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Just a few games of index just now.

Not inordinately hard, however it can be a frustrating game mode when playing with a squad. Namely the point stealing, i only managed to pick up approximately half the points of the enemies i killed, the remainder getting grabbed by friendly team-mates who were doing nothing but.

This makes for an annoying experience at best, given the presence of personal targets. Though it is something i can ignore for the moment, given i have no need for more credits.

I would suggest implementing a short grace period of perhaps a second or 2 where the points can only be acquired by the person who had made the kill. Or else if DE wishes to push the risk/reward aspect, implement the afore-mentioned grace period but allow index points to gain in value after that grace period expires.

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My only gripe is the credit rewards. I feel like it should cost 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000, and increase the difficulty. It doesn't seem very challenging at all right now with Rhino Prime and Tigris Prime. Maybe they lowballed the difficulty given how much salt there was over Rathuum at first, ESPECIALLY Nok's death carabus drone thing that could insta-gib a 4,400 health Inaros.

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10 minutes ago, wanderere said:

The having to collect green blobs that isnt team shared is pretty bad in my opinion, especially when everything else in the game basically is.

would be better to have it distribute to who did the most damage to the target, so people stealing/or accidental taking the green blob isnt a issue.

The enemies don't really feel very dangerous but that might just be me.(compared to the grineer version)

also the credit reward is kinda low, considering the time it takes for a match and the possibility of not getting enough green blobs which means a loss.

That being said it looks good is reasonably fun and more corpus characters is great.

They become a challenge in the other node that you unlock after completing the first one, Index The Endurance. They rump up to lvl 200 :)) , it's ridiculous. Gotta cheese them or open them up to finishers if you don't have the damage output necessary to take them down. 

10 minutes ago, ashrah said:

its fun event to kill some time chill have fun..

It's a preview event that is meant for receiving feedback, which is why I posted this, hoping to help the mode improve. 

Edited by aligatorno
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I found the event fun and the enemies balanced. Can't wait to use that new tonfa :D


There's a bit of disappointment though. We can only drop six new mods, two of which are Corpus weapon augment mods. When the Rathuum came out, eight Grineer weapon augment mods were released alongside out of 9 mods total.


Lastly, I really hope to see no Covert Lethality abuse when the actual event with leaderboards is out. Not even sure if it works on the new enemies (I yet have to test) but it'd be lame if it did :S

Edited by Raniu
The merge killed the point of my post so I had to write a new one :[
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My only feedback so far:

Solo mode is ezmode.

Claptrap much?


Not complaining, about either, but yeah.

Like, literally the announcer is what you would get if you mixed Claptrap with an Elcor. 

Once again, not complaining, its just funny.

Edited by Gelkor
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10 minutes ago, Raniu said:

I thought it was intended as a part of the whole risk vs rewards thing. It's alright as it is.

Also, making players who have completed their personal goal unable to put more index points in is kind of pointless. 

Its incredibly unfair. its not risking. the risking part is risking DYING and losing your points, not getting your points there in time before everyone else does. Everyone should have the chance to grab all 20 points and toss it in there 

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1 hour ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Its too easy...like WAY too easy and the little credit plaything isnt worth it at all...Its a nice idea but...very very lackluster sorry to put it so blunt :/ It really just feels like Conclave against bad bots.

^ This guy, from a casual observation, didn't play past the first mission node.


1 hour ago, Pendragon1951 said:

Just played the 3000 index solo and to be honest I can see this won't be anything I will be playing now or the near future. The reason being I'm a four year veteran who has 11 million credits so there is really no practical reason for me to play it even for the mods since they are for weapons I don't normally use, though new players may see this as a way to make fast money. The other reason and once again this is a personal choice and opinion, I hate this type of PVP in general that's why I got involved with Warframe in the first place and to be honest technically speaking this is really not a new game mode it is simply Conclave re-skined just against bots.  

This guy has.


43 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

So I'm pretty disappointed with this.... event? I'm going to try and let it settle a bit more before writing my full thoughts, but I found this quite upsetting.


My Sacrifice emblem from Gravidus is the thing I'm proudest of in my account because it shows I wasn't afraid to fight a losing battle to support Corpus back then. I understand that all Event Rewards can and will return at some point, but I would think at least that the freaking Emblem would remain exclusive, just as proof that 'I was there'. Is nothing sacred? Bring back the Tethra's Doom Quantum emblem while you're at it.

The whole thing stinks of lazy, and because it's an old event and not many people supported Corpus back then, it was probably assumed not many would notice. Ugh. This thing is an abomination.

Yeah... Here's hoping the Index badge gets redone to actually look unique--or the Gradivus one does. Either or.


From what I've noticed, actual things to change: Make it so the "double-down" on negative modifiers on the player doesn't potentially stack two of the same modifier. I have gotten double half shields, double half health, and double reduced mobility multiple times during this. And none of them are fun--especially since these change each time you die. Which is a mixed blessing, in the best of circumstances.

