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The Index Preview


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1 hour ago, Maxine117 said:



1 hour ago, DeltaPhantom said:

Noooo, my Zenistar!


1 hour ago, Bazools said:

So concerning the new armour bundle... can't we get the armour bundle without the weapons!? Was this a bug or intended? Thanks


1 hour ago, RedShiftZero said:



1 hour ago, Orthelius said:


Reiteration of last post:

Firstly, now that the Sentinels have all been looked at again, I believe a little more can be done - first of all, Kubrows and Kavats should get the Vacuum treatment, just to level the playing field - now, I wasn't clear in my last post, which led to a few comments stating that companions should not have Vacuum. What I really meant was that they should have a similar mechanic. An idea I had was the Kubrows and Kavats could have a vacuum mod allowing resources to float to them, which they routinely deposit near to our player character. This brings more use to them frantically running around, and gives us more of a reason to pay attention to them as they dash about.

Also, Djinn and Dethcube should have the cooldown on their abilities reduced. 
Dethcube and Djinn currently have a 30 second cooldown on their abilities, which is slightly too high for Djinn, and crippling for Dethcube - if Djinn was brought down to 20 seconds, and Dethcube to 5 both would be massively viable and competative. Heck, I only mention Djinn as I love it so much, currently it is potent anyway.

Secondly, I still believe that Guides are not visible enough to the players who need to know that we are there to assist - currently the armour and sigil mean nothing to the playerbase it is meant to indicate to, this is noticed from no lower level players I have assisted in mission asking about the armour, the sigil, or knowing what the point of them was. Perhaps a profile indication, or an in-game link we can provide to easily show players we are there to assist would help players know where to look for help. [Guide of the Lotus] with a description of our duties would be of benefit here.

Thirdly, perhaps some love for the Machetes? WIth the new Gazal one (which is a beautiful weapon by the way) it might be time to start helping them out. The current stance is too janky with the animations, clunky at best and downright irritating at worst. Something more akin to a sword stance with more sidewards, sweeping blows perhaps would be perfect - with a dashing forward downward slice.


1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Index Preview: Hotfix #1


  • Improved dedicated server geographic matchmaking precision.


  • Fixed Chat linking the Caustacyst causing a crash.
  • Fixed attaining free health by channeling as enemies pass through the Caustacyst goo with Life Strike equipped. Also fixes similar issue with the Zenistar. 
  • Fixed for pickup sounds not playing for clients in The Index.
  • Fixed a crash in Survival missions. 
  • Fixed the placeholder Index Badge appearing as a reward. It has new art now, not re-used Gradivus Dilemma art. 
  • Fixed Limbo being able to damage enemies while remaining invincible in the Rift with the Caustacyst or the Zenistar charge attack. 
  • Fixed the Shield Charger Mod applying its unranked bonus shield amount even when ranked up.


1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

You can! Search Embolist in the Market.



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2 hours ago, Virsalus said:

There should be reasons to choose one over the other yes, but loot pickup QoL should NOT be among those reasons.

We'll have to agree to disagree, buddy. It's QOL, like you said. That's why everyone wants it on pets, too.

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DE, something you need to fix stat. Like put it on the list NOW: Enemy scaling in the Endurance part for The Index. A bud and I went in to the Low Risk one to test the waters to see if a 100 Point one would be doable with just us two. Within 2-3 minutes the enemies hit Lv. 188 and our weapons did nothing. Weapons that could annihilate lv. 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunners. And PLEASE add the Bursa, Raptor, and Hyena varients into the Codex. I applaud you for those three enemies. Very well done. Those three alone made some of the runs challenging. Especially that Auditor. Masterpiece Bursa right there. Hope you guys and girls decide to maybe add it into the mainstream nodes as a special "don't trip Corpus alarms" lesson. Lol.

