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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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7 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

"Hey, there's this thing we're working on that we're encouraging everyone to share their creations with and show them off."

"Oh yeah. To aid that fact, you won't be able to hear other player's Bard frame."

Yeah. That's absolutely stupid to assume considering they want us to make our step sequencer creations into a social thing. You're going to be able to hear another person's Bard music.

I stand corrected then lol. Reading back, yeah it's a bit silly. 

But regardless, the point stands that it's a bit too early to assume the worst of the worst if it's not close to shipping yet. Especially since they don't even know what the abilities are going to do yet. Making claims like "I'll quit the mission or WF" is jumping the gun / over reacting.

I hope that made a bit more sense!

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22 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

It is also stupid to assume the gfx and sfx will be so annoying as to cause one to leave WF forever, but yet this thread exists.  So ...

Yet we were shown an example of the music and effects in action so that's not an assumption. That's something OP specifically saw and reacted to based on their personal feelings and opinions.

I appreciate the snark. I really do. But it really didn't work.

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17 minutes ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

Making claims like "I'll quit the mission or WF" is jumping the gun / over reacting.

I agree with that, but I also agree with the sentiment that OP is bringing to the table, regardless of if I feel like they're overreacting or not. Sometimes you just have to trim the fat and get straight to the meat, so to speak.

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2 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Yet we were shown an example of the music and effects in action so that's not an assumption.

Snark aside, I just find it amusing that so much concern is raised as a result over a rough draft preview.   I already said this but I'll do so again, Steve already expressed a desire to keep the 'trolling' out of her abilities soundwise, and gfx wise they were very clearly not the final polished effects we will get upon release.

So yeah the OP saw this 5 minute preview on devstream and flips out, threatens to quit WF over what they saw/heard based on something that has not only been released yet but is clearly still in development.

So it is kind of an assumption.  They are assuming the effects will look terrible, they assume the sounds be be loud and annoying, despite Steve already mentioning his desire to reduce the troll aspects of such a system.

I just don't see how Bard's abilities will be any less annoying (if you are annoyed by such things) as what we already have in game.  If he threatens to quit every time he finds an effect annoying he should have left ages ago.  Vauban's vortex spam should have made him throw his pc out the window.

Whatever, feedback is feedback, he feels the way he does for whatever reasons he has, no one can change his mind about it.  But we are also free to say whatever we wish about his viewpoint.

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1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

I just don't see how Bard's abilities will be any less annoying (if you are annoyed by such things) as what we already have in game.  If he threatens to quit every time he finds an effect annoying he should have left ages ago.  Vauban's vortex spam should have made him throw his pc out the window.

My stance, personally, is that it's shaping up to be nothing like what I thought it would be and the powers seem to be visual and audio pollution out the wazoo. I don't like this and I will not stand for it. If it's released in this manner, I will level it up to 30 (I may not like it, but I'll still give it a chance) and put it on my shelf to collect dust until such a time that it's changed to be more in line with what I would personally find acceptable.

I don't see how it's worse than Vauban's Vortex or other such powers, either, but I can understand why someone would think so. I'd rather not crucify someone for holding that opinion, especially when I can sympathize, because the thought holds some validity even if I may not fully agree.

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9 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

My stance, personally, is that it's shaping up to be nothing like what I thought it would be

What did you envision it to be?  When I first heard about the bardframe, I had this mental image of sharp sounds that punctuated damage inflicted.  Like drums that cause DoT or vibration type effects (guitar? harp?) that stunned or slowed the enemy.  I honestly cannot even imagine what they are planning at this point with what I saw in the previews.

There was mention of how the 'beat' of the music will somehow translate into how much damage was done or how it was delivered or something.  That part still sounds interesting to me.

Edited by Xekrin
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Just now, Xekrin said:

There was mention of how the 'beat' of the music will somehow translate into how much damage was done or how it was delivered or something.  That part still sounds interesting to me.

That's the part that is now annoying me, the more I think about it.

I'm a musician. When I think of a faster beat song, I think of one thing. When I think of a slower one, I think of another. Personally, when I make music on that step sequencer, I'm going to go for more of a mellow song so that my mind isn't going to be as flooded by sharp sounds added to the already large pool of other sharp sounds going on. If my choice in music affects the viability of certain powers (they stated something like quick notes being low damage at high frequency and opposite for more spread out notes), then I will be disappointed because my choices will have negative consequences in an unfair manner. Likewise if my choices give me a huge benefit over someone else. That's simply not fair to others and shouldn't be a thing (keep in mind, I'm the guy who uses Oberon, a bow, throwing knives, and sword and shield almost 100% of my play time because I find it a more interesting balance level over... the optimal choices).

I'm also not a fan of the idles. I envisioned more of a situation where different tempos would affect her idles so she didn't have that one flat, "I'm in a club," sort of dance. It just doesn't work with the type of music I want to create and it saddens me because I'd like to have my Bard grooving to what I create, rather than grooving to the beat they gave Danielle when she was in the mocap studio.

For something so customizable (and encouraged to be so), it really feels limiting, in the broader scope, when you sit down and really think about it.

It's all interesting, that's for sure. I'm just not happy with how it's shaping up to be and I would prefer to see it changed. Heck, even just a slower dance, faster dance, and more whimsical dance choice that you choose within the step sequencer itself would work.

For that matter, I'm also unhappy with dancing idles for the Bard. I'd rather just have her do something that you'd do when you're listening to music in public and don't want to cause a scene when she's idle (think foot tapping or energetic swaying and head bobbing, or something similar), then break into dance upon activating her powers. This is what I envisioned and what I would prefer and I think it would make her many times more dynamic.

The previews they're showing are shaping her up to be more of a DJ than a Bard, to me, and that's also confusing me because the marching band style head gear just... doesn't fit in with the default style that they're going for with it.

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7 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

I hope they don't use a generic and basic musical term for the Bard frame.

I'm not dogging you for liking the idea, it's just too obvious and simplistic to go, "she does musical things so let's call her Treble."

Well it depends on DC now since they will suggest her name, and later on they will vote for the best/mandatory name


yeah just like other frames.

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9 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

I will be disappointed because my choices will have negative consequences in an unfair manner.

Well that is a solid point.  As a musician, you actually have a much better perspective on it too.  I can only imagine how many other musicians will find this type of game play just as frustrating.  Myself, I will be lucky if I can figure out the most basic of notes to work with my abilities.  Of course, I cannot use the default because that's just defeatist.

Its kinda like how I still try terribly at fashionframe even though I know my color choices probably make others want to die. Also, I refuse to buy classic and classic saturated colors because I think they should be free or at least half price.

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If the sound AND visuals can't be turned off

The ability to turn off or make all abilities the color you want should've been there a long time ago honestly.

Every time I run LoR I just can't, so many flashy crp around is awful. Sometimes you can barely see anything because everyone chose bright ones.

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2 hours ago, Queen_Crimson said:

She hasn't even come out yet. Why precomplain when you don't even know if they'll deal with what you're afraid of? Wait until /after/ they mess up the release, if they do.

I don't get that complaint at all. If they are already considering to do this, then they can simply do a checkmark on this thread and move on. But if they don't, then we would waste both our and their time if we don't post this now.

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