The overall damage output of some enemies is absurd--or, at least, some of their skills/weapon options are a little out there. Namely, the Raptor's standard weapon + grenade spam and the Hyena PB-type jump-AoE attack are two that come to mind, on the side of skills.

Also, toning down the scaling from the endurance--a tad? They shouldn't be breaking lvl 100 before you even get to the standard 50 score.

Lastly, the fact players have to fight against each other to pick up the Index cubes in order to win their "bet", and each cube you're holding reduces your health, is a pain. There are two reasons I don't mess with Annihilation--kills don't matter, picking up an arbitrary item from someone dying is what matters.

The energy drain for holding the Index points is annoying, on top of the health reductions.

The health orbs give a depressingly tiny amount of health. As Valkyr, with no Index points, I only get back 30 HP. Which sounds wrong--given that Rathuum's give back 150.

Edited by VelarozDosun
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A 50 point goal for a team of 4 is insanity. It literally means that at most two people can possibly reach their goal. When I play public I either don't hit my goal and get nothing, or I do and feel guilty. I'm soloing or playing with one friend from now on, never public ever again unless this is changed. Spectres can steal points, other players can steal points, and overall it feels like a troll fest that's going to lead to salt and toxicity all around. At very least, the team goal should be 25 or 30 PER PLAYER, meaning 100-120 for a team of 4. Or just remove the "personal goal" thing and make it a team effort. Every time DE provides a way to troll in PvE, it gets removed after loads of complaints, so let's just change this now rather than wait for the toxicity to build up first.

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Potentially fun game mode, but the scoring system isn't the greatest for PVE. There is waaaay too low a score cap. It should be raised to 80+ so that everybody at least has a chance to get 20 points. The amount you can bet is also ridiculously low. It comes off as if this is only for new players and I really hope that's not the case. Perhaps more importantly, the ability to take another player's points in a PVE mode creates unnecessary animosity between players. In PVP stuff like that is fine, but in PVE I'd rather work with my team than against them.

Speaking of PVP, as a PVP mode this could be a lot of fun. It'd basically be deathmatch style cephalon capture with higher stakes for scoring. That said, betting in a PVP mode would likely be abused if it wasn't limited in some way.

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9 minutes ago, VelarozDosun said:

^ This guy, from a casual observation, didn't play past the first mission node.

Probably true, but I thought the second one was pretty easy as well. Disappointingly easy, tbh. The level 85 Rathuum is harder than this.

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52 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

There a few things that I would like to point out though

There is a megathread for this, just in case you somehow missed it, here is the link.

Feel free to report your own thread and request it be merged.

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man... i love the event, i love new enemies that are unique, but... the goal thing, ive only actually reached my goal a few times, because there's one person on the team, who gets 25 or 30 of the points, then when they turn them in- that's it. game done, victoryyyy- except everyone else has like 3-4/20. 

Then, we try to find the bad guys, they just dont show up. blue on blue, grey on grey, small bad guys on big map.

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1 hour ago, -MortisThorne- said:

I'm sure you've already gotten plenty of feedback and reports but if there's one thing that should be tweaked, it's the points. Maybe scale the required points depending on how many players are in the squad, and then no longer allowing a player with all 20 to put in any more points? a lot of the times not all players are able to reach 20 because 20x4 is 80, but there's only 50 points per round. Me and a couple friends already tried building up all 20 and then putting them in all at once but our health and shields go SO low, that we basically die waiting.I understand its just a preview and that the real thing will have less issues, but this is one that is definitely the largest. Aside from a few UI/HUD bugs that dont allow some players to see their correct Index Points count

Edit: the specters are a problem as well as they also ruin the plans of a 3 person squad, 2 people puting 40 points total in, and the last person getting it to 60 so all get the bonus profit. 

Um, the whole thing is GAMBLING. this is the POINT of the mission. Not everyone can get what they want..... not everyone can make money...

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1 hour ago, AM-Bunny said:

My Sacrifice emblem from Gravidus is the thing I'm proudest of in my account because it shows I wasn't afraid to fight a losing battle to support Corpus back then. I understand that all Event Rewards can and will return at some point, but I would think at least that the freaking Emblem would remain exclusive, just as proof that 'I was there'. Is nothing sacred? Bring back the Tethra's Doom Quantum emblem while you're at it.

Being fixed right now. It was probably just a mistake.

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Solo mode was fairly easy until i hit the Endurance mode, and then I realize I need an actual team, mostly due to enemy health scaling and TTK.

The announcer being a cross between Claptrap and an Elcor is... Interesting. Not bad, but interesting.

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pros: fun new mode, nice new enemies that are creative and original. 

Downsides: way to easy, even on the 'high risk mode' return money/rewards is naff, and not really worth it. harder in a group simply because your fighting to get the points first; someone can steal them from under you and reach their goal and the match ends before you can get your goal. so doing it solo is better, (which isn't the point of a co-op game) 

deffo needs changing to make it more co-op. -making it a goal so that your team needs to earn x amount of point in a time frame or something would be better? 



Edited by morningstar999
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