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i just got my clan and alliance emblems today but they are not same as the ones that they showed me in the picture when i was uploading it.....now its so blur and so bright and so small ...and i do not know what to do or who to talk to about this....so please....can any 1 help

this was how suppose the clan emblem looks like


and this is what i got 




also for the alliance emblem


and i got this 


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  • The Telos Boltace must now be equipped to receive the spin attack benefit.

Why? You already made the AoE spin damage a fraction of the actual melee to offset the ability. If you're gonna take away the quick melee AoE spin, then give the weapon more damage when equipped. I guess it's back to Orthos Prime.

Edited by bnShadow13
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So... no actual Index this month? There was no need for Rathuum preview and the Index is just an arena mode too.

What's been bothering me is that the developers themselves have been treating the event as the 'Corpus Rathuum'. Like, legitimately making the event a copy of the previous one. Why would the Corpus need an arena anyway...

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First of all, I like the Index. Good idea and nice mods too.

Buuuuut, not sure if I'm getting my credits back. I haven't "lost" a game, but I don't get the return it says I should get. If this is tied to the personal point goal, I don't think that is the way to go. Mainly because I have been running the endurance part of it, and my personal point "goal" of 100 points is not achievable. Especially when I have freeloaders hanging around me waiting for the kill, then coming in for the green tweeties.

The game has some other issues of ending the game because we got our goal of 100 points, but we really didn't... the total being around 50 something. Maybe I am totally misunderstanding the point of the Index, but it seems a little clunky at the moment. Honestly, I'm having a blast playing it tho. I love playing rathuum, and this being the corpus version is quite nice. I'm just running out of credits... not getting that return. Granted, I have enough to waste, I just don't like to.

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2 hours ago, Virsalus said:

Loot plays such a big role in this game that this just isn't a good discriminator.

Ok, hence why pets help you FIND loot. Vacuum just helps you collect it.

You are not really making a good argument to defend your position.

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No thanks. I don't play Warframe for a PvP experience.

Sad, since this offers PvE rewards, which makes no sense.

Edit: Just tried it, seems it's PvE for now, or is it 100% PvE?  The ingame tutorial talked like it was a full PvP match.

Still, even if it is PvE, it's just stupidly boring.  Hunting around a level for some trivial enemy to kill that keeps evading you is not a fun experience.  Cleaving through hordes of enemies is.

Edited by DAOWAce
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7 hours ago, -Anomaly- said:

Blame the people who made youtube videos saying it was "overpowered and will get nerfed". Blame the people who hopped on Reddit and said "it's overpowered and will get nerfed".


DE is just doing what the players tell them to do is all...


How can DE make a decision based on youtubers ect expressing their own opinion. They do not represent how I feel about a warframe, weapon, event ect. Does the youtuber represent the rest of the community as well? What's the point then of the forums?

"The players" did not tell DE to do anything. (unless you can point me to a specific forum topic where players said "DE - please do ...)

What I struggle to understand is, why would anyone complain regarding benefits. Isn't a benefit there to assist the player during the mission? It is very different from the mirage and Synoid Simulor combo and all exploits previously identified (like old draco).

A previous comment stated that DE wants players to play the game and players want to skip the grinding. My question is then, if it is such an issue for a player to put time and effort into playing, why do you then play the game? 

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the new PVP game mode is fun btw DE, this is how PVP is supposed to be, but instead of just the opticor, put other weapons too, normalize their damage, normalize Warframe stats, shields and health and maybe remove their abilities, 100 health and shields is good enough , normalize movement, try reducing bullet jump height or something like that (or just remove bullet jump ),oh and make PVP mods more affordable maybe?, the reason why I haven't played PVP until today is because the Progression sucks, making some PVP mods as end of match rewards doesn't really help me. give players reasons to play PVP and this new PVP mode is a good example of that, DE please. :inlove::inlove:

The new Tactical alert (IDK if it's a Tact alert or it's a completely new game mode overall) is fun, new Syandanas looks good, the helmets and the new Glyphs looks sweet

Overall, this is a good update, I like it, Thanks DE  :satisfied::satisfied:






Edited by maicoquiambao
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