for and ridiculously over the top. I'm not blaming anyone in particular, yet I suppose I am saying we should stop this kind of behaviour before it get's out of hand.

Let's just end this, here and now.

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Im genuinely amazed and pleased we've had two pages of nothing but support; or at least half-support. It truly gives some hope regarding this community.

As someone who've received a death threat, I can say the only case it is not worrying is when it comes from a friend you know is joking. Otherwise, no amount of "it was just a joke bro, stop being so offended" will reduce the stress inducer by knowing that killing you crossed someone's mind, and that that person is sociopathic enough to want to make it clear to you.

Truth is, unlike what seems to be believed nowadays in the interwebs; being mature is more than not being scared not offended with things-- It is also to offend only when strictly necessary, and to never scare (that and being a responsible creature with empathy and independent thought, but let's leave it at that).

A death threat is inherently pointless and downright, seriously evil. It has no argumental value, provides no insight, and serves only to silence and scare. Anyone who uses them is simply unfit for society.


And remember people: We are all judging this by the threats we saw in public.

Imagine what she might have got on her private messenger.


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