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Which warframe has the worst augment mods?


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There are some good augments for strong skills such as Vampire leech, Irradiating Disarm.

And Banshee's 4 augment mods are all useful.

On the other hand, which warframe has the worst augment mods in your opinion?

EDIT: I mean which frame (overall), not a single augment :p

Edited by aerosoul1337
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1 minute ago, Markael said:

Wukong "Iron jab" augment, to begin with.

He still has 2 abilities, 2 more chances to go =)

Oberon have 4 all, but none of them is worth a slot.
He is a jack of all trades, he needs strength, duration, range, and efficiency. Actually, I still need a space for natural talent.
I am thinking... even make all those 4 augment innate, he is still not strong xD

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2 minutes ago, aerosoul1337 said:

Actually I mean which frame (overall), not a single augment.
But Titanic Rumbler is a direct downgrade.

In that case, his Primal Fury augment, Primal Rage is pretty "good". Quotation marks because while it enhances its damage, it does what an augment is not supposed to do which is simply buff the ability, doing something that should be default in the ability to begin with.

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Dunno, maybe Mirage?
While Hall Of Malevolence is nice, it's "just" extra damage which she isn't really lacking in to begin with,
Explosive Legerdemain is pretty awful and Full Eclipse has too little range to be used outside of special situations
(the main one of these, prolonged Void Defense, being gone now).

Hmm ... Chroma?
Afterburn = lol, Everlasting Ward should IMO just be part of the base power,
Vex Armor builds will usually use Narrow Minded so Vexing Retaliation is going to be mostly Melee-ranged,
meaning ... you could just slaughter enemies with Melee instead of proccing them :P

Nova isn't great, either.
Given that you're even more likely to use Narrow Minded on her than on Chroma,
Neutron Star (BTW lol her Passive) and Antimatter Absorb suffer greatly in effectiveness,
Escape Velocity, eh, Parkour 2.0 gives you plenty of mobility so (lol Narrow Minded) Wormhole = meh anyway,
and getting Squad members to realize / fully utilize that you're trying to play wannabe Volt ... good luck.

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I haven't seen a reason to put any of their augments on nova, ember, equinox (haven't looked into her much though) and although I have it I don't actually use nezha's because it just costs too much energy to cast on everyone/everything in a team....

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#1 :+100% fire dmg, useless... (scale with str), but that's assuming ur intended recipient has fire-related dmg.

#2: AOE +50% fire dmg, again, a waste of slot. (same as above)

#3: 100% to set enemies on fire, why bother? when the fire DoT is trash (scale from ability dmg), panic isn't a reliable CC.

#4: 100% knockdown per 2 to 4.5 second. Decent, but it's slightly beyond average.

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21 minutes ago, Naftal said:

I'd say Volt has the worst augments overall.

I don't like Ember augments either since two of them give her CC that's worse than her Accelerant is and other two augments buff allied damage and don't help her at all.

Volt's Augments are pretty damn good. Shocking Speed is really good with a melee build since you proc and stagger every enemy near you.Or you can rush past them to CC and then turn and shoot them. Capacitance can give you max overshields in a single use,working better than a Redirection mod. 


17 minutes ago, LABAL said:

None of Equinox augments are actually useful.

How's 80% Power Strenght or 80% slow not good? Calm and Frenzy is amazing for a CC or Debuff build. 

Edited by aligatorno
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I'd say that Vauban has the worst Augments in the game.

The Tesla one is basically a worser version of the tripmine from his 2 and barely does any damage

Repelling Bastille only repels an enemy once, if the enemy re-enters the bastille it is not affected by the augment again.

Prepetual Vortex is honestly a waste, why throw another Vortex into a previous Vortex to increase it's duration by 70% when you can just use another Vortex for 100% of the duration? I know you can spam a lot of Vortexes on top of one and other to have a 3 minute vortex. But that means that you'll be stood there throwing Vortexes and not doing anything else.


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16 minutes ago, LABAL said:

None of Equinox augments are actually useful.

you havent tried a pacify augmented eqionox? makes infested missions a cakewalk until parasitics show up...the charge style NEEDS to be changed, but apart from that its really good.

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Gonna have to say Lokis Switch Teleport augment as one of the mods. Its honestly a waste of a mod slot just due to in most cases, you're going to be either 1. running solo 2. even in pub, most likely going to just go full duration build so you won't have the range. 3. if you do by chance have a longer range, theres just so much enemies and movement going on are you really going to waste your time attempting to switch tp an ally? In most cases people get pissed off about it anyway and tell you to stop if you do by chance switch tp someone.

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9 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Volt's Augments are pretty damn good. Shocking Speed is really good with a melee build since you proc and stagger every enemy near you.Or you can rush past them to CC and then turn and shoot them. Capacitance can give you max overshields in a single use,working better than a Redirection mod

Exactely, I use Volt as a CC tank in sorties with Capitance. With 185% power intensity, my shield gets up to 1680 in a second, and if I take damage, it still replenish instantely since Discharge is DOT.

It doesn't make Volt as tanky as Rhino, but I get a longer CC and overshield in a single cast.


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