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Sorry the game mode isn't fun. It's kill based, it's just kill as normal and pick up the drop.

It's not cooperative, because it's basically encouraging you to be as big a $&*^ as you can to the other players. Follow them around, don't bother killing yourself because you want to focus on grabbing the points from their kills. Just take a fast frame and run around.


Once again no powers, frames barely matter. No sentinels, no gear

No real skill (odds of dying before getting to turn in your points is low. If that is changed it will be one shotting, so still no skill involved.

Bonus doesn't go up the more yo have past 5, No reason to hold more than 5 points.


We give up all our frames abilities for the most part because of energy drain, no gear, no orbs (a few that spawn in the arena). There is no reason to take trin to help others use their powers because you are in competition with them, since losing the round isn't even possible. Why play this over a mission where we actually use our Warframes?


I'd like to see something more cooperative.


Bet before you go in based on the number of points you will get low med high.

The round is time based (I'd like to see it go a bit longer than it does. 

Only the players can score points. Tokens touched by the baddies disappear.

All takens turned in go to team score - can your team get X points in Y minutes? (That's the bet).

Turning in more than one at a time gains does the following

     -Possibly gives bonues points (have to see how that would balance)

     - Gives a bonus reward (possibly credits possibly the mod drop. The more you put in at once the more liekly a rare drop is. Single drops may have 0 chance to drop anything, but higher amounts would give this bonus (3, 4,5 whatever is balanced)

     -Because the baddies aren't a threat to score (be serious), make this a timer. From the time you pick up a token you have X time to turn it in before it "decays". how many can you scoop up before the time runs out> This will keep it to several shorter runs of "can we get 3, 4, 5? Instead of one guy saving up all 50 in the right frame. Can't leave them on the ground to accumulate because the baddies just have to touch them to make them decay (not pick them up), or have a decay timer on the ground as well that resets when picked to prevent "defending" large fields of dropped tokens.


Either the score is the end and you have to get X in that time or it's just a 10 minute round or whatever and you score as much as you can in that time.


The whole thing will be a frenetic kill fest trying to kill as many guys for the "carrier" as possible and letting the carrier scoop as much as they can and turn them in.

Edited by Shockwave-
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Please do something about how points are earned. I'm playing solo exclusively now, I got tired of doing 90% of the work and getting almost nothing to show for it. Specters are cool people, they don't shamelessly steal from you.

Edited by TheLeonBM
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I don't really need to say any more you've put it all perfectly. 

enemies are far to easy, even with the 'penalties' and it's not really co-op friendly with people just trying to steal your points from under you nose. 

just been doing it on the low payout (5 points) just to avoid having to worry about getting enough.  


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I actually like this mode better then rathuum, since it's more team vs team with a capture element, rather then deathmatch in PvE setting.  What I don't like is how meaningless the whole betting system is since reward wise the extra credits is pretty bad compared to doing something like, say, Akkad or Sechura 5-n-out over and over.

Another thing that I don't like currently is the mod droprate, and to an extent, the mods themselves.
The droprate on the rare mods is pretty terrible, and on Endurance the droprate on ANY mod is really bad, I've gone through half my endurance runs so far with 0 mods dropping, even as Nekros desecrating everything. (You'd think higher level = more chance at drops but I guess DE never did anything with that yet) You'd be lucky to get 1 rare before getting 10-20 of all the uncommon mods.

That aside the mods themselves are rather... iffy.

Thermagnetic Shells (Detron) : It's literally a magnetic proc copy of Acid Shells and Vulcan Blitz, both uncommon mods, where as this is a rare... which the rarity isn't entirely the issue, the issue is that it's a copy of mods we got already or rather the Grineer's version has already, where as we could have used something fresh, different, and more Corpus-like.

Kinetic Ricochet (Tetra) : Nothing much about this other then it's a lackluster mod for a lackluster gun, the projectile speed is nice but that could be done already with a certain mod, and projectile bouncing is unreliable at best.

Medi-Pet Kit (Companion) : This one I'm really on the fence about, I like it as it gives pet regen AND bleedout delay... but at the same time I saw the name of the mod and was expecting a Medi-Ray for companions which is one of the many things companions could use to keep up with sentinel supremacy.  Maybe if it gave warframe regen if the pet is in a certain radius (10-12m or so) instead of self regen it'd be better, or make it so that the pet can run up to an owner if he's downed, or a downed ally and begin reviving him/her as well then this would be a much better and much needed for companions mod.

Shield Charger (Sentinel) : Best mod of this list, and prolly the only one actually worthy of being a rare mod with the terrible droprate.  It gives max shields and shield regen to the owner for 10 seconds each use.  Like medi-ray but in shield form with max shield buff.

Static Discharge (Prova) : Why is this a rare mod? Why is this even a mod? 180 electric damage to nearby enemies on charge attack... this is not only extremely weak, but doesn't help the weapon one bit.  Definitely not worth the current terrible droprate to get it.

Pain Threshold (Exilus) : Don't have much to say about this one either, It gives stagger reduction.. and alot of it...but it takes up a much needed warframe slot, when even the exilus mods in that slot are almost always mandatory drift mods, on top of that knockdowns make up more of the attacks that disable one's frame over staggers, so even if one could find use for it there's two major things already limiting one from slotting it in so sadly this one won't see much use either.

In the end I feel like endurance mode's droprate should be massively buffed, and the droprate of the rares alone should be buffed as well, and finally the whole credit investment system should be made more worthwhile to attempt higher investments, either by adding guaranteed chances at rare mods or some other bonus/incentive to do them. that's more then just double a small sum of credits.

Edit : On a side note, I am a bit sour on the rare droprate I know... but I'm comparing this to it's sister event Rathuum where every mod is an equal chance uncommon.

Edited by SandDune
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2 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

the whole point of this 'preview' event is so they can figure out what is wrong about it and change it before the full event. DE want to know peoples opinions so they can improve. we are beta guinea pigs :) 

Oh i know, i wasn't salty. Just amused. Can't try it myself for now, but what is written here seems quite accurate. 

Edited by Stonehenge
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I have no real complaints to speak directly to the index in and of itself except one thing. point stealing. i cant tell you how many times i killed or nearly killed an enemy only to have a teammate swoop in and steal the drop or melee the guy to death guaranteeing they pick up the point. if there was any way to prioritize for the first three seconds of the drop the person who did the most damage to a target that would make it super better while still letting the points get stolen by nearby enemies or allies if you ignore them. maybe thats not a thing thats doable but it was my thought.

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in the endurance they get hard! they go from being level 20 one second to being level 2000 the next (literally)

still makes you have to steal all the points from others, grabbing more points is actively detrimental in every way possible, even though you need to hand them in, and the majority of the time you go to hand S#&$ in you die 1 foot away

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Best event in my life... 

The third part requires you to fight against level 200 OP af enemies that 1 shot you thru anything, even Limbo's rift. 

we're playing as team of four and if we want to make profit for everyone in squad we have to pick 400 index? 100 for each member - the heck.. we barely made 100 and faced levle 250 enemies, 400? i doubt, that would be like1k level already?

The event just disgusted me. We've tried any possible strat in that Endurance and... my eyes just bleeding

Edited by Cptn.nVbs
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The event is fun, but has a lot of flaws.


Having to deliever the points is ok, but having a personal quota makes this mode almost a free-for-all, people are always trying to steal your points to finish their quota. Also makes the tier 3 Index mission impossible with 3/4 players, every player has to cap 20 points, but you need 50 to win.

Human enemies are too easy, squishy and weak, while robotic enemies are too annoying, having massive AoE attacks and huge armor scaling. The Raptor can carpet bomb you across the map, the Proxy/Helios lays mines everywhere, so picking his point is impossible without killing yourself, the other proxy can fire a firebomb that goes and hits you across walls, the bursa is pretty much invincible unless you CC it to hit its weak point.

The endurance scaling is plain madness. The enemies are already past level 100 with only 25 points banked. Everything seems to have a billion health and one shot you at that point.

Mods seems to be too rare, I finished the endurance and I'm still missing half of them.

The robotic enemies can only be scanned with a Heliocor.

The Raptor enemy sometimes can fly over floors and walls.

The health and energy drain is annoying, but I can understand the balancing. I wish it at least recovered my health when I cap the points, so I dont end with just 10 hp and 100 shields due the mutator.

The lower skill duration mutator is HORRENDOUS. Its WAY too strong, it makes my almost one minute Mirage skills get as low as 3 seconds. Thats almost a 95% reduction.

Enemies keep teleporting around, even if there is no teleporter on the spot they were on.

Some enemies can hit you across walls, more noticiable with explosives and the Opticor guy.

And honestly, the rewards feel really weak and the whole thing feels like a tweaked Conclave with bots. I get that a lot of players need credits, but for long running players, it doesnt gives anything. You use credits and get more credits. I would be ok with some random new mod after a victory (maybe some Conclave standing since we are basically playing Conclave).

Edited by MobyTheDuck
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3 minutes ago, Cptn.nVbs said:

Best event in my life... 

The third part requires you to fight against level 200 OP af enemies that 1 shot you thru anything, even Limbo's rift. 

we're playing as team of four, and if we want to make profit for everyone in squad we have to pick 400 index? 100 for each member - the heck.. we barely made 100 and faced levle 250 enemies, 400? i doubt, that would be like1k level already?

The event just disgusted me. We're tried any possible strat in that Endurance, and... my eyes just bleeding


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I too shall share my thoughts on this "beta testing"



  • not enough co-operation (makes me wanna solo, even though I know I cant unless im going against non-robotics)
  • lack of communication, unless everyone has agreed to one specific purpose or another (mod farm or credit farm)
  • somewhat limiting in terms of frames, their uses circumventing the environment as well as enemies (at least on robotics or in endurance)
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I enjoyed the index preview but as people have mentioned, Point stealing. I've lost money due to my teammates taking points I've earned because I slid just too far or I didn't walk close enough to the points before they swooped in. I want to be able to play the high level index wagers without having to compete against my own team. Tenno always stand with each other against the enemy. :[

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finished the whole index and spent some time "farming" credits and I have few main issues with it so far:

[mechanics] its really annoying at best... endurance mission is just a sh$# fest of people trying to steal points from one another by literally standing on top on an enemy that you are trying to kill... (just overhall it feels like a cheap cephalon capture reskin and it might be because of the reused maps and enemies but still...)

[AI] and if you try to do it solo - bots don't know what the hell is going on... when you (somehow) manage to die they pick up literally one or two of your points completely ignoring the rest and start rushing towards the bank... And it seems like its just the issue with specters cuz enemies do just fine

[rewards] some people will say rewards are too small and if we look at a 4 hour long event preview - yeah they are, but if we want to think about it as a future gamemode that will stay with us for longer they are really well balanced credit wise... but we get n o t h i n g else except maybe one mod at the end, if we want to compare it to a normal sachura (pluto) run it gives way more credits in a shorter period of time (or not depending of how good you are) + it drops resources, spawns eximuses, spawns death squads, stalkers etc so you can always grab something cool from time to time while doing a long credit farm.

and finally [no lore behind it!!] its truly a wasted opportunity just like the last event to not throw in some lore, not even asking for a cutscene or a voice message - just a text at the end that adds something to the game lore, explains for example why we had nightwatch setting up bases all the suden, tie it up somehow with the war within, give us a completely different short but fun story... I'm really sad to see literally n o t h i n g at the end expect for a stupid short message from Darvo... I know its just a "preview" of what to come but I'm deeply concerned that it will be just as plain and boring storywise as the rathuum was... a short story to go with the event never hurt nobody and it would please lots of people that like to go deep into warframes lore



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been soloing the entire thing its pretty simple. could be harder, doesn't need to be harder. Although the finished product might be more streamlined and simplified since I've become accustomed to DE making things dirty down easy so no one will feel jilted.

I can see how allowing the other players to steal the points might become troll friendly and that is worth noting, but we don't need it easier. I like it personally, as a soloist its got just about the right level of difficulty to it, at least on round 2, round 1 was just far to simple, but I'm betting round 1 level difficulty is what we'll get by the end of it, I'd rather have round 2 difficulty. That Osprey unit carpet bombs the floor and that bursa unit with his door jamming beams is just evil, and I wouldn't change a thing DE,,,,not one single thing.

Lets start having some missions that require planning, a little bit of forethought, a sense of anxiety that we might actually fail. NO MORE PASSIVE WALK THROUGHS...not everything needs to be beginner friendly.

Edited by Babellon
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1 hour ago, Pendragon1951 said:

Kind of makes me think, all these guys and resources that went into creating this could have been used to help finish TWW

They already said, they have different teams that work on different things. 

My feedback: The specters AIs.. oh boy. DE, put some potatoes instead for teammates that'd be much better. I understand this is just a preview, but the rewards will need to be much more than 10k credits. Hell, you can get double the amount with no effort needed. For the game mode itself, it's not very co-op friendly. Simply because you don't need to kill to get points. Other than that, it's "ok". 

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3 minutes ago, Babellon said:

 That Osprey unit carpet bombs the floor and that bursa unit with his door jamming beams is just evil, and I wouldn't change a thing DE,,,,not one single thing.

You know what, you're not wrong at all. I loved having to weave through all that chaos; just simply a new challenge from the corpus <3

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seriously i feel like they need to do like 4 things to fix this;
#1 no more negitives for having a ton of points all at once, youre already going through a risk by being there and able to lose your points
#2 everyone gets their own instances of the points that they can pick up if they so choose, rather than working as a group being detrimental.
#3 make the ENTIRE event time based
#4 for the endurance each point in should be more than 10 seconds, after all it takes more than 10 seconds to kill an enemy after they get to that level (200+) OR it should be more of a buildup, so i can get more melee combo, so i have a chance at killing them


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